Seneste 4 udgaver af »Sidste Nyt fra Albanien, Kosóva og Makedonien«: Sidste Nyt #301 Sidste Nyt #300 Sidste Nyt #299 Sidste Nyt #298 Udgaver siden seneste »Albansk Almanak«: http://bjoerna.dk/nyt-oversigt.htm |
Indholdsfortegnelse Contents Ugeoversigt Summary Internationale organisationer International organizations FN UN Verdensbanken, IMF m.fl. World Bank, IMF etc. OSCE, Europarådet OSCE, Council of Europe (CoE) EU European Union (EU) NATO NATO ICTY - Tribunalet i Haag ICTY Balkan, generelt The Balkans Kosóva Kosóva [Kosovo] Øst Kosóva / Presevo-dalen / Syd-Serbien Eastern Kosóva Albanien Albania Serbien og Montenegro. Serbien (alene) Serbia-Montenegro. Serbia Montenegro (alene) Montenegro Makedonien Macedonia [FYRoM] Grækenland Greece Tyrkiet Turkey Italien Italia USA United States (US) England England Tyskland Germany Frankrig France Danmark (Norge, Sverige) Denmark (Norway, Sweden) Rusland Russia Kina China |
Two young Serbs wounded
Blic daily, Belgrade, May 11, 2006
Kosovska Mitrovica - Jovan Milosevic (19) and Jablan Jevtic (21), employees of the gas station in the village of Grabovac near Kosovska Mitrovica, were seriously wounded when unknown persons wearing hooded masks fired 12 rounds at them at about 3:30 a.m.
Milosevic and Jevtic were transferred to Kosovska Mitrovica Hospital in the vehicle of Kosovo police, which founded the wounded workers immediately after the attack. The two young men have undergone surgery in the hospital in northern Mitrovica.
"Jevtic has bullet wounds in both thighs. In the left leg the artery has been completely severed. He lost a lot of blood and has undergone surgery but he is still in critical condition. Milosevic hs seven wounds to his body, primarily from ricochetting bullets. We removed one deformed bullet from his left groin. The groin is intact. Milosevic also has a shattered elbow on his right arm and wounds to the chest and abdomen," said Dr.
Radomir Jankovic, the head of the department of surgery who operated on the young men.
At the moment of the attack Milosevic was outside and Jevtic was in the building. Milosevic said yesterday that he noticed an attacker wearing a hooded mask shooting at them from the road right next to the gas station.
Only minutes after the attack a KPS patrol found the wounded young men and transferred them to the hospital.
Radasin Pavlovic, the owner of the gas station, said that the armed attack on the workers did not appear to be a robbery because "the attackers did not even try to enter the gas station and take any money".
"It's more like an act of classic terrorism," said Pavlovic.
However, Ranko Stanojevic, the spokesman of the Kosovo Police Service, said that it was a case of armed robbery because after wounding the young men "a certain amount of money was removed from the cash register of the gas station".
Stanojevic said that the Kosovo police had conducted an on the scene inspection and begun an investigation.
By Z. V. Vlaskalic
KiM Info Newsletter 09-05-06
Bus with Serb returnees stoned in Kosovo
No one was hurt but a large number of windows on the bus have been shattered and thee are dents on the bus from the impact of the stones. The UN bus provides regular transportation twice a week for Serb returnees from Osojane to northern Mitrovica where they can shop, visit a physician or carry out other needs.
Radio Television Serbia, Belgrade, Tuesday, May 9, 2006 14:04
Returnees to the villages in the Osojane Valley in Istok municipality and villages on the territory of Klina municipality are constantly being targeted by Albanians who are thus trying to prevent an increasing numbers of Serbs from returning to Metohija.
This morning near the village of Rudnik on the road from Osojane to Kosovska Mitrovica a UN bus was stoned while transporting some 60 passengers among them women and children.
No one was hurt but a large number of windows on the bus have been shattered and thee are dents on the bus from the impact of the stones. The UN bus provides regular transportation twice a week for Serb returnees from Osojane to northern Mitrovica where they can shop, visit a physician or carry out other needs.
In the returnee villages of Suvi Lukavac, Tucep and Osojane in the past month unknown perpetrators have stolen four tractors and seven cows from Serbian households.
The most recent theft occurred two days ago. Unknown persons in a black Mercedes first poisoned the guard dogs in the village of Suvi Lukavac, then the next night stole the tractor of the returnee family of Milorad Dubic.
In the village of Bica, Klina municipality, a tractor was stolen yesterday from Serb returnees and the electrical meters were removed from four returnee houses.
The most dangerous attack on Serb returnees occurred on the eve of the Paschal holidays when attackers opened fire with the intent of stealing livestock.
The Coordinating Center warns that returnees to these villages are completely undefended and that after each on the scene investigation conducted by Kosovo police there are no results, i.e. not one perpetrator has so far been found or brought to justice.
