Sidste Nyt fra Albanien, Kosóva og Makedonien

The Latest News from Albania, Kosóva and Macedonia       

# 317 - 8' årgang - 22.09.2006

Version 1.2 • PDF for printingInfo om »Sidste Nyt«Tidligere numre

Udgiver: Bjørn Andersen

Publisher: Bjoern Andersen


Præsident Moisiu har holdt tale til FN's Generalforsamling i New York.


Ugeoversigt    Summary

Internationale organisationer   International organizations
Verdensbanken, IMF m.fl.   World Bank, IMF etc.
OSCE, Europarådet   OSCE, Council of Europe (CoE)
EU   European Union (EU)
ICTY - Tribunalet i Haag   ICTY

Balkan, generelt   The Balkans
Kosóva   Kosóva [Kosovo]
Øst Kosóva / Presevo-dalen / Syd-Serbien   Eastern Kosóva
Albanien   Albania
Serbien   Serbia-Montenegro. Serbia
Montenegro   Montenegro
Makedonien   Macedonia [FYRoM]

Grækenland   Greece
Tyrkiet   Turkey
Italien   Italia

USA   United States (US)
England   England
Tyskland   Germany
Frankrig   France
Danmark (Norge, Sverige)   Denmark (Norway, Sweden)

Rusland   Russia
Kina   China


Kosóva: Contact Group foreign ministers have encouraged the UN special envoy on Kosovo status talks Martti Ahtisaari to work out a draft which would pave the way to timely agreement between Belgrade and Pristina. Contact Group warned Belgrade and Pristina that neither will be allowed to obstruct a settlement of Kosovo's final status. Contact group made it clear that neither Belgrade nor Pristina can unilaterally block the final status process from advancing.

Attentat på Serbisk Familie der var vendt tilbage til Klina.

Stephen J. Curtis (UK) er udnævnt som ny UNMIK-Politichef.

Forhandlingerne. Kommentar: Noget tyder på at de sikkerhedsmæssige forhold i Kosóva vil blive forværret i den kommende tid. Anledningen er at en del urolige Kosóva Albanere frygter at forhandlingerne i Wien ikke vil føre til uafhængighed, men til dét der står i SC-Resolution 1244: Vidtgående selvstyre. Denne frygt er overordentlig velbegrundet.

Med mindre Serbien og Kosovo Serberne på den ene side og Kosóva Albanerne på den anden skulle blive enige om at anbefale uafhængighed - hvad der er helt usandsynligt -, kan den ikke blive til noget. For det første ville etablering af uafhængighed gå langt ud over dét der endnu er mandatet fra FN's Sikkerhedsråd, 1244, for det andet vil nogle af de store magter i Sikkerhedsrådet sætte sig imod, nemlig både Rusland og Kina, og om nødvendigt nedlægge veto, selv om der er udbredt enighed om - eller måske snarere forståelse for - dét synspunkt at Serbien under Milosevic håndterede Kosovo-spørgsmålet umådeligt dårligt og ikke så lidt provokerende.
Tilføjelse 23.09.2006: Der går - i forbindelse med et møde i Kontaktgruppen - rygter om at Vestmagterne er ved at blødgøre Rusland, dvs. i retning af at acceptere Kosóva's selvstændighed under forudsætning af garantier for det Serbiske mindretals sikkerhed. Kontaktgruppen har lagt op til at Martti Ahtisaari i løbet af et par måneder fremlægger oplæg til en samlet varig løsning. Der foreligger ikke noget om hvad man forestiller sig mht de par hundredtusinde Kosovo-Serbere der flygtede i 1999.

Tilføjelse 23.09.2006: Steven Schook, Vice-SRSG, har advaret Kosóva Albanske Politikere mod at udtale sig som Kole Berisha for nylig har gjort. "If our aim of independence is not realised then citizen's revolts are expected", [Mr Berisha said] "We don't want revolts, but we cannot exclude them if our aim is not realised."

Hvis forhandlingerne skal flytte sig, hvad de ikke kan på det nuværende grundlag, dels dét der er bestemt i 1244, dels dét som de to delegationer har med »hjemmefra«, må man

• enten diskutere mulighederne for en opdeling af Kosóva i en selvstændig albansk del og en serbisk del, der evt. kan »gå til« Serbien

• eller diskutere muligheder for at etablere et uafhængigt forbund med én eller flere selvstændige albanske provinser og én serbisk provins

Ingen af parterne vil være meget begejstrede over nogle af disse muligheder og det samme gælder flere blandt de Internationale.

Den Albanske side vil ikke acceptere en opdeling, dels af principielt politiske grunde, dels af økonomiske (idet man mener at der gemmer sig meget store ressourcer i Mitrovica-området). Den Serbiske side har svært ved at give afkald på områder med mange religiøse og kulturelle mindesmærker. Premierminister Kostunica og én af de Serbiske Rådgivere, Dusan T. Batakovic har dog muligvis fat i noget, der kunne bygges et kompromis op om (nemlig at skabe en stat der er forenet af temmelig selvstændige dele), dvs. et kompromis som ingen af parterne aktivt vil tilslutte sig, men som de vil acceptere gennemføres som en nødløsning - forudsat at der gives garantier for mindretallets sikkerhed og for en bevarelse af kirkerne og klostrene, og at der sker en rimelig udligning i økonomisk henseende.

Det Internationale Samfund burde kunne tage tingene mere afslappet end de to direkte involverede parter og lægge forskellige principielle eller andre udefra kommende synspunkter, der ikke har med de århundredlange problemer vedr. Kosóva/Kosovo, væk, dels fordi realiteten er at Kosovo/Kosóva har været opdelt siden 1999, dels fordi der er en vis mulighed for at løse nogle af de tunge sociale og økonomiske problemer i dét øjeblik at området associeres til (og siden optages) i EU, men ikke før.

Albanien: Præsident Moisiu har talt til FN's Generalforsamling i New York.

I forbindelse med FN's Generalforsamling afholdt afholdt Præsident Bush et særligt demokrati-møde, som Præsident Moisiu var indbudt til. Præsident Bush roste Albanien for fremskridt på det retsligt/juridiske område.

Præsidentembedet har indgået aftale om flytransport. Man har valgt det økonomisk mest fordelagtige tilbud, man har ikke favoriseret et specielt firma, Albatros.

Præsident Moisiu har holdt møde med hhv Demokraterne og Socialisterne om hvornår lokalvalgene skal finde sted.

Præsident Berisha har deltaget i en konference i Tirana, arrangeret af »The Economist«. Berisha promoverede Albanien som et land det var godt at investere i og kom ind på 1-m2-for-1-Euro-initiativet

Topchannel har interviewet Pavel Vacek, der er Chef for OSCE-Missionen i Albanien: I can understand that this vicious circle of reviews of electoral legislation after each election is frustrating but for me the responsibility - and that’s the notion that you used – is always with the Albanian political representation. Of course, each and every iteration of the review brings the legislation closer to a certain golden standard, but at the same time we all know there is no bullet-proof provision, there is not bullet-proof law: if there is not enough will to deliver on such a provision or a law to the full then of course the situation repeats itself and in a way that’s what you have.

Den Amerikanske Ambassadør Marcie Ries, har i Tirana talt om Albanien's status i Millennium Challenge Account Threshold Program'et. Der er særlig fokus på bekæmpelsen af korruptionen og på statens køb af varer og tjenesteydelser

Per Nyholm skriver 060922 om den albanske forfatter Dritëro Agolli i »Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten« [et nyere iw med Agolli kan findes på:]. Artiklen indledes sådan: Dritero Agolli er Albaniens store folkelige fortæller, ikke så raffineret som sin kollega Ismail Kadaré, der måske skulle have haft Nobelprisen, men næppe får den. Kadaré lever tilbagetrukket i et moderne højhus i Tirana, omgivet af tavshed og mysterier. Man sporer en frygt for, at det pludselig skal blive afsløret, at han, nationens førende forfatter, som kunne rejse og skrive, mens andre var spærret inde, havde lidt for gode forbindelser til Sigurimi, kommunisternes frygtede sikkerhedsapparat. Med Agolli er det anderledes. Han var kommunist gennem alle årene og gjorde ingen hemmelighed af det. Han var hverken vulgær eller slesk, men som mange af sine landsmænd troede han på de kommunistiske ideer. At de under den længst afdøde Enver Hoxha blev praktiseret perverst og umenneskeligt, ændrede ikke ved Agollis tro. Efter omvæltningen i 1991 var han en skarp og ironisk kritiker af det højrediktatur, der skabtes af Sali Berisha, tidligere kommunist og Hoxhas hjertelæge, som brød sammen i 1996.

Makedonien skal være en økonomisk tiger, siger PM Gruevski.


Opmærksomheden henledes på Economic Reconstruction and Development in South East Europe. Adressen er Her kan man finde materiale om aktuelle møder og konferencer.



Se under de enkelte lande / områder.

OSCE, Europarådet

Se under de enkelte lande / områder.




