Sidste Nyt fra Albanien, Kosóva og Makedonien

Serbien og Montenegro

The Latest News from Albania, Kosóva and Macedonia

# 269 - 26.08.2005 Udgiver: Bjørn Andersen

Publisher: Bjoern Andersen

Præsident Moisiu blandt Bektashi'erne

»Sidste Nyt om Albanien, Kosóva og Makedonien« hører til et web-site om de Balkan-lande hvor der lever mange Albanere:; her kan du også finde »gamle nyheder«, anmeldelser, links og en Balkan Brevkasse. »Sidste Nyt« sættes på nettet hver torsdag aften / fredag morgen hvor der sendes besked til dem der ønsker det. Bestilling / afbestilling sker ved at sende en e-mail med teksten »Nyheder udbedes« / »Nyheder afmeldes«. Nyheder, materiale, kommentarer og spørgsmål modtages meget gerne, både om småting og større ting. Send en e-mail. Tilsvarende hvis du opdager en fejl. Fejl vil blive rettet hurtigst muligt. »Sidste Nyt« og drives non-profit og uden finansiering »udefra«. Hvis du vil støtte udgivelsen kan du lettest gøre det ved at købe én eller flere af mine bøger. Send gerne en mail hvis der er - små eller store - tekniske problemer. Bemærkninger om EDB-sikkerhed.

The framework of The Latest News from Albania, Kosóva and Macedonia is in Danish - nevertheless, the news are mostly in English. You may send information, comments and questions to: »The Latest News« [please click].


Ugeoversigt   Summary

Internationale organisationer   International organizations
Verdensbanken, IMF m.fl.   World Bank, IMF etc.
OSCE, Europarådet   OSCE, Council of Europe (CoE)
EU   European Union (EU)
ICTY - Tribunalet i Haag   ICTY

Balkan, generelt   The Balkans
Kosóva   Kosóva [Kosovo]
Øst Kosóva / Presevo-dalen / Syd-Serbien   Eastern Kosóva
Albanien   Albania
Serbien og Montenegro. Serbien (alene)   Serbia-Montenegro. Serbia
Montenegro (alene)   Montenegro
Makedonien   Macedonia [FYRoM]

Grækenland   Greece
Tyrkiet   Turkey
Italien   Italia

USA   United States (US)
England   England
Tyskland   Germany
Frankrig   France
Danmark (Norge, Sverige)   Denmark (Norway, Sweden)

Rusland   Russia
Kina   China

Fodbold (FIFA's rangorden)   Football (FIFA)

»Albansk Almanak 2003« bd. 1-3

Almanak'en for 2003 er udkommet. Her finder du årets nyhedsbreve. Årets litteraturkommentarer vil udkomme hen over sommeren 2005 i »Albanske Studier« ## 3-4.

Bogen findes i trykt form og på CD (som pdf-fil). Papirudgave på 800 sider i 3 bind. Bogen sælges som papirudgave m/ CD og som CD alene. Se pris på: Bestillingsliste.

Udgaven for 2004 ventes at udkomme medio 2005.

»Albanske Studier« bd. 1-2

Kommentarer til Bjøl, Huntington, Machiavelli, Sørlander, DUPI (Humanitær Intervention), Clausewitz, Mao Zedong, Lars R. Møller, Malcolm og flere andre (kommentarerne er suppleret ift udgaver i Almanak'erne m.v.). Englændere på rejse i Albanien: Edward Lear, Edith Durham og Robert Carver. Bøger om slægtsfejder og blodhævn. Diskussion af Anne Knudsen's disputats om blodhævn på Korsika og af Ismail Kadare's roman »Ufuldendt april«. Baggrundsmateriale om den Sønderjyske general Christian von Holstein, der deltog i Habsburgernes felttog ind i Kosóva i 1689-90. Sidst i bogen et forsøg på en sammenfatning i form af nogle 'grundlæggende synspunkter'. Desuden en kommentar til Hans Hækkerup's »På skansen«. På CD'en supplerende materiale om traditionelle Albanske klædedragter og om Holstein.