Armed attack on the secretary of the Diocese near Zvecan (expanded version)
"The vehicle passed me at great speed and cut me off so I could not pass. They turned on all four lights. Thinking that it must be something urgent I allowed them to go on. The car without license plates blocked the road to the left. When I saw them opening the door, everything was clear to me... I braked and turned around to escape them. In the moments while turning the vehicle I saw two men heading toward me, and the shooting began," Protopresbyter Srdjan Stankovic, the secretary of the Diocese of Raska and Prizren, told KIM Radio Planned ambush KIM RADIO, May 7, 2006 www.kimradio.net Unknown attackers opened fire last night (Saturday, May 6) on the vehicle of Diocese of Raska and Prizren secretary Protopresbyter Srdjan Stankovic around 10:00 p.m. as he left the village of Rudare in Zvecan municipality. According to Fr. Srdjan the vehicle he was driving was blocked by a black VW Golf without license plates from which several gunshots were fired.
He said that while changing license plates he noticed a young man making a telephone call but he did not consider this suspicious and continued on his way.
"The vehicle passed me at great speed and cut me off so I could not pass. They turned on all four lights. Thinking that it must be something urgent I allowed them to go on. The car without license plates blocked the road to the left. When I saw them opening the door, everything was clear to me... I braked and turned around to escape them. In the moments while turning the vehicle I saw two men heading toward me, and the shooting began..." Protopresbyter Srdjan reported the incident to police in Zvecan.
Certain media have conveyed incorrect information about last nights attack and their reports, according to the Diocese secretary, are not what he told police. "I regret having spoken last night with people from the diocesan information service who conveyed this news. First I called Bishop Artemije to report the whole situation to him. However, I was rather surprised and horrified by the morning news when I saw reports on the morning program of something that did not occur. The incident did not occur on the road to Sokolica but in fact on the road from Sokolica. They waited for me in ambush," he said. Fr. Srdjan was traveling with his wife and two children aged 6 months and 3 years in the direction of Gracanica, which has been the seat of Bishop Artemije since 1999. No one was hurt and the police conducted an on the scene investigation. The official site of the Diocese of Raska and Prizren ( www.eparhija-prizren.com ) still has not provided any official information or a statement regarding the attack on the secretary of the Diocese, Protopresbyter Srdjan Stankovic. There have also been no official statements by international or Kosovo police.
Thursday, 4 May 2006
SRSG: “Kosovo must become a permanent part of regional cooperation”
PRISTINA – Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) Søren Jessen- Petersen and Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu attended the Heads of State and Government Meeting of the South East European Cooperation Process which was held on 3-4 May in Thessaloniki, Greece.
The SRSG and the Kosovo President met with several regional leaders, including the Presidents of Serbia and Montenegro and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and with the Prime Ministers of Greece, Albania and Croatia.
The SRSG welcomed the opportunity to jointly participate in the meeting with President Sejdiu and stressed the importance of increasing Kosovo’s participation in regional initiatives and activities.
“Kosovo is an integral part of this region, irrespective of but also in anticipation of status. It must become a permanent part of regional cooperation in the interests of regional stability,” said the SRSG in his speech at the meeting.
The SRSG underlined that Kosovo’s new leadership has embarked vigorously on an intensive campaign of outreach to the minorities with a strong determination to accelerate standards implementation.
“Now, more than ever, is the moment to build confidence and to reassure the Kosovo Serbs of a safe and dignified future, and now is the moment for the Kosovo Serbs to embrace these reassurances,” said the SRSG.
Forsvarsministeren besøger KFOR
1. maj blev også fejret i Camp Olaf Rye, men ikke helt på samme måde som i Danmark. Bataljonen fik nemlig besøg af forsvarsminister Søren Gade.
08-05-2006 kl. 14:47
Redigeret af major Per Heien Chef for Adjudantursektionen og Presse- & informationsofficer
I den anledning havde vi valgt samme dag at gennemføre medaljeparade. Medaljen blev udleveret under overværelse af ministeren.
Så hvor I havde røde faner og taler i Fælledparken, havde vi tale fra forsvarsministeren, efterfulgt af en dejlig buffet i cafeteriet, med alt hvad man ellers kan drømme sig til - i dagens anledning blev der serveret et glas vin til dem der ønskede det.
Ugen bød også på bueskydning her i Camp Olaf Rye, i alt har 58 soldater tilkendegivet, at de gerne vil lære at skyde med bue. De buer vi har fået er recove buer, og recove betyder at buen spændes omvendt. Det er langbuer ligesom Robin Hood havde.
Vi er to i lejren der står for instruktion i bueskydning overkonstabel-1 Michael L. Nielsen fra panserinfanterikompagniet (jeg skylder nok at sige at han er i udlån fra Danske Artilleriregiment i Varde, men trives i kompagniet) og jeg selv.
Vore første store arrangement var med vores franske enhed EEI 7, de var 90 mænd og kvinder, der for manges vedkommende fik deres først instruktion i bueskydning. Bueskydningen indgik som en del af deres idrætsdag, som de holdt her i lejren.