Verserende sager vedr. Kosovo: Anklageskrifter og udskrifter af retsmøderne kan findes på:

ICTY vs Slobodan Milosevic, (IT-02-54). Sagen er afsluttet uden dom pga Milosevic' død 11.03.2006

ICTY vs Fatmir Limaj et al. (IT-03-66). Der er fældet dom, se nærmere i # 284

ICTY vs Ramush Haradinaj (IT-04-84). Haradinaj er løsladt (på visse betingelser) indtil sagen skal for Retten.



Udsnit af EU's Europakort 2004. [Udsnittet kan forstørres ved at klikke på det]. Kortet indgår i en præsentationsbrochure, der kan downloades som pdf fra:


Bynavne: Angives der to navne på samme lokalitet, er den Albanske nævnt først. Se oversigten på: fra FNs Generalsekretær • 040616 SG Kofi Annan udtaler at han agter at udpege Søren Jessen-Petersen som 5' SRSG. Søren Jessen-Petersen blev senere udpeget og tiltrådte i Kosóva 040816. Søren Jessen-Petersen fratræder igen i slutningen af juni 2006 • 0308 Harri Holkeri tiltrådte som 4' SRSG. Fratrådt 0406 af helbredsmæssige grunde. • 020214 Michael Steiner tiltrådte i Kosova som 3' SRSG og fratrådte i begyndelsen af 0307. • En biografi over 2' SRSG Hans Hækkerup kan læses på Danske Politikere. En anmeldelse af hans bog »Kosovos mange ansigter« indgår i »Albansk Almanak 2004«Constitutional Framework for Provisional Self-Government. • Kosova's Regering. • Webside vedr. 2004-valgene

Parlamentsvalget 2004, se: Præsidenten - Ibrahim Rugóva - blev genvalgt efter valget af Parlamentet the Assembly; han døde 21.01.2006. Ny præsident er Fatmir Sejdiu

Kosovo's / Kosóva's fremtid. Forhandlingerne: Kontaktgruppen har været trådt sammen skriver Makfax:
The Contact Group on Kosovo is aiming for settlement of the issue of Kosovo's final status by the end of the year.

Foreign ministers of six-nation Contact Group met Wednesday on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York. The meeting was chaired by the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Contact Group stressed its determination to press ahead with the effort to get an agreement by year's end, and to do so if necessary without the assent of either Serbia or the Kosovo Albanians.

Contact Group foreign ministers have encouraged the UN special envoy on Kosovo status talks Martti Ahtisaari to work out a draft which would pave the way to timely agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.

Contact Group warned Belgrade and Pristina that neither will be allowed to obstruct a settlement of Kosovo's final status. Contact group made it clear that neither Belgrade nor Pristina can unilaterally block the final status process from advancing.

Se kommentaren nedenfor.

Attentat på Serbisk Familie der var vendt tilbage til Klina. Den Serbiske Regering skriver:
Home of first Serbian returnee family in Klina blown up

Belgrade/Klina, Sept 20, 2006 - An unindentified person dropped a hand bomb last night around 8 pm on the apartment of the Pavlovic family in Klina and injured all four members - Milorad Pavlovic, his wife Rada, mother Jela and sister Dragica Raicevic.


Jela Pavlovic, one of the members of the Pavlovic family who were injured yesterday in a bomb attack on their house in Klina. Foto: Tanjug, videreformidlet af Den Serbiske Regering

They were transferred to the city health centre and according to first reports, Milorad Pavlovic suffered grave injuries.

The Pavlovic family lives in an apartment 200 meters from the town centre and is the first returnee family in Klina.

Members of Kosovo police force blocked part of the town where the explosion took place.

This is the second attack on Serbian returnee families in Klina in the last week. In the first attack, the house of the Vasic family in the Stupelj village was razed to the ground. On June 19, returnee Dragan Popovic was killed in Klina, and the murder has still not been found.

Pressemeddelelser fra UNMIK:
PDSRSG condemns attack on Kosovo Serb family in Klina

PRISTINA – PDSRSG Steven Schook expressed outrage at the attack in Klina last night, in which four members of a Kosovo Serb family were wounded in an explosion at their home.

“We condemn this act of violence directed at innocent people,” the PDSRSG said. “Violence cannot be a means to achieve an end. It serves no purpose and it certainly is not in the interests of Kosovo.”

The PDSRSG asked Police Commissioner Stephen Curtis to vigorously pursue the investigation into the attack, and called on anyone with knowledge of the incident to come forward and assist the police.

“I was encouraged to see the immediate reaction of the Kosovo authorities to this incident, including by the Prime Minister and Mayor of Klina. We must all work together to ensure that Kosovo is a place where people of all ethnicities can live together in peace,” the PDSRSG said.

Stephen J. Curtis (UK) udnævnt som ny UNMIK-Politichef
UN Secretary-General appoints Stephen Curtis as UNMIK Police Commissioner

PRISTINA – UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has appointed Stephen J. Curtis of the United Kingdom as UNMIK Police Commissioner. Mr. Curtis replaces Kai Vittrup, who recently left the mission.

Mr. Curtis has been serving with UNMIK since July of this year as Deputy Commissioner with specific responsibilities on crime related issues, institution building, and police co-operation with neighbouring countries.

Prior to his arrival in Kosovo, Stephen Curtis held a variety of senior police positions in the UK, and also served as a lecturer at the UK National Police Staff College on Management of Disaster and Civil Emergency. As a member in 2005 of the Royal College of Defence Studies at Seaford House, London, he published a paper on joint Police Military Co-operation in Post Conflict Situations.

Mr. Curtis holds a Masters degree in Police Management from Manchester University and a second MA degree in International Studies from Kings College London.

Forhandlingerne. Kommentar: Noget tyder på at de sikkerhedsmæssige forhold i Kosóva vil blive forværret i den kommende tid. Anledningen er at en del urolige Kosóva Albanere frygter at forhandlingerne i Wien ikke vil føre til uafhængighed, men til dét der står i SC-Resolution 1244: Vidtgående selvstyre. Denne frygt er overordentlig velbegrundet.

Med mindre Serbien og Kosovo Serberne på den ene side og Kosóva Albanerne på den anden skulle blive enige om at anbefale uafhængighed - hvad der er helt usandsynligt -, kan den ikke blive til noget. For det første ville etablering af uafhængighed gå langt ud over dét der endnu er mandatet fra FN's Sikkerhedsråd, 1244, for det andet vil nogle af de store magter i Sikkerhedsrådet sætte sig imod, nemlig både Rusland og Kina, og om nødvendigt nedlægge veto, selv om der er udbredt enighed om - eller måske snarere forståelse for - dét synspunkt at Serbien under Milosevic håndterede Kosovo-spørgsmålet umådeligt dårligt og ikke så lidt provokerende.
Tilføjelse 23.09.2006: Der går - i forbindelse med et møde i Kontaktgruppen - rygter om at Vestmagterne er ved at blødgøre Rusland, dvs. i retning af at acceptere Kosóva's selvstændighed under forudsætning af garantier for det Serbiske mindretals sikkerhed. Kontaktgruppen har lagt op til at Martti Ahtisaari i løbet af et par måneder fremlægger oplæg til en samlet varig løsning. Der foreligger ikke noget om hvad man forestiller sig mht de par hundredtusinde Kosovo-Serbere der flygtede i 1999.

Tilføjelse 23.09.2006: Steven Schook, Vice-SRSG, har advaret Kosóva Albanske Politikere mod at udtale sig som Kole Berisha for nylig har gjort. "If our aim of independence is not realised then citizen's revolts are expected", [Mr Berisha said] "We don't want revolts, but we cannot exclude them if our aim is not realised."

Hvis forhandlingerne skal flytte sig, hvad de ikke kan på det nuværende grundlag, dels dét der er bestemt i 1244, dels dét som de to delegationer har med »hjemmefra«, må man

• enten diskutere mulighederne for en opdeling af Kosóva i en selvstændig albansk del og en serbisk del, der evt. kan »gå til« Serbien

• eller diskutere muligheder for at etablere et uafhængigt forbund med én eller flere selvstændige albanske provinser og én serbisk provins

Ingen af parterne vil være meget begejstrede over nogle af disse muligheder og det samme gælder flere blandt de Internationale.

Den Albanske side vil ikke acceptere en opdeling, dels af principielt politiske grunde, dels af økonomiske (idet man mener at der gemmer sig meget store ressourcer i Mitrovica-området). Den Serbiske side har svært ved at give afkald på områder med mange religiøse og kulturelle mindesmærker. Premierminister Kostunica og én af de Serbiske Rådgivere, Dusan T. Batakovic har dog muligvis fat i noget, der kunne bygges et kompromis op om (nemlig at skabe en stat der er forenet af temmelig selvstændige dele), dvs. et kompromis som ingen af parterne aktivt vil tilslutte sig, men som de vil acceptere gennemføres som en nødløsning - forudsat at der gives garantier for mindretallets sikkerhed og for en bevarelse af kirkerne og klostrene, og at der sker en rimelig udligning i økonomisk henseende.

Det Internationale Samfund burde kunne tage tingene mere afslappet end de to direkte involverede parter og lægge forskellige principielle eller andre udefra kommende synspunkter, der ikke har med de århundredlange problemer vedr. Kosóva/Kosovo, væk, dels fordi realiteten er at Kosovo/Kosóva har været opdelt siden 1999, dels fordi der er en vis mulighed for at løse nogle af de tunge sociale og økonomiske problemer i dét øjeblik at området associeres til (og siden optages) i EU, men ikke før.

