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These are crucial days for the future of Mitrovica, still one of the Balkans most troubled and dangerous points.
In the coming days, the Kosovo negotiating team and the Serbian government will define their positions for a meeting in Vienna next week. Mitrovica will be discussed for the first time in the context of Kosovo status talks. This may prove to be the most sensitive issue aside from final status itself on the agenda in Vienna.
In a new discussion paper, Mitrovica: Kosovo's Litmus Test, ESI makes the following proposals for the future of the divided city:
1. Move as quickly as possible to a permanent solution for Mitrovica that enables local institution-building to begin, without another transitional international administration.
2. The parties to the talks in Vienna should accept the creation of a new municipality of North Mitrovica, comprising the territory currently under UN administration.
3. Preparations to hand-over authority from the UN–run administration to an appointed North Mitrovica municipal executive should start this summer, in parallel to status talks.
4. The international community should play a strong, indeed reinforced, role in Mitrovica in coming years in two areas: security and economic development. It should not be involved in municipal governance directly.
5. International security provisions should be stepped up to send strong and clear signals to hardliners on both sides that violence will not prevent the implementation of a political settlement.
6. Future cooperation between the two municipalities of the town, Mitrovica and North Mitrovica, should be based on clear economic incentives.
7. Donors should closely coordinate their efforts, and should insist on working with a North Kosovo regional development agency, that will include representatives from the Mitrovica, North Mitrovica and Zvecan municipalities.
8. The UN should appoint a high level Mitrovica Development Coordinator as a visible face of its commitment to development of the town.
9. One flagship project could be an international South East European University in Mitrovica, similar to the multiethnic university successfully developed in Tetovo (Macedonia).
ESI has long worked on the future of Mitrovica, with a series of reports examining different aspects of the problem. ESI twice organised Wilton Park conferences to bring together the stakeholders to discuss the way forward. It also commissioned a detailed study of the town's industrial giant, the Trepca mine, from Professor Michael Palairet on the town's main company, Trepca. In March 2004 ESI presented a proposal for Mitrovica jointly with Prime Minister (and former Mayor of Mitrovica) Bajram Rexhepi and Kosovo Serb MP Oliver Ivanovic in Brussels.
In recent weeks ESI analysts Kristof Bender, Gerald Knaus and Verena Knaus presented new research and new proposals in New York, Maastricht, Vienna, Brussels, Washington DC and Pristina. The paper published today reflects the feedback received during these meetings.
As always, we are looking forward to feedback and comments,
Best wishes,
Gerald Knaus
European Stability Initiative
Kiefholzstr. 402
12435 Berlin
Fourth round of UN-chaired direct talks on Kosovo begins tomorrow
3 May 2006 – The fourth round of direct talks between delegations from Kosovo and Serbia will take place tomorrow on decentralization of the Albanian-majority Serbian province, which the United Nations has administered ever since the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO) drove out Yugoslav troops in 1999 amid grave rights abuses and ethnic fighting.
Like previous rounds, the talks in Vienna, chaired by Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s Deputy Special Envoy for the future status of Kosovo Albert Rohan, will focus on local finance, inter-municipal cooperation, cross-boundary cooperation and the creation of new municipalities, including but not limited to those with Kosovo-Serb majorities.
The talks are seen as an important start in the process of determining Kosovo’s final status. Independence and autonomy are among options that have been mentioned for the province, where Albanians outnumber Serbs and others by 9 to 1. Serbia rejects independence and Kosovo’s Serbs have been boycotting the province’s provisional institutions.
After the first direct talks in Vienna in February, Mr. Annan’s special envoy for the process, Martti Ahtisaari, said he was using “a ‘bottom-up approach,’ in other words starting the process by dealing with practical and ‘status-neutral’ issues.
Besøgstiden er startet
Uge 17 ved KFOR 14, Kosovo.
01-05-2006 kl. 13:15
Redigeret af major Per Heien, Chef for Administrationssektionen og Presse- & Informationsofficer.
Vi har nu været hernede i mere end to måneder og det betyder at leave-perioden er begyndt. Hver enkelt person har ret til at holde 21 dages leave. Leave er en slags ferie fra missionsområdet som enten kan holdes i Danmark eller et andet sted i verden. Den skal bare holdes væk fra missionsområdet.