Minister, medaljer og marchtræning
Mandag startede vi som altid med morgenparade. Dagen var speciel, da vi skulle øve os på medaljeparaden om aftenen. Vi skulle have den særlige missions-medalje. Paraden skulle overværes af forsvarsminister Søren Gade.
Da tiden for medaljeoverrækkelsen kom, begyndte regnvejret selvfølgelig. Vi overlevede alle og nød efterfølgende de lækre pindemadder til receptionen i cafeteriaet. Tirsdag besøgte ministeren os på kontoret i lejren, og vi fik en god snak om fremtiden for vores lille enhed.
Senere på dagen tog vi en tur ud i vores ansvarsområde, hvor vi var ude at snakke med en talsmand i byen Kalodernicë. På vej tilbage mødte vi nogle børn, som vi udleverede nogle reflekser og kladdehæfter til på vegne af den danske bataljon. Det er også en af vores opgaver at opretholde et godt forhold til lokalbefolkningen.
Vi har også haft besøg af J9 fra hovedkvarteret (Enheden for civil og militært samarbejde). Da tiden var knap blev det kun til et lille udpluk af områderne, og vi fokuserede derfor på enklaverne.
Danmarks befrielse blev fejret
Torsdag den 4. maj om aftenen blev der holdt parade i lejren for at fejre Danmarks befrielse for 62 år siden. Chefen holdt en fin tale og vi sang "En lærke letted" til minde om befrielsen. Derudover fik kaptajn Ulrik Skytte Hjemmeværnets Fortjenstmedalje.
Danconmarch 7. maj 2006
Søndag 06.15 var hjælperne klar på Chr. IV`s plads i lejren. DANCONMARCH skulle løbe af stablen med 1071 deltagere fra 27 forskellige nationer.
Tilmeldingen startede 0630, og selve løbet blevet startet 0830 med en kort velkomst af chefen for DANBN, oberst K. Pedersen, efterfulgt af et startskud udført af vores ingeniører.
Ugen op til har været præget af forberedelser til at gennemføre marchen. Der er blevet lavet skilte i stor stil, og over 1300 manillamærker er produceret med tre forskellige stempler på til kontrol af start og slut samt indløsning af en sandwich.
Første mand, der gennemførte, var fra Frankrig i tiden 2 timer12 min, nummer to var fra Italien i tiden 2 timer 18.03 min og nummer tre fra den Danske Bataljon i tiden 2 timer 18.45 min., kaldet Spinn-Finn.
HOK ugebrev fra NSE / KFOR HQ MAIN i Film City, Pristina, Kosovo.
08-05-2006 kl. 14:44
Af overkonstabel-1 Benny, kontorhjælper NSE/HQ MAIN.
Hvad er NSE/KFOR HQ MAIN? Turen til Rugova-dalen, KEK, marchtræning og minister besøg.
Nu blev det min tur til at skrive lidt om, hvad der sker i og omkring det Danske Nationale Støtte Element i Kosovo. Jeg sidder jo, som elementets fremskudte enhed, som den eneste NSE-mand inde i hovedkvarteret i Pristina.
Her servicerer jeg 10-12 danskere, som er udsendt som enkeltpersoner. De har deres daglige virke inde i selve hovedkvarteret, såsom chef for "Joint Operational Center", "Escorte officer", "Intelligence officer" og mange flere. Der ud over har jeg nogle danske politifolk og FN-folk ude i byen, som jeg også er servicecenter for.
De får post, de kan hæve penge, de får velfærd og som det vigtigste: De kan komme ind og snakke lidt dansk med andre danskere i hyggeligt samvær.
Vi er en lille dansk familie inde i den store internationale trummerum. Derfor omtaler vi også os selv som "Familien". Ikke fordi vi har set for mange "Godfather"-film, men fordi vi faktisk er en lille dansk kernefamilie, der bare er langt hjemmefra vores rigtige familie.
Søndag d. 23. april tog størsteparten af det danske element, en "sight-seeing"-tur til Rugova-dalen, vest for byen Pec. Her er der en storslået natur med bjerge og floder - virkeligt skønt. Der er rigtige "sten-bjerge", tunneller, udhuggede veje og brusende floder, som man mange gange ser det på film.
Der var, som sædvanlig, medbragt "Smokie Joe" grillen, pølser og Cocio på dåser. Pølserne og Cocioerne blev varmet på grillen og nydt med stort velbehag. Eftermiddagskaffen blev indtaget på en cafe i 1700 meters højde. Ejeren, en Kosovo-albaner i midten af fyrrerne, har boet 25 år i Norge. Dette bevirkede at der blev talt flydende dansk/norsk over kaffebordet.
Lige uden for vores dør, har vi KEK - nok et af verdens mest forurenende kraftværker. Der bliver fyret med trækul og udnyttelsen er nede på 60 % - resten ryger op gennem skorstenen. På trods af, at det forurener meget, så kan det også være flot i en solnedgang. Når der er fugtigt i vejret og vinden er rigtig (forkert), så lugter det simpelthen så surt i det danske NSE og hele Film City, at man skulle tro, der var en der gik rundt og pruttede i et langt væk.