Mht forhandlingssituationen har SG Kofi Annan 060912 sagt:

Annan calls for ‘more flexibility’ from both sides in talks over Kosovo

12 September 2006 – Expressing disappointment over the lack of common ground during the past few months of talks over the future of the United Nations-run province of Kosovo, Secretary-General Kofi Annan has called for “more flexibility” from both the Serbian and Kosovo delegations, saying they need to show a spirit of compromise.

In his latest report to the Security Council, released today and covering the period from 1 May to 14 August, Mr. Annan said the discussions – including the first high-level meeting between both sides in July along with other talks covering boundaries and cultural sites – revealed that “the parties remain far apart on most issues.”

“I am disappointed… that little common ground has been identified between the positions of the Serbian and Kosovo delegations, which remain committed to ‘substantial autonomy’ and ‘full independence’ respectively, with minimal space for negotiation.”

“Both sides would be better served by more flexibility in their positions. I again call on both sides to engage in these talks in a spirit of compromise. It is the responsibility of the parties to find common ground and a sustainable solution, acceptable to both sides, although the support of the international community remains essential to ensure progress.”

Mr. Annan also highlighted the continued boycott by Kosovo Serbs of the province’s local Government ‘Provisional Institutions,’ and repeated calls on Belgrade to “remove all impediments” to their participation, while also urging Kosovo’s leaders to redouble their outreach to all communities.

“Now is the time to reassure all communities that they have a place in Kosovo in the future regardless of its status.” Albanians outnumber Serbs and others by 9 to 1 in the province, which the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) has administered since 1999 when NATO drove out Yugoslav troops amid ethnic fighting.

Mr. Annan says that despite the “generally stable political situation,” he is nevertheless concerned with violence targeting people or religious sites, and strongly condemns them, “particularly those that are inter-ethnic,” calling for all those responsible to be quickly brought to justice.
SRSG condemns explosive attack that damaged Minister’s car

PRISTINA - Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Kosovo (SRSG) Joachim Rücker strongly condemned the explosive attack targeting the car of Minister of Internal Affairs Fatmir Rexhepi early today. The explosion damaged the minister’s private car while it was parked outside his apartment in Gjilan/Gnjilane. There were no injuries.

“I am outraged at this criminal act,” the SRSG said, “At this critical juncture in Kosovo’s history, whereas the large majority of the people and their political leadership are working on the positive agenda of the status process, there are obviously some persons out there who continue to espouse the path of violence. Their message is clearly the opposite of what Kosovo wishes to convey to the world today as it lays the foundations for its peaceful and democratic future. I am confident that Kosovo’s commitment to the rule of law will prevail.”

The SRSG said: “I am relieved that no injuries were caused by the explosion. I have asked the Police Commissioner to vigorously pursue investigations into the incident and he has assured me that the Police will spare no efforts to get to the bottom of this.”

- - -

UNMIK condemns bomb attacks in Gjilan/Gnjilane and Ferizaj/Uroševac

PRISTINA – PDSRSG Steven Schook condemned two explosive attacks targeting parked vehicles in Gjilan/Gnjilane and Ferizaj/Uroševac on Friday and Saturday nights. The explosions were apparently caused by bombs placed under the vehicles, heavily damaging them and also nearby vehicles but causing no injuries.

“I denounce these criminal acts,” the PDSRSG said. “This kind of violence goes against what the people of Kosovo want and are working toward at this important time in the status process. Violence has no place in a Kosovo committed to democracy and the rule of law. I call upon the decent citizens of Kosovo to assist us in identifying the perpetrators of these attacks.”

- - -

In Kosovo, senior UN official speaks out against violence

14 September 2006 – Visiting a local community in Kosovo today, a senior United Nations official spoke out against violence in the province, which the world body has administered since western forces drove out Yugoslav troops in 1999.

Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s Principal Deputy Special Representative, Steven Schook, met with leaders in Peja/Pec and condemned a recent bombing attack which was carried out against a returnee property in Shtuple village.

“I ask the citizens in Peja/Pec and surrounding communities to spread the message that it is not the time and it is never the time to take this kind of threat in action. Whoever is behind serves no interest of the people of Kosovo; they can only serve the interest of some evil, despicable thought processes,” he said.

Following meetings with local officials, he said finances figured high on the agenda. “We talked a lot about the reality of the Kosovo Consolidated Budget; how it is going to get smaller next year,” he said. “We talked about what resources we have and how we can apply more efficiently to help all the communities here.”

The top UN envoy to Kosovo was in New York yesterday where he briefed the Security Council, voicing support for Mr. Annan’s call for more progress in the talks on the province’s future. “Kosovo needs to be rid of this uncertainty, and to move on,” said Joachim Rücker.

Ugerapport fra Dansk KFOR. Hærens Operative Kommando skriver (på
Besøg af generaler

KOSOVO: Velkommen til den høje gæst!

19-09-2006 kl. 12:37

Ikke mindre end 2 generaler besøgte bataljonen i denne uge…

"Ude af øje - ude af sind" lyder et visdomsord, som ofte dukker ofte op i baghovedet på soldater ude i en international mission, idet man frygter, at alle derhjemme har glemt alt om, hvor man er, og hvorfor man er der.

Dette er imidlertid ikke tilfældet, og den danske bataljon har en konstant og lind strøm af besøgende, der myldrer ind og ud af lejren. En del besøgende er teknikere hjemmefra, der skal hjælpe med til at holde specialkøretøjer og andre tekniske installationer på toppen rent vedligeholdelsesmæssigt, og disse personer kræver ikke megen opmærksomhed udover tag over hovedet og tre daglige måltider - lidt groft fremstillet!

Og så er der besøgene af Very Important Persons - i daglige tale kaldet VIP-besøg - hvor danske og udenlandske generaler, ministre, ambassadører og andre myndighedspersoner kommer på besøg for at danne sig et indtryk af det arbejde, bataljonen præsterer.

I den forgangne uge modtog bataljonen besøg af generalmajor Knud Bartels, chef for Danske Division, som var ledsaget af den franske militærattaché i Danmark, oberstløjtnant Christine Chaulieu.

Besøget var imødeset med spændt forventning, idet generalen har et skarpt øje for detaljen, og vel var han imponeret over æreskommandoets millimeterpræcise eksercits, men han undlod ikke at bemærke, at soldaternes morgenbarbering vist kunne dateres til forrige måned.

Generalen taler et glimrende fransk, hvilket bekom bataljonens franske opklaringseskadron meget vel, idet generalen havde prioriteret et besøg i dens ansvarsområde, hvor han blandt andet blev orienteret om enhedens opgaver, organisation og materiel, og han blev desuden trakteret med en ægte fransk feltfrokost.

Næppe havde general Bartels forladt Camp Olaf Rye, før en helikopter landede uden for porten, og således havde den næste general meldt sin ankomst.

Den tyske generalløjtnant Roland Kather (COMKFOR) er nytiltrådt chef for Kosovo Force og han var på rundtur til alle lejre og installationer for at hilse på alle sine enheder. For at sætte generalens opgave i relief kan det nævnes, at KFOR består af mere end 16.000 soldater fra 36 forskellige nationer - i sandhed en blandet landhandel af militære enheder.

Generalen blev modtaget af oberst Michael Wallin og blev under en kort rundvisning orienteret om den danske bataljons opgaver, inden han efter en hurtig frokost med repræsentanter fra samarbejdsudvalget fløj videre mod den næste lejr.

Feltpræsten John Andersen fortæller:

- Fra mit kontor yderst i Velfærdsgaden er der fra det ene vindue udsigt over Chr. IV's Plads. Herfra iagttog jeg mandag eftermiddag panserinfanterikompagniets forberedelser med at opstille en Guard of Honour (æreskommando). Det skete i anledning af chefen for Danske Division generalmajor Bartels besøg. Han var ledsaget af oberstløjtnant Christine Chaulieu, den franske militærattaché i Danmark.

Gæsterne kom som planlagt 17.30 og blev behørigt modtaget af chefen. Jeg skal ikke her gå i detaljer med programmet for besøget udover, at gæsterne blev ført omkring i vort ansvarsområde, blandt andet Zubin Potok og det noksom bekendte kloster i Devic. Om tirsdagen var der arrangeret buffet med de ledende officerer i Annexet. Der var en munter og afslappet tone. Bagefter overværede vi en imponerende FALCON øvelse, alt klappede. General Bartels udtalte sin tilfredshed med besøget.

Besøget, som strakte sig over tre dage, satte naturligvis sit præg på dagene. Men ellers er rutinen med de mange opgaver ved at indfinde sig. Og den fysiske form bør efterhånden være god med al den FUT (fysisk uddannelse og træning).

Den åndelige form gør jeg mit bedste for at holde ved lige - ikke bare hos mig selv, men også hos menigheden. Der er gudstjeneste med god tilslutning hver søndag. Kuf-fatter- og -mutter er henholdsvis klokker og kordegn, præ- og postludium leveres af en ghettoblaster, og sangen bærer smukt præg af de dybe mandsstemmer.