Du kan downloade indholdsfortegnelsen og kommentaren til Hækkerup fra:

Bogen findes i trykt form og på CD (som pdf-fil). Papirudgave 368 A4-sider i 2 bind. Bogen sælges som papirudgave m/ CD og som CD alene. Se pris på: Bestillingsliste.

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Seneste 4 udgaver af »Sidste Nyt fra Albanien, Kosóva og Makedonien«:

Sidste Nyt #268 - frem til 19.08.2005 (klik tv.)
Sidste Nyt #267 - frem til 12.08.2005 (klik tv.)
Sidste Nyt #266 - frem til 05.08.2005 (klik tv.)
Sidste Nyt #265 - Valget i Albanien (klik tv.)

Alle årets udgaver:


Albanien. Parlamentsvalget: I søndags blev der holdt omvalg i 3 kredse (2, 64 og 90). I alle tre tilfælde vandt Demokraterne klart og tydeligt. Til gengæld har et retsligt organ besluttet at Kastriot Islami (nuværende Udenrigsminister) har vundet kreds 73. Resultaterne havde - set under en overordnet vinkel - kun symbolsk betydning (lokalt er betydningen væsentligt større), for Berisha havde under alle omstændigheder sikret sig et komfortabelt flertal bag sin centrum-højre-orienterede regering. I begyndelsen af september vil Den Centrale Valgkommission bekendtgøre det officielle valgresultat, dvs. ca. 2 måneder efter at valget fandt sted. Derefter vil Præsident Moisiu indkalde det nye Parlament, og der vil gjort det nødvendige - formelt set - for at få indsat den nye Regering. I Socialistpartiet er der »noget« på vej. Der er mange der er dybt skuffede. Nogle fordi de - oprigtigt - frygter hvad der nu vil komme til at ske, mange fordi de er overordentligt irriterede over at skulle slippe magten og indkomsten.

Miqësia / Dansk-Albansk Forening har offentliggjort artiklen Fagbevægelsen og Albanien / SiD-3F - Trepartssamarbejde. AMU-uddannelse. Uddannelse af tillidsmænd. Den direkte adresse er:

Kosóva: Interview med Hashim Thaçi: Eide's rapport "kan ikke blive negativ". Flertallet af befolkningen har tilkendegivet hvad det vil: Uafhængighed. Det må alle respektere ...

Serbien (Kosovo) Den Serbiske Regering har afskediget Nebojsa Covic som Formand for Kosóva Koordineringskomitéen og for Presevo-Bujanovac-Medvedja Koordineringskomitéen.

Ambassadør Eide har været i Serbien.

Makedonien: 050824 Udenrigsminister Dr Per Stig Møller møder sin Makedonske kollega i København.


Opmærksomheden henledes på Economic Reconstruction and Development in South East Europe. Adressen er Her kan man finde materiale om aktuelle møder og konferencer.



Se under de enkelte lande / områder.

OSCE, Europarådet

Se under de enkelte lande / områder.




Verserende sager vedr. Kosovo: Anklageskrifter og udskrifter af retsmøderne kan findes på:

ICTY vs Slobodan Milosevic, (IT-02-54)

ICTY vs Fatmir Limaj et al. (IT-03-66)

ICTY vs Ramush Haradinaj (IT-04-84)



Udsnit af EU's Europakort 2004. [Udsnittet kan forstørres ved at klikke på det]. Kortet indgår i en præsentationsborchure, der kan downloades som pdf fra:


Bynavne: Angives der to navne på samme lokalitet, er den Albanske nævnt først. Se oversigten på: ... Bynavne: Angives der to navne på samme lokalitet, er den Albanske nævnt først. Se oversigten på: ... Rapporter fra FNs Generalsekretær ... 040616 SG Kofi Annan udtaler at han agter at udpege Søren Jessen-Petersen som 5' SRSG. Søren Jessen-Petersen blev senere udpeget og tiltrådte i Kosóva 040816. ... 0308 Harri Holkeri tiltrådte som 4' SRSG. Fratrådt 0406 af helbredsmæssige grunde. ... 020214 Michael Steiner tiltrådte i Kosova som 3' SRSG og fratrådte i begyndelsen af 0307. ... En biografi over 2' SRSG Hans Hækkerup kan læses på Danske Politikere. En anmeldelse af hans bog »Kosovos mange ansigter« kan downloades fra: (0,4 MB) ... Constitutional Framework for Provisional Self-Government. ... Kosova's Regering. ... Webside vedr. 2004-valgene ... UNMIK Politiets oversigt over 2001 (artikler, billeder og statistik i pdf-format (fil'en er forholdsvis stor: 2,6 MB)) ... Kriminaliteten i 2002 - Oversigt kan downloades [klik på titlen]

