Sidste Nyt fra Albanien, Kosóva og Makedonien

The Latest News from Albania, Kosóva and Macedonia

# 309 - 8' årgang - 30.06.2006

Version 1.1 [FN-link repareret] • Næste nr. ventes at udkomme: 04.08.2006 PDF for printingInfo om »Sidste Nyt«

Udgiver: Bjørn Andersen

Publisher: Bjoern Andersen


Serbisk mindesmærke i Gazemistan på Kosovo-sletten; det er opsat til minde om slaget i 1389. Et andet sted er der et mausoleum for Sultan Murat der omkom under slaget.

The framework of The Latest News from Albania, Kosóva and Macedonia is in Danish - nevertheless, the news are mostly in English. You may send information, comments and questions to: »The Latest News« [please click].


Ugeoversigt    Summary

Internationale organisationer   International organizations
Verdensbanken, IMF m.fl.   World Bank, IMF etc.
OSCE, Europarådet   OSCE, Council of Europe (CoE)
EU   European Union (EU)
ICTY - Tribunalet i Haag   ICTY

Balkan, generelt   The Balkans
Kosóva   Kosóva [Kosovo]
Øst Kosóva / Presevo-dalen / Syd-Serbien   Eastern Kosóva
Albanien   Albania
Serbien   Serbia-Montenegro. Serbia
Montenegro   Montenegro
Makedonien   Macedonia [FYRoM]

Grækenland   Greece
Tyrkiet   Turkey
Italien   Italia

USA   United States (US)
England   England
Tyskland   Germany
Frankrig   France
Danmark (Norge, Sverige)   Denmark (Norway, Sweden)

Rusland   Russia
Kina   China


Kosóva: Lokalvalgene er udskudt pga drøftelserne om fremtidig status.

SG Kofi Annan / SRSG Søren Jessen-Petersen har offentliggjort Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo af 060605: The direct talks held thus far have shown that there is some convergence on some specific points, but that in many areas the proposals of the parties remain far apart. In parallel, my Special Envoy has held continuing consultations on developments in the future status process with a range of interested Member States and regional organizations. My Special Representative, Søren Jessen-Petersen, and UNMIK continued to support my Special Envoy in his work, and they have worked closely together to ensure greater commitment and results from standards implementation through the future status process.
Dialogue: 11. During the reporting period, the working groups established for the direct dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade on technical matters have not been active. Only two working groups have met in plenary session this year: the Transport and Communications Working Group in February and the Missing Persons Working Group in March, both in Pristina. No significant progress was achieved at either session. UNMIK and the chairpersons of the working groups have often noted the lack of support provided by the Provisional Institutions to the Pristina delegations in these talks. As a result, in mid-April Prime Minister Çeku appointed his principal political adviser to oversee the process. He also pledged empowerment of the delegations; and has made changes in the personnel of some working groups, notably the Missing Persons Group. At the same time, the focus has now clearly moved to the framework of the future status process. While it remains important to pursue the direct dialogue, in particular on humanitarian issues such as missing persons and returns, further progress is expected to remain limited.

Security: 15. The security situation remained generally stable, although fragile, and was not affected by the changes in the political leadership of Kosovo or by the start of the future status process. The level of inter-ethnic incidents remained low and it seems likely that criminal rather than ethnic motives may be at the origin of some of the reported incidents. Such incidents still contribute to creating a perception of insecurity, however, mainly for members of minority communities. In close coordination with the Kosovo Force (KFOR), UNMIK police and the Kosovo Police Service will continue to take stringent measures to enhance the general security in Kosovo to support the political process leading to a determination of future status.

Returns: 20. The challenges in promoting returns and integrating returnees remain significant, however. Since 2000, the total number of minority returnees is estimated at 14,648, 45 per cent of whom are Kosovo Serbs. According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 1,231 people remained displaced as a result of the violence of March 2004, out of a total of approximately 4,100 originally displaced. The fact that the first Kosovo Serb return to a town, Klina municipality, took place only in March 2005, illustrates the obstacles to urban return. So far, 63 Kosovo Serb families have returned to Klina with the assistance of municipal authorities. The overwhelming majority of Serb returns have been to all- Serb communities and minority areas with minimal interaction with Kosovo Albanians. While it must remain a high priority to prepare the conditions for sustainable returns, it would appear that those who have been displaced watch the future status talks closely and will decide whether to return in the light of the outcome and the specific conditions of the eventual political settlement.

Enver Hasani valgt som Rektor for Universitetet i Prishtina.

Øst Kosóva / Sydserbien: 060627 ICG har udsendt: Southern Serbia: In Kosovo's Shadow. Europe Briefing N°43. Southern Serbia’s Albanian-majority Presevo Valley is a still incomplete Balkan success story. Since international and Serbian government diplomacy resolved an ethnic Albanian insurgency in 2001, donors and Belgrade have invested significant resources to undo a legacy of human rights violations and improve the economy. Tensions are much decreased, major human rights violations have ended, the army and police are more sensitive to Albanian concerns and there is progress, though hesitant, in other areas, such as a multi-ethnic police force, gradual integration of the judiciary, and Albanian language textbooks. Ethnic Albanians appear increasingly intent on developing their own political identity inside Serbia and finding a way to cohabit with Serbs, something that should be encouraged and supported. Nevertheless, the Kosovo status process threatens to disrupt the Presevo Valley’s calm. [...] • The international community, and Kosovo politicians should continue to make it clear that Kosovo will not be partitioned, and the Presevo Valley will remain within Serbia, and the Serbian government needs to abandon any thought of partitioning Kosovo.

Albanien: Der har i den senere tid været betydelig rejseaktivitet mellem Albanien og Kosóva. PM Çeku har været i Albanien, PM Berisha har været i Kosóva og senest har Præsident Sejdiu været i Albanien med en delegation; Sejdiu fik bl.a. tildelt en æresdoktorgrad. De to Præsidenter blev spurgt om udviklingen i Makedonien: Moisiu: I would like to call on the Albanian political forces in Macedonia to know how to understand one another, to respect the rules of the game, to respect the rules of democracy and the achievement of the results to take the power must be done only through the vote because it is the people that decides. Sejdiu: Regarding the issues in Macedonia, I can state that we have a clear stand. We want a good and stable neighbouring with Macedonia and its general stability and the same way, an important constructive role within the state structure itself and political one of the Macedonian Albanians, who are an important factor in it. I fully agree with what President Moisiu stated that it is a special responsibility of the political parties and subjects in Macedonia to fight for the free vote of the citizens.

Præsident Moisiu har haft besøg af repræsentanter for Oppositionen. Opppositionen er bekymret, ikke mindst mht reformeringen af valgreglerne (jf. de forestående lokalvalg).

PM Berisha har holdt tale i det Belgiske Senat. Han sagde bl.a.: On July 3rd, 2005, Albanians, although under difficult conditions, realized the peaceful rotation of power. They voted to tear down the walls of organized crime and the system of corruption, which had plagued the country, creating poverty and blocking Albania’s path towards integration into the EU. [...] During these first months, my government has carried out numerous, extensive and comprehensive, institutional and other, reforms. Our priorities are the consolidation of the rule of law - which is the basic condition for the overall success of any reforming initiative - the consolidation of democratic institutions, dismantling the system of corruption, and fighting for zero tolerance for organized crime, which is considered to be one of the most dangerous in all of Europe. Through clear and realistic, legal and institutional platforms for the legalization and restoration of properties as well as compensation of former owners we intend to finalize property reform in a short period of time. This will help to pull the country out of extra legality and transform it into one of the most attractive countries for foreign investment. [...] During these past few months illegal trafficking has received the strongest of responses. The 3 year moratorium on speed vessels in the Albanian waters has been proven to be a great success in this respect. I can assure you that Albania today is amongst the safest and securest of countries within the region. [...] Corruption and its perception have fallen drastically. Fiscal evasion and the smuggling of goods have been significantly reduced and public revenues from customs and taxation, due to skillful management, have increased by 32% compared to the previous year. According to KPMG, Albania comes first in terms of the percentage of tax reduction and second in absolute terms

Serbien: 060629 Den Serbiske Højesteret har afgjort at afdøde Præsident Milosevic stod bag drabet på tidl. Præsident Ivan Stambolic i 2000. Årsagen skulle være at Stambolic truede Milosevic' magtposition. 8 tidl. Politifolk er blev sidste år kendt skyldige i drabet.

PM Vojislav Kostunica har besøgt Kosovo i anledning af St. Vitus, 28.06. Dagen før var Kostunica i London hvor han bl.a. talte om Kosovo-spørgsmålet. Serbien vil ikke acceptere at blive påtvunget en løsning, sagde han. Hvis albanerne ikke får det som de vil have det, forventer han at de bruger vold for at nå deres mål, men dette er ikke acceptabelt. De Serbiske myndigheder gør hvad de kan for at leve op til deres forpligtelser, herunder mht at finde og udlevere General Mladic.

Montenegro: IMF har udsendt Montenegro—Concluding Statement of the Mission, June 22, 2006: 1. Independence marks a new start for Montenegro. In that context, our aim is to offer suggestions on how to make best use in the macroeconomic area of this unique opportunity. 2. Much is going well. Inflation is low, public debt is trending downwards, VAT strongly underpins revenue, FDI is up with more coming, the banks have been privatized, credit is booming, access to EU markets is on preferential terms, and prospects for SAA agreement and WTO and PfP membership are good.

Makedonien: Valget er lige op over. Makfax skriver: Just days ahead of the elections, the opposition takes the lead, but citizens lose confidence in the political parties and their leaders, showed the recent survey of the Institute for Democracy in Macedonia.

Danmark: Danmarks ambassadør i Tjekkiet, Jørgen Bøjer, udnævnes som ny formand for Dansk Center for Internationale Studier og Menneskerettigheder (DCISM) fra 1. juli 2006.

Næste nr. udkommer i begyndelsen af August!


Opmærksomheden henledes på Economic Reconstruction and Development in South East Europe. Adressen er Her kan man finde materiale om aktuelle møder og konferencer.



Se under de enkelte lande / områder.

OSCE, Europarådet

Se under de enkelte lande / områder.




Verserende sager vedr. Kosovo: Anklageskrifter og udskrifter af retsmøderne kan findes på:

ICTY vs Slobodan Milosevic, (IT-02-54). Sagen er afsluttet uden dom pga Milosevic' død 11.03.2006

ICTY vs Fatmir Limaj et al. (IT-03-66). Der er fældet dom, se nærmere i # 284

ICTY vs Ramush Haradinaj (IT-04-84). Haradinaj er løsladt (på visse betingelser) indtil sagen skal for Retten.



Udsnit af EU's Europakort 2004. [Udsnittet kan forstørres ved at klikke på det]. Kortet indgår i en præsentationsbrochure, der kan downloades som pdf fra:


Bynavne: Angives der to navne på samme lokalitet, er den Albanske nævnt først. Se oversigten på: fra FNs Generalsekretær • 040616 SG Kofi Annan udtaler at han agter at udpege Søren Jessen-Petersen som 5' SRSG. Søren Jessen-Petersen blev senere udpeget og tiltrådte i Kosóva 040816. Søren Jessen-Petersen fratræder igen i slutningen af juni 2006 • 0308 Harri Holkeri tiltrådte som 4' SRSG. Fratrådt 0406 af helbredsmæssige grunde. • 020214 Michael Steiner tiltrådte i Kosova som 3' SRSG og fratrådte i begyndelsen af 0307. • En biografi over 2' SRSG Hans Hækkerup kan læses på Danske Politikere. En anmeldelse af hans bog »Kosovos mange ansigter« indgår i »Albansk Almanak 2004«Constitutional Framework for Provisional Self-Government. • Kosova's Regering. • Webside vedr. 2004-valgene

Parlamentsvalget 2004, se: Præsidenten - Ibrahim Rugóva - blev genvalgt efter valget af Parlamentet the Assembly; han døde 21.01.2006. Ny præsident er Fatmir Sejdiu

Kosovo's / Kosóva's fremtid. Forhandlingerne:

060629 Martti Ahtisaari har besøgt det Belgiske Senat [Fotos: Det Belgiske Senat]


Pressemeddelelser fra UNMIK:

Lokalvalgene er udskudt pga drøftelserne om fremtidig status. UNMIK skriver:
PRISTINA - Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Kosovo (SRSG) Søren Jessen-Petersen today signed a Determination on the Postponement of the Municipal Elections in Kosovo. The Determination foresees that Municipal Elections scheduled to be held in 2006 shall be postponed for a period not exceeding twelve months. The Municipal Elections shall be held not earlier than three months and no later than six months after the date of a decision by the United Nations Security Council regarding the determination of Kosovo’s future status.