Derudover bruger jeg lidt tid på at rekognoscere for gode udflugtsmål og var i den anledning om tirsdagen i Pec og besøgte blandt andet Patriarkernes kloster, som ligger ved indgangen til den meget naturskønne Rugovakløft. Onsdag var jeg i den svenske camp for at besøge den svenske præst dér. Jeg kørte med en SISU og havde lejlighed til at nyde udsigten undervejs fra en tårnluge.

Ugens helt særlige oplevelse - i hvert fald for en lille del af os - var en rockkoncert i Nothing Hill hos tyskerne. Vi kørte med bus ad Main Supply Route "Bull" nordpå op til lejren. Her ventede en enestående oplevelse med et swingende rockband, "Task Force Rock", i det smukkeste sceneri af bjerge og en dyb purpurfarvet aftenhimmel. Stemningen steg og forbrødringen var stor ved afskeden med vore tyske kolleger på denne udpost.

Dette lille udpluk dækker langt fra de oplevelser og begivenheder, ugen rummede, og set fra andre vinduer og med andre briller ville den uden tvivl tage sig anderledes ud.

Liaison & Monitoring Team 5 beretter fra ugen, der gik: - Fredag den 8. september kørte Liaison and Monitoring Team 5 (LMT 5) ud til et planlagt møde på en skole for at aflevere nogle skoleartikler til de børn, der har størst behov. Da vi kom til skolen, samledes der hurtigt en flok børn rundt omkring bilen. Interessen for os blev ikke mindre, da børnene så, hvad der blev taget ud af bilen. En kasse med notesbøger samt nogle små æsker med skriveredskaber.

Efterfølgende gik sergent Thomas til møde med et par lærere fra skolen for at snakke om løst og fast, hvordan det stod til i byen ... og ikke mindst hvordan om det stod til på skolen.

Tidligere på dette hold har KFOR doneret fem computere til denne skole, som LMT 5 var med til at overrække. Lærerne viste stolt ophængte billeder fra overrækkelsen frem, hvilket var dejligt at se!

Alt imens mødet foregik, gik Rasmus & René (Kørere i LMT 5) ud til børnene i skolegården for at lege lidt med dem. De havde en fodbold med i bilen, så den gik de ud og hentede. Børnene fulgte med ud til bilen, og blev ellevilde, da de så hvad soldaterne hev ud af bilen. Rasmus & René blev straks udfordret til en fodboldkamp af tre "store" drenge fra skolen (13-14 år).

Soldaterne sagde naturligvis ikke nej til udfordringen, og fik hjælp fra en gut fra de mindre klasser. Stort set resten af skolen var også på banen, men blev af de store drenge bedt om at gå ud på sidelinjerne. Tre mod tre gik kampen så i gang, og der blev heppet på soldaterne fra første fløjt.

Opbakningen var rigtig god, og når Rasmus eller René scorede var det som at høre, når der blev scoret i en landskamp! Kampen varede i ca. 20 minutter, så der var tid til en snak med børnene i skyggen under et træ. En af de tre fra kampen kunne snakke lidt engelsk, så med hjælp fra tegnsproget fik alle nogle gode grin og en god snak.

Thomas kom ud i skolegården efter et velgennemført møde lige i tide til at tage et billede af alle børnene og de to aktive soldater. Efter dette blev det tid til at sige farvel til alle børnene, så der blev givet mange håndtryk og "high fives" inden opsidning i bilen.

Da vi kørte, blev der vinket på livet løs, og der var flere af børnene, som løb efter bilen et godt stykke vej, inden de måtte opgive forfølgelsen. Alt i alt en rigtig herlig dag med mange smilende børn, positive oplevelser og højt solskins vejr.

KS Vestergaard fra panserinfanterikompagniets kommandosektion beretter:

- Så er der igen en lille hilsen nede fra Kosovo. Ugen startede med, at vi havde besøg af general Bartels. Han ankom tirsdag og blev modtaget med en velkomstparade og spisning om aftenen. Han kom ned for at se, hvordan det står til i lejren, og om der var blevet rettet op på det, som han fortalte os på den sidste øvelse hjemme i Oksbøl. Han var mere end tilfreds med standarden i Camp Olaf Rye. Man kan jo næsten kalde det for perfekt!

Alle delinger og sektioner har været på skydebanen nogle gange for at få lidt mere rutine med deres personlige våben. Man kan jo ikke få for lidt ture til skydebanen. Kommandosektionen havde en konkurrence med en 5-krone. Der var én, som ramte i midten, men ingen ved hvem. Men selvfølgelig var det ikke en fra sergentgruppen!

Vi har haft vores EAGLE beredskab alarmeret to gange i løbet af denne uge. Den første gang var det nede i Banja, grundet noget ulovlig træfældning. Men vores enhed blev bedt om at køre tilbage til DOKKEN, (vores garage til køretøjer) da de nåede hovedvagten, fordi franskmændene havde folk ved Banja og havde styr på situationen.

Den anden gang var der noget "happy shooting" lidt uden for vores lejr. Så der kravlede 2. deling i fragvest og kampvest for at rykke ud og lægge en dæmper på skyderierne. De var klar til alt! De mener dog, at det var i forbindelse med et bryllup. Det er meget normalt i Kosovo, at man tager sin AK47 og giver et par skud op i luften, når nogen bliver gift.

Vores mekanikere har haft en meget travl uge grundet syn af køretøjer, så de har ikke rigtig været til at tale med, da de har været meget optaget af at lave deres arbejde.

Vi er nu kommet så meget ind i rutinen, at alle i kompagniet har været på PX-tur. Mange har været i den amerikanske lejr, BOND STEEL. Det er en kæmpe lejr i forhold til alle andre lejre hernede. Den er smækfyldt med helikoptere og HMMWV`s. Amerikanerne kan jo ikke få det stort nok. Der er gratis Coca-Cola i kantinen, hvor vi har rød saftevand og mælk. Hvis BOND STEEL var en by, så var det en af de største i Kosovo.

Vi har haft folk på besøg i den tyske lejr, Nothing Hill. Navnet er meget sigende - der er ingenting i forhold til Camp Olaf Rye. Vi var blevet inviteret derned til en rockkoncert, hvor soldater fra den tyske lejr spillede. Da man langt og længe havde fået strøm på instrumenterne, udviklede det sig til et rigtig hyggeligt arrangement.

Alle i kompagniet har været ude og marchtræne, og der blev lagt ud med en kort tur på ti km.


For nemheds skyld bruges betegnelsen Øst Kosóva / Presevo-dalen om det omstridte område med byerne: Presheva, Medvegja og Bujanoci (Albansk stavemåde). Ca. 75 % af befolkningen skønnes at være etniske Albanere - måske omkring 70.000. En modstandsgruppe har tidligere været i funktion, men synes nu at være »lukket ned«. Gruppen kaldtes i forkortet form UCPMB (som står for noget i retning af: Ushtria Clirimtare e Presheva, Medvegja dhe Bujanoci; på Engelsk: Liberation Army of Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoci). Gruppen sagde at den intet havde at gøre med Kosova's UCK, og at den var en lokal gruppe.


Klik på kortet, hvis du vil have det forstørret / click to enlarge it

Info fra Albaniens Statistik: Befolkningstal: 3,1 Mio (1.1.2004). GDP (Gross Domestic Product): 630 Mia Lek (2002, current prices); GDP-structure: Agriculture: 26 %, Industry 10-11 %, Construction: 7-8 %, Services: 55-56 %. Export: 54 mia lek (2003) [heraf til Danmark: 23 mio lek; størrelsesorden 1,2 mio kr], Import: 226 mia lek (2003) [Heraf fra Danmark: 855 mio lek; størrelsesorden: 45-50 mio kr], Tradedeficit: 171 mia lek (2003). Største import fra Italien (75 mia lek) og Grækenland (45 mia lek), største eksport til Italien (40 mia lek). Unemployment: 14-15 % (2004-III)

Seneste handelstal: Maj 2006: [Bemærk ændring i farvekoder]

Meddelelser til udlændinge fra det Albanske Indenrigsministerium. Det Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: Det Danske UM har pt ingen rejsevejledning, men henviser til det Engelske UM. Den Norske Ambassade kan findes på: Det Amerikanske UM har Juni 2004 offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Albanien:

Mother Teresa:

Parlamentsvalget i 2005 [Præsidenten vælges af Parlamentet for 5 år, næste gang i 2007]: Se nærmere i:

Præsident Moisiu's aktiviteter [Billederne i denne sektion kan som regel forstørres ved at klikke på dem (mens man er på nettet)]

Præsident Moisiu har talt til FN's Generalforsamling i New York. Præsidentkontoret har udsendt flg.:


Distinguished Madam President,
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like first of all to congratulate you, Madam President for your election in this high post and to assure you about the full support of Albania throughout your mandate. I would also like to express our deep appreciation to the Secretary-General for his continuous vision, leadership and efforts to revitalize and reform the United Nations Organization.

Madam President,

During this year, Albania based on the Summit 2005 document, undertook concrete actions to encourage the important objectives of the three main pillars of development, security and human rights and to implement the United Nations ambitious agenda of reforms. The positive results achieved by the foundation of the Peacebuilding Commission and Human Rights Council, Resolution on Development, the foundation of the Emergency Response Central Fund and also the reforms of the Secretariat and Management fill us with optimism and make us believe that United Nations must continue its reforms in order to respond as best as possible to new realities and challenges.