I den forgangne uge har efterretningssektionen haft tre personer på leave og dette kan naturligvis mærkes på arbejdsbyrden og aktiviteten på vores kontor. Der er lidt flere opgaver til os der er på kontoret og lidt mindre aktivitet, støj og muntre bemærkninger.
Men os der er tilbage klager ikke. Det bliver jo også vores tur til at komme hjem. Vi har i den forgangne uge også haft besøg af Forsvarschefen. Han ankom mandag og tog af sted igen tirsdag.
Militærpolitiet skulle stå for eskorten af general Helsø. Da alle MP´er er uddannet som bodyguards, er det en perfekt opgave for MP. Hele eskorten gik som den skulle, og Generalen havde endda tid til at kigge forbi militærpolitistationen.
Det var et kort besøg, men han fik set lidt af bataljonens ansvarsområde og fik talt med en del af soldaterne i bataljonen. Alt i alt et godt besøg. Det er jo rart at vide at også forsvarets øverste ledelse interesserer sig for hvad vi går og laver hernede og hvordan vi løser vores opgaver.
Forsvarschefen orienteres ved den serbiske grænse af chefen for Operationssektionen major Claus Glensnov.
I starten af ugen oplevede vi noget så usædvanligt som et jordskælv. Personel som opholdt sig inde i vores bygninger oplevede et par hurtige rystelser, nærmest som om en lastbil havde bakket ind i bygningen man befandt sig i. Dem som opholdt sig udendørs bemærkede det knap nok.
Det viste sig at være et jordskælv ca. 10 km syd for lejren, med en styrke på ca. 2,5 på Richter-skalaen. Til sammenligning ligger de store ødelæggende jordskælv andre steder i verden på næsten 8 på Richter-skalaen. Der var altså tale om et meget lille jordskælv som ikke gjorde nogen skade. I øvrigt er Kosovo ikke kendt som et jordskælvsområde, så vi regner ikke med at det er noget der sker igen.
Der er stadig stille og roligt i vores område. Befolkningen hernede går og venter på at næste fase af statusforhandlingerne skal gå i gang og vi dermed kan komme et skridt nærmere på en endelig afgørelse på hvad der skal ske med Kosovo.
Forhandlingerne skal afgøre om Kosovo skal være en selvstændig stat eller om den skal "bestyres" af FN eller EU. Det er naturligvis noget som de to befolkningsgrupper (Kosovo-serberne og Kosovo-albanerne) ikke er enige om og derfor skal der forhandles indtil man forhåbentlig bliver enige om en løsning som alle kan leve med.
Imens dette foregår, forsøger KFOR at holde øje med situationen og forhindre uro imellem befolkningsgrupperne. Sluttelig vil efterretningssektionen ønske jer alle en god sommer. Vi har jo hørt at bøgen er sprunget ud og håber at I får det samme gode vejr derhjemme, som vi har hernede.
Genbrug af friture olie
I denne uge har logistiksektionen arbejdet med mange forskellige ting. Logistik officeren og clerken har blandt andet været ude og undersøge hvad det skal koste at reparere en Mercedes som en KFOR vogn beskadigede forleden. De har også været oppe i bjergene for at se på og betale for en markskade forsaget af et sanitetskøretøj på øvelse.
Chefen for logistik sektionen har i samarbejde med cafeteriet og CIMIC (Civil Military Cooperation) arbejdet med al den rest af fritureolie der hver uge er tilovers efter tilberedelse af vores mad. De har sammen fået det ordnet så at olien bliver kørt til byen Banja, hvor den bliver delt mellem landmændene, som så bruger det som tilskud til deres dyrefoder. Endnu en uge hvor vi tager tingene som de kommer.
May 2, 2006
The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu received today in a meeting in the Presidency representatives of the Movement for National Development with whom the Head of state discussed issues of the electoral reform.
During the talks, it was expressed the common concern about the delays in the electoral reform which have been noticed ever since the conclusion of the round table of political parties gather in December by President Moisiu and it was also emphasized the fact that the first steps have not been taken yet in fulfilling the commitments by the political parties that took part in this round table.
On their part, the representatives of the Movement for National Development presented to President Moisiu the request to be part of the pre-electoral contribution through the participation in the Central Electoral Commission and also in the Parliamentary Commission on the electoral reform.
Pointing out the significance of the exchange of opinions on this important topic, the Head of state re-iterated his stand for exercising the duty in compliance with the Constitution and the laws in effect. President Moisiu called the next electoral process a very important parameter for the Euro-Atlantic integration of Albania.