Parlamentsvalget 2004 [Præsidenten - Ibrahim Rugóva - er valgt af Parlamentet, the Assembly], se:

Ambassadør Eide har været i Serbien, se under: Serbien.

Interview med Hashim Thaçi. KosovaReport skriver:

Epoka e Re carries an interview that PDK leader Hashim Thaçi gave to Voice of America. The headline that the newspaper chooses for the interview is Thaçi’s quote that UNMIK should realise that it is redundant in the political process in Kosovo.

‘Two million Kosovo Albanians have expressed their will for an independent and sovereign state of Kosovo. There are certainly differences as to the path and way of achieving this, but every political leader is obliged to implement the will of citizens. The state of Kosovo or independence is not an invention of some political leader, it is the will of citizens and we as political leaders are obliged to implement it,’ Thaçi was quoted as saying.

Commenting on preparations for final status talks and Philip Goldberg’s statement that the Kosovan side is not prepared for talks, Thaçi said: ‘I think the Kosovan side, the institutions, and political parties are prepared for the political status; the civil society and citizens are determined [to have an] independent and sovereign state. I think the international community should be more prepared to respect the right of Kosovo citizens to express their will for a state. My assessment is that this is a new and positive situation, and the circumstances require Washington, Brussels, the Security Council and the Contact Group to respect the will of Kosovo citizens. The people, institutions and parties are prepared to enter the process of building the independent and sovereign state of Kosovo integrated in Euro-Atlantic structures.’

Thaçi said the time has come to resolve the issue of status but also added that ‘work should be done in order not to negotiate the political status’. ‘It is unacceptable to negotiate on the political status because the will of citizens should in no way be on the table of talks. On the table should be modalities for building the state of Kosovo and not what the status should be.’

Asked on his perception over the future role of the international community in Kosovo, Thaçi was quoted as saying, ‘It should be an important role, same as the role in other independent countries. Of course, UNMIK should gradually realise that it is redundant in the political process in Kosovo. We must have close cooperation with all mechanisms that will remain as advisory offices in Pristina, and at the same time we should focus and invest a lot in having a strong NATO presence here so that even after the resolution of status Kosovo can be part of global security.’

Pressemeddelelser fra UNMIK:

Press Briefing Notes 24 August 2005 [Note: A special press briefing by COMKFOR Lt. General Yves de Kermabon preceded the regular weekly press briefing. The transcript of the first session is awaited and will be sent out separately.]

UNMIK Spokesperson Neeraj Singh OSCE Spokesperson Sven Lindholm EU Pillar Spokesperson Mechthild Henneke

UNMIK Spokesperson Neeraj Singh The SRSG will be on an official tour outside Kosovo for the next three days. He leaves this afternoon for Copenhagen where he will be participating in the Annual Meeting of the Nordic and Baltic Countries Ministers of Foreign Affairs. He will also meet separately with the regional director of the World Health Organisation and government officials in Copenhagen. He will be back here on Sunday.

OSCE Spokesperson Sven Lindholm Election Forum The Election Forum met for the first time this past Monday. The purpose of the forum is to discuss the current electoral legislative framework and formulate recommendations to the CEC on the electoral legislative framework in Kosovo. The Election Forum is the only appropriate body that will deal with possible changes in the election system. It will make its proposals in due time before the municipal elections.

ORA Registration ORA has submitted its paperwork to become a registered political party, and all the legal obligations under UNMIK Regulation 2004/11 which go along with that status. A final decision on registration will be given following a 14-day period in which the public is invited to review the registration documents -including the party's programme, statute, and logo. Anyone wishing to view the documents can come between 10:00 and 12:00 on weekdays from 20 August to 2 September 2005. After that time, and all possible objections are dealt with, ORA will become a political party. It will be considered the successor of the ORA Civic Initiative while maintaining the 7 mandates in the Assembly of Kosovo.