By re-iterating our willingness and intention to work closely with all the delegations and to reach as consensual as possible agreements in all the significant aspects of the reforms, we think that a solid and inclusive reform of Management is necessary for the strengthening of the United Nations in order to consolidate the transparency and responsibility and to enjoy a more effective and efficient administration of the resources. We support the efforts to reform ECOSOC while believing also that the reform in the Security Council will produce progress and results thanks to the efforts and commitment of all the member countries. We hail the High Level Meeting on Migration because we believe that international migration that is supported by the right policies can bring major advantages to the development of the countries of origin and the receiving ones on the condition to respect and guarantee the basic rights of migrants by avoiding any discrimination and double standard.

The UN role continues to remain very important also in the war against terrorism, especially by securing an effective, global and intensive response to this threat. We praise the recent consensual adoption of the global strategy against terrorism as we also assess that the adoption of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism will mark a precious achievement made possible by the UN efforts against terrorism. Albania is collaborating very closely with all the UN bodies in the war against terrorism and the visits of the Monitoring Team founded in compliance to the Resolution 1267 of the Security Council and the visit of the Security Council Committee Against Terrorism founded in compliance to the resolution 1540 of the Security Council demonstrated that Albanian is fulfilling its obligations to prevent the activity and financing of terrorist groups also on the national level.

We have supported the resolution of the Security Council on the Israeli-Lebanon conflict, which consists in the peaceful solution of the issue and sending the peacekeeping forces in that area. Albania is part of the countries that have given financial support to rebuild Lebanon.

Madam President,

The main orientation of Albania’s foreign policy remains the European and Euro-Atlantic integration and that is why the efforts of Albanian state and society are directed towards fulfilling the European Union and NATO standards. A few days ago the European Parliament ratified the Association-Stabilization Agreement of Albania with the European Union which places our country at the most important stage; that of fulfilling the obligations that stem from the Agreement and the entire Albanian political class and society are conscious about this. We all believe that the actual membership in the European Council and OSCE and also the perspective accession in EU and NATO are a natural part of the move for development rather than an objective for objective sake.

We have established relations of active cooperation and dialogue on the regional level with all the countries by remarkably influencing the strengthening of regional security and stability. Together with the countries of the region we have made an agenda of joint actions against terrorism, organized crime, distribution of arms and border managing which has an inter-border feature and we have also undertaken concrete initiatives to encourage the economic development of the region.

Madam President,

Albania assesses that the main issue put forth to be resolved in our region continues to remain that of Kosova. Kosova has marked a great progress in the internal stability, in advancing the fulfillment of the required international standards, in improving the inter-ethnic relations, in founding and efficient functioning of Kosovar central and local institutions, in the serious and professional commitment in the process of negotiations with Belgrade through the intermediation of the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General, President Ahtisaari and also in its gradual integration in regional activities, initiatives and structures as part of Kosova’s integrating process in the European Union and NATO.

The leadership of Kosova, the representing Kosovar institutions, opposition, civil society, media and the entire civil factor are demonstrating social and political cohesion and also increasing unity and open and full cooperation with the international factor to build a Kosova which would be sovereign and independent, democratic and multi-ethnic state, integrated in the European and Euro-Atlantic structures. The UN Mission and the commitments of the General Secretary there have played a significant part of the success also.

The progress of talks between Prishtina and Belgrade in Vienna is positive. We encourage the continuation of constructive dialogue and wish for the Serbian side to do the same by demonstrating realism, solidarity with the attention of international community and respect for the aspirations of the people of Kosova. Albania is against any possible scenario for the partition or disintegration of Kosova, which according to the tradition of the past can bring conflicts and instability in the future.

We support a full and quick solution of the issue of the status of unique Kosova: a solution that takes in consideration the will of its inhabitants themselves, guarantees functionality within the Kosovar state and society and freedoms of the minority communities. A Kosova, being a sovereign, independent, democratic and multi-ethnic state, with a clear Euro-Atlantic perspective serves to peace and stability in the region and wider.

The view expressed occasionally that the independence of Kosova would leave the door open to implement in an analog way the same solutions for problems which exist at the present in different countries and regions does not seem accurate to us. The solution of any problem must take into consideration the historical and geographical context and other dimensions that exclude the search and mechanic application of unjustifiable analogies. By taking into consideration the historical, juridical and moral aspects of the issue of Kosova and also the fact that it reaches the present times with convulsions and wars that accompanied the disintegration of former-Yugoslavia, I think that solving it according to the will of the very citizens of Kosova is completely legitimate. Seen under this light, this solution marks also the end of the chapter of this disintegration and turning of a new page as part of the democratic developments that have taken place in the Balkans in the last decade.

Madam President,

Albania stands at an important stage of the progress of all sided institutional, legal and economic reforms, with its aim oriented towards the European models and standards. Our commitment is to improve the governance on all the levels in order for the governance to be as close as possible to the interests of the citizens and country. The actual government has undertaken various economic initiatives that aim to liberalize the procedures and enhance our capability to attract foreign investments. We are conscious that this objective can be achieved only by carrying out the reforms that realistically enable a competing and open market for the free initiative that offers opportunities to as many people as possible to conduct business or to be employed and coordinated with the reforms in the priority public sectors: increasing the investments in infrastructure and power sector, education and health sectors and also completing it with effective social policies in favor of social groups and individuals in need. Our objective is for the economic growth to directly serve meeting the Millennium Goals by being transformed into the main factor for the reduction of poverty, lowering of unemployment rate to the average level of the developed European countries and also to secure a stable and long-term economic growth, which does not compromise the chances of future generations.

The all sided engagement against corruption is part of the efforts to strengthen the Rule of Law and develop the country. In this framework there are being undertaken concrete actions for reforms in legislation and institutions in order to take preventive measures, to narrow the room for corruptive abuses, to enhance public transparency, to eliminate the conflict of interests, to enhance the access in decision taking and strengthen the monitoring role of civil society, local communities and media.

We have paid a special attention also to the fight against organized crime, drug and human being trafficking and money laundering. Today we can state with full conviction that these phenomena is being faced with the strong power of the law and with the structures built in the country in cooperation also with the international factor and that is why the results are tangible.

Madam President,

Albania supports and contributes for a strong and effective United Nations Organization, capable to successfully overcome new challenges because we consider it an Organization based on the values and principals of multilateralism, global partnership for development, joint action to strengthen collective peace and security to the benefit of promoting human rights, Rule of Law and commitments against terrorism.

In conclusion, please allow me, Madam President, to assure you that my country will be active in fulfilling the commitments and obligations that stem from the responsibilities within the Organization and also from those decisions that the Sixty-first Session of the UN General Assembly will adopt.

Thank you!

I forbindelse med FN's Generalforsamling afholdt Præsident Bush et særligt demokrati-møde, som Præsident Moisiu var indbudt til. Præsident Bush roste Albanien for fremskridt på det retsligt/juridiske område. Det Albanske Præsidentkontor har udsendt flg.:

The United States President, George W. Bush praised the role of President Moisiu and his work, especially in the field of the justice reform.

September 20, 2006

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu together with a few heads of state from various countries of the world, participated yesterday in the ‘Forum for Democracy,” which was held in the United Nations and was organized by the United States President, George W. Bush.

The main topic of the discussions in this Forum was the role of civil society in the democratic society and their situation in the countries ruled by totalitarian and autocratic regimes, in which the civil society is used to cover the anti-democratic forms of governance or that operate under their pressure.

At the start of the meeting, President Bush greeted President Moisiu in a very warmly and confidential manner.

During the sessions of the Forum, a few heads of states from various regions of the world took the floor including also heads of states from our region.

In his intervention, President Moisiu pointed out the fact a young democracy is being built in Albania, in which the civil society has the important role to present the abuses of power and to contribute in correcting the governance. The civil society helps the citizens to come out of the amnesia state, which was a consequence of the long years spent under dictatorship.

President Moisiu also spoke about the need to strengthen the independence of these NGO’s form the efforts made by politics to exercise control over them. Mr. Moisiu thanked President Bush for the support that the United States has given to civil society in Albania through the programs of USAID.

The United States President, Bush who moderated this forum, immediately after President Moisiu intervention, addressed him by stating that: “I hail and encourage you for the courage you are demonstrating and the work you are doing, especially for your efforts to preserve and consolidate the independence of the justice system in Albania, for which renowned United States jurists have spoken to me about, who have met with you and visit Albania.”

President Moisiu also participated last night in the official reception of the heads of states hosted by President Bush.

Præsidentembedet har indgået aftale om flytransport. Man har valgt det økonomisk mest fordelagtige tilbud, man har ikke favoriseret et specielt firma, Albatros. Præsidentkontoret har udsendt flg.:
Regarding the public statements about the favoring by the Institution of the President of the Albatros Company.