Durrës, April 28th, 2006
On Friday, April 28th, 2006 it was held in Durrës the informal working meeting of the region’s Heads of State upon joint invitation of the President of the Republic of Albania, Alfred Moisiu and the President of Croatia, Stipe Mesic'.
In this meeting, along with President Moisiu and Mesic' took part the President of Bulgaria, Georgi Parvanov, the President of Macedonia, Branko Crvenkovski, the President of Romania, Traian Basescu, the President of Montenegro, Filip Vujanovic' and the President of Serbia, Boris Tadic'.
The Heads of State exchanged views on the need and the way to further stimulate economic collaboration and development of tourism in each country and in the region as a whole. They also shared views and opinions and made assessments about the latest developments in the region, including the talks on the definition of the future status of Kosovo.
The Heads of State reiterated the commitment to further strengthen regional cooperation through resolute support to all regional initiatives, among which the SEECP with its regular Summits stands out as a generator of ever more fruitful ideas and practices. In this context mention is to be made of the already signed Free Trade Agreements and the significance of the creation of a Free Trade area, which will undoubtedly stimulate the growth of trade and economic exchanges and will accelerate the overall economic development.
They also reiterated the importance of the functioning of democratic institutions, return of refugees and internally displaced persons, protection and integration of minorities and the establishment of the rule of law; the function of judiciary and full cooperation with ICTY was deemed of utmost importance.
They expressed the conviction that the Euro-Atlantic integration is the only right way chosen by our countries, which needs to become a reality allowing for no hesitation and fluctuation, as it pertains to the future of our region and is in the interest of the European Union as well.
In the meeting it was also stressed that the spirit of dialogue, understanding and collaboration has turned our region into a more peaceful and secure area leading to a lasting stability, which in turn serves its European perspective. This fulfils a long-standing aspiration of our peoples while at the same time making a truly positive contribution to Europe.
They expressed their strong engagement for the full implementation of the instruments made available to them with a view to combating organised crime, corruption and illegal migration, consolidate administrative capacity and ensure economic stability.
The Heads of State reconfirmed their commitment to strengthen regional cooperation in areas relevant for the European Union, aiming to develop the partnership between the Western Balkan countries and the Union and, ultimately, to achieve full membership in the European Union.
During the discussions it was proposed to hold meetings such as this one in the future beginning with topics as the fight against organised crime, corruption and terrorism, etc.
President Moisiu expressed the full commitment of Albania for the strengthening of the regional economic cooperation.
April 28, 2006 The Heads of states of the region held today in Durrës an informal meeting whose main topic was the cooperation in the field of economy and tourism among the countries of the region.
In his address on this occasion President Moisiu pointed out the significance of this meeting as proof of the common willingness of the countries of the region to strengthen the ties and friendship through dialogue and cooperation as a good way for the integration of these countries in NATo and European Union.
Then Mr. Moisiu expressed the view that in order to improve the economic cooperation and the tourism one it is important to draft and finance also with the help of the European Union common regional projects and then connecting them with pan European corridors. We expect that the Eight Corridor, AMBo or the foundation of a regional energy network projects will have great effects in the economic development of our countries and also in the further strengthening of friendly ties and stability.” – stated President Moisiu.
While pointing out the rich cultural values and traditions in the region, President Moisiu stressed the importance of creating a new and positive image for the region to which serves also the fight against corruption and organized crime.
Regarding the issue of Kosova, the Head of the Albanian state re-iterated the stand that “an independent and democratic Kosova which guarantees the full rights of minorities and lives in peace with its neighbors would only further strengthen the trend of European developments in the region. We view with optimism also the solution of the Kosova issue and we are encouraged by fact that Prishtina, Belgrade and the international factor are engaged in the already started talks to determine its status.” -- added President Moisiu.
In the framework of this event, President Moisiu held a bilateral meeting also with his Croatian homologue, Stipe Mesic'. During the talks, the two presidents pointed out the values of this meeting for the deepening of the regional cooperation in the fields of economy, tourism, etc., and also to discuss about the progress of our region towards the direction of the Euro-Atlantic integration.
The statement of President Moisiu for the media at the end of Durrës meting.