Youth Assembly retreat This week the OSCE Mission in Kosovo is sponsoring a retreat for Kosovo's Youth Assemblies. More than 240 members of 10 Youth Assemblies are in Montenegro in order to widen the network of young people engaged in the institutions and processes of local and central government. The Youth Assemblies taking part are from Vushtrri/Vucitrn, Leposavic/Leposaviq, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, Kamenicë/Kamenica, Gjilan/Gnjilane, Dragash/Dragaš, Podujevë/Podujevo, Rahovec/Orahovac and Lipjan/Lipljan. The Youth Assemblies create projects and initiatives to interact with their respective municipal structures, involving simulation of the Municipal Assembly by secondary school students in order to encourage involvement with and increase the understanding of local government.

DocuFest It is now one week to go before the now traditional DokuFest will kick off on August 31 in Prizren. There will be a full slate of documentary and short feature films running through September 4, anf a photography exhibit through the 10th. The OSCE has been one of the main donors of this cultural event. For more information see the website at

EU Pillar Spokesperson Mechthild Henneke UNMIK Customs has started applying now fully UNMIK Administrative Direction 2001/7. This means that commercial importatio n of goods not coming directly from Serbia and Montenegro will be charged 10% customs duty.

Neeraj: Thanks Mechthild. Any questions?

KTV: Why has the Political Forum meeting failed, which was scheduled to take place today?

Neeraj: I don’t know why you use the word ‘failed’; I don’t know if you used that word or it was translation, but that’s what I heard. Yes indeed, there was a tentative date for the Forum meeting that I announced last week, and that was for today. It was a tentative date and it was not announced as a final date by us definitely. Yesterday the Kosovo Forum Secretariat held its meeting. It was a very good meeting. As you know the Forum Secretariat does all the preparations for any decision that has to be placed [for consideration] before the Forum. So a lot of issues were discussed yesterday. The Secretariat asked for the Forum meeting to be postponed by a week. This decision was taken by the Secretariat as a whole, at the suggestion of one of its members. This delay will allow further time for discussions within the Secretariat to ensure adequate preparations for the Forum meeting. And the next Forum meeting will be discussing the formation, membership and co-ordination of five thematic Working Groups on preparations for status talks. So for these preparations the Secretariat wanted some more time and that’s the reason the Forum meeting has been postponed.

Radio Free Europe: Mr. Singh, is it acceptable to UNMIK, the new proposals made yesterday by the Serb representatives regarding pilot projects for decentralisation?

Neeraj: The SRSG in fact addressed this question yesterday, but I can repeat that. As you know the SRSG had a meeting, which was the first meeting he had with the full caucus of the SLKM. He was very happy with the meeting; he welcomed the initiative by the SLKM to put forward their proposals to the SRSG. As he said yesterday, he will now be looking into the proposals made by the SLKM and after that he will put forward his opinion to the Kosovo Government. As you know the process of decentralisation as it stands today, is based on the latest proposal from the Kosovo Government, which again has been a very welcome proposal and the SRSG has said repeatedly that the Government has clearly provided sufficient basis for further discussions, for taking forward the decentralisation process. The Government is currently committed to now provide the SRSG with the list of councillors for the Provisional Assemblies for these municipal units. That is a process that is going on and once the SRSG has the lists there will be Executive Decisions with respect to those pilot municipal units. Also I must stress again a point the SRSG made yesterday, that a lot of focus, a lot of attention has been recently confined to the pilot projects alone. The pilot projects are indeed an important aspect of the decentralisation process. But it is also time to focus on the larger, longer term reform of local government. And as you know there are working groups for working out the various aspects of decentralisation relating to legislation, relating to competencies, capacity building and so on… finances, etc. So you must look at the process in its entirety, you must look at the long-term process. And of course, where the pilot projects are concerned the process there is clearly laid down, so we are going ahead with it.

Radio Free Europe: But Mr. Singh can we expect any other administrative decision relating to these pilot projects, to consider the Serb proposals?