September 16, 2006

During the last days there have been some public statements made in the media according to which the Institution of the President of the Republic has favored and has transferred a part of operational funds to the Albatros Company. Regarding these the Finance Office clarifies the public opinion as follows:

The Administration of the President, in compliance to the legal framework, has been careful about every expense. In the case of flights abroad also, according to the legal procedures, the respective office in the Institution of the Presidency, keeping in mind the effective use of budgetary funds, has present the request for offer to a few flight companies which operate in our country and have chosen the most economical offer which had a visible difference form the others. The respective documentation proving this can be found in the finance sector of the Institution of the Presidency, which can prove all what was mentioned above.

For this reason, we can point out that the statements and allegation for favoring Albatros Company by the Institution of the Presidency are untrue, based on biased information and interpreted for speculating motives aiming to create a false public perception.

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu received in a meeting the head of the Italian Delegation of [Military] Experts, Division General, Salvatore Gravante, who reached the end of his mission in our country and the Brigade General, Aldo Picoti who will be his successor.

President Moisiu received in a meeting the head of the Italian Delegation of Experts, Division General, Salvatore Gravante.

September 13, 2006

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu received in a meeting the head of the Italian Delegation of Experts, Division General, Salvatore Gravante, who reached the end of his mission in our country and the Brigade General, Aldo Picoti who will be his successor.

The Head of state praised the support of Italy for the modernization of our Armed Forces in the framework of fulfilling as soon as possible and realizing the standards of their full membership in NATO and pointed out that this assistance is also an important contribution to the bilateral relations. By emphasizing the fruitful cooperation among the armed forces of our two countries to safeguard security and stability in the region and also in the fight against international terrorism, President Moisiu expressed the conviction for the intensification of this cooperation and also for the continuous support of Italy for our country in its path towards integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures.

General Gravante and General Picoti expressed the gratitude for the reception by President Moisiu and by praising the up to the present achievements of the Albanian Army, pointed out the dedication and readiness to offer their assistance regarding the meeting of the objectives of our Armed Forces for the quick as possible integration in NATO.

Lokalvalgene. Præsident Moisiu har holdt møde med hhv Demokraterne og Socialisterne om hvornår lokalvalgene skal finde sted.

PM Sali Berisha's aktiviteter: [Billederne i denne sektion kan som regel forstørres ved at klikke på dem (mens man er på nettet)]

Præsident Berisha har deltaget i en konference i Tirana, arrangeret af »The Economist«. Berisha promoverede Albanien som et land det var godt at investere i og kom ind på 1-m2-for-1-Euro-initiativet. Den Albanske PMs Informationskontor skriver:

Prime Minister Berisha participates in the Economist Conference


The Prime Minister participated today in a discussion session with representatives of foreign financial institutions, organized by the Economist Group.

During his speech Prime Minister Berisha informed those present of Albania’s enormous progress in its way towards democracy. He talked about his government’s zero tolerance war against corruption and organized crime without forgetting to mention the great achievements in the improvement of the public administration and in the war against smuggling.

Mr. Berisha presented the figures of a new and safe to invest in Albania. He said that the greatest goal of the actual Albanian government is to transform Albania into the cheapest place for investments in the region and listed different tax cuts that his government has undertaken in order to attract more foreign investors.

Premier Berisha introduced those participating in the discussion session to the “Albania 1 Euro” initiative, which he qualified as a friendly call and a welcoming attitude towards business in general. “It is not just a call, but a chance and a real opportunity. We will offer foreign investors lands to build factories, hospitals, hotels, schools, etc., on the basis of transparent procedures and honest competition.” said Mr. Berisha

The Prime Minister concluded his speech by pointing out that his newest advisor, Mr. Tom Ridge, will not only assist him on national security matters, but also on matters regarding information technology reforms as well as reforms in general.

PM Berisha og Undervisningsminister Genc Pollo har besøgt Sami Frashëri-skolen:


Topchannel har interviewet Pavel Vacek, der er Chef for OSCE-Missionen i Albanien:
Top Channel TV, political talk-show Shqip, 14 September 2006

Interview of Head of Presence of the OSCE Presence in Albania, Ambassador Pavel Vacek

Journalist: Rudina Xhunga

Question: Mr. Vacek, after the signing of the agreement where you were the godfather, problems have started again between the Socialist Party and the Democratic Party. What do you think about what is going on now?

First of all, the question is if there is any deadlock. I understand that the ad hoc committee met again today. I myself I spoke with the two co-chairs yesterday and I believe that a search for solutions of the outstanding problems is continuing. Of course, disagreements or difficulties over details can occur and they do occur so for me this in itself is not a deadlock. As to the agreement of the 30th of August I do not claim that I played such a role of a godfather. This is an agreement concluded between the two parties and I was just one of those international partners who assisted on the sidelines, so to say, and I as the others can only hope that the agreement will be delivered on to the full and in good faith.

Question: Congratulations on your modesty! We can use another word rather than deadlock, for example impact. But there are still problems which might hinder the delivery of a normal electoral reform. So how do you think this situation is going to be solved?

Of course, I hope as always, that not only the outstanding problems will be resolved, but all of them. That’s one thing. And then I understand that it is currently about the role of the prefects in monitoring of the process of the discontinuation of the temporary register and is also about more concrete deadlines of the electoral preparations calendar and I believe that the contact between the protagonists continues in order to find the solutions of the remaining problems. Because as we all know time is of essence and the revised code should be submitted to the assembly as soon as possible in order to go ahead with all of the electoral preparations.

Question: In Albania, after every election, the code or the rules of the game need to be changed. Do you feel also responsible that our rules need to change every time?

I can understand that this vicious circle of reviews of electoral legislation after each election is frustrating but for me the responsibility - and that’s the notion that you used – is always with the Albanian political representation. Of course, each and every iteration of the review brings the legislation closer to a certain golden standard, but at the same time we all know there is no bullet-proof provision, there is not bullet-proof law: if there is not enough will to deliver on such a provision or a law to the full then of course the situation repeats itself and in a way that’s what you have.

Question: Do you think it is likely for us to have, this time, uncontested local government elections in Albania?

I hope that if the constructive spirit prevails and if the shared responsibility is acknowledged by all, then you stand a chance to have better elections than in the past, although we know that the time is limited. The time is shorter than it should be for preparing good and orderly elections, but I would very much hope that the spirit of the agreement of the 30th of August will prevail over temptations either to procrastinate or even to obstruct.

Question: When do you think is the most suitable time for holding the local government elections? This winter or this spring?

That is not up to me to tell. There is the legal window for having the elections and that legal window provides for at least some flexibility and I think it is up to the parties and ultimately up to the President of the Republic to look for the best, the most practical, most viable solutions.

Question: So you are optimistic that everything will go well and we will not end up in elections contested by one side or the other?

I have to be optimistic and I also have to do my best to help those who want to be assisted. That’s how I see our role in this process.

Question: How do you offer your assistance? Is it also in a form of pressure?

I would not speak of pressure of course. You know the forms of our assistance. When it comes to the electoral reform there is the body which we are technically supporting also with expertise and some times with informal advice and this is also one of the forms of assistance and this is what is taking place.

Den Amerikanske Ambassadør Marcie Ries, har i Tirana talt om Albanien's status i Millennium Challenge Account Threshold Program'et. Der er særlig fokus på¨bekæmpelsen af korruptionen og på statens køb af varer og tjenesteydelser

USAID/Albania Director Ted Landau, Ambassadør Marcie Ries, PM Sali Berisha

Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Marcie B. Ries

Millennium Challenge Account Threshold Program for Albania

Prime Minister Berisha, Honorable Ministers, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.

Nearly two years ago, Albania and seven other countries were selected to submit a proposal to the Millennium Challenge Corporation under the Threshold Country Program.

The Threshold Program is designed to assist countries on the “threshold” of eligibility for the Millennium Challenge Account Compact – countries committed to reforms aimed at improving democratic governance and the eradication of corruption.

Corruption is one of the most pervasive problems in the world. It not only inhibits foreign investment and economic development; it also affects the daily lives of ordinary people: of students trying to get an education; the sick trying to see a doctor; the victim seeking justice; the property owner trying to build a home.

As a Threshold country, Albania has committed itself to defeating corruption in three areas important for the future development of the country as well as for Albanian citizens: tax policy and administration; government procurement; and combating corruption that hinders new businesses from entering the market, by establishing a national business center.

So, you might ask, what exactly will this program do to reduce the possibilities for corruption?

In the area of taxation:

This program will change the way that taxes are collected so that the system is completely predictable, transparent and fair.

Individual and corporate taxpayers will know exactly what they owe and why, to whom they must pay and when. Tax officials will have special training to assure they make assessments correctly and there will be strict rules about how the money is collected and accounted for.

The second part of the program will mean big changes in the way the government buys equipment and services.

Here again, the rules will be published, the process of bidding open and competitive, and the payments handled according to strict rules.

Sellers will know the process is fair and predictable; officials will get special training and will be held responsible for the money they collect. There will be an ombudsmen to oversee the process, someone to whom people can report if they think that something is happening outside the rules.

Finally, they will have access to a "one-stop shop" and before they go, people who want to start a business will know exactly what documents and payments will be required and to whom they must be given.

I want to emphasize something about this: the United States Government is providing support for this program but it was designed by Albanians for Albanians.

We think the program is an excellent one and I encourage all of those involved to seize this opportunity and to make the most of it. The stakes are very high indeed. So, too, are the rewards for success.