På søndag skal syv familiemedlemmer ud at gå DANCON march oppe ved Mitrovica. Dertil skal der trænes, hvilket der blev gjort et par gange. Først nogle runder langs perimeter hegnet i Film City og ugen efter ud og gå 13 Km i omegnen.
Mandag d. 1. maj havde vi et kort besøg af forsvarsminister Søren Gade. Det var nu ikke meget, vi så til ham, idet han havde et vigtigt ærende hos general Valotto. De skulle vist diskutere nogle ting, der ligger lidt ud over mine beføjelser.
Den altid tilhørende presse var ikke med hos Valotto, men fik en orientering om Kosovo af Ib. Dertil var der lidt godt til ganen. Det nød pressen - men det gjorde de familie-medlemmer, der var med til orienteringen, bestemt også.
Jeg vil stoppe min beretning med mange varme, danske hilsner her fra Kosovo Forces Headquarters Main. Og husk - vi tænker på jer - meget.
May 11, 2006
The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu received today in a meeting the United States Assessment team of the private company “Defense Forecast International Inc,” which is in our country in the framework of continuing the work to reassess the reform of our Armed Forces.
During the talks, the head of state pointed out the work and the efforts done in the direction of reforming and transforming our Armed Forces so they can become as qualitative and competitive and also the serious commitment of the Albanian state and Armed Forces to achieve as soon as possible the required standards for the country’s membership in NATO.
President Moisiu emphasized that Albania already is a stability factor in the Balkans and its integration in the Atlantic Alliance will contribute to the preservation of peace, security and development of relations of good neighborly with the countries of the region.
On their part, the representatives of this Team thanked for the reserved reception by President Moisiu and praised the level of collaboration for the integration of our country in NATO and the up to the present achievements of our Armed Forces in this direction.
Five Chinese citizens applied for asylum in Albania
Today, on May 5, 2006, five Chinese citizens entered the territory of the Republic of Albania and applied for asylum in Albania.
Albanian authorities, in compliance with Article 40 of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, with the Geneva Convention “On Refugee Status” of 1951 and the New York Protocol of 1976, as well as the Law No. 8432, of 14.12.1998, “On Asylum in the Republic of Albania” accepted the application of the asylum seekers and will continue with the relevant legal procedures regarding applications for asylum.
- - -
The Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Besnik Mustafaj received today the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Tirana, Mr. Tian Changchun
The Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Besnik Mustafaj received today the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Tirana, Mr. Tian Changchun upon the request of the later. The Chinese Ambassador presented to Minister Mustafaj the verbal request for the extradition to China of five Chinese citizens, who entered on May 5, 2006, the Albanian border check-point at Rinas Airport, where they sought political asylum. According to the Chinese Ambassador, these five Chinese citizens are members of the “Eastern Turkistan” Organization.
The Minister Mustafaj informed the Chinese Ambassador about the arrival details of these persons at the Rinas Airport. He assured the Chinese Ambassador that the relevant competent authorities of Albania will investigate seriously on their pervious activities.
In addition, Minister Mustafaj guaranteed the Ambassador Changchun that the Albanian state is fully committed to deal with this issue in accordance with the Albanian legislation and international conventions where Albania is a state party. The policy of the Republic of Albania is based on its well-known position made public that it recognises one China only, and this position is unchangeable. All close relations between our two countries rely on this stance.
Albanien war nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg ein "weißer Fleck" im europäischen Bewusstsein. Dass Albanien bis heute noch weitgehend unentdeckt geblieben ist, hat vor allem einen Grund: die ein halbes Jahrhundert lang verordnete Selbstisolation des Landes vom Rest der Welt, was heute die Integration auf allen Ebenen erschwert.
Es herrscht ein Unwissen über Albanien im Westen, daraus entstehen Stereotypen und Vorurteile, sodass ein Blick auf die Potenziale, die dieses Land, arm, aber stolz, hat, kaum möglich ist. Aus diesem relativen Unwissen bildet sich eine Verständnislücke über Land und Leute, die die albanische Integration beeinträchtigt.
Dieses Unwissen lässt sich unter anderem auch mit den „fragmentierten Bildern“ verbinden, die der westlichen Öffentlichkeit durch die internationalen Massenmedien geliefert werden. Es ist gerade diese Informationslage im Westen über Albanien, die die Autorin als albanische Staatsbürgerin bei ihren Anfängen des Studienaufenthaltes in Österreich zuerst schockierte und sie schließlich bei ihrem Studienabschluss dazu bewegte, Albanien zum Gegenstand ihrer Diplomarbeit zu nehmen.
Es wird damit der Versuch unternommen, eine andere Perspektive zu zeigen, von einem Land, das für seine Existenz nie angefangen hat aufzuhören, trotz der unmöglichen Rahmenbedingungen.