April 28, 2006
The President of the Republic, answering to the interest of the media regarding the informal meeting of the Presidents of the countries of the region held in Durrës, issued this statement:
“Today we held an informal meeting among seven presidents of our region, especially of the Western Balkans, including Bulgaria and Rumania which are candidate countries for membership in the European Union. The main topic of the meeting was the development of economic relations and tourism among our countries in order to see what we can do for these things to progress. The first value of this meeting was the participation of seven presidents of the region and this is a major sign of respect for Albania, for its achievements, for its stand, and in the mean time demonstrates also the values and importance of the Albanian factor in the region regarding the stability, peace and future development of the region.”
Then President Moisiu re-iterated the stand of the Albanian side regarding the issue of Kosova and emphasized the fact that the region must detach itself from its conflictive past and that such meetings serve to this common objective. At the mean time the Head of the Albanian state pointed out that: “The European Union must view better, more precisely and correctly the future of Western Balkans. This is the answer to the voices that there is a certain kind of scepticism in the European Union regarding the further admittance of members in the EU. It is known that Western Balkans is part of Europe and being such it has no other way than progressing towards it. This meeting does go contrary to the other meetings which will be held in the region on the integration. On the contrary, it is in support of achieving those ideas which are predicted to be discussed in other meetings.” – concluded his statement Mr. Moisiu.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mustafaj participated at the Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the SEECP member Countries in Thessaloniki.
On May 3, 2006 in Thessaloniki, Greece it was held the Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the SEECP member Countries. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the member countries and many invited high level representatives of the EU Presidency, European Commission, OSCE, USA, Japan, Russia, together with many representatives of active organizations and institutions of the Region participated in this important meeting.
Mr. Mustafaj, Minister of Foreign Affairs, headed the Albanian delegation. Mr. Mustafaj in his address highlighted the commitment of the Albanian government to be an active and trustworthy partner in the regional multilateral initiatives. He also emphasized the importance that our country is showing to the SEECP, as the main political forum in the region, which aims at the strengthening of good neighborly relations, peace, security and stability.
During this activity, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mustafaj had meetings with the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Bakojanis, the Japanese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Akiko Yamanaka, the State Secretary at the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hans Winkler, the Chief Administrator of Kosovo, Mr. Soren Jessen Petersen, etc.
European Week 2006 We are pleased to present this programme of events for European Week 2006 in Albania. They have been organised by the Delegation of the European Commission in Albania, in close collaboration with the EU Presidency, Embassies of European Union Member States represented in Tirana, civil society organisations and the Ministry of European Integration.
This year’s programme includes cultural, social and political events focusing on cultural activities, the history of the EU, its relations with Albania, and on recent developments in Europe, especially those affecting this country.
The Week’s events will mark Europe Day on 9 May. It was on 9 May 1950 that the then French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, presented a proposal for the creation of a European Community, intended to cement peaceful relations on our continent. The proposal, which has come to be referred to as the Schuman Declaration, is the founding document of the present European Union.
Along with the Euro, the EU flag, and the European anthem, Europe Day has become a symbol of European unity. The cultural events and celebrations on Europe Day bring the Union closer to its citizens, and the citizens closer to one another.
The motto of the 2006 Europe Day is ‘Your Europe: Democracy, Dialogue, Debate’. These three words sum up the European Union’s ambition to building a Europe based on freedom, mutual understanding and co-operation. We share these values with Albania, as a potential member of the European Union.
Lutz Salzmann [EU-Ambassadør i Albanien] and Klaus Derkowitsch [Østrig's Ambassadør; Østrig har Formandskabet i EU]
Programmet kan ses på: http://www.delalb.cec.eu.int/en/europe_week/programme_2006.htm
The total sources of electric power have increased with 5.4 percent compared with year 2004. The quantity of sources attained to 6,705 GWh. The increase in total sources has come as result of the rose in the quantity of imports (including exchanges).
The domestic production of electric power was decreased with 0.7 percent. The quantity of domestic production for year 2005 is 5,451 GWh. The decrease is a result of electric power produced by hydropower plants, which fell with 2.2 percent. The decrease in their production is signed in the second six-months with 9.1 percent. The production of hydro-plants in year 2005, compose 97 percent of the total domestic production.
Electric power produced by thermo-plants was raised by 1.3 percent compared with year 2004.
The domestic production of electric power in year 2005, make up 81.3 percent of the total sources.
Import (including exchanges) of electric power has increased with 44.3 percent compared with year 2004. The imported quantity (including exchanges) is 1,253 GWh were 69.3 percent of it is received quantity and the other portion is import.