Progress made on combating corruption will benefit ordinary people but it will also bring the country closer to its goals of joining NATO and the EU. And there is another possible benefit as well: if the plan is successful, Albania could become eligible for status as a Millennium Challenge Compact country and the much larger bilateral assistance that comes with it.

But simply participating in this Threshold program will not in itself guarantee that Albania will qualify for the greater benefits of the Compact program. Whether Albania reaches a Compact depends on achieving real, measurable results, which in turn depends on Albania’s maintaining a strong and continuous commitment to the project aim of eradicating corruption.

I wish you the best of luck with this endeavor and look forward to seeing its progress.

And now I would like to introduce a key figure in this project, our new USAID Director for Albania Edward Landau. Ted comes to us with numerous years of experience and expertise.

I USA er der offentliggjort en officiel rapport om 'Religious Freedom' i Albanien: There was no change in the status of respect for religious freedom during the period covered by this report, and government policy continued to contribute to the generally free practice of religion. The generally amicable relationship among religious groups in society contributed to religious freedom.. Rapporten kan downloades (som PDF) fra:

Per Nyholm skriver 060922 om den albanske forfatter Dritëro Agolli i »Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten« [et nyere iw med Agolli kan findes på:]. Artiklen indledes sådan: Dritero Agolli er Albaniens store folkelige fortæller, ikke så raffineret som sin kollega Ismail Kadaré, der måske skulle have haft Nobelprisen, men næppe får den. Kadaré lever tilbagetrukket i et moderne højhus i Tirana, omgivet af tavshed og mysterier. Man sporer en frygt for, at det pludselig skal blive afsløret, at han, nationens førende forfatter, som kunne rejse og skrive, mens andre var spærret inde, havde lidt for gode forbindelser til Sigurimi, kommunisternes frygtede sikkerhedsapparat. Med Agolli er det anderledes. Han var kommunist gennem alle årene og gjorde ingen hemmelighed af det. Han var hverken vulgær eller slesk, men som mange af sine landsmænd troede han på de kommunistiske ideer. At de under den længst afdøde Enver Hoxha blev praktiseret perverst og umenneskeligt, ændrede ikke ved Agollis tro. Efter omvæltningen i 1991 var han en skarp og ironisk kritiker af det højrediktatur, der skabtes af Sali Berisha, tidligere kommunist og Hoxhas hjertelæge, som brød sammen i 1996.


Det Amerikanske UM har offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Serbien - Montenegro: Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: • En biografi over tidligere Forbundspræsident Kostunica kan læses på Serbiske Politikere.

Præsidentvalg i Serbien. Boris Tadic blev i Juni 2004 valgt som Præsident. Seneste Parlamentsvalg: 031228.

Kosovo / Kosóva:

PM Kostunica er glad for den Russiske støtte siger han. Forhåbningen er givetvis at Rusland vil støtte Serbien mht Kosóva / Kosovo, når sagen bringes til forhandling og evt. beslutning i Sikkerhedsrådet. Den Serbiske Regering skriver:
Serbia appreciates Russia's support and advocacy for preservation of law, stability, peace

Belgrade, Sept 21, 2006 – Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica said today that Serbia will know how to appreciate Russia's support in this historically decisive moment when Kosovo issue is to be solved, adding that Serbia should adopt a new constitution as soon as possible.

In a statement to the Tanjug news agency, Kostunica stressed that Russia and its President Vladimir Putin are advocating that the principles of international law must be respected, that there can be no one-sided altering of borders of any sovereign state and that only a compromise solution to Kosovo issue, approved by both sides, can be accepted by the Security Council.

He pointed out that Serbia will know how to appreciate and remember Russia's support and advocacy for the preservation of law, stability and peace.

We must defend Kosovo-Metohija not only through international law, but also through Serbian legislation and that can be done if we adopt a new constitution, said the Serbian Prime Minister.

"I believe that all relevant political factors in the country will put the overall state and national interest above all individual issues and that we will promptly reach agreement on the constitution because otherwise we would be acting in the interest of those wishing to take Kosovo away from us", concluded Kostunica.

Fiansminister Mladan Dinkic siger at man vil lytte til hvad IMF siger. Den Serbiske Regering skriver:
Serbia welcomes any advice from IMF, says Dinkic

Belgrade, Sept 21, 2006 – Serbian Minister of Finance Mladjan Dinkic said today that any suggestion from the IMF is welcome in Serbia, as well as any advice on the use of funds from the National Investment Plan.

At a gathering themed "Serbia – Investment Location of the Future", organised by the Foreign Investors' Council (FIC), Dinkic told the press that it is IMF's job to be ever watchful and that any recommendation from this organisation is naturally welcome.

According to Dinkic, the fact that the IMF declared Serbia's economy a good one is very important at this moment, adding that if Serbia keeps behaving the same way in future and remains aware of IMF's suggestions, there is no reason why it should not make further headway.

He said he believes the National Investment Plan will help develop Serbia's infrastructure, increase foreign direct investment and employment rate, as well as bring about long-term stability and growth of Serbia's economy. He also added that funds from the National Investment Plan will not be used for private spending or inflation reduction but will be exploited in stages.

Serbian Minister of International Economic Relations Milan Parivodic said that foreign investors expect Serbia to adopt a bill on foreign investment as well as to carry out a reform of the city construction land, which, together with denationalisation, could be privatised as soon as early 2007.

Fortsat kontakt mellem EU-Kommissionen og Serbien. UM i Serbien-Montenegro skriver:
Contacts with European Commission continuous

Belgrade, Sept 21, 2006 - Director of the Serbian government's EU Integration Office Tanja Miscevic said that although the continuation of negotiations on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) is dictated by political conditions, connections with Brussels at the technical level have been maintained all this time.

Miscevic said that the contacts with the European Commission are continuous, while technical talks are conducted as part of the Enhanced Permanent Dialogue with the EU. Next week, the issues that should be discussed are environmental protection, food safety and financial control.

Miscevic underlined that the process of stabilisation and association has not been stopped for Serbia, but that the talks on SAA have been called off and that they will be continued when the obligation of cooperation with the Hague tribunal is fulfilled.

If the talks are resumed by the end of this month then there is a big chance that SAA be concluded by the end of the year.

According to Miscevic, a great part of negotiations has been completed and it remains to define lists that refer to liberalisation of trade with industrial and agricultural products and the final provisions of SAA, which are usually not negotiated.

EBRD vil støtte udviklingen af små virksomheder i Serbien gennem bistand til kreditvirksomheden Stedionica
EBRD equity creates Opportunity for Serbian micro-businesses

Euro 3 mln helps Opportunity Stedionica conversion into commercial bank

The EBRD is paying Euro 3 million for an 18.2 per cent equity stake in Opportunity Bank Serbia – a dedicated microfinance bank which will be set up as a result of conversion of Opportunity Stedionica, a Serbian micro-finance institution.

Opportunity Stedionica currently operates as a savings bank. Following the new Law on Banks adopted in December 2005, the institution will apply to the National Bank of Serbia for a full banking license. As and when the licence is granted (which is a condition of the EBRD investment), owners of micro and small businesses will benefit from an increased range of financial services and products allowing them to build new or develop existing businesses.

The EBRD investment will be provided under the recently established Euro 75 million EBRD Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Finance Framework for the Western Balkans and Croatia, which aims at facilitating access to finance for smaller business clients.

Chikako Kuno, EBRD Director of Group for Small Business, said this investment reiterates the Bank’s commitment to supporting the micro-business sector, which is key to fuelling economic growth. To date across its countries of operations, the EBRD has committed over Euro 620 million to 80 financial institutions, supporting more than 1 million micro and small businesses including 14 specialised micro-finance banks.

Other investors include Opportunity Transformation Investments, part of Opportunity International US, a not-for-profit corporation set up to create employment and boost income for poorer communities through small and micro businesses. FMO, the Netherlands Development Finance Company, and Oikocredit, a Dutch Development Cooperative which is one of the world’s largest financiers of the microfinance sector, will also invest.

Opportunity Stedionica provides financial services to over 3,000 clients throughout 25 communities in Vojvodina, as well as in Central and South Serbia With its head office in Novi Sad, the institution has offices in Belgrade, Subotica, Zrenjanin, Sombor, Kragujevac, Nis, Jagodina, Krusevac, Pirot, Leskovac and Vranje.


Præsidentvalg 030611: Filip Vujanovic blev valgt. Forrige Parlamentsvalg 021020, seneste 060910.

Folkeafstemning 21.05.2006 om Montenegro's forhold til statsforbundet Serbien-Montenegro. Der var et mindre flertal for at udtræde af forbundet (55,4% mod 44,6%), hvilket er blevet anerkendt af EU m.fl. Serbien har accepteret den nye tingenes tilstand, skønt der var nogen murren efter at resultatet blev kendt.


Det Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: • Det Amerikanske UM har offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Makedonien:

Der er omkring 25 % etniske Albanere i Makedonien. Folketælling afholdtes 021101-021105.

