Sidste Nyt fra Albanien, Kosóva og Makedonien

The Latest News from Albania, Kosóva and Macedonia       

# 311 - 8' årgang - 11.08.2006

Version 1.2 • [11.08.2006 Rejsevejledning Tyrkiet tilføjet] PDF for printingInfo om »Sidste Nyt«

Udgiver: Bjørn Andersen

Publisher: Bjoern Andersen


PM Berisha har deltaget i Albanian-American National Organization's 60-Års-arrangement i Tirana. Organisationen har ikke sæde i Albanien, men i USA. Kryeministri Berisha përshëndet ceremoninë me rastin e 60 vjetorit të Organizatës Kombëtare Shqiptaro-Amerikane, Tiranë


Ugeoversigt    Summary

Internationale organisationer   International organizations
Verdensbanken, IMF m.fl.   World Bank, IMF etc.
OSCE, Europarådet   OSCE, Council of Europe (CoE)
EU   European Union (EU)
ICTY - Tribunalet i Haag   ICTY

Balkan, generelt   The Balkans
Kosóva   Kosóva [Kosovo]
Øst Kosóva / Presevo-dalen / Syd-Serbien   Eastern Kosóva
Albanien   Albania
Serbien   Serbia-Montenegro. Serbia
Montenegro   Montenegro
Makedonien   Macedonia [FYRoM]

Grækenland   Greece
Tyrkiet   Turkey
Italien   Italia

USA   United States (US)
England   England
Tyskland   Germany
Frankrig   France
Danmark (Norge, Sverige)   Denmark (Norway, Sweden)

Rusland   Russia
Kina   China


Kosóva: Folketælling? De Kosóva Albanske Myndigheder er - oplyser BBC - ved at forberede en folketælling med UNMIK's og EU's stiltiende accept. For at blive talt med skal Indbyggere der opholder sig uden for Kosovo / Kosóva kunne godtgøre at de hører hjemme i Kosovo / Kosóva og at de ikke har været væk i mere end ét år. En sådan regel vil afskære de fleste Kosovo Serbere der flygtede i 1999 fra at blive talt med. Kommentar: En sådan betingelse vil ikke kunne accepteres hverken af Kosovo-Serberne, Serbien eller de Internationale.

Kosovo's / Kosóva's fremtid. Forhandlingerne går temmelig dårligt; den Kosovo-Serbiske Delegation har besluttet at boycotte forhandlingerne - man vil (ifølge Professor Dusan T. Batakovic, mangeårig rådgiver for den Ortodokse Kirke og senere i nogle år Ambassadør i Athen) ikke acceptere at blive opfattet som en minoritet. Den Kosóva-Albanske Delegation (hvori indgik Fatmir Limaj) og den Serbiske Delegation blev ved forhandlingsbordet, men Serberne ville nu ikke diskutere Minoriteternes forhold.

Den Serbiske Regering udtaler: Minority rights to be discussed only within framework of negotiations on status. It is natural that a nation cannot be a minority in its own country, because Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija have always seen themselves as an integral part of entire Serbia and continue to do so. The Serbian negotiating team is confident that direct negotiations can result in agreement and a compromise solution regarding the status of the southern province.

Kommentar: Muligvis søger Kosovo-Serberne at presse en formel deling af Kosóva / Kosovo igennem. En sådan deling vil hverken USA m.fl. eller Kosóva-Albanerne at acceptere, dels af politisk-strategiske grunde, dels af økonomiske (en væsentlig del af naturressourcer ligger i den Kosovo-Serbiske del). Kontaktgruppen (USA m.fl.) og Kosóva-Albanerne ønsker at der skal være ét Kosóva (skønt realiteten er at Kosóva siden 1999 har været opdelt i en stor Albansk og en mindre Serbisk sektor); Kontaktgruppen insisterer på at det Kosovo-Serbiske Mindretal sikres politisk og sikkerhedsmæssigt m.v. og opfordrer mindretallet til at engagere sig positivt i forhandlingerne.

Kontaktgruppens synspunkter er optrykt nedenfor i Nyhedsbrevet.

Flygtningenes tilbagevenden. OSCE / Kosóva skriver: PUTTING THE PROCESS OF RETURNS TO KOSOVO INTO LOCAL HANDS, se nærmere i nyhedsbrevet.

Det er nødvendigt at Kosovo's økonomi bliver 'bæredygtig', skriver Professor Austin på SET. Der er link til artiklen nedenfor.

Albanien: Udbygningen af vejnettet i landdistrikterne har højeste prioritet, siger PM Berisha.

060810 PM Berisha har haft møde med Anti-Korruptions Gruppen.

De forestående lokalvalg. Valglisterne. Socialisterne m.fl. stritter imod. ADN skriver: "Interior Ministry has no reason to be concerned over the delayed cooperation as we cannot become a party to elections with such a process," a Socialist legal councilor said, announcing absence of opposition’s experts in the process of lists’ compilation.- The invitation of the Ministry of the Interior to the opposition to cooperate for the compilation of the preliminary electors’ register has no legal and judicial value, said on Wednesday an official of the Socialist Party (SP).

Tirana Times skriver at det er muligt at Socialisterne vil boykotte valget.

Trafficking. Menneskehandel. Berat. Gazeta Sot skriver (med kilde i Albansk Politi): During the last 15 years there are 400 females of Berati Prefecture which are forced to sell their bodies on the Europe’s roads. Police’s sources declared that there identified 400 females, most of which are coming from rural zones, while the others are prostituting by their free will forced by the bad economical conditions, divorced which are divagating on Europe’s roads. According to the police sources, 15% of the girls who are forced to prostitute are minors. Based on the NGO-s surveys and the Women Association, 15% of them are minor.

El-forsyningen. Sammenlagt har balancen mellem forbrug og produktion og mellem import og eksport i første halvår 2006 været ringere end i 2005, men der er øjensynlig sket forbedringer fra 1' kvartal til 2' kvartal.

EU Bistand til Albanien. EU oplyser: Disbursement of 13 million € of Macro-Financial Assistance to Albania.

EU indkalder forslag vedr. det Albansk-Græske Naboskabsprogram.

Serbien: Den Serbiske Regering har haft besøg fra Rusland. Man er enige om at en fremtidig løsning må bygge på at Kosovo får en høj grad af autonomi, men forbliver en del af Serbien Den Serbiske Regering skriver: Solution to Kosovo status must not be imposed or talks time-restricted.

Montenegro: Parlamentsvalg 10.09.2006. Internationale Observatører under ledelse af Jørgen Grunnet begynder arbejdet.

Makedonien: 060810 Ali Ahmeti (Leder af det Albanske DUI) er stærkt utilfreds med valgresultatet. Han vil ikke acceptere at blive tvunget i opposition; i så fald vil den politiske situation blive ændret dramatisk, siger han. Han mener at udviklingen kan føre til at sammenbrud for Ohrid-aftalerne. Man har opsat vejspærringer forskellige steder i Skopje.

Tyrkiet: Der er en betydelig risiko for terrorangreb i Tyrkiet. Der har de seneste par år været et stigende antal bombeeksplosioner. Eksplosionerne har i mange tilfælde været af begrænset omfang og ikke direkte rettet mod udenlandske turister. Gerningsmændene kendes ikke altid. I en række tilfælde kan det have været personer med tilknytning til den kurdiske terrororganisation, PKK, der har stået bag. PKK har for nyligt offentligt truet med at foretage angreb mod mål i de tyrkiske storbyer og ved feriestederne ved kysterne.

USA: Attorney General’s Annual Report to Congress on U.S. Government Activities to Combat Trafficking in Persons Fiscal Year 2005 (June 2006). Her står bl.a.: In Albania, USAID supports the Terre des hommes Transnational Action against Child Trafficking project. This comprehensive child-trafficking program is focused on identifying at-risk children, providing social and educational assistance to families, reintegrating trafficked children, and monitoring and coordinating.

Supporting Human Rights and Democracy: The U.S. Record 2005 - 2006 har et længere afsnit om Kosovo og et mindre om Montenegro.

Danmark: Pius II (og Skanderbeg). DR2 viste Tirsdag 08.08.2006 filmen »Kardinalernes Nat« (»The Conclave« [2006]): DR2 skrev: I året 1458 er pave Callixtus III afgået ved døden, og den 27-årige spanske kardinal Rodrigo Borgia finder sig selv lukket inde i Vatikanet sammen med 18 magtfulde mænd, der slås indædt for at blive verdens øverste leder. Uden for konklavet er spanierne jaget vildt. Rodrigo har kun ét våben til at beskytte sig selv. Sin stemme, som han må bruge klogt til ikke alene at vælge en ny pave, men også til at sikre sit eget liv og sin fremtid.

Dén der blev pave i 1458, 5 år efter Konstantinopel's fald - under navnet Pius II - var Kardinal Piccolomini, han som siden forberedte et korstog på Balkan med Skanderbeg som hærfører. Korstoget blev aflyst i sidste øjeblik pga Paven's død.


Opmærksomheden henledes på Economic Reconstruction and Development in South East Europe. Adressen er Her kan man finde materiale om aktuelle møder og konferencer.



Se under de enkelte lande / områder.

OSCE, Europarådet

Se under de enkelte lande / områder.


Kommissionsformand Barroso har i Juli 2006 skrevet en artikel om G8:
What is the purpose of the G8? This weekend the heads of the eight leading industrialized democracies, plus myself and Finnish Prime Minister Vanhanen on behalf of the EU, will meet at the G8 Summit in St Petersburg. However, with just the EU and eight countries out of nearly 200 sitting around the table, it is hardly representative. Nor is it a negotiating group. When its members reach a consensus, their decisions are not even legally binding.

But the G8 has one great strength. It gives the world’s most powerful leaders the possibility to take personal responsibility for issues of worldwide importance; to make commitments, increasingly with the leaders of the developing industrial powerhouses, on global challenges that affect us all. This week’s summit will be no different, and one issue in particular demands urgent attention: energy security.

The world has entered a new energy era, dominated by rising international energy demand, high and volatile oil and gas prices and the challenge of climate change. Take Europe – the figures tell the story of a transformation in our energy landscape. Gas and oil prices have nearly doubled in the last two years. Europe’s import dependency is forecast to rise to 70 percent by 2030. There is under-investment along the whole global energy chain - over €16 trillion is needed over the next 20 years to meet expected energy demand and replace ageing infrastructure.