Export (including exchanges) of electric power has a substantial growth by 86.9 percent compared with year 2004. The outflow quantity of electric power is 730 Gwh and it covers 10.9 percent of the total quantity used.
Total losses in network rose with 7 percent compared with the previous year. The quantity of total losses in year 2005 is 2,347 GWh. They continue to occupy an important part of quantity available for total use with 35 percent. Losses in distribution have increase with 12.2 percent and compose 88.7 percent of the quantity of total losses of electric power in network.
Consumption by users decrease with 4 percent compared with the previous year. In the second six-months the decrease of this consumption have been 6.2 percent compared with the same period of the previous year. The impact on this decrease is as a result of the not a good situation in the three cascades the consumption by users make up 52.6 percent of the total quantity used.
Residential sector even though the quantity used fell with 5.7 percent in comparison with year 2004, continues to be the main user of electric power. In year 2005 this sector have consumed 52.5 percent of the quantity consumed by total users. The other consumers have had a decrease of 1.3 percent of the consumption by users of electric power in year 2005.
Gross electricity production is the sum of electrical energy production by all the generating sets concerned (including pumped storage) measured at the output terminals of the main generators.
Imports and Exports: Amounts of electricity are considered as imported or exported when they have crossed the political boundaries of the country, whether customs clearance has taken place or not.
Energy Supplied: For electricity, this is the electrical energy supplied from the plant. In the case of a national network this is equal to the sum of net electrical energy production supplied by all power stations within the country, reduced by the amount used simultaneously for pumping and reduced or increased by exports to or imports from abroad.
Own use by plant: This is the difference between Gross and Net Electricity Production.
Transmission and distribution loses: All losses due to transport and distribution of electrical energy. For electricity, losses in transformers, which are not considered as integral parts of the power plants are also included.
Total consumption (calculated): This equals the Energy Supplied minus Transmission and Distribution Losses.
Residential sector: Report consumption by all households.
Speech by the Governor of the Bank of Albania, Mr. Ardian Fullani
held at the Round Table discussions on the creation of a Credit Information Bureau
Publication Date 28.04.2006
Distinguished participants,
Ladies and gentlemen,
First of all I would like to thank the FSVC for their contribution in organizing this meeting. I also thank USAID, the American Embassy, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, commercial banks and all other participants for being here today in this round table.
We are all aware of the growth rates of the lending activity by the Albanian banking system during the recent years. During 2005, the outstanding credit increased 57.6 billion leks (1) or 82 percent, from 19.3 billion or 38 percent in 2004.
Expansion of sound lending is certainly positive for the economic development of the country. What consists sound lending, is very much linked with the ability of the credit institutions (especially banks) in making thoughtful lending decisions, based on a good and solid analysis of the borrower (in a micro perspective) and on well designed and realistic business development goals. Tightening competitive business environment, rapid expansion of credit through introduction of new loan products and the targeting of new borrower categories, the need to, at least, maintain the profit margins and the market share, make it difficult to find the right balance between goal achievements and the quality of the decision-making in the lending activity. Hence, the importance of strengthening the risk management capacities and the prudential requirements, especially in the area of lending, is urgent in a time of rapid developments.
In this regard, the Bank of Albania appreciates the attention banks are paying to credit portfolio quality. On our side, we also have increased our efforts for a prudential and constant supervision in terms of credit risk management.
As in many other things, the quality of information, upon which decisions are made, is paramount. In the lending activity, the information about borrower’s history is critical to minimise the risk of credit activity. The difficulty to get the right information, caused by the increased number of borrowers and the diversity of their categories, is somehow balanced by the developments in the information technology area. So there exist the need and the means to establish a centre for collecting and disseminating credit information for each borrower of the banking system. Such institution would help in enhancing the soundness of banking sector by reducing risk associated to credit expansion. I think this is the right the time to establish this information bureau considering the high growth rates of lending and the requests of both the banks and of the Bank of Albania, as the supervisory authority, for qualitative decision-making and loan performance.
In addition, the so-called Credit Information Bureau will reduce the evaluation cost and the time of processing applications for loans; will reduce the probability of extending soon-to-become nonperforming loans and will increase credit quality
So far, there have been considerable and constant efforts made by the Albanian Bankers’ Association for creating a Credit Information Bureau, but for various reasons the process has not finalised. To overcome many of the technical and structural problems encountered in this process, Bank of Albania has decided to take a more prominent role in this initiative and set up this bureau, initially, as a unit under its structure. According to this project, the establishment of this bureau, the collection of data into a centralised register, the information management and the provision of the service of giving information to banks, will be mandatory and carried out by the Bank of Albania. Such project, does not exclude other similar ones, run by the banks themselves.