“I have arrived at this decision after careful consideration and taking into account consultations over the last months with political parties, the Status Envoy and international stakeholders,” the SRSG said, “I am convinced that the decision to postpone the elections serves the best interests of all communities in Kosovo. The postponement will allow for the political focus on the status talks to be retained.”

Following the roundtable on municipal elections in April, further consultations were held to discuss expressed concerns, mainly by the major opposition parties that the uncertainty over the timeframe of the status talks could lead to an open-ended postponement of the elections. At the end of the consultations, the SRSG reached the conclusion that such concerns are adequately addressed by the establishment of a concrete timeframe for the postponement.

The necessary legislative action will now be taken to extend the term of office of members of Municipal Assemblies elected in 2002 in accordance with the provisions of the Determination.

SG Kofi Annan / SRSG Søren Jessen-Petersen har offentliggjort Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo af 060605. II. Political assessment aftrykkes nedenfor:
2. The process designed to determine the future status of Kosovo has moved forward during the reporting period. To date, my Special Envoy for the future status process for Kosovo, Martti Ahtisaari, has focused on bringing representatives of Belgrade and Pristina together in direct talks to discuss practical issues. Four rounds of direct talks between the parties on the decentralization of Kosovo’s governmental and administrative functions were held in Vienna on 20 and 21 February, 17 March, 3 April and 4 and 5 May. Talks between the sides on cultural heritage and religious sites were held on 23 May and a meeting on economic issues on 31 May. The direct talks held thus far have shown that there is some convergence on some specific points, but that in many areas the proposals of the parties remain far apart. In parallel, my Special Envoy has held continuing consultations on developments in the future status process with a range of interested Member States and regional organizations. My Special Representative, Søren Jessen-Petersen, and UNMIK continued to support my Special Envoy in his work, and they have worked closely together to ensure greater commitment and results from standards implementation through the future status process.

Political situation

3. During the reporting period, major changes occurred in the leadership of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo. The changes proceeded in a democratic manner and according to the applicable law. The President of Kosovo, Ibrahim Rugova, died on 21 January. His funeral on 26 January was a major public event that took place without incident. The substantial police deployment for the funeral involved officers from minority communities and was largely planned and implemented by the Kosovo Police Service (KPS). On 10 February, a new president, Fatmir Sejdiu, was elected by the Assembly of Kosovo, by 80 votes in favour out of 120. After the governing coalition parties, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), reached an agreement regarding changes in the leadership of the Provisional Institutions, the Prime Minister, Bajram Kosumi, announced his resignation on 1 March. The head of the Kosovo Protection Corps, Agim Çeku, was elected as his successor by the Assembly of Kosovo on 10 March by 65 votes to 33, with 5 abstentions. On the same day, the Assembly also replaced the President of the Assembly, Nexhat Daci, with Kolë Berisha, who was the Vice-President of LDK. The new leadership reaffirmed its aspiration for the independence of Kosovo as its preferred outcome of the political process to determine the future status of Kosovo. At the same time, it expressed its determination to accelerate the implementation of standards and to create a more constructive relationship with Kosovo Serbs; the Prime Minister, Agim Çeku, for example, delivered part of his acceptance speech in the Serbian language.

4. During March and April, the new leadership began to translate its intentions into action. An extensive and vigorous outreach campaign, led by President Sejdiu and Prime Minister Çeku, has started. They have visited municipalities and minority communities all over Kosovo. They have also called on Kosovo Serbs and other minority communities to consider Kosovo their home and to work together with the Provisional Institutions to address their concerns. The President of the Assembly, Kolë Berisha, has begun to create a culture of debate in the Assembly, which at recent meetings had seen all-day discussions on standards implementation, the future status talks and privatization. Unfortunately, the same period has also seen no change in Belgrade’s position against Serb participation in the Provisional Institutions, and insistence that the issue be treated in the context of the future status negotiations.


5. A detailed technical assessment of standards implementation for the period from 1 January to 30 April 2006, prepared by my Special Representative, is contained in annex I to this report. Under the former Prime Minister, Bajram Kosumi, the Government reacted positively to the critique of the pace of standards implementation reflected in my last report to the Security Council (S/2006/45, paras. 7 and 8) by launching action programmes in December 2005 and February 2006 which addressed many of the specific shortcomings. The new Prime Minister has accelerated the pace further. He has convened a Standards Steering Group, which currently meets every two weeks to assess progress on all eight standards. As a result, many processes within the standards programmes have been revitalized. If this momentum is sustained, the processes should start to bear results, and progress achieved thus far should become sustainable and permanent. An increasing obstacle to the fulfilment of the standards, particularly those affecting the life of minority communities in Kosovo, is the unwillingness of many Kosovo Serbs to fully cooperate with, and participate in, the Provisional Institutions.

6. The Assembly of Kosovo held a nine-hour debate on the fulfilment of standards on 20 April. Prime Minister Çeku acknowledged a direct link between the Provisional Institutions’ ability to improve performance on the standards and the possible outcomes of the discussions on the definition of Kosovo’s future status. At the same time, the Prime Minister also vowed to continue with the implementation of the standards’ goals as a high priority even beyond the determination of future status. In parallel with the implementation of standards, work has continued on preparing a workplan for the European Commission that would firmly embed the values and principles of the standards process in the European integration work and foster EU-compatible reforms (see S/2006/45, para. 9).

Political process

7. The political process to determine the future status of Kosovo, led by my Special Envoy, has remained the driving force behind all major political and policy developments in Kosovo during the reporting period. The Kosovo negotiating team, which now includes the new Kosovo leadership, President Sejdiu, Prime Minister Çeku and Assembly President Berisha, welcomed the statement on the political process to determine Kosovo’s future status by the Contact Group countries following their meeting in London on 30 January. The leaders of political parties, both in the Government and in the opposition, have moved ahead with preparations for talks with their counterparts in Belgrade. The negotiating team has produced inter alia detailed proposals for decentralization and a plan for the future governance of Mitrovica. The team’s Communities Council, led by an opposition party leader, has made several visits to Kosovo Serb areas and has consulted with most ethnic minority community leaders over the past months. There continued to be no direct participation of minority representatives in the work of the negotiating team, however (with the exception of the Bosniak-minority Minister of Health, who has taken part in the future status talks) and the team does not include women members. The Belgrade delegation to the future status talks has included some Kosovo Serb representatives.

Kosovo Serb participation in the political process and the Provisional Institutions

8. Despite the increased efforts to reach out to minority communities undertaken by President Sejdiu, Prime Minister Çeku and the Kosovo negotiating team, Kosovo Serb participation in the governance structures of Kosovo remained marginal, particularly at the central level. At the municipal level, Kosovo Serbs work in Provisional Institution structures generally on issues of concern to minorities only, such as returns, or in health and education, where they receive salaries from both the Provisional Institutions and Belgrade. The Minister of Communities and Returns (and leader of the Serbian Democratic Party of Kosovo and Metohija) remained the only central-level Kosovo Serb political representative. The largest Kosovo Serb party to participate in the last elections, the Serbian List for Kosovo and Metohija, still hesitates to take part in either the Government or the Assembly structures given the contrary stand of Belgrade. A new Kosovo Serb party, the Independent Liberal Party, which advocates participation in the political process, was registered on 18 April. It would appear that parts of the Kosovo Serb community are reassessing their approach to participation in the political process in the light of the future status talks and improved outreach by the leadership of the Provisional Institutions, although no concrete steps have been taken yet. Some Kosovo Serb politicians maintain informal contacts with representatives of the Provisional Institutions to present their concerns and ideas.

9. The efforts of the new Kosovo leadership to rebuild confidence with the Kosovo Serb community were dealt a severe blow by the recent directives issued by the Coordination Centre for Kosovo and Metohija. In March, the Centre began to demand that Kosovo Serb municipal employees choose either to be on the payroll of parallel structures sponsored by Belgrade or to be on the payroll of the Provisional Institutions. Many Kosovo Serb teachers and health-care workers have paid pension contributions for many years, which would be lost if they remained with the Provisional Institutions. All Kosovo Serb education workers have now resigned from their posts in the Provisional Institutions, although they continue to perform their functions, receiving payments from Belgrade. Prime Minister Çeku has tried to counter pressure from the Coordination Centre by assuring Kosovo Serb employees that his Government would not require a choice and would hold their payments in a special account. Both my Special Representative and my Special Envoy have expressed profound concerns regarding the pressure from Belgrade on this issue. Evidence of unregulated financing of services to the Serb population in Kosovo came to light on 10 March, when UNMIK Customs seized almost €2 million worth of undeclared Serbian dinars, which were apparently destined for pensions, child benefits and student loans, from a vehicle that had entered the northern part of Kosovo from Serbia proper. UNMIK returned the money to the National Bank of Serbia on 15 March following recognition by the Bank of its failure to declare the funds.

10. Relations between the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Provisional Institutions have continued to develop. For example, in an historic rapprochement, President Sejdiu visited the Visoki Decani monastery for the Serbian Orthodox Easter celebrations on 23 April. In other areas of importance to the Church, on 25 April, my Special Representative signed an executive decision extending the validity of the special zoning area in Decani, which aims to encourage development of that area through economic activities that do not damage the natural and cultural attributes of the canyon, including the Visoki Decani monastery. The Reconstruction Implementation Commission, which is responsible for repairing church property damaged in the violence of March 2004, has begun the second phase in the reconstruction process. The first phase, completed in 2005, protected 30 sites and prevented their further deterioration. The second phase, to be carried out in 2006 and 2007, will consist of extensive reconstruction works to priority sites mainly in Pristina and Prizren. Tendering for this work is under way.


11. During the reporting period, the working groups established for the direct dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade on technical matters have not been active. Only two working groups have met in plenary session this year: the Transport and Communications Working Group in February and the Missing Persons Working Group in March, both in Pristina. No significant progress was achieved at either session. UNMIK and the chairpersons of the working groups have often noted the lack of support provided by the Provisional Institutions to the Pristina delegations in these talks. As a result, in mid-April Prime Minister Çeku appointed his principal political adviser to oversee the process. He also pledged empowerment of the delegations; and has made changes in the personnel of some working groups, notably the Missing Persons Group. At the same time, the focus has now clearly moved to the framework of the future status process. While it remains important to pursue the direct dialogue, in particular on humanitarian issues such as missing persons and returns, further progress is expected to remain limited.

Regional cooperation

12. Regional cooperation and integration have improved notably during the reporting period. In January, UNMIK committed itself to participating in the Stability Pact-led Investment Compact, with a view to harmonizing the investment policies of Kosovo with those of its neighbours. On 6 April, UNMIK, together with other participants, approved a joint declaration on the enlargement of the Central European Free Trade Agreement to include all South-East European members of the network of bilateral free trade agreements established under the auspices of the Stability Pact. On 7 April, UNMIK signed an investment protection agreement with Turkey.


13. The Kosovo Ministry of Local Government Administration, with the assistance of UNMIK and other international partners, made progress on decentralization despite the continued lack of participation by Kosovo Serbs. The joint Provisional Institutions/UNMIK working groups on legislation and local finance have produced a draft law on local self-government, as well as a concept paper on local finance, which will provide essential inputs for amendments to the already promulgated Laws on Public Financial Management and Accountability and Local Finance. The Provisional Institutions are thus ready to establish a domestic legislative framework on decentralization and are prepared to incorporate additional elements agreed to during the negotiations on decentralization in the framework of the future status process.