So I welcome President Putin’s decision to put energy security at the top of the Russian G8 Presidency’s agenda. The G8 includes most of the major energy consuming, producing and transiting countries. All should have an interest in promoting a secure and stable energy market and a level playing field.

But energy security is not achieved by patching up problems as they arise. We need to look at the entire energy chain from production to consumption. This encompasses issues like diversification of the energy mix - including renewables, and nuclear energy for those who want it - transit, energy efficiency, market opening, clean energy technologies and effective regulatory environments.

What we need is a framework of commonly agreed principles that helps to guide all the parties concerned, and which creates real interdependence, based on mutual trust. Such a framework would encourage the emergence of a secure and transparent investment climate in the world, and functioning and competitive markets. Both are essential if we are to unlock the massive investment needed in the energy sector over the coming decades.

The EU is taking a lead. Earlier this year, the European Commission proposed a new energy framework to Europe’s governments. They responded positively, first inviting the European Commission to develop an energy policy for Europe at their summit in March, then last month agreeing a set of principles for external energy security, to ensure that the EU’s external relations make a full contribution to Europe’s energy goals. These principles formed the basis of the agreement at last month’s EU/US Summit to reinforce the transatlantic strategic energy co-operation, and launch a high level dialogue to address the serious and long-term challenge of climate change.

But the energy challenges of the 21st century do not stop at Europe’s borders. Energy security is a global challenge that requires global solutions. That is precisely where the G8 is relevant, we must show the way and commit to a new framework of principles that will allow all nations to contribute to the common goal of reliable, affordable and sustainable energy.

In the focus on energy we should not lose sight of another long-term challenge for our world: ending extreme poverty. We must deliver on the key achievement at last year’s G8 Summit in Gleneagles – a comprehensive package to accelerate Africa’s progress towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals.

Here too, the EU took a central role, by agreeing to double aid by 2010 to provide 80% of the $50 billion pledged to Africa at Gleneagles; and by the progressive delivery of our commitment to allow all products except arms from the world’s poorest 50 countries to enter the EU without duties or quotas.

But we must continue to deliver on our promises. That is why Europe has pushed the development agenda this year, by pledging to make it easier for the poorest countries to access energy; by stepping up the fight against diseases like AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, which fall with such disproportionate and deadly weight on Africa; by endorsing new forms of education co-operation between and among developing and developed countries. In doing this, G8 leaders will accelerate change, not just mark time. We will keep development at the centre of global concerns. Where it belongs.



Verserende sager vedr. Kosovo: Anklageskrifter og udskrifter af retsmøderne kan findes på:

ICTY vs Slobodan Milosevic, (IT-02-54). Sagen er afsluttet uden dom pga Milosevic' død 11.03.2006

ICTY vs Fatmir Limaj et al. (IT-03-66). Der er fældet dom, se nærmere i # 284

ICTY vs Ramush Haradinaj (IT-04-84). Haradinaj er løsladt (på visse betingelser) indtil sagen skal for Retten.



Udsnit af EU's Europakort 2004. [Udsnittet kan forstørres ved at klikke på det]. Kortet indgår i en præsentationsbrochure, der kan downloades som pdf fra:


Bynavne: Angives der to navne på samme lokalitet, er den Albanske nævnt først. Se oversigten på: fra FNs Generalsekretær • 040616 SG Kofi Annan udtaler at han agter at udpege Søren Jessen-Petersen som 5' SRSG. Søren Jessen-Petersen blev senere udpeget og tiltrådte i Kosóva 040816. Søren Jessen-Petersen fratræder igen i slutningen af juni 2006 • 0308 Harri Holkeri tiltrådte som 4' SRSG. Fratrådt 0406 af helbredsmæssige grunde. • 020214 Michael Steiner tiltrådte i Kosova som 3' SRSG og fratrådte i begyndelsen af 0307. • En biografi over 2' SRSG Hans Hækkerup kan læses på Danske Politikere. En anmeldelse af hans bog »Kosovos mange ansigter« indgår i »Albansk Almanak 2004«Constitutional Framework for Provisional Self-Government. • Kosova's Regering. • Webside vedr. 2004-valgene

Parlamentsvalget 2004, se: Præsidenten - Ibrahim Rugóva - blev genvalgt efter valget af Parlamentet the Assembly; han døde 21.01.2006. Ny præsident er Fatmir Sejdiu

Folketælling? De Kosóva Albanske Myndigheder er - oplyser BBC - ved at forberede en folketælling med UNMIK's og EU's stiltiende accept. For at blive talt med skal Indbyggere der opholder sig uden for Kosovo / Kosóva kunne godtgøre at de hører hjemme i Kosovo / Kosóva og at de ikke har været væk i mere end ét år. En sådan regel vil afskære de fleste Kosovo Serbere der flygtede i 1999 fra at blive talt med. Kommentar: En sådan betingelse vil ikke kunne accepteres hverken af Kosovo-Serberne, Serbien eller de Internationale.

Kosovo's / Kosóva's fremtid. Forhandlingerne: Forhandlingerne går temmelig dårligt; den Kosovo-Serbiske Delegation har besluttet at boycotte forhandlingerne - man vil (ifølge Professor Dusan T. Batakovic, mangeårig rådgiver for den Ortodokse Kirke og senere i nogle år Ambassadør i Athen) ikke acceptere at blive opfattet som en minoritet. Den Kosóva-Albanske Delegation (hvori indgik Fatmir Limaj) og den Serbiske Delegation blev ved forhandlingsbordet, men Serberne ville nu ikke diskutere Minoriteternes forhold.

Se evt. reportage på BBC:

KosovaReport gengiver interview med den Kosóva-Albanske Politiker Veton Surroi:
Text of report by Radio-Television Kosovo TV on 8 August

[Announcer] We have live from Vienna the head of the Kosovar delegation, Veton Surroi. How do you evaluate today's talks?

[Veton Surroi] We presented our document, while the Belgrade side tried to change the topic and not discuss the real matter in question. This I believe brought legitimacy to the proposed document tabled by our side and in the upcoming days and weeks we expect that our document will become the basis of the talks.

[Announcer] How did the Serb delegation and international mediators react to the document proposed by the Kosovar side?

[Surroi] The international mediators have had knowledge of this document since April this year, while Belgrade attempted not to discuss the document and tried to minimize the document's provisions on the rights of the Serbs, considering them to be state forming.

[Announcer] The Kosova [Kosovo] Serbs were not present with the Belgrade delegation, does this damage the process?

[Surroi] It does not damage the process, the Kosova Serbs belong with the Kosovar delegation and not with Belgrade.

[Announcer] This was the first meeting on this issue. What will happen next? Will there be other meetings?

[Surroi] It was the first meeting and it is important for the fact that after 20 years we have arrived at a realistic situation to start talks between the Albanian majority and the communities that are minorities. We expect that in the future we will have a meeting with UNOSEK [UN Office of the Special Envoy for Kosovo] experts. These experts will make concrete remarks on our document and we will try to consolidate the document, to make additional proposals if this is needed. Then we will hand this document back to UNOSEK with the request to hand the document to Belgrade, so it can start formally negotiations on this document.

[Announcer] Mr Surroi, thank you for being with us.

Source: RTK TV, Pristina, in Albanian 1730 gmt 8 Aug 06

Den Serbiske Regering udtaler:
Minority rights to be discussed only within framework of negotiations on status

Belgrade/Vienna, Aug 8, 2006 – The Serbian negotiating team stated following the first round of talks on minority rights in Kosovo-Metohija that discussion on rights of communities in Kosovo-Metohija will be possible only within the framework of negotiations on status.

According to the written statement by the negotiating team, read by member of the team and advisor to the Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Simic, the Serbian negotiating team holds the opinion that only real negotiations can lead to compromise between Serbs and Kosovo Albanians, and rights of communities can be discussed only within the framework of talks on the future status of Kosovo-Metohija and the future political order in the province.

It is natural that a nation cannot be a minority in its own country, because Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija have always seen themselves as an integral part of entire Serbia and continue to do so. The Serbian negotiating team is confident that direct negotiations can result in agreement and a compromise solution regarding the status of the southern province.

Negotiations on status, and not the Vienna process of technical negotiations, should lead to an agreement containing principles which should be built into the constitution of Serbia and the constitution of the province. The two constitutions would give guarantees for rights of Kosovo-Albanians in Serbia, and guarantees and institutional solutions for real protection of Serbs in the province. The Serbian negotiating team will continue to constructively take part in efforts for reaching a solution acceptable to both sides, reads the statement.

Kommentar: Muligvis søger Kosovo-Serberne at presse en formel deling af Kosóva / Kosovo igennem. En sådan deling vil hverken USA m.fl. eller Kosóva-Albanerne at acceptere, dels af politisk-strategiske grunde, dels af økonomiske (en væsentlig del af naturressourcer ligger i den Kosovo-Serbiske del). Kontaktgruppen (USA m.fl.) og Kosóva-Albanerne ønsker at der skal være ét Kosóva (skønt realiteten er at Kosóva siden 1999 har været opdelt i en stor Albansk og en mindre Serbisk sektor); Kontaktgruppen insisterer på at det Kosovo-Serbiske Mindretal sikres politisk og sikkerhedsmæssigt m.v. og opfordrer mindretallet til at engagere sig positivt i forhandlingerne.

Kontaktgruppens opfattelse. USA's kontor i Prishtina har udsendt flg.:
August 4, 2006 / U.S. Office Pristina

Contact Group Statement on the Situation in Northern Kosovo

The Contact Group wants to see Kosovo's status resolved in a way that ensures the rights and security of all citizens and lays the foundation for a peaceful, democratic and multi-ethnic society. We are concerned about the situation in northern Kosovo where recent developments have raised tensions. The members of the Contact Group call on Belgrade, Pristina and Kosovo's residents to take steps to ensure northern Kosovo remains a stable region where the rights of all are respected. The international community will be increasingly engaged in northern Kosovo -- both before and after Kosovo's status is determined -- to help ensure that these goals are met.

To this end, the Contact Group believes that:

1. No matter what the future status of Kosovo will be, Kosovo Albanians and Kosovo Serbs will need to develop practical arrangements for northern Kosovo that promote effective governance, economic development and mutual trust. We call on Pristina and Belgrade to reach early agreements on these arrangements in the context of the future status negotiations led by UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari.