This centre will serve banks for a better management of credit portfolio and its risk, and will provide to the Bank of Albania an important tool for carrying out more complete analyses of the banking system in general and of the risk-related issues in particular. The establishment of such a function at the Bank of Albania also fulfils the actual need of banks for credit information management, through guaranteeing its accuracy, confidentiality and reliability.
I am confident that banks, as the main beneficiaries of this facility, will support us for a successful accomplishment of this project.
Thank you.
(1) - While the outstanding credit in ALL has grown by ALL 17.5 billion or 128 percent, the one in foreign currency marks a rise of ALL 40.1 billion or 71 percent.
pril 28, 2006. In the framework of cooperation with Italian Arma dei Carabinieri [Military police], has finished the one month training course of PfP [Partnerity for Peace], effective of Military Police. In the environments of Military Police Battalion was held the graduation ceremony of participating target groups.
In the meeting took part Minister of Defence, Mr. Fatmir Mediu, Chief of General Staff of AF General/Lieutenant Pëllumb Qazimi, Italian ambassador in Tirana Massimo Janucci, DIE chief [Italian Delegation of Experts] Brigade/General Salvadore Gravante, Military Italian attaché in Albania and other invited guests.
After welcoming personalities with honour guard and presentation made by Military Police Battalion Commandant Lt/Col Drini Nikolla, the floor was taken by Defence Minister Fatmir Mediu.
In his speech the defence leader thanked the italian party for the aid given in the direction of qualification of Military police.
Then, he put emphasis on strengthening of partnerity with Italy, in the direction of realization of joint activities, the continuous support of Ministry of Defence and GSAF in the creation of a new vision for qualification of Military Police.
Minister Mediu highlighted that it is a priority making perfect the relationships with Military Police, Air and Navy Forces and simultaneously increase of effectivity of cooperation with Land Forces. Another priority is also increase of qualification of Military Police in such a degree, that this structure will be comparative to homologue structures in the region and beyond.
Minister Mediu estimated also the extraordinary contribution of Military Police and of Armed Forces in the successful realization of joint activities in the framework of peace missons.
Later the floor was taken by Italian Minister Massimo Janucci, who estimated as fruitful the cooporation between Italian Arma dei Carabinieri [Military police] and of Albanian Military Police.
Then he expressed readiness of the Italian Government for further cooperation in the field of defence.
After that effectives of Military Police made demonstrations of the actions that this structure undertakes in different situations of accidents, hostages etc.
At the end diplomas were given by the invited guests in the ceremony.
Belgrade, May 4, 2006 - The Serbian government examined at its session today the decision made yesterday by the European Union to call off the next round of talks scheduled for May 11 and unanimously adopted the Information submitted by Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica. The government members concluded that all government bodies must double all their activities in order to successfully complete cooperation with The Hague Tribunal as soon as possible.
Kostunica briefed the government of the work of competent government services so far on tracking down and handing over Ratko Mladic to The Hague. He said that Mladic's entire support network has been discovered and that the court has already ruled detention for several of his closest helpers.
The Prime Minister said that calling off the negotiations has done great harm to Serbia and that it is necessary to step up efforts to surrender Ratko Mladic to The Hague as soon as possible. The government unanimously agreed that Ratko Mladic's hiding is unworthy of patriotic and officer's tradition and that it directly harms the existential interest of the people and the state.
Kostunica notified the government about the Deputy Prime Minister's resignation and their meeting at which he stated all the reasons why Labus should keep his position in the government. Unfortunately, Labus told him his decision is final.
The Prime Minister and all government members voiced their regret at Labus's decision, adding that by joint efforts, in which Labus had a prominent role, the government did a great job in Serbia's interest. At today's session, the government voiced gratitude to Deputy Prime Minister Labus for his considerable contribution to the government's work.
Kostunica told the government that in his talks with international officials he has never made any deadlines for fulfilling the obligations towards the Hague Tribunal. He said that it was only mentioned that it would be in Serbia's best interest if these obligations were fulfilled "yesterday". The government is doing all it can to conclude the cooperation with the Tribunal as soon as possible.