Neeraj: I think I made myself amply clear when I said that the proposal that has been put forward by the Kosovo government recently, what you normally call ‘Plan B’, is a very good proposal which provides sufficient basis for taking forward this process, and the process definitely involves discussions. There have been discussions ongoing even between the Kosovo Serb leaders and the government, and yesterday the Kosovo Serb leaders as a group, the SLKM caucus, called on the SRSG and made their proposal, which the SRSG is looking into. And then he will take his views to the government on that. So that’s the process which is ongoing. Any more questions? Thank you.


For nemheds skyld bruges betegnelsen Øst Kosóva / Presevo-dalen om det omstridte område med byerne: Presheva, Medvegja og Bujanoci (Albansk stavemåde). Ca. 75 % af befolkningen skønnes at være etniske Albanere - måske omkring 70.000. En modstandsgruppe har været i funktion, men synes nu at være »lukket ned«. Gruppen kaldtes i forkortet form UCPMB (som står for noget i retning af: Ushtria Clirimtare e Presheva, Medvegja dhe Bujanoci; på Engelsk: Liberation Army of Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoci). Gruppen sagde at den intet havde at gøre med Kosova's UCK, og at den var en lokal gruppe.


Klik på kortet, hvis du vil have det forstørret / click to enlarge it

Info fra Albaniens Statistik: Befolkningstal: 3,1 Mio (1.1.2004). GDP (Gross Domestic Product): 630 Mia Lek (2002, current prices); GDP-structure: Agriculture: 26 %, Industry 10-11 %, Construction: 7-8 %, Services: 55-56 %. Export: 54 mia lek (2003) [heraf til Danmark: 23 mio lek; størrelsesorden 1,2 mio kr], Import: 226 mia lek (2003) [Heraf fra Danmark: 855 mio lek; størrelsesorden: 45-50 mio kr], Tradedeficit: 171 mia lek (2003). Største import fra Italien (75 mia lek) og Grækenland (45 mia lek), største eksport til Italien (40 mia lek). Unemployment: 14-15 % (2004-III)

Det Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: Det Danske UM har pt ingen rejsevejledning, men henviser til det Engelske UM. Den Norske Ambassade kan findes på: Det Amerikanske UM har Juni 2004 offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Albanien:

Mother Teresa:

Præsident Moisiu's aktiviteter [Billederne i denne sektion kan som regel forstørres ved at klikke på dem (mens man er på nettet)]:

Præsident Moisiu har været til Bektashi-sammenkomst i Tomor-bjergene mellem Berat- og Skrapar-områderne


Præsidentkontoret har udsendt flg.:

Aug. 22, 2005 Kulmak, Tomorri Mountain

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu, participated on Monday in the Abaz Ali Holiday celebrations near the Bektashi Teqe of Dervish Iliazi in the Kulmak region of Tomorri Mountain.

President Moisiu was welcomed by the World Bekashi Leader Haj Dede Reshat Bardhi, Father Edmond Brahimaj and other leaders of the Bektashi faith as well as met with many of the present faithful.

Wishing the faithful a happy holiday, President Moisiu said that religious faiths and the messages of goodness, common understanding and tolerance that they bring are among the main tools needed to fight crimes that happen inside the family and similar actions, which are damaging the foundations of Albanian society in the murky period the country is going through.

Albanians must work for a better future and the good universal messages of religious faiths must be protected, stressed President Moisiu, expressing his pleasure with the high number of young men and women participating at the religious celebrations.

President Moisiu said the government should look at the possibility of improving the infrastructure of the area where the teqe and the holy place are located, due to the fact that road’s poor state makes it harder for the faithful to get there and stifles the development of the region.

World Bekashi Leader Haj Dede Reshat Bardhi welcomed President Moisiu and said that the annual pilgrimage on the occasion of the Abaz Ali Holiday helps the faithful love each-other and Albania more.

The Abaz Ali Holiday is an annual event, which this year takes a special meaning because it is thought to be the 1400 anniversary of the birthday of the saint the holiday is named after. Thousands of pilgrims from all over Albania and several other countries visit the holy place in the Tomorri Mountain each late August.


Præsident Moisiu har sagt tak for denne gang til ODIHR-Missionschef Jørgen Grunnet og ledende medlemmer af hans stab.