2. Decentralization of local government can help communities in northern Kosovo preserve their identity and protect their rights. In particular, decentralization can facilitate transparently-provided assistance from Belgrade and provide local governments with greater autonomy to respond to the specific needs of their constituents.

3. The protection of property rights, freedom of movement and the return of displaced persons are issues of great concern for both Serbs and Albanians in northern Kosovo. The status settlement should provide for their full implementation.

4. Solutions need to be found for the city of Mitrovica. New arrangements, now under discussion, should be functional, realistic and guarantee the rights of all residents.

5. Recent statements by municipal assemblies in northern Kosovo suspending cooperation with the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government (PISG) are cause for concern. We call upon Kosovo Serbs to participate in Kosovo's institutions where they can most effectively advocate their own interests.

6. After status is determined, an international presence will be established in Kosovo to supervise implementation of the status settlement and ensure the rights of all of Kosovo's people. This presence will pay close attention to northern Kosovo and will assist in the implementation of the settlement's provisions there.

7. KFOR will remain in Kosovo after status is determined to ensure a safe and secure environment.

8. Both Belgrade and Pristina should take immediate steps to reduce tensions in northern Kosovo, particularly to encourage responsible leadership and build confidence among communities.

9. Renewed attention should be paid to the economic revitalization of northern Kosovo. Spurring economic development will require cooperation between Kosovo Serb and Kosovo Albanian communities.

10. The Contact Group reaffirms its previous statements that there will be no partition of Kosovo.

Se også: Supporting Human Rights and Democracy: The U.S. Record 2005 - 2006 hvor der er et længere afsnit om forholdene i Kosóva, Se under: USA

Flygtningenes tilbagevenden. OSCE / Kosóva skriver:

Of the 230,000 people estimated by the UNHCR (the United Nations refugee agency) to be displaced at the end of the Kosovo conflict in 1999, only about 14,500 have so far returned.

The return of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) quickly became a priority for the international community, including the OSCE, but local actors are now becoming more involved.

Returnees' security concerns

"Immediately after the conflict, ethnic minority communities did not trust Kosovo's governmental structures, and many ethnic Serbs and Roma still have reservations," says Jose Arraiza, an advisor on property issues at the OSCE Mission in Kosovo.

Communities are sceptical of the ability of local courts to resolve property disputes. But security concerns - occasionally fuelled by ethnically-motivated violence, usually between Kosovo Albanians and Kosovo Serbs - present the biggest obstacle.

The UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), set up at the end of the conflict, was given the task of creating domestic institutions of self-government that would take on the responsibility of encouraging the returns process.

Charged with democratization, institution-building and promoting human rights, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo is an integral part of the UNMIK operational framework. To help refugees and IDPs return, the UN established the Housing and Property Directorate (HPD) in 1999, which has since presided over 20,000 eligible property claims. Arraiza insists, however, that the process is too slow and that greater efforts are needed.

"We still have more than 5,000 housing units under HPD administration that belong to people who do not feel comfortable returning," he says. In addition, 10,500 properties were destroyed and 2,000 properties are still illegally occupied, although the HPD has decided they should be returned to their rightful owners.

Local actors take charge

Kosovo's Provisional Institutions of Self-Government (PISG), the key partners in the returns process so far, are now starting to take a greater role in overcoming the obstacles.

"Responsibilities are being transferred and the PISG are assuming a greater role in administering Kosovo," points out Ambassador Werner Wnendt, Head of the OSCE Mission.

Nasar Rugova is a political advisor in the Office of Kosovo's Prime Minister: "The Government has intensified its efforts to increase trust between the different ethnic communities. We have a tradition of living side by side, and that needs to be reinforced."

For more than eight months, Rugova was a member of a working group on roles and responsibilities in the return process, created by the Government with help from the OSCE and UNMIK's Office of Communities, Returns and Minority Affairs.

Defining roles and responsibilities

The working group, comprised of IDPs, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), media professionals, and Government and political party representatives met regularly from September 2005 to April 2006. "With such broad membership, our aim was to gain greater credibility among IDPs and returnees," says Rugova.

The group's tasks included defining the roles of local actors in supporting returns and further developing the Government's strategy and policies to make returning easier.

The group recommended the following:

* better co-ordination between municipal return officers and Kosovo's central Government, which approves funding for return-related projects;
* providing greater financial assistance to returning refugees and IDPs;
* preventing discrimination through improved implementation of anti-discrimination legislation; and
* including projected return costs within municipal and central budgets.

In addition to greater financial support, it also asked for policy changes to help refugees and IDPs return to locations of their choice.

The group called on IDP associations and other NGOs to become more actively involved in the work of local and central government to ensure better representation of their interests. The media was also asked to help create a more positive perception of the returns process to ease returnees' reintegration in local communities.

Achieving returns

The working group and its process of consultation have improved government policies and have helped clarify the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders. While the international community will support their efforts, Arraiza says, "It cannot do much if the most important actors - local government, IDPs and civil society - are not leading the process."

Having local actors in charge becomes even more important with the expected definition of Kosovo's status and the end of the UN Administration. The OSCE is therefore continuing to support local actors in doing their best to make returns happen.

Written by Nikola Gaon

8 August 2006

Det er nødvendigt at Kosovo's økonomi bliver 'bæredygtig', skriver Professor Austin på SET. Robert C. Austin teaches the history and politics of Southeastern Europe at the Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto. Hans artikel indledes således:
With status talks finally gaining momentum over the fate of Kosovo, prospects for economic sustainability become an important question. Regardless of the outcome of the talks, creating a viable economy is critical. Since the NATO intervention in 1999, most people will tell you that Kosovo's main product is politics. A close look at Kosovo’s trade balance is telling -- of 1.1 billion euros in total trade, only 42m euros are in exports. The imbalance is made up primarily by the spending of the international community and the ever important remittances sent to the homeland by the always diligent Kosovo diaspora, which remits some 600m euros a year. On the plus side, so many imports and the taxes that go with them mean that customs revenues account for 70 per cent of the budget.
Artiklen er set på:

Pressemeddelelser fra UNMIK:

Ugerapport fra Dansk KFOR. Hærens Operative Kommando skriver (på
Beredskabet virker

Den Danske Bataljon i Kosovo har altid et nødberedskab, som er klar til at rykke ud

07-08-2006 kl. 15:18

Red. af P. Heien

major, presse- & Informationsofficer

Nødberedskabet, som kaldes FALCON, er altid klar til at køre med fem minutters varsel. FALCON-beredskabet kan sammenlignes lidt med en mindre Falck station i Danmark. I beredskabet indgår en indsatsleder, som har overblikket på ulykkestedet og som indsætter nødvendige ressourcer, militærpoliti som kan regulere både militær og civil trafik på ulykkesstedet, en læge, en pansret ambulance samt et bjærgningskøretøj, som også medbringer værktøj til frigørelse af fastklemte personer.

Alle køretøjer, som anvendes i beredskabet, er terrængående, således at de altid kan komme frem til ulykkesstedet. Derudover er militærpolitiets køretøj, lægens køretøj og ambulancen udstyret med blå blink og sirener og har derfor mulighed for at køre udrykningskørsel frem til ulykkesstedet.

FALCON virker

Vejene i Kosovo er generelt af meget dårlig standard. Når man kommer lidt væk fra byerne, kan en vej i Kosovo være det, vi ville kalde for en gedesti i Danmark. De vanskelige forhold har tidligere medført mindre færdselsuheld.

I sidste uge skete det så igen. Bataljonens døgnbemandede operationscenter modtog en melding fra nogle af de danske soldater, om at de var væltet med deres køretøj. Meldingen var meget præcis og det var lynhurtigt klart, at der ikke var tale om personskade, men alene om skade på køretøjet. Den vagthavende officer traf straks beslutning om at sende FALCON-beredskabet ud til stedet. Dette ud fra en betragtning om hellere at køre en gang for meget end en gang for lidt.

På rekordtid stod alle mand fra beredskabet klar ved operationscenteret. Efter en kort instruks fra vagthavende officer og indsatslederen rykkede beredskabet ud mod ulykkesstedet.

Beredskabet var, i forhold til afstanden, meget hurtigt på stedet. Lægen tilså straks de forulykkede soldater, mens bjærgningsmandskabet fik deres køretøj tilbage på vejen.

Hver gang FALCON-beredskabet bliver sendt ud, dannes der med det samme et nyt og tilsvarende FALCON beredskab. Herved er Den Danske Bataljon altid i stand til at håndtere minimum to ulykker samtidig.

Årsagen til nødberedskabets effektivitet skyldes en god uddannelse af personellet samt en meget professionel indstilling til arbejdet.

Arbejdet kan aldrig gøres godt nok, hvorfor beredskabet gennemfører jævnlige øvelser. Hver gang beredskabet har været i aktion, enten ved reelle uheld eller ved øvelse, bliver hele indsatsen evalueret, så alle kan lære af det som skete.

FALCON-beredskabets professionalisme gør, at soldaterne i Den Danske Bataljon altid kan være sikre på at få den bedst mulige hjælp, hvis ulykken skulle ske.

Logistiksektionen arbejder

Dette er det sidste ugebrev skrevet fra logistiksektionen på hold 14, så nu er enden nær! Vi har brugt meget af tiden siden sidst på at pakke og optælle materiel, der skal sendes hjem i næste uge. Det er ikke småting, der bliver pakket: Omkring 50 biler med materiel, våben og udstyr fra en spejdersektion og så alt det, som vores baltiske kollegaer har holdt hånd om de sidste syv år bliver hjemsendt. Grunden til det store logistiske puslespil er at der fra hold 15 og fremefter ikke skal være baltere eller spejdere i den danske lejr. Af samme grund har vi i denne uge haft besøg fra DANILOG (Det Danske Internationale Logistik Center) som har hjulpet os med al det papirarbejde, som følger med store redeployeringer.

I denne uge har vi også haft sidste udbetaling af jordleje for vores hold. Det var der ikke noget nyt i, så det vil jeg ikke gøre mere ud af.

Cheferne for hold 16 var også forbi i denne uge, på hvad de kalder Fact Finding besøg. De har fået dagene til at gå med blandt andet helikoptertur over Kosovo, restaurantbesøg i Mitrovica, og så har de fået set vores område fra jorden på patruljer. De tog hjem i går og kan nu begynde at planlægge deres soldaters uddannelse.