14. The two foreseen Kosovo Serb-majority pilot municipal units have not been established as had been planned (see S/2006/45, para. 10). The remaining three pilot municipal units, two in Kosovo Albanian areas and one in a Kosovo Turkishmajority area, have however moved forward with the establishment of provisional assemblies, municipal statutes and budgets and the recruitment of interim financial administrators and staff. The three pilot municipal units are, in cooperation with the relevant municipalities, ready to exercise their competencies. The pilot municipal units face significant challenges, however, as they are new, fragile entities that require additional financial and capacity-building support. Nevertheless, the progress made in the establishment of the pilot municipal units may provide valuable lessons for the establishment of new municipalities, should this be agreed to in the future status process. The Pristina-based decentralization process remains closely linked to the ongoing talks on this topic in the framework of the future status process and will be guided by the decisions reached by the parties therein.


15. The security situation remained generally stable, although fragile, and was not affected by the changes in the political leadership of Kosovo or by the start of the future status process. The level of inter-ethnic incidents remained low and it seems likely that criminal rather than ethnic motives may be at the origin of some of the reported incidents. Such incidents still contribute to creating a perception of insecurity, however, mainly for members of minority communities. In close coordination with the Kosovo Force (KFOR), UNMIK police and the Kosovo Police Service will continue to take stringent measures to enhance the general security in Kosovo to support the political process leading to a determination of future status.

Police and justice

16. UNMIK has moved forward with the transfer of further competencies in the area of the rule of law to the Provisional Institutions while retaining overall authority in the areas of police and justice and without prejudice to Security Council resolution 1244 (1999). Senior officers of the newly established Kosovo Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Kosovo Judicial Council were appointed in January 2006. After considerable delay, the new Ministers were included in the Government elected by the Kosovo Assembly on 10 March. UNMIK is closely monitoring staff appointments to these Ministries to ensure that they are made on the basis of merit and in accordance with the law.

17. Simultaneously with the establishment of the new Ministries, a regulation on the framework and guiding principles of the Kosovo Police Service was promulgated, which provides concrete guarantees for minorities. Provisions for decentralization and stronger relations with local communities, in particular minority communities, include the establishment of police sub-stations in consultation with their representatives, as well as the creation of municipal and local committees whom police must consult on matters related to policing and public safety. The KPS regulation also established a new role for municipal assemblies in the selection of their local police station commander. In parallel, efforts to recruit police officers from the communities have been reinforced. My Special Representative also promulgated a regulation on the regulatory framework for the justice system in Kosovo. This regulation includes provisions mandating affirmative action measures to recruit more judges and prosecutors from underrepresented communities; entrenching guarantees of improved access for all communities to justice, including court liaison offices, “court days” and new departments of municipal courts; providing for international judges to decide on appeals where ethnic bias is credibly believed to have affected the decision of the court of first instance; and establishing an Independent Judicial and Prosecutorial Commission to administer a comprehensive vetting and reappointment process for all judges and prosecutors in Kosovo.

18. An interim review of progress on establishing the Ministries confirmed the commitment of the respective Ministers to the principles contained in those regulations. My Special Representative thus proceeded on 26 April with the appointment of the first KPS Deputy Police Commissioner and three KPS Assistant Deputy Police Commissioners, who were selected by the Senior Police Appointment and Disciplinary Committee; a fourth is still to be appointed.


19. An eight-month long consultation and review of the policy and process regarding communities, returns and sustainable solutions to displacement was concluded at a two-day joint Provisional Institutions/UNMIK workshop on a new strategy and action plan on communities and returns for Kosovo, held in Pristina in April 2006. On the basis of the review, the Manual for Sustainable Return will be revised by the end of May 2006. The manual, amended in accordance with the workshop’s recommendations, and endorsed by the Provisional Institutions, will focus on a rights-based approach allowing for the free and informed choice of residence and assistance through development and social cohesion programmes.

20. The challenges in promoting returns and integrating returnees remain significant, however. Since 2000, the total number of minority returnees is estimated at 14,648, 45 per cent of whom are Kosovo Serbs. According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 1,231 people remained displaced as a result of the violence of March 2004, out of a total of approximately 4,100 originally displaced. The fact that the first Kosovo Serb return to a town, Klina municipality, took place only in March 2005, illustrates the obstacles to urban return. So far, 63 Kosovo Serb families have returned to Klina with the assistance of municipal authorities. The overwhelming majority of Serb returns have been to all- Serb communities and minority areas with minimal interaction with Kosovo Albanians. While it must remain a high priority to prepare the conditions for sustainable returns, it would appear that those who have been displaced watch the future status talks closely and will decide whether to return in the light of the outcome and the specific conditions of the eventual political settlement.

UNMIK restructuring and future arrangements

21. UNMIK continued to adapt its structures as further competencies were transferred and, in anticipation of future international engagement in Kosovo, in preparation for the implementation of an eventual political settlement. Under the leadership of my Special Representative, preparations continued for a possible international civilian presence in Kosovo following a determination of future status (see S/2006/45, para. 14). Regular Steering Board meetings were held in Vienna and thematic working groups met in Pristina. The working groups have produced technical assessments of the functions and capacities of a possible future international civilian presence, which were developed in consultation with key partners likely to have substantial roles in Kosovo after the end of the UNMIK mandate. In addition, the European Union intends to establish a planning mission in Pristina in May. It is clear that no firm commitments can be expected until the future status of Kosovo has been determined.

Hele rapporten kan med kort og øvrige bilag downloades fra: [Dette link kan give tekniske problemer, benyt evt. den 'lange' vej: SG's Rapporter for 2006:; Kosovo-rapporten findes som S/2006/361 under 05.06.2006]

OSCE Mission and Kosovo authorities inaugurate police inspectorate

PRISTINA, 28 June 2006 – The PISG Ministry of Internal Affairs and the OSCE Mission today inaugurated the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo (PIK), a body designed to ensure that the police are accountable to the people it serves and which will investigate and punish any misconduct.

At the inauguration, co-organized with the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government (PISG) Ministry of Internal Affairs, a Chief Inspector and an initial staff of 20 inspectors were appointed. Their first task will be to compile an annual report on the conduct of the Kosovo Police Service (KPS) by January 2007.

“The Inspectorate will strive to assist the KPS in its development as a democratic institution and its role should be viewed by KPS officers as helpful towards improving performance of police operations” said Fatmir Rexhepi, PISG Minister of Internal Affairs. “It will also help KPS improve its efficiency, effectiveness and compliance with the applicable law.”

The OSCE Mission has been working with the PISG Ministry and UN Mission in Kosovo to help structure the Inspectorate and develop the legislation to regulate its work. The Mission will also assist with a comprehensive training programme for the Inspectorate’s multi-ethnic and gender-balanced team.

“I am pleased that our Organization which helped establish the KPS, is now also able to assist with the establishment and the evolution of the Police Inspectorate,” said Ambassador Werner Wnendt, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo.

The first stage of training will focus on the Inspectorate’s function of inspecting management performance, while the second stage will address the investigations into potential serious misconduct by the police officers.

The Police Inspectorate of Kosovo is the first of its kind in the region. Minister Rexhepi, therefore, urged the police officers to view its establishment as an advantage rather than an intrusion in their work.

“Aiding the work of the Inspectorate will complement and consolidate our support to the Ministry and the KPS in the efforts to provide democratic policing for all people living in Kosovo, where the police support the interests of all people,” added Ambassador Wnendt.

Enver Hasani valgt som Rektor for Universitetet i Prishtina. OSCE skriver:
PRISTINA, 29 June 2006 – Ambassador Werner Wnendt, Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, today welcomed the election of Enver Hasani as the new Rector of University of Pristina.

"I congratulate Prof. Hasani for his election as the new University Rector. A decisive process has come to a successful end for the university today. After lawful governance has been re-installed at the University, the young people of Kosovo can now expect to get better and more transparent conditions in its only public higher education institution,” Ambassador Wnendt said.

The free and transparent elections at all levels of the University – from student councils to the University Senate, faculty councils and Deans – were a pre-requisite towards re-establishing competent and sustainable management at the University. The University’s path to international recognition and integration into the European higher education community has now been opened again.

The OSCE Mission has provided its expertise during the past 12 months and support through the University Expert Group and the Central Election Commission as it undertook efforts to uphold rule of law at the University through full-scale elections and consequent monitoring of every procedural step.

"I am optimistic that the new Rector will use this momentum to work with the leadership of the University and student bodies to tackle the real problems at hand – enhancing reforms, providing quality education and research and improving overall organizational performance,” added Wnendt.

Ugerapport fra Dansk KFOR. Hærens Operative Kommando skriver (på
En milepæl er nået i forhandlingerne

Situationen i Kosovo er til stadighed rolig. Dette til trods for at der er sket meget på den politiske scene gennem den seneste uge.

26-06-2006 kl. 11:48

Redigeret af Per Heien, major, Chef for Adjudantursektionen og Presse- & Informationsofficer.

Det mål, som det midlertidige parlament i Kosovo har arbejdet hen i mod igennem de senere år, er, at opfylde nogle krav som FN har stillet til provinsen. Disse krav, kaldet "Standarder for Status", skulle være opfyldt forud for, at man ville starte forhandlingerne om Kosovos fremtid.

De otte "Standarder for Status" omfattede bl. a. en sikkerhed mod forfølgelse af mindretallene i Kosovo, mulighed for at kunne færdes frit imellem de etniske områder samt en garanti for lighed mellem befolkningsgrupperne ved domstolene. Den norske diplomat Kai Eide blev i 2005 udpeget til at bedømme, hvorvidt disse "Standarder for Status" var blevet opfyldt. Kai Eides rapport til FN´s sikkerhedsråd var positiv, hvorfor forhandlingerne om Kosovos fremtidige status blev indledt i begyndelsen af 2006.

Opfyldelsen af "Standarder for Status er netop blevet evalueret igen. Denne gang af FN´s chef i Kosovo, den danske diplomat Søren Jessen-Petersen. Den 20. juni afleverede han sin rapport til FN´s sikkerhedsråd i New York. Under mødet deltog både Kosovo-serbiske og Kosovo-albanske repræsentanter.

Søren Jessen-Petersens konklusion var, at parlamentet havde udvist en stor vilje for at leve op til "Standarder for Status" og at det eneste rigtige var at fortsætte forhandlingerne om provinsens endelige status.

Der er ingen tvivl om at Søren Jessen-Petersens konklusion glædede den Kosovo-albanske del af befolkningen, idet disse længe har higet efter at få afklaret provinsens fremtidige status. Dette naturligvis med håbet om total uafhængighed og ønsket om en selvstændig stat.

I modsætning hertil var Søren Jessen-Petersens budskab naturligt nok negativ for det Kosovo-serbiske mindretal, som til stadighed håber på, at Kosovo forbliver en del af Serbien.

Den Danske Bataljon havde forudset at rapportens konklusioner kunne give anledning til demonstrationer ved enten den ene eller den anden befolkningsgruppe afhængig af, hvem rapporten ville støtte. Der blev dog ikke gennemført nogen demonstrationer, hvorfor den Danske Bataljon ej heller forøgede sit beredskab.

Sankte Hans Sankte Hans

I den forgangne uge har der været masser af aktiviteter i Camp Olaf Rye. To aftener har vi haft udendørskoncerter med bandet Le freak, og fredag aften havde vi et stort Sankt Hans bål.

Sankt Hans er jo en gammel dansk tradition, som også udsendte soldater holder i hævd. Vi startede med fælles spisning, hvor vores cafeteria diskede op med det helt store grill-arrangement. Klokken 21 var der så bål med båltale, som det sig hører til. Aftenens taler var chefpolitiinspektør Kaj Vittrup. Han holdt en glimrende tale, hvorefter bålet blev tændt og heksen sendt til Bloksbjerg, mens vi sang midsommervisen.