Præsident Moisiu har haft den Russiske Ambassadør, Tokin, på afskedsbesøg. Præsidentkontoret har udsendt flg.:

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu, received on Tuesday the Russian Ambassador, Vladimir N. Tokin, on the occasion of the end of his diplomatic mandate in Albania.

President Moisiu emphasized the role that Russia could play in the stability of the region in its position as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. “The region’s problems must be solved justly so they don’t resurface in the future” – President Moisiu said.

The Head of State stressed that Albania has supported Russia in its war against terrorism, which is a great evil that is endangering peace and security in the world.

President Moisiu said he appreciated the work of Ambassador Tokin during his mandate in Albania and sent greetings through the ambassador to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

During the talks, it was stressed the existence of possibilities to intensify bilateral relations, especially in the areas of economy and commerce.


Besøg fra USA. Præsidentkontoret skriver:

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu, received in a Thursday morning meeting U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher [med på begge billeder] and former U.S. Congressman Joseph DioGuardi, the head of the Albanian American Civic League.

President Moisiu said he appreciated the important role the United States have played in the Albanian nation’s history and emphasized Albania’s support in Iraq and Afghanistan as a member of the coalition against international terrorism.

The interlocutors said that the peaceful transfer of power after the elections in Albania is a huge step in the direction of the Albanian state’s strengthening and progress.

Congressman Rohrabacher thanked President Moisiu for the support Albania is giving in Iraq, saying its troops’ presence there is very important.

In the warm and friendly conversation, it was also emphasized that Albania offers a unique example regarding the tolerance and cohabitation of different religious faiths. Congressman Rohrabacher called this a huge value of the Albanian nation and a guarantee for its future progress in all fields.

Parlamentsvalget i 2005 [Præsidenten vælges af Parlamentet for 5 år, næste gang i 2007]: I søndags blev der holdt omvalg i 3 kredse (2, 64 og 90). I alle tre tilfælde vandt Demokraterne klart og tydeligt. Til gengæld har et retsligt organ besluttet at Kastriot Islami (nuværende Udenrigsminister) har vundet kreds 73. Resultaterne havde - set under en overordnet vinkel - kun symbolsk betydning (lokalt er betydningen væsentligt større), for Berisha havde under alle omstændigheder sikret sig et komfortabelt flertal bag sin centrum-højre-orienterede regering.

I begyndelsen af september vil Den Centrale Valgkommission bekendtgøre det officielle valgresultat, dvs. ca. 2 måneder efter at valget fandt sted. Derefter vil Præsident Moisiu indkalde det nye Parlament, og der vil gjort det nødvendige - formelt set - for at få indsat den nye Regering.

I Socialistpartiet er der »noget« på vej. Der er mange der er dybt skuffede. Nogle fordi de - oprigtigt - frygter hvad der nu vil komme til at ske, mange fordi de er overordentligt irriterede over at skulle slippe magten og indkomsten.

Edi Rama med ryggen til. Billedet er fra en konference i December 2004. Foto: Bjørn Andersen

Det går rygter om at Tiranas Borgmester, Edi Rama, er ved at samle en kreds af fremstående Medlemmer af Socialistpartiet for at sætte Fatos Nano fra bestillingen som Partiformand. Der har været forskellige sonderinger, men om de vil føre til noget konkret er meget usikkert.

Indtil videre har Nano ikke blot antydet at han skulle være ansvarlig for det store nederlag, og slet ikke at han ville tage konsekvensen at træde tilbage som Partiformand. Hvad der vil ske i Socialistpartiets Ledelse i den nærmeste tid, vil afhænge af om Nano's koalition fra December 2003 vil holde eller ej. Mange vil fortsat slutte op om Nano, for de vil få vanskeligheder med andre Ledere. Det gælder fx Anastas Angjeli. Nogle af hans hidtidige støtter vil springe fra, men dog næppe vælge Edi Rama.

Der er mange Socialister i Tirana der ser positivt på Edi Rama, for han har gjort meget for at udvikle Tirana. Der er sikkert også nogle i andre af de større byer der vil foretrække ham som Leder af Socialistpartiet, men jo længere man kommer væk fra bykernerne og »det moderne«, desto mere vil mange af Medlemmerne tænke traditionelt - og jo mere vil de betragte Edi Rama som én der er alt for »spraglet«.