For nemheds skyld bruges betegnelsen Øst Kosóva / Presevo-dalen om det omstridte område med byerne: Presheva, Medvegja og Bujanoci (Albansk stavemåde). Ca. 75 % af befolkningen skønnes at være etniske Albanere - måske omkring 70.000. En modstandsgruppe har tidligere været i funktion, men synes nu at være »lukket ned«. Gruppen kaldtes i forkortet form UCPMB (som står for noget i retning af: Ushtria Clirimtare e Presheva, Medvegja dhe Bujanoci; på Engelsk: Liberation Army of Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoci). Gruppen sagde at den intet havde at gøre med Kosova's UCK, og at den var en lokal gruppe.


Klik på kortet, hvis du vil have det forstørret / click to enlarge it

Info fra Albaniens Statistik: Befolkningstal: 3,1 Mio (1.1.2004). GDP (Gross Domestic Product): 630 Mia Lek (2002, current prices); GDP-structure: Agriculture: 26 %, Industry 10-11 %, Construction: 7-8 %, Services: 55-56 %. Export: 54 mia lek (2003) [heraf til Danmark: 23 mio lek; størrelsesorden 1,2 mio kr], Import: 226 mia lek (2003) [Heraf fra Danmark: 855 mio lek; størrelsesorden: 45-50 mio kr], Tradedeficit: 171 mia lek (2003). Største import fra Italien (75 mia lek) og Grækenland (45 mia lek), største eksport til Italien (40 mia lek). Unemployment: 14-15 % (2004-III)

Meddelelser til udlændinge fra det Albanske Indenrigsministerium. Det Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: Det Danske UM har pt ingen rejsevejledning, men henviser til det Engelske UM. Den Norske Ambassade kan findes på: Det Amerikanske UM har Juni 2004 offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Albanien:

Mother Teresa:

Parlamentsvalget i 2005 [Præsidenten vælges af Parlamentet for 5 år, næste gang i 2007]: Se nærmere i:

PM Sali Berisha's aktiviteter: [Billederne i denne sektion kan som regel forstørres ved at klikke på dem (mens man er på nettet)]. Udbygningen af vejnettet i landdistrikterne har højeste prioritet, siger PM Berisha. ADN skriver:
“This is a vital project which is going to have great impact not only on the domestic trade but even on all the other services. For this reason it is very important for the Task Force to start its work as soon as possible," highlighted Berisha. - The Albanian Premier, Sali Berisha declared on Wednesday that the government is going to initiate the asphalting of nearly 6,000 kilometers of rural roads.

060810 PM Berisha har haft møde med Anti-Korruptions Gruppen:

Den Albanske PMs Informationskontor skriver [pt haves kun Albansk udgave]:

Sot, u zhvillua mbledhja e Task Forcës kundër korrupsionit, në të cilën u diskutuan arritjet konkrete dhe masat e mëtejshme të qeverisë në luftën kundër korrupsionit.

Në fjalën e tij, ndër të tjera Kryeministri Sali Berisha u shpreh:

“Ky takim i Task-Forcës kundër korrupsionit është thirrur për të iniciuar një fazë të re në luftën kundër korrupsionit gjatë kësaj periudhe, e bazuar në tërësi në rivendosjen e shtetit ligjor, në akte ligjore dhe nënligjore serioze, me të cilat administrata doli jashtë konfliktit të interesit, publikut iu bë e mundur një pjesëmarrje e gjerë në luftën kundër këtij “kanceri” dhe me të cilat prokurimet u bënë më transparente. Kjo luftë ka dhënë rezultatet e para shumë të rëndësishme.

Rezultati më konkret ishte buxheti suplementar. Ky buxhet në çdo qindarkë të tij u bë i mundur nga lufta kundër evazionit fiskal dhe kontrabandës. Ky buxhet shënon kthesën e vërtetë serioze në shkëputjen nga sistemi i korrupsionit. Rezultat tjetër madhor i luftës kundër korrupsionit është shkurtimi i shpenzimeve operative rreth 40 përqind në administratë, shpenzime të cilat përbënin një total prej mbi 45 milionë euro dhe që shkonin të gjitha për bileta të klasit të parë, djeta e weekend-e brenda dhe jashtë vendit, telefonata dhe shpërdorime e abuzime të tjera, kilometrazhe 300-400 km në ditë, etj.

Arritje tjetër madhore e luftës kundër korrupsionit ka qenë zvogëlimi i kostos së prokurimeve publike. Për shkak të hapjes së procedurave të transparencës, prokurimet publike të administratës qendrore, të ministrive të linjës dhe institucioneve të ndërvarura janë realizuar në tërësinë e tyre së paku me një kosto 25 përqind më të ulët. Këto janë rezultatet më evidente. Çdo gjë në këtë betejë matet me qindarka dhe jo me fjalë, matet me antiryshfetet, matet me një performancë financiare më të mirë.

Këto rezultate përbëjnë vetëm një stacion në betejën tonë në luftën kundër korrupsionit. Ne tashmë shpallim etapën e dytë të instalimit të procedurave të reja, procedura që përjashtojnë korrupsionit. Shembulli që ndoqëm me maturën shtetërore, i cili para së gjithash kishte vullnetin politik, ku nëpërmjet procedurës ia dolëm të përjashtojmë korrupsionin, duhet të ndiqet edhe ne sektorë të tjerë. Duhet të ndiqet çdo procedurë për të përjashtuar korrupsionin dhe toleranca në këtë drejtim do të jetë zero, sepse kjo do të jetë çështje e vullnetit tuaj politik.

Ne duam të luftojmë korrupsionin në ndërtim. Për këtë ka vetëm një rrugë kryesore që ministria e Punëve Publike dhe Ministria e Brendshme të imponojë me detyrim dhe sanksione përfundimin sa më shpejtë të planeve të përgjithshme rregulluese urbanistike të qyteteve dhe komunave. Vetëm në këtë mënyrë do të shkatërrohet moduli Rama, që është moduli i megakorrupsionit në këtë fushë. Por ky modul që e shpiku ai, i tipit “vidh e puno, puno e vidh”, nuk mund të ndodhë më. Është e vërtetë që po ecim me plane të pjesshme, por këto plane urbanistike janë absolutisht të tipit “vidh e puno”. Nëse do kalohet në plane të përgjithshme, nuk do të mund të vidhet më, sepse lejet fitohen automatikisht dhe nuk ke më nevojë të paguash asnjë qindarkë për të marrë këto leje. Prandaj le të përcaktojmë edhe këtë përparësi absolute, qoftë edhe me sanksione buxhetore shumë të rrepta. Le të përdoren taksat për të mos vjedhur më qytetarët. Ky është morali i kësaj nisme. Le të shpenzojmë për planet urbanistike të përgjithshme në mënyrë që qytetarët të mos grabiten më nga ryshfeti.

Zotërinj të tatimeve, në mënyrë emergjente duhet të përcaktoni procedurat, të shpëtoni biznesmenët nga arbitrariteti i taksambledhësve të korruptuar. Kjo është përparësi absolute. Po ashtu, është tepër urgjente shorti në gjykata, pasi ashtu siç dëshmojnë kontrollet, shorti hidhet në Vlorë dhe fiton ai që bën pushimet në Kosta Azzura. Po kështu KESH-i, Telekomi, hipoteka, pasaportat. Do ketë dy parime themelore për procedurat; antikorrupsioni dhe shërbesat, jo tarifat. Ju përcaktoni parimet kryesore se si t’i shërbeni më mirë qytetarit në mënyrë jokorruptive.

Është bërë progres i madh në lëvrimin e pasaportave. Kjo është për t’u përgëzuar. Por edhe kjo procedurë duhet të rishqyrtohet në mënyrë që të mos jetë e mundur të futet asnjë qindrakë në xhepa. Sigurisht personaliteti dhe integriteti i personave ka rëndësinë e vet në luftën kundër korrupsionit, por kjo luftë duhet të bazohet para së gjithash në procedura antikorruptive. Nuk duhet të përdorim justifikime se kështu funksionon në një vend e kështu funksionon në një vend tjetër, jo, pasi këto vende nuk janë të dënuara nga korrupsioni ashtu si ne.

Privatizimi i shërbimeve të bëhet me shpejtësinë më të madhe aty ku është i mundshëm. Ministra e Punëve Publike, Ministria e Brendshme dhe të tjera ministri, duhet që me shpejtësi të madhe të procedojnë në privatizimin e shërbimeve. Shteti vetëm ruan mbikqyrjen në këto shërbime dhe bëhet gardian i ligjit. Përse duhet ta bëjë shteti kolaudimin e automjetit? Vetëm që t’i zhvasë 100 euro qytetarit gjatë kolaudimit? Prandaj duhet privatizim dhe me shpejtësi. Përparësia është e dyfishtë në këto privatizime. Çdo vend privatizon për të rritur efiçencën, kurse ne privatizojmë për efiçencën dhe antikorrupsionin. Pra kemi dy motive themelore; antikorrupsioni i pari dhe efiçenca e dyta.

Prej dy muajsh zëvendëskryeministri, në krye të një grupi pune, po merret me shqyrtimin e procedurave, në mënyrë që të mundësohet thjeshtimi i tyre dhe të bëhen sa më pak të kushtueshme për qytetarin. Ndaj, zoti zëvendëskryeministër, duhet të paraqitni projektet e të gjithë platformës tuaj antikorrupsion në këto procedura. Këto procedura duhet të shtrihen në të gjitha provimet e universiteteve, duhet të shtrihet në të gjitha garat që bëhen. Departamenti i Administratës Publike duhet detyrimisht të aplikojë procedurën më të qartë në rekrutimin e punonjësve të administratës. Pra duhet të shqyrtoni çdo procedurë.

Një qytetar më njofton se shefi i qarkullimit nuk lejon automjetin e tij, ndërsa të tjerëve u merr 500 euro. Unë nuk mund të them se ka marrë ndonjë qindarke ky shef qarkullimi, por mund të them se shefat ndërtojnë pallate dhe në këto 15 vjet janë bërë të kamur. Ky është një realitet i hidhur. Ndaj duhet të përcaktohen procedurat se si as shefi i qarkullimit, as ministri e askush tjetër të mos mund të marrë dot asnjë qindarkë. Sepse askush nga qytetarët nuk ka dëshirë të japë para nga xhepi. Ai mund të ketë dëshirë thjesht të japë një kafe, por dhënia e lekëve nuk mund të ekzistojë si dëshirë njerëzore as në Shqipëri e as në një vend të botës.