Lørdag formiddag var hele staben befalet på skydebanen for at indskyde deres våben, Logistiksektionen havde påtaget sig at stå for arrangementet. Når man er udsendt, er det meget vigtigt med jævne mellemrum at indskyde sit våben, således at man til stadighed er sikker på, at det også rammer der, hvor man sigter. Skydningen gik fint, og at dømme efter de gennemhullede skiver kunne alle stadigvæk ramme. Logistiksektionen vil gerne her benytte lejligheden til at takke den øvrige stab for god ro og orden på skydebanen.

Enhedsuddannelse ved PNINFKMP

Onsdag d.14 stod på enhedsuddannelse, bestående af "Delaying action" (en operation, der har til hensigt at sinke fremrykningen for evt. demonstranter og lignende). Vi øvede det i gruppe ramme, hvor vi kørte med to grupper, og den tredje var moment. Det gik udmærket, indtil vi var ved at bakke ind i et af vores lette køretøjer med en Pansret mandskabsvogn (PMV). Det hele gik lidt i stå, men vi var hurtigt på plads igen og klar til at fortsætte træningen. Udover det lille uheld forløb træningen som planlagt og var i det store hele en succes. Der var ingen der kom til skade under forløbet.

Crowded riot control (CRC) træning

Lørdag d. 17 stod i demonstrationens tegn. Hele kompagniet skulle have CRC træning. Til det havde vi fået momenter udefra til at komme og hjælpe til med at gøre situation realistisk. Der var pres på fra starten, og der gik ikke længe, før at der blev befalet, at vi skulle anlægge vores gasmaske, så de folk, der var tilgået fra Militærpolitiet, kunne kaste CS-gas mod demonstranterne. Det var en stor hjælp, som gjorde, at vi kunne bevæge os lidt hurtigere frem. Det lod ikke til, at demonstranterne kunne lide det, og det viste sig da også, at der kom noget mere tryk på vores kæde, når gassen var væk.

Vi gennemførte træningen to gange, så vi kunne rette op på de fejl, som der blev lavet i første forløb. Træningen gik som forventet, og folkene klarede det godt, men vi havde en del uheld med vores PMV´er. Det meste skyldtes dog nok, at nogle demonstranter var en smule for ivrige.

Le Freak i COR

Den 20 til 22 var disco bandet Le Freak på visit i Camp Olaf Rye, hvor det gav to koncerter. Udover koncert var Le Freak med ude at se lidt på det lokale landskab med en gruppe fra Panserinfanterikompagniet. De var ude at køre i PMV, og de fik lov til at prøve nogle af de våben, som vi har hernede. Om aftenen var der koncert ,og der kom en masse soldater fra andre nationer, inviteret til at overvære arrangementet med Le Freak. De gav en rigtig god koncert, og da showet sluttede, var der da også mulighed for at få skrevet en lille autograf. Det er nok den gang underholdning, som har haft mest succes.

Halv Marathon i den spanske lejr

Ugen sluttede med at spaniolerne gennemførte en halv Marathon omkring den spanske lejr i Istok i det vestlige Kosovo. Danskerne deltog med 17 deltagere.

Alt i alt deltog ca. 100 personer fra fire nationer. Bedste danskser (nr.4) blev sergent K. Aalbæk Jensen, og bedste kvinde (samlet) blev oversergent D. Omdal. Den bedst figthende løber blev kaptajn M. Skovsgaard, i hvert fald set med danske øjne.


For nemheds skyld bruges betegnelsen Øst Kosóva / Presevo-dalen om det omstridte område med byerne: Presheva, Medvegja og Bujanoci (Albansk stavemåde). Ca. 75 % af befolkningen skønnes at være etniske Albanere - måske omkring 70.000. En modstandsgruppe har tidligere været i funktion, men synes nu at være »lukket ned«. Gruppen kaldtes i forkortet form UCPMB (som står for noget i retning af: Ushtria Clirimtare e Presheva, Medvegja dhe Bujanoci; på Engelsk: Liberation Army of Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoci). Gruppen sagde at den intet havde at gøre med Kosova's UCK, og at den var en lokal gruppe.

060627 ICG har udsendt: Southern Serbia: In Kosovo's Shadow. Europe Briefing N°43.
27 June 2006


Southern Serbia’s Albanian-majority Presevo Valley is a still incomplete Balkan success story. Since international and Serbian government diplomacy resolved an ethnic Albanian insurgency in 2001, donors and Belgrade have invested significant resources to undo a legacy of human rights violations and improve the economy. Tensions are much decreased, major human rights violations have ended, the army and police are more sensitive to Albanian concerns and there is progress, though hesitant, in other areas, such as a multi-ethnic police force, gradual integration of the judiciary, and Albanian language textbooks. Ethnic Albanians appear increasingly intent on developing their own political identity inside Serbia and finding a way to cohabit with Serbs, something that should be encouraged and supported. Nevertheless, the Kosovo status process threatens to disrupt the Presevo Valley’s calm.

The negotiations in Vienna have prompted ethnic Albanian politicians in the Presevo Valley to call for the same autonomy, decentralisation and minority rights for Albanians in Serbia as Belgrade seeks for Serbs in Kosovo. They complain that at the same time as the Serbian government is demanding more decentralisation inside Kosovo, it is moving toward greater centralisation at home. They are encouraged in this by some Pristina politicians, who seek to build defences against Belgrade’s efforts to partition Kosovo. But such linkage, which the international community and Serbian authorities want to avoid, could open a Pandora’s Box with wider regional consequences.

As ethnic tensions have decreased, both Serbs and Albanians point to the disastrous economy as their primary concern. There is 70 per cent unemployment in the Presevo Valley and no real perspectives for the rapidly growing population. Without new investment and revitalisation of existing enterprises, the region will remain fragile, regardless of Kosovo’s ultimate disposition. Current well-intentioned development policies are insufficient, and EU visa policies block the release of pent-up demographic pressures. In the medium to long term, the economic situation is likely to be resolved only through large-scale out-migration from the three main municipalities in southern Serbia, hopefully in the context of the overall development of Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia, as well as a liberalised travel and work regime with the EU.

For now, however, a number of steps would help to consolidate the recent stabilisation:

• The international community, and Kosovo politicians should continue to make it clear that Kosovo will not be partitioned, and the Presevo Valley will remain within Serbia, and the Serbian government needs to abandon any thought of partitioning Kosovo.

• The Serbian government institution charged with overseeing southern Serbia, the Coordination Body for Southern Serbia, has ceased to function, leaving no framework for resolving the region’s many pressing problems precisely when tensions can be expected to rise due to the Kosovo status process. It should be revitalised as a priority, with Albanians renewing their participation, Belgrade giving it real authority and resources, and the international community pro-actively assisting.

• The balance of policing responsibilities should be shifted to the multi-ethnic force from the paramilitary, nationalist Gendarmerie, which is still in charge of much local security and continues to engage in ethnic provocations.

Belgrade/Pristina/Brussels, 27 June 2006

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Info fra Albaniens Statistik: Befolkningstal: 3,1 Mio (1.1.2004). GDP (Gross Domestic Product): 630 Mia Lek (2002, current prices); GDP-structure: Agriculture: 26 %, Industry 10-11 %, Construction: 7-8 %, Services: 55-56 %. Export: 54 mia lek (2003) [heraf til Danmark: 23 mio lek; størrelsesorden 1,2 mio kr], Import: 226 mia lek (2003) [Heraf fra Danmark: 855 mio lek; størrelsesorden: 45-50 mio kr], Tradedeficit: 171 mia lek (2003). Største import fra Italien (75 mia lek) og Grækenland (45 mia lek), største eksport til Italien (40 mia lek). Unemployment: 14-15 % (2004-III)

Det Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: Det Danske UM har pt ingen rejsevejledning, men henviser til det Engelske UM. Den Norske Ambassade kan findes på: Det Amerikanske UM har Juni 2004 offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Albanien:

Mother Teresa:

Parlamentsvalget i 2005 [Præsidenten vælges af Parlamentet for 5 år, næste gang i 2007]: Se nærmere i:

Præsident Moisiu's aktiviteter [Billederne i denne sektion kan som regel forstørres ved at klikke på dem (mens man er på nettet)].

Der har i den senere tid været betydelig rejseaktivitet mellem Albanien og Kosóva. PM Çeku har været i Albanien, PM Berisha har været i Kosóva og senest har Præsident Sejdiu været i Albanien med en delegation; Sejdiu fik bl.a. tildelt en æresdoktorgrad. Den Albanske Præsidents kontor skriver:



060627 After the official talks between the Albanian delegations and the Kosovar one, the President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu and the President of Kosova, Fatmir Sejdiu answered to the journalists’ inquires about the actual issues.

Mimoza Koçiu (TV Klan) : One question for the President of Kosova. Mr. President, you have returned from a visit in the United States. Did you receive any guarantee by the internationals for the realization of the independence of Kosova by respecting the borders? How much do you think would help the visit of the Serb Prime Minister in Kosova in this situation?

President Sejdiu: Yes, I can state that I have a very important visit in the United States. I thank them for the good reception reserved to me, all the other mechanisms in the White House. I held a meeting with the State Secretary Condoleezza Rice; they have a special weight. I can state that the United States of America remain faithful to their full commitment for the further engagement as a irreplaceable factor in all the processes by keeping in mind at these stage also a special gratitude for their up to the present engagements.

They are in the process, they are members of the Group of Contact, members of the Security Council and their positive influence will continue as long as they are at the head of these processes, where we would like them to be, together with the European Union countries. I can also state that the United States fully support the stands expressed in the Group of Contact that the territorial integrity of Kosova is full and indivisible. You are aware of the three known principles, elaborated in later principals and it is our interest that these approaches, this cooperation that we enjoy with the United States of America and other countries of the European Union to continue it to most possible benefit and we are a serious factor in all these processes.

Regarding the visit that the Serb Prime Minister might conduct, I can state that which is expressed in the official policies of Kosova: Someone can come for a private visit, for a pilgrimage in the monastery that he likes to visit, but visit of a political character or any other vocation that he might use, are absolutely unacceptable.

Asllan Bajrami (Kosova Television) : Addressed to the two Presidents. Lately have been noticed attempts of the Belgrade authorities to tense the situation, especially in the Northern part of Kosova. This can be connected to tomorrow’s visit of Koshtunica in Prishtina. As the Albanian factor in the region, how do you, President Moisiu view this situation? Can it be threatening at the eve of the talks about the status of Kosova, keeping also in mind some tense situations in Macedonia?

President Moisiu: When I was in New York in 2002, during the meeting I held with Mr. Kofi A. Annan, among other things, I stated: “The issue of the status of Kosova must be resolved as soon as possible. Kosova must get its independence, because the longer this goes on, more chances have the extremists of both sides have to create problems.

I stated this to stress what you just mentioned that there can be attempts. I think that the stand kept by the Kosovar people towards what I mentioned before, not to forget, but to forgive, demonstrates the ancient nobility of the Albanians. I think that there can be isolated attempts, but they must be faced with maturity and calmness. In all these there are also engaged the international institutions, especially NATO and KFOR forces.

I judge that every attempt that can be carried out by the extremists will worthless, because things will flow in the direction already started, because this is in the interest of peace and stability of the region. We think that issues cannot be resolved neither with violence, nor terror. They can be resolved at the table by talking, by presenting views and finding the appropriate solution for all those who live in Kosova.

President Sejdiu: About this question, I can state that there might really be investments which would like to keep the situation tense and this would have meant that Kosova is not stabilized and being such, it could be a destabilizing factor in the region and beyond as sometimes is said maliciously by the opponents of the independence of Kosova. What I can state is that the full assurance of the Group of Contact and powerful countries will remain faithful to the defence of Kosova borders in this direction, because it also is part of the international forces mandate.

We must truly invest with more full proofs in the process of integration of minorities, in this case also of the Serbs and our wish is for the people to return to their homes, and also that part of the Serb minority which is concentrated in the North of Kosova can return to its homes, the same as the Albanian part, or the Bosnian one which has moved form the Northern part of town to return home. At the Vienna talks we have provided a new vision on how the best opportunity to choose at this time in the city of Mitrovica for it to be an integrated city with a decentralizing process in two communes and a joint governing council and in this stage of transition, naturally led by an international authority, a normal transition and later on local self government and the same way we appeal for the interruption of the outside interventions that can happen, or in those instances when they are incited or which through their need create destabilization. I think in this aspect, that also the engagement of the international factor in this part of Kosova is at a such level and we can state that we enjoy full safety.