Conference of representatives of all faiths from Kosovo-Metohija held in Patriarchate of Pec
Pec, May 4, 2006 – Participants of the interreligious conference on peaceful coexistence and dialogue in Kosovo-Metohija, which was held from May 2-3 in the Patriarchate of Pec, said that Kosovo-Metohija is a common home in which the freedom of all citizens depends on how good they are to each other.
Representatives of religious communities adopted a joint declaration after two-day talks, according to which, among other things, they are obligated to intensify dialogue and interreligious cooperation, and religious communities should contribute to improving living conditions and prosperity so that the process of return of all those who wish to go back to Kosovo-Metohija is expedited.
At the same time, the declaration condemns the desecration of holy buildings during and after the conflicts in Kosovo-Metohija, and calls upon the population to join them in the process of rebuilding not just damaged buildings but also “lives and hearts”.
The conference was opened on behalf of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle by Metropolitan Amfilohije, and was organised with the help of Norwegian Church Aid and the Serbian Orthodox Church.
European countries should overcome the skepticism regarding a further EU enlargement, said Macedonian President Branko Crvenkovski while making an address to the summit of Heads of State and Government of the South East European Co-operation Process (SEECP) members, taking place in Greek seaport of Thessaloniki.
"EU expansion skepticism which occurred lately in certain member-states must not block the most successful project of the European Union," Crvenkovski added.
He voiced hope that SEECP summit, same as the one in 2003, will come up with a joint message that the project on united Europe will be incomplete without the western Balkans.
"The united Europe is a historical project. I believe that the visionary will prevail the fears," Crvenkovski said.
Crvenkovski underlined that 2006 will be a key decision-making year. The important decisions that will be made this year aim to entrench stability in the Balkan region.
"Kosovo status process, the upcoming referendum on Montenegro's independence, functioning of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a state - all these issues are seen as main challenges of the countries in the region and the international community alike. These issues could be successfully closed only through joint engagement of all parties involved. The successful resolution of these issues will provide a positive contribution to sustainable regional stability and stepped up Euro-Atlantic integration of the region," Crvenkovski said.
He underscored the need to step up the regional co-operation and good neighborly relations to entrench stability in the entire region.
"I am pleased to confirm that Balkan has turned into a region that can set a good example of regional co-operation and mutual respect of countries' interests. The democratic values and practice are becoming our reality day by day," Crvenkovski said.
pril 28, 2006. In the framework of cooperation with Italian Arma dei Carabinieri [Military police], has finished the one month training course of PfP [Partnerity for Peace], effective of Military Police. In the environments of Military Police Battalion was held the graduation ceremony of participating target groups.
In the meeting took part Minister of Defence, Mr. Fatmir Mediu, Chief of General Staff of AF General/Lieutenant Pëllumb Qazimi, Italian ambassador in Tirana Massimo Janucci, DIE chief [Italian Delegation of Experts] Brigade/General Salvadore Gravante, Military Italian attaché in Albania and other invited guests.
After welcoming personalities with honour guard and presentation made by Military Police Battalion Commandant Lt/Col Drini Nikolla, the floor was taken by Defence Minister Fatmir Mediu.
In his speech the defence leader thanked the italian party for the aid given in the direction of qualification of Military police.
Then, he put emphasis on strengthening of partnerity with Italy, in the direction of realization of joint activities, the continuous support of Ministry of Defence and GSAF in the creation of a new vision for qualification of Military Police.
Minister Mediu highlighted that it is a priority making perfect the relationships with Military Police, Air and Navy Forces and simultaneously increase of effectivity of cooperation with Land Forces. Another priority is also increase of qualification of Military Police in such a degree, that this structure will be comparative to homologue structures in the region and beyond.
Minister Mediu estimated also the extraordinary contribution of Military Police and of Armed Forces in the successful realization of joint activities in the framework of peace missons.
Later the floor was taken by Italian Minister Massimo Janucci, who estimated as fruitful the cooporation between Italian Arma dei Carabinieri [Military police] and of Albanian Military Police.
Then he expressed readiness of the Italian Government for further cooperation in the field of defence.
After that effectives of Military Police made demonstrations of the actions that this structure undertakes in different situations of accidents, hostages etc.
At the end diplomas were given by the invited guests in the ceremony.