Albanien wird in dieser Untersuchung aus einer touristischen Perspektive betrachtet und analysiert. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich das Land in Südosteuropa als touristische Destination behaupten will und kann. Albanien hat grundsätzlich um nichts weniger zu bieten als die, touristisch meist völlig erschlossenen, mediterranen Nachbarn: Warmes, sonniges Klima, herrliche Küsten- und Berglandschaften, älteste europäische Kulturgeschichte, und nicht zuletzt eine sehr herzliche Tradition der Gastfreundschaft. Die Versuche zur Beantwortung der genannten Frage werden in mehreren Einzelschritten unternommen. Als erstes werden die Hintergründe der jungen Vergangenheit Albaniens näher dargestellt, sowohl Grunddaten über Albanien, die einen besonderen Bezug zum Tourismus innehaben, als auch die Ausgangsbedingungen, unter denen es den albanischen Tourismus vor und nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg gegeben hat.
Diese Hintergrundinformationen bilden den Rahmen für ein Verständnis der Veränderungen Albaniens in den letzten 15 Jahren im Postkommunismus, die in Bezug auf Tourismus in Kapitel 4 behandelt werden. Es werden die wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und politischen Bestrebungen erläutert, das Ausmaß und der Organisationsgrad des albanischen Tourismus, sowie weitere Faktoren, die die Tourismusentwicklung im Land beeinflussen.
Ob und wie Tourismus zur Völkerverständnis beitragen kann, wird anhand einer konkreten Untersuchung im Falle Albaniens behandelt. Es wurde hierbei der Frage nachgegangen, wie die gegenwärtige Situation Albaniens als touristischer Standort von den ausländischen Gästen wahrgenommen und beurteilt wird. Die Ergebnisse der online durchgeführten Befragung werden im abschließenden Kapitel präsentiert.
Hovedstad Tirana
Areal 28.748 km2
Indbyggertal 3.087.159
Befolkning Albanere samt mindre etniske minoriteter, herunder grækere
Sprog Albansk
Religion 70% muslimsk, 20% græsk-ortodoks, 10% romersk-katolsk
BNI pr. capita USD 1200
Vækst i BNP pr.
5,9 % i BNI
Valuta Leke (ALL)
Statsoverhoved Præsident Alfred Moisiu
Regeringsleder Premierminister Sali Berisha
Udenrigsminister Besnik Mustafaj
Økonomiminister Genc Ruli
Minister for
Arenca Troshani
Democratic Party 55, Socialist Party of Albania 43, Republican Party 11, Social Democratic Party 9, New Democrat Party 4, Environmentalist Agrarian Party 4, Socialist Movement for Integration 4, Democratic Alliance 3, Demo-Christian Party 2, Socialist Democracy Party 2, Human Rights Union Party 2, 1 Independent.
Albanien er et land på vej frem, men er fortsat et af de fattigste lande i Europa. Efter en svær tid med 45 år som lukket diktatur til 1991 og økonomiske og politiske tilbageslag i 1990’erne og uro og usikkerhed i samfundet efter sammenbruddet af pyramidespillene i 1997 formåede man at huse 400.000 flygtninge fra Kosovo i 1999. Den i september 2005 tiltrådte regering ledet af premierminister Sali Berisha har meddelt, at den vil fokusere på kampen mod korruption og organiseret kriminalitet. Regeringen vil stå til ansvar overfor vælgerne ved lokalvalgene i 2006.
I det albanske parlament, der har 140 medlemmer, gav det seneste valg, sommeren 2005, oppositionsleder Sali Berishas Demokratiske Parti 55 mandater, premierminister Fatos Nanos Socialistiske parti 42 mandater og tidligere premierminister Ilir Metas udbryderparti fra Socialistpartiet, ”Den socialistiske bevægelse for Integration”, 1 mandat. De resterende mandater blev fordelt efter forholdstal. På baggrund af valgresultatet trådte Fatos Nano tilbage fra premierministerposten og efterfulgtes af Sali Berisha. Den nye regering har støtte af ca. 80 mandater i Parlamentet.
Udenrigspolitisk topprioritet for den nye (såvel som for den gamle) regering er Albaniens integration i Europa og medlemskab af EU. Albanien og EU forhandler i øjeblikket en såkaldt Stabiliserings- og Associerings-aftale. Set fra EU ligger hovedknasterne på områder, hvor Albanien historisk har normer, der er væsensforskellige fra EU-normerne, for eksempel på korruptionsområdet.
I regionen Det vestlige Balkan ønsker Albanien at være en stabiliserende faktor. Forsigtige udmeldinger til naboerne, herunder Kosovo, hvor ca. 90% af befolkningen er albanere, afspejler denne grundholdning.
De dansk-albanske relationer reflekterer ændringerne i Albaniens situation. I en årrække efter diktaturets fald ydede Danmark en væsentlig bistand til opbygning af institutioner, der er nødvendige i et demokratisk samfund, herunder politi, anklagemyndighed og ombudsmand. Desuden ydede Danmark en betydelig bistand til nogle af Albaniens fattigste og vanskeligst tilgængelige egne. Den nuværende fase af relationerne er præget af vækst på områder som kommercielt samkvem, begyndende turisme, konsulær bistand og kulturelle forbindelser. Af den nævnte udvikling samt Albaniens integration i forhold til EU følger behov for at vide mere om Albaniens politiske og økonomiske situation.