Albana Qehajaj (NEWS 24): President Moisiu, you talk about extremists. Who do you mean by this term and are those who support the Albanian League of Prizren included in it? Something for President Sejdiu. How do you view the latest events in Macedonia?

President Moisiu: I talked about the role of the Albanian factor in the region and answering to your question, I would like to call on the Albanian political forces in Macedonia to know how to understand one another, to respect the rules of the game, to respect the rules of democracy and the achievement of the results to take the power must be done only through the vote because it is the people that decides.

All these actions are acceptable, are not fit and I hope that the Albanian political leaders in Macedonia will know how to stabilize the situation and to cut the way of the wishes of their structures which are looking to cloud somehow the role of the Albanian factor in the region. This is a very responsible problem that is spread not only from the view point of the impact on Macedonia, but also in Kosova and Albania. I hope, and I state once again that the Albanian political leaders in Macedonia must truly understand the situation the right way and establish the necessary democratic order with their political forces and followers.

Regarding the issue of extremists, we Albanians unfortunately have shrunk historically. This demonstrates that the Albanians in their nature are not extremists, are not aggressors. As any other nation we do not have such demonstrations that show a lack of democratic culture for that part which really thinks that only through extremism can achieve the right solution. During the meetings that I have held with various Serb personalities, I have stated that we must cut the way to the extremists, in order for Kosova to receive the deserved independence because only this way you also would be free from this grief on your shoulders and will manage to resolve better your internal problems.

President Sejdiu: Regarding the issues in Macedonia, I can state that we have a clear stand. We want a good and stable neighbouring with Macedonia and its general stability and the same way, an important constructive role within the state structure itself and political one of the Macedonian Albanians, who are an important factor in it. I fully agree with what President Moisiu stated that it is a special responsibility of the political parties and subjects in Macedonia to fight for the free vote of the citizens.

The fight for the free vote is the fight to convince, is part of the reflection of the political culture and I think they have the necessary energy to do this and recall that it is a good opportunity in this electoral process for each of the political elites, for each political subject to demonstrate in this level and any other demonstration that it can have the character of any competition that goes over the conventional part of a political path is not normal.

Præsidenterne for Albanien og Kosóva opfordrer til at de Makedonske Albanere dæmper sig. Makfax skriver:
The Presidents of Albania and Kosovo called on the leaders of the Albanian parties in Macedonia to put an end to the pre-election incidents.

Presidents Alfred Mojsiu and Fatmir Sejdiu urged the Albanian parties in Macedonia to come to their senses and prevent their militant members from spoiling the parties' approval ratings, Makfax Agency reports.

Recently, the Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha and the leader of the opposition Socialists also urged for putting an end to the pre-election incidents.

Præsident Moisiu har haft besøg af repræsentanter for Oppositionen. Opppositionen er bekymret, ikke mindst mht reformeringen af valgreglerne (jf. de forestående lokalvalg). Præsidentkontoret skriver:

Fra v: Neritan Ceka, Edi Rama, Præsident Moisiu, Skender Gjinushi og Ilir Meta

June 29, 2006

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu received today in a meeting requested by them, the Head of the Socialist Party, Edi Rama, the Head of the Social Democratic Party, Skënder Gjinushi, the Head of the Socialist Movement for Integration, Ilir Meta and the Head of the Democratic Alliance Party, Neritan Ceka.

The leaders of these opposition political parties presented to the Head of state their concern about the progress of the electoral reform and political situation in the country.

Præsident Moisiu har haft besøg af Repræsentanter for den Albanske Helsinki-komité.

PM Sali Berisha's aktiviteter: [Billederne i denne sektion kan som regel forstørres ved at klikke på dem (mens man er på nettet)]

0606022 PM Berisha har holdt tale i det Belgiske Senat. 29.06.2006 var det Martti Ahtisaari's tur til at komme på besøg; se under: Kosóva. PM's kontor skriver:

Forrest Sali Berisha, bagest Senatspræsidenten, Anne-Marie Lizin. Foto: Det Belgiske Senat

It is indeed a great honor and a special privilege to address this esteemed audience this afternoon, after the productive meetings I have had with the Members of the European Parliament.

I would like to begin by thanking you for your support first of all to me personally for helping me to produce the peaceful rotation of power, and then many thanks for your support to Albania in her efforts to consolidate democracy, the rule of law and economic development.

My visit here takes place only a few days after the 12th of June, the day Albania signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union.

The signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement is a major historical event for all Albanians. Albania has left behind the period of transition and is now on the irreversible road towards the realization of our national dream of reuniting with our European family.

Despite the considerable suffering the last few centuries have brought upon my nation, despite unjust and undeserved partitions, occupations, racism and ethnic cleansing, as well as ruthless dictatorships that have completely isolated it from Europe, my nation never gave up its faith in this great aspiration.

It is precisely for these reasons Integration into the European Union is for Albanians the greatest project of the 21st century - the project of the European future we deserve. The Stabilization and Association Agreement would be our roadmap to this future.

The signing of the SAA is in the very appreciation of the great efforts of my people, who, in the short span of 14 years, have remarkably managed to transform their country from an Orwellian dictatorship, with political monocracy and extreme collectivism, where human rights and freedoms, religious beliefs, and private ownership were strictly prohibited by law, into a country with consolidated political pluralism, freedom of religions and religious tolerance par excellence, with a flourishing private sector that contributes to more than 80 percent of the domestic product and a per capita income that has grown 11 times.

I avail myself of this opportunity to thank the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, your Prime Minister and you as representatives of the Belgian people for the continued and unreserved support of the Kingdom of Belgium for Albania’s integration with the European Union and NATO. We remain confident that Belgium will be among the first countries to ratify the Stabilization and Association Agreement, for which we are so grateful.

On our part, we will make every effort to undertake every reform necessary to transform all norms, standards, criteria and requirements set forth in the Stabilization and Association Agreement, the European Partnership as well as the Copenhagen Criteria into a solid foundation for our democracy based on the free market, individual and minority freedoms, rule of law, separation of powers and effective functioning of independent institutions, freedom of media, and our zero tolerance for crime and corruption.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

On July 3rd, 2005, Albanians, although under difficult conditions, realized the peaceful rotation of power. They voted to tear down the walls of organized crime and the system of corruption, which had plagued the country, creating poverty and blocking Albania’s path towards integration into the EU.

During these first months, my government has carried out numerous, extensive and comprehensive, institutional and other, reforms. Our priorities are the consolidation of the rule of law - which is the basic condition for the overall success of any reforming initiative - the consolidation of democratic institutions, dismantling the system of corruption, and fighting for zero tolerance for organized crime, which is considered to be one of the most dangerous in all of Europe. Through clear and realistic, legal and institutional platforms for the legalization and restoration of properties as well as compensation of former owners we intend to finalize property reform in a short period of time. This will help to pull the country out of extra legality and transform it into one of the most attractive countries for foreign investment.

Over this short period, the rule of law has been restored and throughout the country the law is respected and observed impartially. Real and tangible success has been achieved in the fight against organized crime. Thus, due to the high professionalism and great courage on the part of our law enforcement officials, as well as extensive cooperation with law enforcement agencies of friendly nations and with international agencies, we were able to bring before the law all major criminal organizations and other dangerous criminal groups, including their leaders and hundreds of their members.

During these past few months illegal trafficking has received the strongest of responses. The 3 year moratorium on speed vessels in the Albanian waters has been proven to be a great success in this respect. I can assure you that Albania today is amongst the safest and securest of countries within the region.

Corruption and its perception have fallen drastically. Fiscal evasion and the smuggling of goods have been significantly reduced and public revenues from customs and taxation, due to skillful management, have increased by 32% compared to the previous year. According to KPMG, Albania comes first in terms of the percentage of tax reduction and second in absolute terms.

In terms of the economic sector, my government has taken numerous measures to facilitate economic performance, establish a stable business environment and bring in direct foreign investments. Our ultimate goal is to turn Albania into a country with high growth rates, making it extremely attractive to foreign investors.

In our effort to attract foreign investors, we cut business taxes by half, reduced social security payment by 31%, and income taxes by 13%. All taxes on the import of machineries have been revoked, commercial licenses have been liberalized and business registration procedures have been simplified. At the same time, we have shortened the time for registration of business from 42 to 8 days.

In addition, we have cut the cost of registration by half as well as reduced the price of energy for businesses by 33 to 45 percent. Public procurement procedures have now become transparent and we have established a new National Agency on Concessions Public Private Partnership. Thus, the freedom of the markets has gained new dimensions. As a result, we have witnessed an increase in the interest of business community to come and invest in Albania. Two days ago, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium organized a visit to Albania for 30 Belgian businessmen, who represent prominent Belgian corporations. I am pleased to inform you today that the engines of Albania’s economic growth have lit up; we have achieved a growth rate of 6%, higher than the 5 percent that was forecasted.

My govrnment, in cooperation with Hernando de Soto Institute and the UNDP,is carrying out extensive and significant reforms to pull the country out of informality and extralegality.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We are happy for the excellent political relations that exist today between our two countries and look forward to strengthen them even further in the benefit of our mutual interests. In May the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs had very successful visit to Albania.

The signing of the Common Declaration between the Republic of Albania and the Kingdom of Belgium in 2004 in Tirana has widened the opportunities for cooperation in all fields between our nations’ respective institutions. In this framework, an arsenal of bilateral agreements have been achieved: in the field of Police cooperation, International Transport of Goods and Persons, the Agreement of Understanding between the two defense ministries, Repatriation Agreement, as well as the Agreement for Cooperation in the Field of Justice and of Air Transport which are both soon to be determined, and so on. I avail myself of this opportunity to welcome Belgium’s decision to revoke visa requirements for Albanian diplomatic passport holders. We hope to see more progress with regards to visa facilitation for all Albanian citizens across all European countries.

I believe that we should avail ourselves of our excellent political relations and put more substance into our economic cooperation and bilateral trade. Definitely, there is enough room to be explored in both respects. Belgium is one of our most important European partners. Our respective governments have already established the necessary legal framework for business exchange, which clearly demonstrates both parties’ political will and common interest in trading with one another.

In this context, I feel the duty to emphasize that Albania, and also the Western Balkans as a whole, offer great opportunities to Belgian entrepreneurs in terms of profitable investments. Albania posses significant potential for the development of the tourism industry. Geographically speaking, Albania resembles Switzerland with an added element, two beautiful seaes. Her Adriatic and Ionian coasts are among the most marvelous in the Mediterranean. Albania’s Virgin Alps, with its fairy tale beauty, offer unique opportunities for winter tourism.

On the other hand, a country with a high growth rate like Albania needs to constantly enlarge and modernize its energy sector. Everyone could search profitable investment opportunities in the concessions that the government is preparing for building hydro and termo powered plants, modern transport and utility infrastructures as well as mine industries. Information technologies, like many other sectors, are still emerging markets that can guarantee a fast return on investment. For these reasons, I invite you to join me in my appeal to encourage your electorates, Belgian investors, to come to Albania. I assure all Belgian investors will be welcomed wholeheartedly to my country and they will find there a great friend: the Albanian Government.

In this context, I welcome and encourage the cooperation between the Albanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Flandres and Wallonia.

Honorable senators, Ladies and Gentlemen:

Finally, I would like to add several remarks about our region of the western Balkans.

I come here today only three days after my visit to Kosova. The 12th of June is a date of great significance also to Albanians of Kosova - a date which is associated with their struggle for freedom and European identity. During my visit there, I was pleased to find the admirable progress that Kosova has achieved over these past years in recovering the heavy wounds of the war, rebuilding the country, and founding a modern democratic and multiethnic state, based on the rule of law, where the rights and the freedoms of individual are fully respected regardless of their ethnicity and religious belief. I was completely impressed by the determination of the political leadership, local and international institutions as well as the Kosovar community as a whole in effectively implementing the decentralization platform, based on the European Charter of Local and Regional Autonomy as well as all requirements of the contact group. But I was even more impressed by the European vision and determination of the citizens of Kosova to return to the European family and euro-atlantic structures.