Nu foreligger Regeringens årlige beretning til Folketinget om udviklingen i EU i 2005. Beretningen beskriver en række udvalgte EU-sager i 2005 af væsentlig betydning for Danmark. I gennemgangen af sagerne er der desuden redegjort for Danmarks rolle.
Folkeafstemningerne om forfatningstraktaten spillede i 2005 en stor rolle. Efter det franske og det nederlandske nej til forfatningstraktaten besluttede EU’s stats- og regeringschefer i juni 2005 at iværksætte en tænkepause vedrørende EU’s fremtid. Baggrunden for tænkepausen er et ønske om at lytte til og komme i dialog med befolkningerne om, hvordan EU-samarbejdet bør fungere i fremtiden. Medlemslandene er opfordret til at afholde nationale debatter, hvor borgere, civilsamfundet, arbejdsmarkedets parter, de nationale parlamenter og politiske partier bliver inddraget.
I 2005 rettede fokus sig bl.a. også mod fugleinfluenza, da sygdommen spredte sig over Rusland og Centralasien til EU’s grænser ved Tyrkiet og Rumænien. Medlemslandene har løbende drøftet de humane aspekter og EU’s influenzapandemiberedskab. Man enedes om intensiveret overvågning samt bedre forebyggelse af og kontrol med udbrud. Samarbejdet i EU var et væsentligt led i at styrke beskyttelsesniveauet i Danmark og begrænse de økonomiske skadevirkninger og sundhedsmæssige risici for samfundet generelt.
Også Lissabon-strategien var på dagsordenen i 2005. Efter en midtvejsevaluering i starten af året relancerede medlemslandene en strategi, som fokuserer på viden og innovation, EU som et attraktivt område for investeringer og arbejde samt vækst og beskæftigelse til fordel for social samhørighed.
Beretningen berører endvidere mange andre emner. Følgende kan fremhæves:
Tværgående forhold
* Udvidelsen
EU’s femte udvidelsesrunde udgør den hidtil største udvidelse af EU’s medlemskreds. Runden bliver først afsluttet, når Bulgarien og Rumænien bliver EU-medlemmer. I oktober 2005 indledtes tiltrædelsesforhandlinger med Tyrkiet og Kroatien. I december 2005 fik Makedonien status som EU-kandidatland.
* Dagsorden 2007: Finansielle perspektiver
I december 2005 nåede EU’s stats- og regeringschefer til enighed om de overordnede rammer for EU’s budget og finansiering for årene 2007-2013. Formålet med de finansielle perspektiver er at forbedre den strategiske planlægning af EU’s politikker og sikre enighed om Unionens prioriteter i årene fremover.
Det klassiske samarbejde
* Luftfart og passagerrettigheder
Flypassagererne i EU har gennem EU-initiativer fået flere rettigheder og større sikkerhed i 2005.
* Bedre regulering
EU’s lovgivning skal være lettere at forstå. I 2005 tog EU en række skridt for at bringe arbejdet med bedre regulering og regelforenkling frem.
Fælles udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik
* EU’s naboer
Formålet med EU’s Naboskabspolitik er at sikre stabilitet og økonomisk vækst langs EU’s ydre grænser gennem en styrkelse af de politiske forbindelser og fremme af demokratiske og økonomiske reformer i nabolandene. De fleste naboskabslande har i løbet af 2005 færdigforhandlet handlingsplaner med EU.
* EU-Afrika
I 2005 blev der vedtaget en ny langsigtet samlet strategi for EU’s forhold til Afrika. Strategien ligger i god tråd med Danmarks egen Afrikapolitik for 2004.
Frihed, sikkerhed og retfærdighed
* Kampen mod terror og radikalisering
Udvekslingen af oplysninger og efterretninger indbyrdes og med Europol og Eurojust forbedres. Desuden blev der opnået enighed om reglerne for logning af teletrafikdata.
Udover Folketinget, som beretningen lovpligtigt udfærdiges til, omfatter beretningens modtagerkreds medier, organisationer, virksomheder samt forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitutioner. Beretningen ses under DOWNLOAD til højre. Redaktionen er sluttet den 21. april 2006, hvorfor begivenheder efter denne dato ikke er afspejlet.
Yderligere oplysninger kan fås ved henvendelse til Jes Brogaard Nielsen eller Lena Jagd Hoff, EU-koordinationskontoret, på tlf. 33 92 04 54 eller 33 92 04 52.
Udenrigsministeriet, den 4. maj 2006
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