Folkeafstemningen 041107 om decentralisering (= imødekommelse af Makedonien-Albanske interesser): Folkeafstemningen "faldt". Stemmedeltagelsen var kun omkring 26 %. Hvis afstemningen skulle have kunnet udvirke en ændring af decentraliseringslovgivningen, skulle deltagelsen have været mindst 50%, og desuden skulle der have været flertal mod lovgivningen. Det var ventet at stemmedeltagelsen ville have været noget større, selv om både Regeringspartierne og den Albanske minoritet anbefalede at man blev hjemme. Man kan nu gå videre i overensstemmelse med Ohrid-aftalerne.

Præsidentvalg i Maj 2004: Branko Crvenkovski - hidtidig PM - blev valgt (efter Boris Trajkovski som omkom ved en flyulykke). Parlamentsvalg fandt sted 020915. Der kan henvises til flg. OSCE/ODIHR-oversigtsside: Seneste Parlamentsvalg fandt sted i Juli 2006: Den hidtidige Regering led nederlag. Der kan henvises til: og

Makedonien forhandler med EU om optagelse. Aktuel status, se: Se også den generelle side:

Makedonien skal være en økonomisk tiger, siger PM Gruevski. Makfax skriver:
Gruevski: It's high time Macedonia to become economic tiger

Skopje /21/09/ 14:35

It's high time Macedonia to become a new economic tiger in the footsteps of Ireland and Slovakia, and the country is committed to doing so through assistance of all sectors in our society, said Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.

PM Gruevski staged a working breakfast Thursday with representatives of business community in Macedonia. In his address to members of the Association of Chambers of Commerce, Gruevski reiterated government' determination to press ahead with comprehensive reform agenda, which would significantly improve the situation in private sector.

PM Gruevski presented nine priorities set out in the economic programme of the new government. These priorities won support by the members of the Association of Chambers of Commerce.

In the first place, PM Gruevski emphasized the importance of political stability in the country, as a main prerequisite for establishing economic stability.

Next on the list of government's priorities is tax reform. Gruevski unveiled tax cuts which will ease pressure on taxpayers, and facilitation in tax paying procedures. The government plans to introduce a flat rate income tax and tax cuts in early 2007, which will pave the way to introduction of 10% single tax, the lowest in Europe.

Improvement of infrastructure is 3rd priority of the new government. Gruevski attached high significance to Corridors 8 and 10 and the possibility to grant concession. Renovation and reform of railways and airports is necessary, including timely liberalization of telecommunications.

Human resources development is also high on the agenda of the new government. He underscored the need for alterations in education sector, adding that the government will boost investments in research activities and innovations.

Government's fifth priority is to assist effective and transparent workflow of private sector, Gruevski said, adding that corruption is main hurdle that needs to be tackled. The government, through assistance from USAID, is drafting a strategy to probe the work of courts, customs administration, political party funding etc.

The right to immovable assets is also high on the economic agenda, in particular the real estate registration and confidence building in Cadastral Office.

Labor market is among government's priorities, Gruevski said, adding that the government plans salary tax cuts. He also held out a promise of more flexible implementation of job contracts and higher flexibility in the course of job creation and layoffs.

Government prioritizes better functioning of courts, including new legislation which will shortcut the time required to start a business and acquire permission. He hinted at the possibility to launch the so-called regulatory guillotine - a new tool to assist countries in rapid regulatory simplification - which proved quite fruitful in some neighboring countries.

Improvement of financial sector is the 9th priority of the new government. Gruevski unveiled consolidation of banking system and entry of top foreign banks.


Seneste Parlamentsvalg 040307.


UMs rejsevejledning:

Seneste Parlamentsvalg blev holdt 021103. Det blev i December 2004 aftalt (med EUs Regeringschefer)at der i Oktober 2005 skal indledes forhandlinger om optagelse af Tyrkiet i EU.



Mother Teresa. I anledning af saligkåringen ('beatificeringen') 031019 har Vatikantet etableret en internetside:

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu received in a meeting the head of the Italian Delegation of [Military] Experts, Division General, Salvatore Gravante, who reached the end of his mission in our country and the Brigade General, Aldo Picoti who will be his successor.

President Moisiu received in a meeting the head of the Italian Delegation of Experts, Division General, Salvatore Gravante.

September 13, 2006

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu received in a meeting the head of the Italian Delegation of Experts, Division General, Salvatore Gravante, who reached the end of his mission in our country and the Brigade General, Aldo Picoti who will be his successor.

The Head of state praised the support of Italy for the modernization of our Armed Forces in the framework of fulfilling as soon as possible and realizing the standards of their full membership in NATO and pointed out that this assistance is also an important contribution to the bilateral relations. By emphasizing the fruitful cooperation among the armed forces of our two countries to safeguard security and stability in the region and also in the fight against international terrorism, President Moisiu expressed the conviction for the intensification of this cooperation and also for the continuous support of Italy for our country in its path towards integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures.

General Gravante and General Picoti expressed the gratitude for the reception by President Moisiu and by praising the up to the present achievements of the Albanian Army, pointed out the dedication and readiness to offer their assistance regarding the meeting of the objectives of our Armed Forces for the quick as possible integration in NATO.



I forbindelse med FN's Generalforsamling afholdt Præsident Bush et særligt demokrati-møde, som Præsident Moisiu var indbudt til. Præsident Bush roste Albanien for fremskridt på det retsligt/juridiske område. Det Albanske Præsidentkontor har udsendt flg.:

The United States President, George W. Bush praised the role of President Moisiu and his work, especially in the field of the justice reform.

September 20, 2006

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu together with a few heads of state from various countries of the world, participated yesterday in the ‘Forum for Democracy,” which was held in the United Nations and was organized by the United States President, George W. Bush.

The main topic of the discussions in this Forum was the role of civil society in the democratic society and their situation in the countries ruled by totalitarian and autocratic regimes, in which the civil society is used to cover the anti-democratic forms of governance or that operate under their pressure.

At the start of the meeting, President Bush greeted President Moisiu in a very warmly and confidential manner.

During the sessions of the Forum, a few heads of states from various regions of the world took the floor including also heads of states from our region.

In his intervention, President Moisiu pointed out the fact a young democracy is being built in Albania, in which the civil society has the important role to present the abuses of power and to contribute in correcting the governance. The civil society helps the citizens to come out of the amnesia state, which was a consequence of the long years spent under dictatorship.

President Moisiu also spoke about the need to strengthen the independence of these NGO’s form the efforts made by politics to exercise control over them. Mr. Moisiu thanked President Bush for the support that the United States has given to civil society in Albania through the programs of USAID.

The United States President, Bush who moderated this forum, immediately after President Moisiu intervention, addressed him by stating that: “I hail and encourage you for the courage you are demonstrating and the work you are doing, especially for your efforts to preserve and consolidate the independence of the justice system in Albania, for which renowned United States jurists have spoken to me about, who have met with you and visit Albania.”

President Moisiu also participated last night in the official reception of the heads of states hosted by President Bush.





Per Nyholm skriver 060922 om den albanske forfatter Dritëro Agolli i »Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten« [et nyere iw med Agolli kan findes på:]. Artiklen indledes sådan: Dritero Agolli er Albaniens store folkelige fortæller, ikke så raffineret som sin kollega Ismail Kadaré, der måske skulle have haft Nobelprisen, men næppe får den. Kadaré lever tilbagetrukket i et moderne højhus i Tirana, omgivet af tavshed og mysterier. Man sporer en frygt for, at det pludselig skal blive afsløret, at han, nationens førende forfatter, som kunne rejse og skrive, mens andre var spærret inde, havde lidt for gode forbindelser til Sigurimi, kommunisternes frygtede sikkerhedsapparat. Med Agolli er det anderledes. Han var kommunist gennem alle årene og gjorde ingen hemmelighed af det. Han var hverken vulgær eller slesk, men som mange af sine landsmænd troede han på de kommunistiske ideer. At de under den længst afdøde Enver Hoxha blev praktiseret perverst og umenneskeligt, ændrede ikke ved Agollis tro. Efter omvæltningen i 1991 var han en skarp og ironisk kritiker af det højrediktatur, der skabtes af Sali Berisha, tidligere kommunist og Hoxhas hjertelæge, som brød sammen i 1996.

Ugerapport fra Dansk KFOR. Hærens Operative Kommando - se under: Kosova.



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To skridt frem. Bogomslaget

»To skridt frem? Albanien i en brydningstid«

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»Albansk Almanak 2005«

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»Albanske Studier« bd. 1-2

Kommentarer til Bjøl, Huntington, Machiavelli, Sørlander, DUPI (Humanitær Intervention), Clausewitz, Mao Zedong, Lars R. Møller, Malcolm og flere andre.

Englændere på rejse i Albanien: Edward Lear, Edith Durham og Robert Carver.

Bøger om slægtsfejder og blodhævn. Diskussion af Anne Knudsen's disputats om blodhævn på Korsika og af Ismail Kadare's roman »Ufuldendt april«.

Baggrundsmateriale om den Sønderjyske general Christian von Holstein, der deltog i Habsburgernes felttog ind i Kosóva i 1689-90.

Sidst i bogen et forsøg på en sammenfatning i form af nogle 'grundlæggende synspunkter'.

Desuden en kommentar til Hans Hækkerup's »På skansen«. På CD'en supplerende materiale om traditionelle Albanske klædedragter og om Holstein. Hans bog om Kosovo er omtalt i »Albansk Almanak 2004«.

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