Nuk ekziston më asnjë pengesë për t’i mundësuar këto procedura. Duhet të uleni me ekipe, me stafe dhe me vëmendje të shqyrtohen dhe rishqyrtohen, të vlerësohen dhe rivlerësohen procedurat që le t’i quajmë procedura antiryshfet.

Unë u ndala në disa rezultate. Rezultate të mira ka biznesi, i cili po zgjerohet dhe ku vihet re një vullnet i madh për investime të reja. Unë pres çdo ditë në takime biznesmenë, të cilët më informojnë se do të shtojnë punonjësit e tyre. Pra le të thjeshtojmë procedurat në mënyrë që atyre, në këtë proces, askush të mos u kërkojë asnjë qindarkë. Edhe ulja e çmimeve është një mënyrë antikorrupsion. Duhet të gjenden të gjitha mënyrat për të bërë të pavlefshëm ryshfetin”.

De forestående lokalvalg. Valglisterne. Socialisterne m.fl. stritter imod. ADN skriver:
"Interior Ministry has no reason to be concerned over the delayed cooperation as we cannot become a party to elections with such a process," a Socialist legal councilor said, announcing absence of opposition’s experts in the process of lists’ compilation.- The invitation of the Ministry of the Interior to the opposition to cooperate for the compilation of the preliminary electors’ register has no legal and judicial value, said on Wednesday an official of the Socialist Party (SP).

Tirana Times skriver at det er muligt at Socialisterne vil boykotte valget. En artikel begyndes således:
TIRANA, Aug. 2 – The opposition threatened they are considering the boycott of the upcoming local government elections if the government does not reconsider the distribution of investment from the budget of the second half of the year. Socialist parliamentarian Arben Isaraj said they may withdraw their representatives in the local government.

Eftersøgningen af den forulykkede helikopter med Gramoz Pashko m.fl. Det Albanske Forsvarsministerium skriver [060805]:
Second phase of the in-depth searching and lifting of the helicopter operation

The aims of this phase are the complete identification of the helicopter and its lifting from the bottom of the sea.

A metal object’s position, about 5 meters tall, in a depth of 1024 meters was detected, based on the data gathered from the Rinas Airport and Brindisi Airport Control Towers, as well as the first phase of the helicopter search. These objects were intercepted by the Italian ships URANIA and GALATEA, through acoustic signals. This means that to fully verify if we’re really talking about the presidential helicopter which fell during the night of 16 July, visual sight should be used, too.

For the fulfillment of the above mentioned aims, the searching ship Janus 2 from Marseille has been contracted. This ship is specialized in searches in big depths. It has two sonor active devices and two searching robots on board, which will enable visual sights in color of the metallic object.

A meeting was held on board the ship, in which took part the Commander of the Navy Force, 1rst Captain, Kristaq Gerveni accompanied by other high ranking officers of the Navy Force, the main coordinating manager Bernard Dreyer, 3 oceanographers from the French company Comex which administrates Janus 2, the military attaché of the Republic of France in our country as well as the ship’s crew made up of 8 people.

The data gathered during the first phase of the operation and future steps to be undertaken were discussed during the meeting. If the visual colorful sights will enable the full verification of tit indeed being the helicopter and it results to be undamaged, then there will be hope for the bodies to be inside.

The Albanian Navy Force will be represented by Lieutenant Edison Hoxha and each day a ship of this Force will assist “Janus 2” The Albanian divers’ group is waiting to be included in the moment the bodies will be taken out.

Trafficking. Menneskehandel. Berat. Gazeta Sot skriver (med kilde i Albansk Politi):
During the last 15 years there are 400 females of Berati Prefecture which are forced to sell their bodies on the Europe’s roads. Police’s sources declared that there identified 400 females, most of which are coming from rural zones, while the others are prostituting by their free will forced by the bad economical conditions, divorced which are divagating on Europe’s roads. According to the police sources, 15% of the girls who are forced to prostitute are minors. Based on the NGO-s surveys and the Women Association, 15% of them are minor.

El-forsyningen. Sammenlagt har balancen mellem forbrug og produktion og mellem import og eksport i første halvår 2006 været ringere end i 2005, men der er øjensynlig sket forbedringer fra 1' kvartal til 2' kvartal. Albansk Statistik skriver:

The total sources of electric power, during the first half-year of 2006, increased slightly compared with the same period of year 2005. The quantity of sources attained to 3,698 GWh.

The domestic production of electric power decreased by 1.4 percent, as a result of felt in hydro plants, thermo plants IPP and HPP production.

The electric power produced by thermo plants had felt by 8.4 percent compared with the first six months of year 2005. Electric production of hydro plants, during the first half-year 2006, made up 96.8 percent of the total domestic production. Though the decrease of their production is over 2 percent, compared with the same period of year 2005, have the main impact.

The quantity of electric power domestic production of the first half-year 2006 is 3,212 GWh and it covers 86.9 percent of the total sources of energy.



Import (including exchanges) of electric power increased by 17.9 percent compared with the first six months of year 2005. The imported quantity (including exchanges) is 486 GWh where 41.4 percent of it is received quantity. Export (including exchanges) of electric power during the first half-year of 2006 decreased with 7.4 percent, in comparison with the same period of 2005. The outflow quantity of electric power is over 474 GWh. It covers 12.8 percent of the total quantity used.



Total losses in network rose with 4.9 percent compared with the first six months of year 2005. The quantity of total losses till the first half-year 2006 is 1,334 GWh. They compose 36.1 percent of the quantity available for use. Losses in distribution had a sharp decrease by 9.5 percent. In the referring period of year 2006, they consist in 91.1 percent of the lost quantity of energy in network, differently from the same period of one year before where they made up 87.3 percent.



Consumption by users had a slight decrease compared with the first half-year of 2005. Its quantity attained to 1,834 GWh and made up 49.6 percent of the total electric power available for use.

Residential sector have increased by 0.3 percent the consumed quantity during the first half-year 2005. This sector consumed 60.6 percent of the consumed quantity by total users.



EU Bistand til Albanien. EU oplyser:

Foto fra PMs Kontor

Disbursement of 13 million € of Macro-Financial Assistance to Albania

Tirana, 7 August 2006

Remarks by Mr Hubert Petit, Acting Head of the European Commission Delegation in Albania

Mr Prime Minister,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am very pleased to announce to you today, together with Prime Minister Berisha, the release by the European Commission of EUR 13 million grant assistance to Albania. This is the second and last tranche of a EUR 25 million macro-financial assistance by the European Union to Albania which was aimed to support economic reform and stabilisation in Albania.

This assistance was approved by the European Union in April 2004 and is provided in the context of the stabilisation programme supported by the International Monetary Fund. Its objective is to ease the Albania's external financing constraints, strengthen its balance of payments position and to underpin the reform process towards a market-oriented economic system. This requires continued efforts by the Albanian authorities to establish strong and modern institutions and a continuation of stability-oriented macroeconomic policies.

The disbursement of the last tranche was made possible after the fulfilling of a series of preconditions, which included a favourable track record of the economic stabilisation programme supported by the IMF and the progress in reforming key areas such as public finance management, public administration, financial sector, business environment and private sector development.

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund made a favourable review of Albania’s current three-year Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility arrangement, whereas the European Commission positively assessed the efforts made by Albania, in particular during the recent months, in the above-mentioned areas.

This event comes only some weeks after the signature of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU and shows that the agreement is the beginning of a new and more difficult phase. As President Barroso said during his visit in Tirana “This is no time for Albania to relax its efforts. The real work begins after the Agreement has been signed. Albania has to establish a track-record in implementing this Agreement, in order to move closer to the EU”. But, this also shows that efforts pay and are recognised.

I take this opportunity, however, to say that the EU integration process requires joint efforts of all Albanian political forces. Successful efforts in the field of economic reform should be carried out in a sounder political environment, which is conducive to more progress. The latest events in Parliament have unfortunately showed a lack of political maturity.

A more constructive stance and shared responsibility are crucial features in this context. It is also important to intensify efforts to build consensus on reforms through dialogue between all forces and stakeholders of the Albanian society and to avoid unnecessary confrontational political climate.

Mr Prime Minister,

I take again this opportunity to congratulate you and your Government for the efforts made in the areas of economic reform and stabilisation which led to the disbursement of the EU macro-financial assistance.

Thank you for your attention.

EU indkalder forslag vedr. det Albansk-Græske Naboskabsprogram. EU skriver:
"Greece-Albania Neighbourhood Programme: Call for Proposals open"

A call to submit proposals for the award of grants under the Greece-Albania Neighbourhood Programme of Cross Border Cooperation has been launched.

Potential Albanian applicants interested in submitting a joint project with a Greek partner should study the available documentation carefully, notably the "Call for Proposals" and the "Guidelines for Applicants", which provide information about eligibility, availability of funds, co-financing rules, selection procedure, etc.

The deadline for submission of joint proposals is 29 September 2006 at 16:00 local time at the address mentioned below.

Requests for additional information may be addressed to the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme:

Joint Technical Secretariat
Greece - Albania Neighbourhood Programme
65, Leoforos Georgikis Scholis
570 01 Thessaloniki, Greece

Tel.: +30 2310 469600


Det Amerikanske UM har offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Serbien - Montenegro: Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: • En biografi over tidligere Forbundspræsident Kostunica kan læses på Serbiske Politikere.

Præsidentvalg i Serbien. Boris Tadic blev i Juni 2004 valgt som Præsident. Seneste Parlamentsvalg: 031228.

Kosovo / Kosóva: Se også under: Serbien. Den Serbiske Regering har haft besøg fra Rusland. Man er enige om at en fremtidig løsning må bygge på at Kosovo får en høj grad af autonomi, men forbliver en del af Serbien Den Serbiske Regering skriver:
Solution to Kosovo status must not be imposed or talks time-restricted

Belgrade, Aug 7, 2006 – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica met today with Russian Minister of Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and Natural Disasters Sergey Shoygu, who told Kostunica that Russia and President Vladimir Putin agree that the solution to Kosovo status must not be imposed or talks time restricted.

Shoygu stressed that when it comes to the issue of the future status of Kosovo-Metohija, Russia agrees with Belgrade's stance that the best solution to the province is essential autonomy within Serbia's existing borders, adding that all arguments stand in Serbia's favour.

At the meeting Kostunica said that Serbia highly appreciates the principled stance of both Russia and its President Vladimir Putin.