In the message I delivered to the Kosovar-Albanian ledership and to the minority leadership, as well as to all citizens of Kosova, I asked them to continue their unique example of a tolerance par excellence, the behaviour of conscientious European and Western citizens and cooperate closely with each other, regardless of ethnic origins and religious beliefs, in order to build a Kosovar state that is founded on the rule of law and respects its citizens without discrimination.

To the Kosovar-Albanians I addressed a brotherly appeal to once again demonstrate the power of their generosity and European will to forgive their former oppressor. To forgive does not mean to forget, on the contrary, it is the most noble way to remember and honor the memory of your dearest ones. It is the only way to turn the utmost sacrifice into the most valuable virtue, to turn the legacy of your dearest ones into the light of a better the future, into a great Kosovo, a nation of the free.

With great admiration I observed that the citizens of Kosovo are already living by these very principles and values everyday. I believe that such virtues and high civic attitudes of tolerance and forgiveness, and the will of the Kosovar people for their independence and return into the European family, demonstrated on more than one occasion, must be respected and will bring peace, stability and cooperation in the region.

At the same time, recent developments in Montenegro demonstrate the determination of its citizens towards the integration into the Euro-Atlantic communities.

One of the main factors that has helped Western Balkans countries in their efforts to archive the past is the dream of integration, which has survived the conflicts and wars, and has quickly given life to the process of cooperation, mutual respect, friendship, faith and hope that our nations now share with each other. We remain confident that the full integration of our countries into the EU and NATO is still the most successful instrument and the guarantee for regional stability, safety and economic development.

Thank you

Overskrifter fra ADN:
Opposition Urges Its Local Elected Officials Not to Cooperate with Interior Ministry. Rama's latest declarations give a new impetus to the relations between the opposition and majority. It seems as if the relations between them are going to remain frozen for some time. The opposition parties have requested its local elected officials not to cooperate with the Interior Ministry in the process of compiling the electors' lists based on the temporary register.

EC Sees Resolution to Cham Question Through Albania-Greece Dialogue. The Commission is aware of the question of the Cham population and is particularly informed on the question related to its rights to real estates confiscated by the end of WWII. The European Commission has said that it is well aware of the Cham question, particularly of unresolved property problems.

Gov’t Passes Draft on Reformation of Scientific Research. Berisha pointed out that the reformation of the scientific research institutes will help the real scientific research and the usage of its products by the government, private sector etc. The Albanian government passed on Wednesday the draft-law on the reformation of scientific research institutes.

Losses to State Budget Will Reach US$250m Until 2010. Albanian Ministry of Finances calculated the losses to the state budget until 2010 will reach up to US$250m or Lek25 billion due to the removal and gradual reduction of the customs tariffs after entry into force of the Interim Agreement with the EU. TIn an economic viewpoint, the Stabilization-Association Agreement (SAA) will cost some Lek25 billion (US $250m) to the state budget until 2010 due to removal of the customs duties.

Ny Amerikansk Ambassade i Tirana

060627: U.S. Ambassador Marcie B. Ries and Director of Overseas Building Operations Charles E. Williams cutting the ribbon of the new Embassy building.

Samarbejde mellem Amerikanske og Albanske Justitsmyndigheder. Ambassaden skriver:
U.S. Department of Justice and Office of Prosecutor General Implement Total Information Management System (TIMS) in Prosecutors’ Offices

Today, U.S. Ambassador Ries, Prosecutor General Sollaku, and Interior Minister Olldashi attended a ceremony to launch the implementation of the Total Information Management System (TIMS) in prosecutors’ offices. The U.S. Department of Justice, through the Overseas Prosecutorial Development Assistance and Training program (OPDAT), is implementing the project in cooperation with the Office of the Prosecutor General (OPG).

The $400,000-project will provide TIMS capabilities to all 31 prosecutors’ offices in Albania to enable computerized case management. This joint project involves purchasing and installing computer equipment, providing secure interconnection of the computer networks in each prosecutor’s office, and training on the new system. The Office of the Prosecutor General will also provide additional equipment, training, and maintenance of the system.

Since October 2005, the OPG, with assistance from OPDAT and the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP), has installed TIMS computer equipment in the OPG, the Serious Crimes Prosecution Office, and the district prosecutors’ offices in Tirana, Durrës, Shkodër, and Gjirokastër. Installation is near completion in six additional district prosecutors’ offices and over 130 prosecutors and support personnel have received training so far.

Upon completion, the Prosecutor TIMS project will interconnect all district prosecutors’ offices with the State Police TIMS network, and enable prosecutors to access information about criminal history, arrest warrants, fugitives, stolen vehicles and other investigative data. TIMS will also enable the OPG to provide detailed reporting and statistical information, and to access InterPol information. The second phase of the Prosecutor TIMS project, later this year, will include installation of a computerized case management system. Together with the State Police’s comparable system, the Prosecutor TIMS will provide transparent case tracking from the time an incident is reported by the police through to the prosecution and court proceedings.

TIMS is an integrated information management platform made up of four linked information systems which meet U.S. and EU standards. Its four modules include border control, criminal records, case management, and criminal intelligence information.

OPDAT and ICITAP are U.S. Department of Justice programs designed to assist criminal justice systems throughout the world to meet international standards in law enforcement. ICITAP programs primarily focus on police development while OPDAT offers assistance and training to prosecutors.

Ambassadør Ries sagde:
Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Marcie B. Ries / Donation Ceremony of Prosecutor Total Information Management System (TIMS) by the U.S. Department of Justice

Today we recognize an important milestone in the development of a modern, professional law enforcement system in Albania. A couple of years ago, the United States, through our Department of Justice and ICITAP programs, got together with the European Commission (PAMECA) and the Albanian State Police, and decided that what Albanian needed was a modern computerized system to store and retrieve law enforcement information.

Today the TIMS (the Total Information Management System) for computer terminals are already being used throughout Albania in police and border posts as part of this $18 million, four-year project. Since 2005, when the TIMS Border Control Information System was implemented by ICITAP at the ten border check points in Albania, the number of Wanted Persons apprehended at the borders has more than doubled. The amount of seized stolen vehicles, stolen documents, and contraband seized has also increased dramatically. The system clearly works.

So, today we're announcing that we're going on to implementing the second part of the program. The introduction of TIMS, this computerized system, into the offices of prosecutors around the country. This latest effort to connect police and prosecutors with the information they need reflects our desire to support modernization, coordination, greater reliability, and transparency. By extending TIMS to prosecutors offices, prosecutors will be able to obtain timely and important information from the police, such as information about the whereabouts and the activities of a suspect.

At the same time, the police also receive superior and timely information from prosecutors, such as immediate reports when a suspect fails to appear for a trial, or when prosecutors obtain an arrest warrant. This type of information sharing should make it easier to apprehend criminals, detect false identities, and obtain convictions in court. We hope that the introduction of modern technologies will enhance the capabilities of and coordination between Albanian institutions, and will establish new patterns of joint investigation between police and prosecutors.

This enhanced coordination should result in more arrests of fugitives and criminals, more and larger seizures of trafficked contraband, and stronger cases by which to convict criminals. Likewise, the project will permit greater international cooperation and enhanced transparency between countries, better enabling prosecutors and police to coordinate and cooperate with their counterparts in the region and beyond. As we have seen, regional cooperation is essential to dealing with organized crime.

As you have heard me say so many times, fighting organized crime and corruption and strengthening the rule of law are among the biggest challenges Albania must overcome to meet the standards of NATO membership and EU integration. It is our hope that through programs like TIMS, Albania's front line law enforcement personnel - from police to prosecutors - will be better equipped with the technology and skills they need to do their jobs, and thereby help Albania progress in general toward the Euro-Atlantic community.



Det Amerikanske UM har offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Serbien - Montenegro: Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: • En biografi over tidligere Forbundspræsident Kostunica kan læses på Serbiske Politikere.

Præsidentvalg i Serbien. Boris Tadic blev i Juni 2004 valgt som Præsident. Seneste Parlamentsvalg: 031228.

060629 Den Serbiske Højesteret har afgjort at afdøde Præsident Milosevic stod bag drabet på tidl. Præsident Ivan Stambolic i 2000. Årsagen skulle være at Stambolic truede Milosevic' magtposition. 8 tidl. Politifolk er blev sidste år kendt skyldige i drabet.

Kosovo / Kosóva:

Serbia advocates historically just solution for Kosovo-Metohija. PM Vojislav Kostunica har besøgt Kosovo i anledning af St. Vitus, 28.06. Den Serbiske Regering skriver:
Gracanica, June 28, 2006 – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica said today in Gracanica, where he is on the occasion of St. Vitus’ Day, that Serbia wants justice, fairness and peace and a historically just solution for Kosovo-Metohija.

Today from this place, on St.Vitus’ Day, in Gracanica, we have an opportunity to tell the world what Serbia wants. Serbia wants justice, fairness and peace. The Serbian people want justice and peace and are ready to talk. The Serbian people want to make an agreement. The Serbian people want a compromise and a historically just solution for Kosovo-Metohija, above all, said Kostunica addressing the gathering of citizens at the Gracanica monastery.

Gracanica is a witness of who we were and where our origins lie and how Serbia was born, said Kostunica. Asked if there is a more appropriate place to celebrate St. Vitus’ Day than Gracanica, Kostunica responded that “there is no better and more important place to repeat what every Serb must know: Kosovo has always been and will for ever be part of Serbia.”

The truth is that we could not pray to God today and pay respect to our ancestors if we were not guarded by the army and tanks, he said and wondered if there is a place in Europe similar to what Kosovo-Metohija is today, at the beginning of the 21st century.

According to Kostunica, Gracanica is the fortress of truth, and truth is stronger than any evil and violence and truth wins over every act of violence, which is why this is a good chance to tell the world what Serbia needs.

Kostunica repeated that Kosovo is among the Serbian people another word for justice, fairness and freedom.

Serbia is a democratic country. All ethnic communities must, can be and are equal and free in it. Gracanica not only reminds us, it also teaches us. This place does not only remind us of what we were, but also what we must be for the sake of what we were. And we will be that if we are persistent, if we are rational, and of course, if we are unanimous, Kostunica stressed.

I congratulate you once again on today’s big holiday, St. Vitus’ Day. I want to tell you that the whole of our people are with you. I also want to point out that Serbia never has never been more justified and possessed more legal grounds than today in talks on Kosovo-Metohija status, Kostunica said.

As part of the ceremony, the Prime Minister presented Bishop Artemije an icon showing the birth of Christ for the Gracanica monastery.

KIM (Elektronisk nyhedstjeneste med tilknytning til den Ortodokse Kirke i Kosovo) skriver:
St. Vitus Day (Vidovdan) Celebrated in Gracanica and Gazimestan

The main celebration of St.Vitus Day, one of the Serbian most important religious and national holidays was held in Gracanica and at the adjacent site of Gazimestan where the historical Kosovo battle took place 617 years ago when a Christian Army lead by Serbian Prince Lazarus fought the invading Ottoman army of Sultan Murat.

Patriarch Pavle served the Holy Liturgy at Gracanica Monastery

The main celebration of St.Vitus Day, one of the Serbian most important religious and national holidays was held in Gracanica and at the adjacent site of Gazimestan where the historical Kosovo battle took place 617 years ago when a Christian Army lead by Serbian Prince Lazarus fought the invading Ottoman army of Sultan Murat.

The Serbian Patriarch Pavle served a holy liturgy in the Gracanica monastery and later performed a memorial service at Gazimestan devoted to the fallen Serbian heroes. “ God, help our enemies understand the truth. God, help us that when we meet our forefathers, they recognize us and accept us as their posterity, and especially help us to be recognized and accepted by you our Lord,” Patriarch Pavle said after the service.