Redigeret 26. april 2006
Spørgsmål nr. S 4369:
”Hvilke militæraktioner har Danmark i kraft af sit forsvarsforbehold i EU været afskåret fra at deltage i?”
I spørgsmål nr. 16 til udenrigsministeren fra Folketingets Europaudvalg af november 2005 blev der spurgt til, hvor mange gange det danske forsvarsforbehold har været anvendt i forbindelse med EU-operationer. Som svar oplystes, at:
”Som anført i besvarelsen af udvalgsspørgsmål nr. 15 af 9 november 2005 er Danmarks forvaltning af forsvarsforbeholdet beskrevet i Folketingets publikation ”EU’s fælles udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik – fra erklæringsdiplomati til militær krisestyring” fra april 2005. Som det fremgår af publikationen, har det danske forsvarsforbehold været anvendt i forbindelse med EU’s iværksættelse af militære operationer. Det drejer sig om:
- EU’s militæroperation i Makedonien (Concordia) i 2003
- EU’s militæroperation i Den Demokratiske Republik Congo (Artemis) i 2003
- EU’s militæroperation i Bosnien-Hercegovina (Althea) i 2004.
Hertil kommer, at forbeholdet blev anvendt i juni 2005 i forbindelse med den fælles aktion om støtte til den Afrikanske Unions mission i Darfur i Sudan, der ud over civile elementer også indeholder en klart adskilt militær del. Som nævnt i besvarelsen af udvalgsspørgsmål nr. 15 af 9. november 2005 fremgår det af retsaktens ordlyd, at Danmark som følge af forsvarsforbeholdet ikke er omfattet af den militære del.
Endelig kan det oplyses, at der under Maastricht-traktaten var tale om, at Danmark anvendte forsvarsforbeholdet i alle tilfælde, hvor retsakter blev vedtaget med hjemmel i artikel J.4. stk. 2, der omhandlede inddragelse af WEU, idet denne bestemmelse netop henviser til afgørelser og aktioner med indvirkning på forsvarsområdet. Konsekvensen heraf var, at aktivering af forbeholdet i disse tilfælde er sket, uden at der er taget konkret stilling til indholdet af beslutningen. Derved kunne forbeholdet – under Maastricht-traktaten – også ramme civile operationer. Forbeholdet blev således bl.a. påberåbt i 1998 og 1999 i forbindelse med en EU-beslutning om udvidelse af en WEU-politimission i Albanien. Der henvises til kapitel 7 i DUPI’s udredning fra 2000: ”Udviklingen i EU siden 1992 på de områder, der er omfattet af de danske forbehold.”
I tillæg hertil bemærkes, at EU – på anmodning fra FN – forventer at bidrage til stabiliteten under valgene i Den Demokratiske Republik Congo (DRC) senere på året. Bidraget ventes at ske gennem indsættelse af en EU-styrke, som – afhængig af situationen – vil skulle beskæftige sig med evakuering af personel, lufthavnssikkerhed og støtte til FN’s fredsbevarende tropper i DRC (MONUC). Der vil nok blive tale om pre-deployering af 400–450 soldater med mulighed for med kort varsel at trække på ekstra udstyr og personel i regionen. Foruden et militært bidrag vil der blive tale om en midlertidig udvidelse af den eksisterende ESDP-politimission i DRC. Der skønnes således at være behov for op mod 40 politifolk til at rådgive i opretholdelse af offentlig orden. EU’s bidraget iværksættes gennem to separate retsakter. Én for det militære og én for det civile bidrag. Som følge af forsvarsforbeholdet deltager Danmark ikke i det militære bidrag.
Government will resolve problem of cooperation with the Hague Tribunal
Belgrade, May 11, 2006 – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica said today that the Serbian government will resolve the problem of cooperation with the Hague Tribunal so that negotiations with the European Union might continue and the Stabilisation and Association Agreement be concluded by the end of the year.
Speaking at the opening of the sixth Serbia-Montenegrin summit, Kostunica recalled that in the previous period part of negotiations with the EU were conducted successfully, and the issue of cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, more precisely the case of General Ratko Mladic, was the obstacle in the continuation of negotiations.
The Serbian Prime Minister said that the decision by the EU to call off negotiations with Serbia-Montenegro was not a good one, and expressed conviction that all obstacles will be removed in an atmosphere of cooperation and support, and not by halting negotiations.
Kostunica said at the summit, attended by domestic and foreign politicians, diplomats and businesspeople, that the solution for Kosovo-Metohija must be based on compromise and historically just, founded on the respect for international law and democratic values.
Any precedent that is set on the basis of violation of law and which would mean breaking up the country and severing part of its territory would have long-term consequences for the region, warned the Serbian Prime Minister. He reiterated that Serbia favours substantial autonomy for Kosovo-Metohija within the borders of Serbia-Montenegro, while respecting European standards.
Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica speaks at the opening of the sixth Serbia-Montenegrin summit Regarding the upcoming referendum in Montenegro, Kostunica said, “Nothing is more natural than Serbia and Montenegro remaining to live together.”
He said that it is important for the Serbian government that the EU is engaged in the referendum process in Montenegro, and stressed that “there is no grey zone”, in other words any result below 55% will signify the choice of a common life in a common state.
Kostunica said that Serbia has made significant economic progress which is reflected in the report by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as well as the macroeconomic growth experienced in the first three months of this year.
According to Kostunica, the aim of the Serbian government is to increase exports in the GDP, and realising an influx of foreign direct investment worth $3 billion annually.
Serbian authorities are making efforts to create as good business climate as possible, the Serbian Prime Minister said and announced the adoption of new systemic laws and elimination of administrative barriers with the aim of attracting foreign investment.
He added that Serbia is carrying out reform of legislation in order to enter the World Trade Organisation and voiced hope that that will happen by the end of 2008.
Kostunica said that the work on expanding the common regional market is underway through negotiations on a single free trade agreement, which should become effective as of 2007.
May 10, 2006
The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu has conveyed a congratulatory message to Mr. Giorgio Napolitano, the newly elected President of the Republic of Italy.
“Availing myself of the opportunity, allow me Mr. President to express my high praise for the very friendly relations that exist between Albania and Italy and also to express my and my state willingness and readiness to develop them even further in the interest of our two peoples and countries.
Albania is grateful to Italy about the uninterrupted help and assistance that your country is offering in all the fields and in the bilateral level and also in the path towards Euro-Atlantic integration.” – it is stated in the message of President Moisiu.
This morning, I notified the President that I will be stepping aside as Director of CIA. It has been my distinct honor to serve the President, the people of the United States, and the very able men and women of the Central Intelligence Agency. I am grateful to President Bush for the trust and responsibility he placed in me, and for allowing me the privilege of serving him, and the people of the United States.
When the President asked me to become the last DCI, I fully recognized and embraced the challenge of leading this Agency through historic change, not just for the CIA, but the entire Intelligence Community. It was my desire to lead the CIA – this is where I started my career, and where I always wanted to return.
I am proud of CIA's leadership team. They share a deep dedication to improving the Agency's capabilities, and are driven by a complete dedication to mission. Given the new IC architecture, it was imperative to have a team that worked not as individual directorates, but as one. They have helped me, and CIA as a whole, in our ongoing inter-agency discussions related to this new architecture.
When I came to CIA in September of 2004, I wanted to accomplish some very specific things, and we have made great strides on all fronts, from our field-forward approach, to welcoming record numbers of new employees who are today receiving better training than ever before. We have reintegrated support, and improved tradecraft across the board – part of which is keeping our secrets. We also are reinvigorating and enhancing our analytic capabilities with an even stronger role for alternative analysis. And, there is no question, that CIA remains the leader of cutting edge research and technology, which enables our security mission.
CIA remains the gold standard. That has been recognized within the new IC structure – CIA is the National HUMINT Manager, the place for all source analysis, the bulwark of our nation's analytic capability, and remains central, from support to our technological advantage.
Over the next few weeks, I will be here to ensure a smooth and professional transition, which is the tradition of our Agency, as we welcome the next Director of CIA. During the time of transition, I am fully confident that the men and women of CIA will be solely focused on their critical mission.
The past 18 months have been among the proudest of my five decades in public service. Every day, I have had the unique privilege of knowing first hand the extraordinary work the men and women of CIA do in the name of our nation's security. It has been an honor.
President George W. Bush announces his nomination of Gen. Michael V. Hayden as the next Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Monday, May 8, 2006, in the Oval Office as Ambassador John Negroponte, Director of National Intelligence, looks on. Said the President of Gen. Hayden: 'He's the right man to lead the CIA at this critical moment in our nation's history.' White House photo by Paul Morse
9:31 A.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Today I'm pleased to nominate General Mike Hayden as the next Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Mike Hayden is supremely qualified for this position. I've come to know him well as our nation's first Deputy Director of National Intelligence. In that position, he's worked closely with our Director of National Intelligence, John Negroponte, to reform America's intelligence capabilities to meet the threats of a new century.
President George W. Bush announces his nomination of Gen. Michael V. Hayden as the next Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Monday, May 8, 2006, in the Oval Office as Ambassador John Negroponte, Director of National Intelligence, looks on. Said the President of Gen. Hayden: "He's the right man to lead the CIA at this critical moment in our nation's history." White House photo by Paul MorseMike has more than 20 years of experience in the intelligence field. He served for six years as Director of the National Security Agency, and thus brings vast experience leading a major intelligence agency to his new assignment. He also served as Commander of the Air Intelligence Agency, as Director of the Joint Command and Control Warfare Center, and as Deputy Chief of Staff of the United States and U.N. Forces in Korea.