Kostunica said that the Serbian government's policy is based on the essential position that Kosovo has always been a constituent part of Serbia and will remain so.

Kostunica stressed that Belgrade advocates compromise and a just solution for Kosovo-Metohija, based on the basic principles of international law and preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, and that the solution is substantial autonomy for the province.

He emphasized that any imposed solution would have a serious impact on peace and stability, not just in the Balkans but further afield. He warned that Serbia as a state will reject any imposed solution and would, in that case, declare that Kosovo-Metohija is an integral part of Serbia.

The collocutors said that economic and commercial cooperation between Serbia and Russia is improving, and special importance was attached to the memorandum of understanding signed between the Serbian government, “Srbija Gas” and Russian “Gazprom” regarding the construction of a 400 kilometere long gas pipeline through Serbia.

Both sides expressed willingness for further improving overall cooperation between the two countries.

En Kosovo-Serbisk Pige er blevet dolket. PM Kostunica mener der er tale om et bevidst Kosóva Albansk overgreb og kræver at der blever skredet ind. Den Serbiske Regering skriver:
International community must stop crimes against Kosovo Serbs

Belgrade, Aug 7, 2006 – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica said after the latest crime in Kosovo-Metohija that international community must no longer watch dumbly as Albanian separatists kill and terrorise Serbs in the province.

Perpetrators of the crime against 18-year-old Ljubisa Janackovic must be revealed immediately and those criminals must be brought to justice, said Kostunica speaking to agency Tanjug, adding that this is one more in a series of crimes against Kosovo Serbs. He noted that the Serbian government will attentively monitor whether the international community will investigate this as well as previous crimes in the shortest time.

Kostunica said that in front of the eyes of the whole world Albanian separatists are constantly committing crimes and conducting terror, trying to achieve their goal, that is, an ethnically cleansed and independent Kosovo.

International community must stop the crimes that happen every day, as it is obliged by the UN Security Council’s Resolution 1244 to provide elementary peace and security in the province, he said. To make things even worse, this is all happening at the same time while negotiations on the future Kosovo-Metohija status are being organised in Vienna, said Kostunica.

On Friday, Aug 4, at around 7 pm, 18-year-old Ljubisa Janackovic was stabbed twice in the shoulder in the village of Priluzje near Vucitrn. The incident happened near the river Lab.


Præsidentvalg 030611: Filip Vujanovic blev valgt. Seneste Parlamentsvalg 021020.

Folkeafstemning 21.05.2006 om Montenegro's forhold til statsforbundet Serbien-Montenegro. Der var et mindre flertal for at udtræde af forbundet (55,4% mod 44,6%), hvilket er blevet anerkendt af EU m.fl. Serbien har accepteret den nye tingenes tilstand, skønt der var nogen murren efter at resultatet blev kendt.

Parlamentsvalg 10.09.2006. Internationale Observatører under ledelse af Jørgen Grunnet begynder arbejdet. OSCE skriver:
WARSAW/PODGORICA, 9 August 2006 - The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights deployed an Election Observation Mission today to observe Montenegro's parliamentary elections on 10 September 2006.

The parliamentary elections will be the first since Montenegro became an independent state following a 21 May referendum, also observed by the OSCE.

The long-term OSCE/ODIHR mission, headed by Jorgen Grunnet of Denmark, consists of nine international staff based in Podgorica and 17 long-term observers deployed around the country. It will assess the parliamentary elections for their compliance with principles for democratic electoral processes, including commitments agreed to by all OSCE participating States, as well as national legislation.

Observers will closely monitor campaign activities, the media, media coverage, the legislative framework and its implementation, the work of the election administration and relevant government bodies and the resolution of election disputes. The mission will comment on the municipal elections that are schedule to be held concurrently only to the degree that they may have an impact on the parliamentary elections.

The OSCE/ODIHR will ask OSCE participating States to second 150 short-term observers to observe the voting, counting and tabulation of results. The short term observation will also include observers from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

The day after the elections, the observers will issue a preliminary statement. A final report on the observation of the entire electoral process will be published approximately two months after the end of the observation mission by the OSCE/ODIHR.

The OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission and the OSCE Mission in Montenegro, headed by Ambassador Paraschiva Badescu, operate separately under their specific mandates.

Se også: Supporting Human Rights and Democracy: The U.S. Record 2005 - 2006 hvor der er et afsnit om forholdene i Montenegro, Se under: USA


Det Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: • Det Amerikanske UM har offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Makedonien:

Der er omkring 25 % etniske Albanere i Makedonien. Folketælling afholdtes 021101-021105.

Folkeafstemningen 041107 om decentralisering (= imødekommelse af Makedonien-Albanske interesser): Folkeafstemningen "faldt". Stemmedeltagelsen var kun omkring 26 %. Hvis afstemningen skulle have kunnet udvirke en ændring af decentraliseringslovgivningen, skulle deltagelsen have været mindst 50%, og desuden skulle der have været flertal mod lovgivningen. Det var ventet at stemmedeltagelsen ville have været noget større, selv om både Regeringspartierne og den Albanske minoritet anbefalede at man blev hjemme. Man kan nu gå videre i overensstemmelse med Ohrid-aftalerne.

Præsidentvalg i Maj 2004: Branko Crvenkovski - hidtidig PM - blev valgt (efter Boris Trajkovski som omkom ved en flyulykke). Seneste Parlamentsvalg fandt sted 020915. Der kan henvises til flg. OSCE/ODIHR-oversigtsside:

Makedonien forhandler med EU om optagelse. Aktuel status, se: Se også den generelle side:

060810 Ali Ahmeti (Leder af det Albanske DUI) er stærkt utilfreds med valgresultatet. Han vil ikke acceptere at blive tvunget i opposition; i så fald vil den politiske situation blive ændret dramatisk, siger han. Han mener at udviklingen kan føre til at sammenbrud for Ohrid-aftalerne. Man har opsat vejspærringer forskellige steder i Skopje.


Seneste Parlamentsvalg 040307.

EU indkalder forslag vedr. det Albansk-Græske Naboskabsprogram. EU skriver:
"Greece-Albania Neighbourhood Programme: Call for Proposals open"

A call to submit proposals for the award of grants under the Greece-Albania Neighbourhood Programme of Cross Border Cooperation has been launched.

Potential Albanian applicants interested in submitting a joint project with a Greek partner should study the available documentation carefully, notably the "Call for Proposals" and the "Guidelines for Applicants", which provide information about eligibility, availability of funds, co-financing rules, selection procedure, etc.

The deadline for submission of joint proposals is 29 September 2006 at 16:00 local time at the address mentioned below.

Requests for additional information may be addressed to the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme:

Joint Technical Secretariat
Greece - Albania Neighbourhood Programme
65, Leoforos Georgikis Scholis
570 01 Thessaloniki, Greece

Tel.: +30 2310 469600


UMs rejsevejledning:

Seneste Parlamentsvalg blev holdt 021103. Det blev i December 2004 aftalt (med EUs Regeringschefer)at der i Oktober 2005 skal indledes forhandlinger om optagelse af Tyrkiet i EU.

Gyldig 10-08-2006

Der er en betydelig risiko for terrorangreb i Tyrkiet. Der har de seneste par år været et stigende antal bombeeksplosioner. Eksplosionerne har i mange tilfælde været af begrænset omfang og ikke direkte rettet mod udenlandske turister. Gerningsmændene kendes ikke altid. I en række tilfælde kan det have været personer med tilknytning til den kurdiske terrororganisation, PKK, der har stået bag. PKK har for nyligt offentligt truet med at foretage angreb mod mål i de tyrkiske storbyer og ved feriestederne ved kysterne.

Den 4. august 2006 fandt der to bombesprængninger sted i Adana i det sydlige Tyrkiet. 17 personer blev såret ved eksplosionerne. Der var ingen udlændinge blandt de tilskadekomne.

Den 25. juni 2006 var der en eksplosion i Manavgat øst for Antalya, som dræbte fire personer (heraf to turister) og sårede adskillige. TAK - den militære afdeling af PKK - har taget ansvaret for eksplosionen. Den tyrkiske regering har ikke bekræftet, at der var tale om bombeeksplosion.

Den 16. juli 2005 fandt der en bombesprængning sted i en minibus i byen Kusadasi ved Ægæerhavet, der er feriemål for mange vestlige turister. 5 personer omkom og 13 kom til skade. Der var ingen danskere blandt disse.

Den 10. juli 2005 var der en bombeeksplosion i den tyrkiske ferieby Cesme. Ifølge tyrkisk politi blev ca. 20 personer såret ved eksplosionen. Der var ingen danskere blandt de tilskadekomne.

Der har desuden været mindre bombesprængninger i bl.a. Ankara.

I det sydøstlige Tyrkiet bør rejsende generelt udvise forsigtighed. Den kurdiske terrororganisation PKK var op gennem 1980'erne og 1990'erne aktiv især i denne del af landet, og der forekommer af og til sammenstød mellem de tyrkiske sikkerhedsstyrker og PKK. Siden den 28. marts 2006 har der været større civile uroligheder i Sydøsttyrkiet primært i Diyarbakir, hvor PKK har været involveret. Urolighederne har indtil videre resulteret i flere omkomne og mange tilskadekomne. Demonstrationer har også fundet sted i nærheden af byerne Batman og Mardin. Det kan ikke udelukkes, at urolighederne kan spredes til andre dele af landet. Den 2. april 2006 førte uroligheder i Istanbul til, at tre personer omkom.

Danske rejsende har i almindelighed et problemfrit ophold i Tyrkiet. Risikoen for tyveri og røveri er generelt lav, men stigende i de større byer som f.eks. Istanbul og Izmir. Man bør her udvise agtpågivenhed og ikke tage imod mad eller drikke fra fremmede, da det kan indeholde bedøvelsesmidler. I turistområderne ved kysten er der rapporteret om overfald af seksuel karakter.

Alvorlige trafikuheld forekommer ofte i Tyrkiet, og kørsel betragtes i særdeleshed som risikofyldt. Kørsel om natten uden for de større byer frarådes.

Tyrkiet er beliggende i aktive jordskælvszoner. Siden 1950 har Tyrkiet været ramt af 19 jordskælv kraftigere end 7 på Richterskalaen - dog ikke i turistområder.