The Bishop of Raska-Prizren Artemije stated in Gracanica that Kosovo should stay what it has always been: "our spiritual and cultural cradle, our Serb Jerusalem. What Jerusalem is for the Jewish people, Kosovo and Metohija is for the Serbian people.” The Bishop Artemije said that “Serbia is a shrine, and Kosovo is its altar,” and added that there could be no shrine without an altar, as there could be no Serbia without Kosovo.

The holy liturgy in Gracanica and the subsequent memorial service at Gazimestan was also attended by the Serbian cabinet ministers Slobodan Vuksanovic, Velimir Ilic and Milan Radulovic, as well as by the Head of the CCK Sanda Raskovic-Ivic. The road leading to Gazimestan was visibly secured by an increased KPS presence and the service at Gazimestan was also guarded by KFOR troops.

Serbian Prime Minister Dr. Vojislav Kostunica visited Gracanica Monastery

Dagen før var Kostunica i London hvor han bl.a. talte om Kosovo-spørgsmålet. Serbien vil ikke acceptere at blive påtvunget en løsning, sagde han. Hvis albanerne ikke får det som de vil have det, forventer han at de bruger vold for at nå deres mål, men dette er ikke acceptabelt. De Serbiske myndigheder gør hvad de kan for at leve op til deres forpligtelser, herunder mht at finde og udlevere General Mladic. Den Serbiske Regering skriver:
Issue of Kosovo concerns future of Serbia and all its citizens

Belgrade, June 27, 2006 – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica delivered a lecture today at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies in London, themed "Serbia on the Road to EU Integration" and said that Serbia would definitely refuse any imposed solution on the issue of Kosovo-Metohija.

He said that in line with the Serbian parliament resolution, such a solution would be declared legally null and void, a decision that would find full support in a huge majority of citizens.

Explaining how Serbia sees the problem of Kosovo-Metohija, Kostunica said that this issue is undoubtedly the greatest regional and one of the gravest European issues of today, mostly because the threat of violence permeates its very foundations.

"Kosovo Albanians are demanding nothing but full independence and international recognition, and all of that at once, and, as the UN and EU know very well, they are prepared and capable of resorting to organised violence if their demands are not met", warned the prime Minister.

"Serbia does not agree to indulge the one who threatens it and give up a portion of its territory contrary to international law as well as moral and legal considerations which the international community should be aware of", said Kostunica.

"More or less discreet messages that have been arriving in Belgrade of late, heralding "some kind" of independence as Kosovo's possible future status, are discouraging and tend to neglect direct and indirect consequences of such an imposed solution", said Kostunica.

He demanded that the international community shows more understanding and gives clearer criteria that would help remove distrust towards the authorities in Serbia and their efforts to eliminate the last "Hague obstacle". They could also show a more concrete sign of support, for instance when it comes to the visa regime, he added.

Kostunica stressed that Serbia is getting tired of all the pressure and conditions, though it is beyond doubt still determined and ready to conclude cooperation with the Hague Tribunal.

As for the extradition of Ratko Mladic, not only is there political willingness to locate him, but also absolutely all capacities that a democratic state can have at its disposal have been employed with this aim in mind, he said.

He also said that throughout European and even world history, it would be difficult to find "a precedent for such an enormous need to isolate and eliminate one single man", which nevertheless does not change the position which Serbia and Serbian people are in at the moment.

"I believe that in such a position, Serbia has the right to know in what way it can prove that it is doing everything in its power to fulfil its obligations", concluded the Prime Minister.


Præsidentvalg 030611: Filip Vujanovic blev valgt. Seneste Parlamentsvalg 021020.

Folkeafstemning 21.05.2006 om Montenegro's forhold til statsforbundet Serbien-Montenegro. Der var et mindre flertal for at udtræde af forbundet (55,4% mod 44,6%), hvilket er blevet anerkendt af EU m.fl. Formentlig vil Serbien acceptere den nye tingenes tilstand, skønt der var nogen murren efter at resultatet blev kendt.

IMF har udsendt Montenegro—Concluding Statement of the Mission, June 22, 2006
1. Independence marks a new start for Montenegro. In that context, our aim is to offer suggestions on how to make best use in the macroeconomic area of this unique opportunity.

2. Much is going well. Inflation is low, public debt is trending downwards, VAT strongly underpins revenue, FDI is up with more coming, the banks have been privatized, credit is booming, access to EU markets is on preferential terms, and prospects for SAA agreement and WTO and PfP membership are good.

3. Your ambitions are appropriate. You seek sustained increases in economic growth, employment, and real incomes, both in their own right and as a foundation for eventual EU accession.

4. These goals are attainable. They will require first, action to ensure maintenance of orderly conditions for economic activity in the context of independence, and second, emphasis of medium- over short-term considerations in the design of macroeconomic policies, notably in regard to flexibility, sustainability, and the supply side. We take these in turn.

A. Independence

5. Your nationhood should be fully reflected in the legal arrangements governing your international economic relationships. Agreements formerly between Serbia and Montenegro and the international community on matters such as regional free trade, vetinary standards, double taxation etc, need to be established in your own right in order to secure continued orderly economic conditions.

6. Alongside, the legal framework for economic relations with Serbia needs to be clarified. Key matters include residency status for each others' citizens, and eligibility for social benefits and work permits. A FTA would secure unhindered continuation of former trade arrangements.

7. And a complete calculation of the former net fiscal transfer to the Union is recommended. This should subtract from the budget transfer to the Union the costs you will now bear as Union functions shift to the Montenegrin budget. This will assist implementation of the 2006 and design of the 2007 budgets.

B. Medium-Term policies

8. The euro and open capital accounts set the context in which economic policies will be framed. Your commitment to the sole legal tender status of the euro safeguards against disturbances to the exchange rate; but it also rules out scope to adjust the exchange rate in the face of economic shocks. This puts a premium on flexibility of the economy in all other aspects—including labor, corporate, fiscal, and financial structures—supported by diversification of economic activity so as to diminish exposure to shocks. Further, open capital accounts eliminate scope for an independent monetary policy. Instead, domestic interest rates are determined by euro area rates plus a "Montenegro risk premium", the latter reflecting markets' assessments of aggregate risk. Banking data suggest that this premium could be some 250-300 basis points currently.


9. We see need for considerably increased flexibility. Regional, natural, terms of trade, tourism, and transition shocks are likely to recur over the medium term. But economic performance in the face of such shocks in recent years—including GDP growth rates below those of your regional peers, high unemployment, and exceptionally low labor force participation rates—is symptomatic of multiple inflexibilities. Measures to address these matters could encompass:

Labor market structures. High dismissal costs—6 months of average salary—and inflexible employment contracts discourage hiring, especially of young people. And wage determination mechanisms constrain sector and skill variation and nominal wage flexibility. These factors are compounded by the high tax wedge—about 41 percent of total labor costs—impeding employment. Actions on these matters, alongside strengthened active labor market policies for the unemployed, would form appropriate parts of labor reforms that you are considering.

Corporate governance. Privatization to strategic investors is key to diversification, flexibility, and long-term growth. Envisaged sales of many firms is welcome as are your intentions to proceed swiftly. These initiatives should be supported by your active use of exit—notably bankruptcy—arrangements.

Financial sector. Commercial finance for those adversely affected by temporary macroeconomic shocks can minimize the negative effects. So we suggest you review arrangements for collateral assignation and collection from this perspective, that corporate accounting standards are strengthened, and that efforts continue to bolster further the banking system—including via additional foreign bank entry. These issues can be pursued in the forthcoming Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) missions.

Automatic fiscal stabilizers. Budget balances should be allowed to weaken during economic downturns—as revenue falls and spending on unemployment benefits rise—so as to cushion the downturns, and vice versa during economic upswings.

Sustainability and the Montenegro Risk Premium

10. Given open capital accounts, market confidence in sustainability is key to a low risk premium. The beneficial effects of any policies—including tax cuts—can be undone if they drive up the premium and borrowing costs.

A fiscal anchor

11. We support your aim to anchor fiscal policy with a target for total budget sector debt. The objective should encompass all debts and arrears of the central government, the municipalities, the extra-budgetary funds, and the debts of any public and municipal enterprises not run on a strictly commercial basis. Given the intention to allow automatic fiscal stabilizers to operate, we suggest that the target be a 5 year average relative to GDP, rather than a target for a specific year. A separate target could be set for public guarantees.

12. We advise adoption of an ambitious debt target. The stock is estimated at some €740 million at end 2005 (44.5 percent of GDP, including borrowing from banks and excluding debts of public enterprises) with possibly more to emerge from the ongoing accounting of restitution, military, and municipal debt. To allow automatic stabilizers free rein, and given prospective privatization receipts—which we estimate at well over 15 percent of 2006 GDP over the next five years, we consider that Montenegrin public indebtedness can be significantly reduced in the medium term. And international evidence of economic instability in developing countries with public debts above 30 percent of GDP underscores the case for reducing debt.

13. We propose a public debt target of 35 percent of GDP on average between 2007-2011. This assumes strong structural reforms—yielding average annual GDP growth of 5½ percent over this period—and implementation of the second pension pillar. It is consistent with 3 percent per annum growth in real public spending, public debt below 30 percent of GDP in 2011, and it anticipates labor tax revenue reductions of over 2 percentage points of GDP due to rate cuts over that period. If growth is faster than anticipated in this framework, this would increase further the scope to lower the tax burden. The debt target should be adjusted in mid course if privatization receipts from planned sales and second pillar costs differ markedly from projections, if nominal GDP estimates are raised to reflect the grey economy, if permanent unanticipated real external shocks occur, and if estimates of the initial debt stock alter. We suggest that you adopt and announce this fiscal framework and target with the 2007 budget.

14. The pace at which public debt is lowered during this five year period will reflect several factors. Most critically, if high return public investment projects are ready to go ahead now, the trajectory to the medium-term target should be back loaded so that implementation of the investment projects can proceed. But if implementation capacity is now limited, as it seems to be and if privatization receipts are expected early, the downward trajectory should be front-loaded.

Financial Sector

15. The health of the financial system is also reflected in the country risk premium. Considerable progress is evident in this area in recent years—reflected in sharp increases in private sector deposits, work underway on the new banking law incorporating new standards, and progress in strengthening risk-based supervision and compliance monitoring. But accounting standards and a possible deterioration in credit quality during the recent credit boom raise concerns. A fuller assessment of these matters and policy responses will be made by the forthcoming FSAP mission.

Statistical Issues

16. Considerable scope for improvement is evident in this area. Poor statistics cloud investors' ability to measure risk—and that is reflected in the risk premium. Despite progress in fiscal and monetary statistics, the national accounts are not available beyond 2003 and external data are unstable. Efforts to strengthen national accounts data are urgent.

The Supply Side

17. Supply side reforms are the key to your prosperity. With flexibility and sustainability secured as noted above, elimination of those factors which have hindered growth in the past—state ownership, former-Yugoslav labor institutions, implicit energy subsidies, weak enterprise exit procedures—will release Montenegro's productive potential.

18. We applaud your intention to tackle these decisively. We particularly welcome your ambitious program of privatization and plans to modernize labor legislation. Furthermore, we see need to improve public sector productivity and lower the tax burden, especially on labor, and agree that public investment needs to be raised considerably. This will require significant increases in your capacity to design and implement capital projects so as to guard against waste as investment spending rises. And while we support ambitious privatization, we caution that procedures should not only be efficient and fair, but should be seen to be so. Doubts on this in any quarter, but particularly among the general public, undermine the sales themselves by discouraging investor participation.

19. We recognize that this agenda will not be welcome by all. But with FDI already rising strongly, and creating new jobs, we urge that full advantage be taken of the unique opportunity provided by independence to take decisive and possibly difficult steps. Alongside, appropriate provision should be made for a social safety net for those adversely affected in the short-term.

A Strategic choice

20. Implicit in our suggestions is an assessment of the best use of large prospective privatization receipts. With public debt declining in this context, some may prefer to postpone other reforms, both in the real sector and in budget structures. If so, the public debt reductions will prove temporary, and a fiscal sustainability problem will emerge when privatization flows stop. And even before then, growth and employment performance will continue to disappoint (Text Table 1). For these reasons, we conclude that privatization receipts are not a means to postpone or stop broader real and budgetary reform. On the contrary, if privatization is accompanied by ambitious structural reforms and reductions of non-productive budget spending, then a permanent increase in growth is in prospect, alongside robust real growth in public spending and reductions in the tax burden (Text Table 2). We commend you to choose this path.