He's held senior positions at the Pentagon, the U.S. European Command, the National Security Council, and served behind the Iron Curtain in our embassy in Bulgaria during the Cold War.
Mike knows our intelligence community from the ground up. He has been both a provider and a consumer of intelligence. He's overseen the development of both human and technological intelligence. He has demonstrated an ability to adapt our intelligence services to the new challenges of the war on terror. He's the right man to lead the CIA at this critical moment in our nation's history.
It's my honor to welcome Mike's wife, Jeanine, and their family to the Oval Office. I want to thank them for their willingness to support Mike Hayden in his long service to the United States.
With the agreement of the Senate, Mike will succeed a great patriot in Director Porter Goss. Under Porter's leadership, the CIA launched a five-year plan to strengthen the agency's human intelligence capabilities. This plan involves increasing the number of operatives and sources in the field, and building up the agency's analytical capabilities, so the hardworking men and women of the CIA have the resources they need to penetrate closed societies and secretive organizations.
Porter also played a vital role in shaping the new relationship between the CIA and the new Director of National Intelligence. And this process benefited greatly from the decades-long friendship between him and Director Negroponte.
Porter took on a critical job at a critical moment in our nation's history. He instilled a sense of professionalism in the CIA and maintained the high standards of this vital agency at a time of transition and transformation. Throughout his public life, Porter Goss has been a man of accomplishment and integrity, and America appreciates his service.
I'm confident that Mike Hayden will continue the reforms that Porter has put in place and provide outstanding leadership to meet the challenges and threats of a dangerous new century. Mike Hayden was unanimously confirmed by the Senate last year for his current post, and I call on the Senate to confirm him promptly as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
The work of the CIA has never been more important to the security of the American people. America faces determined enemies who struck our nation on September the 11th, 2001, and who intend to attack our country again. To stop them we must have the best possible intelligence. The men and women of the CIA are working around the clock and around the world, in dangerous conditions to gain information that is vital to securing our nation. I appreciate their dedicated service. And so does Mike Hayden.
In Mike Hayden, the men and women of the CIA will have a strong leader who will support them. He will ensure they have the resources they need to do their jobs. He will enforce the secrecy and accountability that are critical to the security of the American people.
Mike, I appreciate your many years of service to our country. We're grateful that you've agreed to step forward and serve once again. Thank you very much.
GENERAL HAYDEN: Mr. President, thank you for those kind words and for the confidence that you and Ambassador Negroponte have shown to me in nominating me for this position. There's probably no post more important in preserving our security and our values as a people than the head of the Central Intelligence Agency.
When I returned from Korea in 1999 to take the position at NSA, I was befriended most of all by two people -- George Tenet, who was then DCI, and Porter Goss, then Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Both of these men befriended me and mentored me and supported me. And I will always be in their debt, especially now that I find that I've been nominated to be their successor. If I'm confirmed, I know that I will be standing on their shoulders.
In the confirmation process, I look forward to meeting with members of the Congress, better understanding their concerns and working with them to move the American intelligence community forward. This is simply too important not to get absolutely right.
To the men and women of the Central Intelligence Agency, if I'm confirmed, I would be honored to join you and work with so many good friends. Your achievements are frequently under-appreciated and hidden from the public eye, but you know what you do to protect the republic.
And finally, to my wife, Jeanine, and the other members of my family, thank you yet again for agreeing to continue your sacrifices. I can never repay you enough.
Thank you.
THE PRESIDENT: Congratulations, Mike. Thank you very much. Appreciate it.
Thank you all.
Five Chinese citizens applied for asylum in Albania
Today, on May 5, 2006, five Chinese citizens entered the territory of the Republic of Albania and applied for asylum in Albania.
Albanian authorities, in compliance with Article 40 of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, with the Geneva Convention “On Refugee Status” of 1951 and the New York Protocol of 1976, as well as the Law No. 8432, of 14.12.1998, “On Asylum in the Republic of Albania” accepted the application of the asylum seekers and will continue with the relevant legal procedures regarding applications for asylum.
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The Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Besnik Mustafaj received today the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Tirana, Mr. Tian Changchun
The Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Besnik Mustafaj received today the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Tirana, Mr. Tian Changchun upon the request of the later. The Chinese Ambassador presented to Minister Mustafaj the verbal request for the extradition to China of five Chinese citizens, who entered on May 5, 2006, the Albanian border check-point at Rinas Airport, where they sought political asylum. According to the Chinese Ambassador, these five Chinese citizens are members of the “Eastern Turkistan” Organization.
The Minister Mustafaj informed the Chinese Ambassador about the arrival details of these persons at the Rinas Airport. He assured the Chinese Ambassador that the relevant competent authorities of Albania will investigate seriously on their pervious activities.
In addition, Minister Mustafaj guaranteed the Ambassador Changchun that the Albanian state is fully committed to deal with this issue in accordance with the Albanian legislation and international conventions where Albania is a state party. The policy of the Republic of Albania is based on its well-known position made public that it recognises one China only, and this position is unchangeable. All close relations between our two countries rely on this stance.
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