Alle danske rejsende til Irak via Tyrkiet bør på forhånd undersøge de gældende irakiske indrejsebestemmelser. Der stilles ikke krav om forudgående tilladelse fra de tyrkiske myndigheder ved indrejse til Irak via grænseovergangen ved Habur. Medarbejdere i NGO'er, som ønsker at indrejse til Irak via Habur-grænsen, skal dog indhente forhåndstilladelse fra de tyrkiske myndigheder, som kræver en omfattende dokumentation i forbindelse med ansøgningen. Ambassaden i Ankara kan bistå NGO'er med at søge tilladelse.

Danmark bistår danske statsborgere og andre personer med fast ophold i Danmark. Personer med dobbelt statsborgerskab kan dog normalt ikke ifølge folkerettens regler påkalde sig Danmarks beskyttelse over for Tyrkiet, hvis Tyrkiet modsætter sig det.

Personer af tyrkisk afstamning, der agter at rejse til Tyrkiet, bør på forhånd nøje overveje, hvorvidt der måtte være forhold i relation til de tyrkiske myndigheder, som f.eks. aftjening af værnepligt, der tilsiger, at rejsen ikke bør finde sted, eller at særlig forsigtighed bør udvises.



Mother Teresa. I anledning af saligkåringen ('beatificeringen') 031019 har Vatikantet etableret en internetside:



Attorney General’s Annual Report to Congress on U.S. Government Activities to Combat Trafficking in Persons Fiscal Year 2005 (June 2006) kan findes som PDF på: Her står bl.a.:
In Albania, USAID supports the Terre des hommes Transnational Action against Child Trafficking project. This comprehensive child-trafficking program is focused on identifying at-risk children, providing social and educational assistance to families, reintegrating trafficked children, and monitoring and coordinating.

Supporting Human Rights and Democracy: The U.S. Record 2005 - 2006 kan findes som PDF på: Her står bl.a.:

Since 1999, Kosovo has been administered by the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (June 1999). UNMIK has worked to foster autonomy, effective self-governance, protection of minority rights, and adherence to the rule of law. After six years of international community assistance, the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government (PISG) must still fully address interethnic reconciliation and make further progress on implementing the “Standards for Kosovo,” which help provide the framework for establishing a multi-ethnic, sustainable democratic society. In October 2005, the UN Security Council formally approved commencement of final status negotiations for Kosovo, based on the recommendation of UN Special Envoy Kai Eide. As a member of the Contact Group and contributor to the NATOled Kosovo Force, the United States remains fully involved in all aspects of peacekeeping and democratization in Kosovo. UNMIK and the PISG generally respected the human rights of Kosovo’s residents; however, there were serious problems in some areas, especially relating to Kosovo’s ethnic minority communities, including politically and ethnically motivated killings; restrictions of freedom of movement for minorities, particularly ethnic Serbs; and societal violence, abuse, and discrimination against minority communities. Additional progress is also still needed in identifying the fate of approximately 2,500 individuals from Kosovo who remain missing as a result of the 1999 conflict.

The United States continued to promote democracy and human rights to aid Kosovo’s post-war transition into a stable, democratic society on the path to Euro-Atlantic integration. In a dynamic period of transition in Kosovo, the United States worked to strengthen transparency, institutional accountability, and respect for the rule of law and the rights of minorities.

The United States worked diligently with the international community, including UNMIK, the EU, the OSCE, NGOs, and PISG officials to foster democratic and accountable institutions in Kosovo. Officials of the U.S. Office in Pristina, in coordination with the OSCE, assisted UNMIK with monitoring, protecting, and promoting human rights. In tandem with the PISG, the United States worked to combat TIP, build capacity within central and local government in both the executive and legislative branches, and train civil servants, judges, prosecutors, and youth to understand and apply rule of law and human rights standards. The United States funded programs that supported reform of local governance in order to better address the needs of Kosovo’s ethnic communities and assisted existing political parties to increase transparency and accountability for their constituencies.

The United States also supported NGOs in promoting the return of displaced persons and provided training to the police and judiciary to combat trafficking in persons and foster the creation of an independent, viable, and unbiased judiciary. The United States provided training to print and broadcast media on professional journalism. The International Visitor Program, along with other exchange and speaker programs, promoted a secure, multi-ethnic environment for all of Kosovo’s residents in the interest of building mutual understanding.

Following what were characterized as generally free and fair parliamentary elections in October 2004 (although only approximately one percent of Kosovo Serbs participated because of a Serbian Governmentsponsored boycott), Kosovo’s new Government created the Ministry for Local Government Administration, and the United States provided it with technical and policy assistance to shape policies and plans for municipal finance, the election of local officials, and the decentralization of local government throughout all of Kosovo in order to give all communities, especially minorities, a greater voice in local affairs. The U.S.-sponsored Local Government Initiative and the Municipal Infrastructure and Support Initiative provided training and technical assistance to municipalities in order to strengthen performance in financial self-sustainability, transparency, and accountability, legislative functioning, and citizen participation. The United States continued efforts to create the conditions necessary to facilitate the return of ethnic minority internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees who fled Kosovo during and immediately following the 1999 conflict as well as during the March 2004 riots. At the request of the PISG, the United States provided advisors to the Office of the Prime Minister on macro-economic policy, budgeting, legislative drafting, organization, management, and public relations.

The United States used political support and technical assistance to focus PISG efforts on passing and reviewing legislation and to strengthen the newly formed opposition’s voice. As a result of U.S. encouragement, political parties now use polling and constituent research data to make timely policy and strategic decisions and better represent constituents’ views. In an effort to encourage greater participation by Kosovo Serbs, the majority of whom boycotted participation in central and local government institutions, the United States assisted in the registration of the newly formed Serbian Democratic Party of Kosovo (SDSKiM).

Kosovo Assembly committees received expert advice in a new effort to monitor the implementation of parliamentary and governmental decisions for alignment with budgetary realities. At the request of Assembly members, the United States provided training on the Assembly’s rules of procedure, discussed how best to guarantee the rights of newly established opposition and minority parties, and resurrected the dormant Assembly rules committee.

The overall state of Kosovo’s print and broadcast media continued to improve, but the level of professional journalism was inconsistent. U.S. assistance supported the enhancement of an independent, selfsufficient media to focus on increased professionalism, effectiveness, and sustainability. The United States reduced its levels of direct subsidy in favor of assistance for business planning, increased the use of audience research and targeting, and strengthened professional and trade associations to represent both media interests and responsibility to the public. With U.S. guidance, the Kosovo Assembly passed legislation establishing the Independent Media Commission to help equalize private and public media, improved public media accountability, and created a new regulatory body governing the licensing and operation of broadcast media. As a result of U.S. support, the Association of Independent Broadcasters of Kosovo and the Association of Professional Journalists of Kosovo successfully lobbied to decriminalize libel and defamation and change some of the customs restrictions on importing foreign media. U.S. funds supported the creation of a local media association’s code of ethics and sponsored a best practices workshop for media professionals of all ethnicities in Kosovo.

Civil society development is crucial to Kosovo’s maturation as a modern democracy. The U.S.-funded Kosovo Institute for Policy Research and Development assisted the Government in drafting the new election law and the Kosovo Research and Documentation Institute worked in all municipalities to improve communication, transparency, and the reporting skills of municipal leadership. The United States assisted the Kosovo NGO consortium and the Advocacy Network of Kosovo to carry out a 15-municipalitystrong campaign promoting the implementation of the Standards. U.S. assistance to civil society brought together networks of like-minded organizations while supporting training, management, and grant-making efforts.

The United States provided much-needed computer equipment, books and English-language instruction in the majority ethnic Serb municipality of Gracanica. Two American Corners established during the year in multi-ethnic municipalities – one in the ethnic Serb majority area of northern Mitrovica – provided a springboard for further community outreach, including speakers, exhibits, and English language classes and resources.

Strengthening the rule of law is a key U.S. priority for ensuring a democratic, stable future and efficient, transparent legal structures in Kosovo. Building on U.S. efforts to help establish the policy framework for a modern justice sector, assistance focused on using a consultative process with local and international stakeholders to develop appropriate legislation; draft and enact modern criminal justice laws and regulations; and de-politicize judicial institutions. The United States supported a criminal procedure commentary project, amendments to the Kosovo criminal procedure code, a Kosovo Chamber of Advocates, and a legal clinic/moot courtroom to advance technical skills of law students, judges, and prosecutors. In conjunction with the European Agency for Reconstruction, the United States provided recommendations on court administration, adopted by UNMIK’s Department of Justice, and supported the creation of an apolitical, independent, and transparent justice ministry.

The United States actively encouraged the creation of an open and safe climate for the return of IDPs who fled Kosovo following the 1999 conflict and the 2004 inter-ethnic riots. U.S. officials publicly urged the PISG to continue the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to help resolve the fate of an estimated 2,500 persons missing since 1999. The United States contributed funding to identify new gravesites and exhume and identify remains in Kosovo. Additionally, the United States encouraged UNMIK’s Department of Justice to develop a war crimes division to investigate and prosecute unsolved war crimes and missing persons cases. The active leadership of the United States on minority issues culminated in conflict mitigation programs, assistance to reconciliation dialogue NGOs, and significant funding to NGOs working with returns- related infrastructure construction. During the year the United States provided advocacy and funding for UNMIK’s efforts to relocate and provide health care to hundreds of Roma living in three lead-con taminated IDP camps in northern Kosovo.

The promotion of the rights of women and persons with disabilities continued to be U.S. priorities. In 2005, the United States contributed training, advocacy and political support to the first women’s caucus in the Kosovo Assembly, one of Kosovo’s few truly multiethnic cross-party political institutions. U.S. funding contributed to women’s regional business initiatives, awareness campaigns for disability issues, and the first women’s center established in Serb-majority northern Kosovo. The United States awarded 22 small grants for projects ranging from conflict resolution training for teachers in multi-ethnic schools to the development of a Junior Achievement-style program. A U.S.-funded program sent Kosovo television crews to the United States to participate in the production of documentaries on community policing, philanthropy, and volunteerism.

U.S. officials continued to urge dialogue between members of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo and ethnic Albanian members of the PISG. Officials from the United States met frequently with the heads of major religious communities: the Chief of Mission hosted a well-attended and well-received annual Iftaar (fast-breaking dinners) for the Islamic community, and U.S. officials attended Serbian Orthodox holiday services during the year. U.S. officials continued to urge UNMIK and the PISG to begin reconstruction on religious buildings damaged during the 1999 conflict and in the inter-ethnic riots of March 2004. Officials from the United States met frequently with the heads of the major religious communities, provided funding to preserve Ottoman-era transcripts in the Gazi Medhmed Pasha Library and granted significant funding to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization’s large-scale effort to preserve cultural heritage in Kosovo.