C. Economic outlook and policies for 2006-07

21. Policies for 2006-07 can set you on this track. We project GDP growth at 5½ and 6 percent in 2006 and 2007, buoyed by past structural reforms, exports, and strong bank credit growth. This pace is reflected in strong revenues so far in 2006, and we welcome that expenditure discipline has been maintained even through the recent referendum period. Data for the first quarter show a surplus €15 million, which is better than expected, largely due to strong VAT collections. We suggest that policies for the remainder of 2006 be focussed on maintaining the strong fiscal performance so far, consistent with a deficit outturn of 0.2 percent of GDP and an end-2006 public debt stock of 37 percent of GDP.

22. The budget for 2007 should demonstrate your commitment to implement a strong medium-term framework. Thus, we urge efforts now to accelerate preparations for key public investment in 2007. And we welcome your intention to proceed with an ambitious reform to personal income tax. However, we suggest that the budgeted revenue loss from that reform, which we estimate at 1.8 percent of GDP, be matched by corresponding reductions in current expenditure. This will signal, congruent with the medium term framework, that tax cuts are made possible by expenditure efficiencies and strong activity, not privatization receipts or compression of capital spending. Appropriate arrangements should also be made for the effects on municipalities of the PIT reform. With public investment assumed at 3.8 percent of GDP in 2007, the budget should target a deficit of consolidated general government of 0.3 percent of GDP, consistent with the medium-term public debt target (Text Table 3). Alongside, structural reforms noted above should commence vigorously.

23. Strong policies are recommended. These are aimed to establish a high growth, high employment, low tax, low debt and flexible economy, led by the private sector. It can be done.

* * *

We are grateful to you for the warmth of the welcome we have received during our visit.

Text Table 1. Montenegro: Medium term macroframework, 2005-11 - No reforms









Growth rates


GDP (real)








Inflation (ave)








Exports (euro)








In percent of GDP


Fixed investments
















Fiscal balance (cash, before grants)








Privatization revenues








Public debt (end of period, stock)











Average public debt 2006-11 (percent of GDP)



Real public expenditures growth (average 2006-11)



Text Table 2. Montenegro: Medium term macroframework, 2005-11 - Reforms









Growth rates


GDP (real)








Inflation (ave)








Exports (euro)








In percent of GDP


Fixed investments
















Fiscal balance (cash, before grants)








Privatization revenues








Public debt (end of period, stock)











Average public debt (percent of GDP)



Real public expenditures growth (average 2007-11)



Text Table 3. Montenegro: Public Finance Budget Indicators, 2003-07

  2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
  Est. Est. Prel. Proj.

  (In Percent of GDP)

General government finances


Revenue and grants

40.7 40.7 40.3 41.6 39.7

Of which: PIT

6.1 5.2 4.9 4.8 3.0


45.5 43.5 42.1 41.9 40.0

Of which: Interest

1.1 1.7 1.2 1.2 1.1

Of which: Wages

11.8 12.3 12.5 12.3 10.9

Of which: Capital spending

3.5 3.2 4.5 3.7 3.8

Cash balance (after grants)

-5.4 -2.7 -1.6 -0.2 -0.3

Primary balance

-3.7 -1.1 -0.5 0.9 0.9

Domestic financing (net)

1.0 0.1 -9.2 -2.9 -5.7

Privatization receipts

2.4 0.7 9.9 2.3 5.1

Public debt (end of period, stock)

53.4 53.5 44.5 37.2 36.8



Nominal GDP

1,392 1,535 1,657 1,794 1,965

Real GDP growth

2.4 3.7 4.3 5.5 6.0

Sources: Ministry of Finance; Central Bank of Montenegro; MONSTAT; and IMF staff estimates.


Det Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: • Det Amerikanske UM har offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Makedonien:

Der er omkring 25 % etniske Albanere i Makedonien. Folketælling afholdtes 021101-021105.

Folkeafstemningen 041107 om decentralisering (= imødekommelse af Makedonien-Albanske interesser): Folkeafstemningen "faldt". Stemmedeltagelsen var kun omkring 26 %. Hvis afstemningen skulle have kunnet udvirke en ændring af decentraliseringslovgivningen, skulle deltagelsen have været mindst 50%, og desuden skulle der have været flertal mod lovgivningen. Det var ventet at stemmedeltagelsen ville have været noget større, selv om både Regeringspartierne og den Albanske minoritet anbefalede at man blev hjemme. Man kan nu gå videre i overensstemmelse med Ohrid-aftalerne.

Præsidentvalg i Maj 2004: Branko Crvenkovski - hidtidig PM - blev valgt (efter Boris Trajkovski som omkom ved en flyulykke). Seneste Parlamentsvalg fandt sted 020915. Der kan henvises til flg. OSCE/ODIHR-oversigtsside:

Makedonien forhandler med EU om optagelse. Aktuel status, se: Se også den generelle side:

Valget er lige op over. Makfax skriver:
Just days ahead of the elections, the opposition takes the lead, but citizens lose confidence in the political parties and their leaders, showed the recent survey of the Institute for Democracy in Macedonia.

The Institute conducted a survey on 24 June to probe into the citizens' perception of the political parties and their leaders. 42,4 percent of the respondents said they were undecided, which marks a 5 percent increase compared with the results of the survey carried out on 13 June 2006.

"We consider that irregularities and incidents that occurred last week induced this drop", Vladimir Misev, executive director of the Institute for Democracy, said.

Answering the question what political party would you vote for, if the elections took place next week, 29,4 percent picked VMRO DPMNE, 21,9 percent were for SDSM, and 16,4 percent for DUI, out of the total of 57,8 percent of the decided respondents.

The survey showed that Nikola Gruevski is the most trusted politician, garnering 17,6 percent of the votes, while his fiercest rival Vlado Buckovski mustered support of 6,6 percent of the polled citizens. Trailing behind Gruevski is Ali Ahmeti with 10,3 percent, while his main contender Arben Xhaferi gained 7 percent of the votes. Following Gruevski and Ahmeti, Tito Petkovski is placed third (2,9 percent). Ljubco Georgievski (2,9 percent) and Liljana Popovska (2,3 percent) are the last politicians that managed to cross the threshold of 1 index point.

The Institute for Democracy announced that all demographic parameters have been observed in the survey (gender structure, age groups, education level and ethnic belonging). The respondents were sampled according to the rural/urban parameters, whereat Skopje was taken as an individual entity on the account of its specifics.

Out of the total of 1.113 citizens that have been surveyed, 71,2 are ethnic Macedonians, 24,9 are ethnic Albanians, followed by Turks, Serbs, Romas, Vlachs and others.

Præsidenterne for Albanien og Kosóva opfordrer til at de Makedonske Albanere dæmper sig. Se under: Albanien. Makfax skriver:
The Presidents of Albania and Kosovo called on the leaders of the Albanian parties in Macedonia to put an end to the pre-election incidents.

Presidents Alfred Mojsiu and Fatmir Sejdiu urged the Albanian parties in Macedonia to come to their senses and prevent their militant members from spoiling the parties' approval ratings, Makfax Agency reports.

Recently, the Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha and the leader of the opposition Socialists also urged for putting an end to the pre-election incidents.

Præsident Tadic fra Serbien og Præsident Crvenkovski, Makedonien, opfordrer til at deres lande understøtter hinanden på vejen til optagelse i EU. Makfax skriver:
Macedonia and Serbia should support each other on the road to the European Union (EU), was a joint conclusion of presidents Branko Crvenkovski and Boris Tadic after Wednesday's meeting in Skopje.

"In this period, both nations want to share same values that will faster lead them to the European home", said Macedonian President Crvenkovski.

"On that road, there are waiting many challenges, and in order to defeat them, great energy, great effort, great courage and great wisdom should be invested. For accomplishment of these goals, Macedonia is prepared to full honest, friendly cooperation with Serbia", said Crvenkovski.

He added that Wednesday's meeting with president Boris Tadic has a special meaning in its historical component, since it is a first visit to the Republic of Macedonia by a president of independent Serbia.

Serbian President Tadic said that Macedonia and Serbia have common history, adding that he is convinced that the two countries will have a common future as well.

"Today's generation of politicians has a great historic chance to pull the Balkan area in the direction of pro-European perspective", said Tadic.

If the common interests of the two countries would be perceived, they would be much greater then the individual, said Tadic.

Serbian President emphasized the need of mutual support on the road to Europe.

"It is clear to us that we will not enter the European Union all at the same time. It is important for Serbia both Croatia and Macedonia to enter the Union as soon as possible, because that is also of Serbian interest, since that way perspectives for EU integration will be opened for other Balkan countries", said Serbian President.

Both presidents reiterated the known positions about the open questions between the two countries, about the final status of Kosovo and about the denied recognition of Macedonian Orthodox Church by Serbian Orthodox Church.


Seneste Parlamentsvalg 040307.


UMs rejsevejledning:

Seneste Parlamentsvalg blev holdt 021103. Det blev i December 2004 aftalt (med EUs Regeringschefer)at der i Oktober 2005 skal indledes forhandlinger om optagelse af Tyrkiet i EU.



Mother Teresa. I anledning af saligkåringen ('beatificeringen') 031019 har Vatikantet etableret en internetside:







NY FORMAND FOR DANSK CENTER FOR INTERNATIONALE STUDIER OG MENNESKERETTIGHEDER Danmarks ambassadør i Tjekkiet, Jørgen Bøjer, udnævnes som ny formand for Dansk Center for Internationale Studier og Menneskerettigheder (DCISM) fra 1. juli 2006. UM skriver:
Jørgen Bøjer afløser forhenværende udenrigsminister Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, der har været formand siden Centret blev dannet i 2002 som en fusion mellem 5 danske forskningscentre med speciale i emner som internationale forhold, menneskerettigheder, udvikling, fred og konflikt, samt holocaust og folkemord.

Udenrigsminister Per Stig Møller udtaler i forbindelse med udnævnelsen:

”Som mangeårig ambassadør i både Afrika og Europa, og som FN-ambassadør i New York har Jørgen Bøjer den brede internationale erfaring og indsigt, som gør ham til en velkvalificeret formand for Dansk Center for Internationale Studier og Menneskerettigheder (DCISM). Med dets mange forskelligartede forskningsaktiviteter spiller DCISM en vigtig rolle for vores viden om udenrigspolitiske emner og for det folkelige engagement i disse spørgsmål.

Uffe Ellemann-Jensen ledede DCISM gennem opstartsfasen og var med til at skabe en levende og stærk forskningsinstitution, der høster bred international anerkendelse.”

Ugerapport fra Dansk KFOR. Hærens Operative Kommando - se under: Kosova.



UMs Rejsevejledning:


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To skridt frem. Bogomslaget

»To skridt frem? Albanien i en brydningstid«

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»Albanske Studier« bd. 1-2

Kommentarer til Bjøl, Huntington, Machiavelli, Sørlander, DUPI (Humanitær Intervention), Clausewitz, Mao Zedong, Lars R. Møller, Malcolm og flere andre.

Englændere på rejse i Albanien: Edward Lear, Edith Durham og Robert Carver.

Bøger om slægtsfejder og blodhævn. Diskussion af Anne Knudsen's disputats om blodhævn på Korsika og af Ismail Kadare's roman »Ufuldendt april«.

Baggrundsmateriale om den Sønderjyske general Christian von Holstein, der deltog i Habsburgernes felttog ind i Kosóva i 1689-90.

Sidst i bogen et forsøg på en sammenfatning i form af nogle 'grundlæggende synspunkter'.

Desuden en kommentar til Hans Hækkerup's »På skansen«. På CD'en supplerende materiale om traditionelle Albanske klædedragter og om Holstein. Hans bog om Kosovo er omtalt i »Albansk Almanak 2004«.

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