The United States continued to highlight the need for increased UNMIK and PISG attention to curbing human trafficking in Kosovo through support of governance structures and NGOs. In addition to sponsoring a speaker to further develop local resources, the United States advocated a joint effort among the more than 20 organizations currently handling trafficking to arrest and convict known traffickers and provide support to victims. The United States actively assisted in developing an anti-trafficking strategy for Kosovo, organized public awareness campaigns, and provided surveillance equipment for UNMIK’s anti-trafficking unit, which aided in several arrests.


In Montenegro, the Government generally respected the human rights of its citizens, but there were problems in some areas. Shortly after the assassination of the chief of police, police raided a nearby prison and beat and abused suspected prisoners. Human rights abuses by police were generally not brought to justice. Media independence improved but problems remain. An analysis prepared for the Montenegrin Foreign Ministry on the Montenegrin media sparked controversy and sharp reactions from local outlets due to the Government’s apparent attempt to better “control” the media. Domestic violence and discrimination against women remained problems. Trafficking in women and children for sexual exploitation continued to be a problem. Some ethnic discrimination persisted, particularly with regard to Roma.

The United States continued to support democratic reforms in Montenegro by assisting the development of democratic political parties, strengthening the representative and legislative functions of parliament, and building domestic capacity for credible nonpartisan election monitoring. In Montenegro, political party development helped political parties, particularly younger party members in politically isolated communities in the north, to improve their organization, decision-making, and public outreach in order to be more representative and issue-based. Programs to support civil society development strengthened the capacity of civic organizations to hold the Government accountable, advocate for democratic reform, and monitor elections. Parliamentary capacity building efforts improved caucus and committee work, staff development, and constituency outreach. These programs aimed at creating a political dialogue that is anchored firmly to the public interest and through which complex issues can be addressed democratically.

Through grants, training, and technical assistance, the United States is working to develop the skills and capacity of independent Montenegrin media outlets by enabling them to offer a professional product and become financially sustainable. U.S. programs provided expert advice to leaders of Montenegro’s new Public Broadcasting Service regarding adoption of various programming principles and organizational options for the restructuring of the public broadcaster. The United States also promoted media freedom and principles of free speech in Montenegro through small-scale exchange and training programs.

In Montenegro, the United States provided a combination of technical assistance, training, and financial grants to a core group of NGOs to develop institutional capacity according to international standards of transparency and accountability and to develop the skills, expertise, and credibility required to advance public policy dialogue. Through U.S. programs, these NGOs are learning to build constituencies for judicial, economic, and social reform priorities; conduct public education about legislative initiatives; participate in the development of policy solutions; and demand accountability from the government. As a result, the Government adopted more than 25 key pieces of reform legislation, including laws on political party financing, guidelines for police on domestic abuse intervention, a law on witness protection, and a code of ethics for civil servants.

The United States is strongly committed to supporting the rule of law in Montenegro and supported programs focused on increasing the capacity of the judiciary. The United States strengthened the ability of the state prosecutor’s office to effectively investigate and prosecute official corruption through technical advice and assistance. U.S.-sponsored police training emphasized the importance of respect for citizens’ rights.

The United States funded a “Legal Counseling Office” project implemented by the Association for Disabled Youth in Montenegro. The Association printed and distributed state disability laws to increase awareness on rights and benefits for disabled persons. The U.S. also supported the NGO “Sign of Hope” to provide training and raise awareness on the needs of youth with disabilities.

The U.S. Government continued to promote ethnic and religious tolerance throughout Montenegro. U.S. officials met regularly with the leaders of religious and ethnic minorities, as well as with representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Government to promote respect for religious freedom and human rights. U.S. officials reached out to the Islamic community during Ramadan in 2005, sponsoring well-received Iftaars (fast-breaking dinners) in both Serbia and Montenegro.

Trafficking in women and children for sexual exploitation continued to be a problem. U.S. efforts helped reestablish an effective, integrated anti-trafficking effort by the Government of Montenegro. Reaching beyond traditional “rule of law” actors, the new effort included health, labor, and education officials. Six traffickers were convicted in 2005, compared to only one total in all previous years. The Government of Montenegro assumed the entire budget responsibility for a TIP victim’s shelter that the United States helped establish in 2004 and partially funded through 2005.





Ugerapport fra Dansk KFOR. Hærens Operative Kommando - se under: Kosova.

Pius II (og Skanderbeg). DR2 viste Tirsdag 08.08.2006 filmen »Kardinalernes Nat« (»The Conclave« [2006]):
Pius II Piccolomini

Pave Pius II (Enea Piccolomini / Aeneas Piccolomini) i Ancona ved udskibningen af et korstog. Billedet findes i Piccolomini-samlingen i Siena; det er malet af Bernardino Pinturicchio i begyndelsen af 1500-tallet.

DR2 skrev:

I året 1458 er pave Callixtus III afgået ved døden, og den 27-årige spanske kardinal Rodrigo Borgia finder sig selv lukket inde i Vatikanet sammen med 18 magtfulde mænd, der slås indædt for at blive verdens øverste leder. Uden for konklavet er spanierne jaget vildt. Rodrigo har kun ét våben til at beskytte sig selv. Sin stemme, som han må bruge klogt til ikke alene at vælge en ny pave, men også til at sikre sit eget liv og sin fremtid.

Medvirkende: Rodrigo Borgia: Manuel Fullola, kardinal Piccolomini: Brian Blessed, kardinal D'Etstoutville: James Faulkner og Latino Orsino: Peter Guinness.

Instruktion: Christoph Schrewe.

Dén der blev pave i 1458, 5 år efter Konstantinopel's fald - var Kardinal Piccolomini, han som siden forberedte et korstog på Balkan med Skanderbeg som hærfører. Korstoget blev aflyst i sidste øjeblik pga Paven's død. Om Piccolomini kan man se på engelsk Wikipedia:

Om Skanderbeg, se fx:



UMs Rejsevejledning:

Kosovo / Kosóva: Se også under: Serbien. Den Serbiske Regering har haft besøg fra Rusland. Man er enige om at en fremtidig løsning må bygge på at Kosovo får en høj grad af autonomi, men forbliver en del af Serbien Den Serbiske Regering skriver:
Solution to Kosovo status must not be imposed or talks time-restricted

Belgrade, Aug 7, 2006 – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica met today with Russian Minister of Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and Natural Disasters Sergey Shoygu, who told Kostunica that Russia and President Vladimir Putin agree that the solution to Kosovo status must not be imposed or talks time restricted.

Shoygu stressed that when it comes to the issue of the future status of Kosovo-Metohija, Russia agrees with Belgrade's stance that the best solution to the province is essential autonomy within Serbia's existing borders, adding that all arguments stand in Serbia's favour.

At the meeting Kostunica said that Serbia highly appreciates the principled stance of both Russia and its President Vladimir Putin.

Kostunica said that the Serbian government's policy is based on the essential position that Kosovo has always been a constituent part of Serbia and will remain so.

Kostunica stressed that Belgrade advocates compromise and a just solution for Kosovo-Metohija, based on the basic principles of international law and preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, and that the solution is substantial autonomy for the province.

He emphasized that any imposed solution would have a serious impact on peace and stability, not just in the Balkans but further afield. He warned that Serbia as a state will reject any imposed solution and would, in that case, declare that Kosovo-Metohija is an integral part of Serbia.

The collocutors said that economic and commercial cooperation between Serbia and Russia is improving, and special importance was attached to the memorandum of understanding signed between the Serbian government, “Srbija Gas” and Russian “Gazprom” regarding the construction of a 400 kilometere long gas pipeline through Serbia.

Both sides expressed willingness for further improving overall cooperation between the two countries.


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Bemærkninger om EDB-sikkerhed.

Du må citere hvis du angiver hovedsidens adresse:

Siderne om Albanerne finder du på:

To skridt frem. Bogomslaget

»To skridt frem? Albanien i en brydningstid«

Baggrundsmateriale kan findes via:

»Albansk Almanak 2004«

Almanak'en for 2004 er udkommet i december 2005. Her finder du nyhedsbrevene fra 2004 og nogle kommentarer.

Bogen udgives i et sæt bestående af et hæfte (de første 77 sider) og en CD (alle 1264 sider). På CD'en også supplerende materiale - ikke mindst »1912 - Med den serbiske Armé i Makedonien« - Fritz Magnussen's beretninger v/ Palle Rossen.

Se indholdsoversigt på:

Se pris på: Bestillingsliste.

»Albansk Almanak 2005«

Almanak'en for 2005 er udkommet i april 2006. Her finder du nyhedsbrevene fra 2005 og forskelligt supplerende materiale.

Bogen udgives i et sæt bestående af et hæfte (ugeoversigterne) og en CD (med ugebrevene og det supplerende materiale - i alt omkring 2.150 sider).

Se pris på: Bestillingsliste.

»Albanske Studier« bd. 1-2

Kommentarer til Bjøl, Huntington, Machiavelli, Sørlander, DUPI (Humanitær Intervention), Clausewitz, Mao Zedong, Lars R. Møller, Malcolm og flere andre.

Englændere på rejse i Albanien: Edward Lear, Edith Durham og Robert Carver.

Bøger om slægtsfejder og blodhævn. Diskussion af Anne Knudsen's disputats om blodhævn på Korsika og af Ismail Kadare's roman »Ufuldendt april«.

Baggrundsmateriale om den Sønderjyske general Christian von Holstein, der deltog i Habsburgernes felttog ind i Kosóva i 1689-90.

Sidst i bogen et forsøg på en sammenfatning i form af nogle 'grundlæggende synspunkter'.

Desuden en kommentar til Hans Hækkerup's »På skansen«. På CD'en supplerende materiale om traditionelle Albanske klædedragter og om Holstein. Hans bog om Kosovo er omtalt i »Albansk Almanak 2004«.

Du kan downloade indholdsfortegnelsen og kommentaren til »På skansen« fra:

Bogen findes i trykt form og på CD (som pdf-fil). Papirudgave 368 A4-sider i 2 bind. Bogen sælges som papirudgave m/ CD og som CD alene. Se pris på: Bestillingsliste.

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