Opsigtsvækkende interview med Edi Rama i »Zeri i Popullit« 26.8.2005. Avisen er Socialisternes blad. Nedenfor følger referat v/ Tue Magnussen:

In an interview with the Socialist Party (SP) newspaper Zëri i Popullit, the Mayor of Tirana Edi Rama analyzes the causes why the SP lost the last general elections that were held on 3 July.

According to Mayor Rama, the loss was not an accident, but a big lesson for the SP to return to their grassroots and work together.

"The SP Congress in 2003 was a curse for the SP, because it led to the fragmentation of the party and the formation of the Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI)," he said.

Rama argued that it was up to the SP chair Fatos Nano to resign from the party leadership in the same way that western leaders do when their parties lose elections. Rama stated that he was willing to give his contribution for a new project in the SP that would be encompassing of all progressive elements of the Left-wing.

Rama also argued that all the SP members should choose with their votes which platform they want to follow and who should be the people leading them according to the principle "one person, one vote".

Se nærmere om valget i:

Miqësia / Dansk-Albansk Forening har offentliggjort artiklen Fagbevægelsen og Albanien / SiD-3F - Trepartssamarbejde. AMU-uddannelse. Uddannelse af tillidsmænd. Den direkte adresse er: Artiklen kan også findes via indholdsfortegnelsen:

Artiklen indledes sådan:

I SiD havde man dén ordning at alle distrikterne skulle være internationalt engageret foruden at de skulle varetage deres normale arbejdsopgaver på det danske arbejdsmarked.

Det førte på Fyn til at man i begyndelsen af 1990'erne begyndte at interessere sig for Albanien; én af de mest aktive i dette arbejde var Johnny Laursen fra transportområdet. Albanerne stod tydeligvis i problemer til op over halsen. Man havde haft et strengt socialistisk eller kommunistisk styre fra 2' Verdenskrig der var kollapset i 1991, og situationen efter systemskiftet var overordentlig vanskelig - både for befolkningen i almindelighed og for fagbevægelsen.

Det første Fynboerne involverede sig i var almindelig nødhjælp. Der blev foretaget indsamlinger af ting der kunne gøre nytte i Albanien - og man arrangerede transporter til forskellige lokaliteter. Langsomt begyndte man at få kontakter til fagbevægelsen dernede, og der blev arrangeret besøg i Danmark af forskellige delegationer - mange af dem med støtte fra den danske regerings Demokratifond.

Noget senere gik SiD's Internationale Udvalg og Internationale Afdeling ind i samarbejdet, og man søgte og fik støtte fra Danida til at gennemføre to meget forskellige projekter. Det ene projekt drejede sig om at etablere et AMU-center, det andet om at opbygge forskellige former for tillidsmandsuddannelse.

Det første projekt kollapsede i 1997 på grund af urolighederne dét år, mens det andet projekt blev gennemført med succes. 3F har stadig kontakt til Albanien selv om Danmark ikke længere giver direkte bistandshjælp (overgangsbistanden ophørte med udgangen af 2003). I dag yder den danske stat fortsat bistand, men det sker kun indirekte gennem organisationer som EU.


Det Amerikanske UM har Juli 2004 offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Serbien - Montenegro: ... Det Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: ... En biografi over tidligere Forbundspræsident Kostunica kan læses på Serbiske Politikere ... Mht ICTYs sag mod tidligere Præsident Milosevic, se (evt.) under ICTY ovenfor.

Præsidentvalg i Serbien. Boris Tadic blev i Juni 2004 valgt som Præsident. Seneste Parlamentsvalg: 031228.

Kosovo / Kosóva: Den Serbiske Regering har afskediget Nebojsa Covic som Formand for Kosóva Koordineringskomitéen og for Presevo-Bujanovac-Medvedja Koordineringskomitéen. Regeringen skriver:

Belgrade, Aug 25, 2005 – At today’s session, the Serbian government dismissed Nebojsa Covic from the position of Head of the Coordinating Centre for Kosovo-Metohija.

Covic has also been dismissed from the position of Head of the Coordinating Centre for Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja.

The Serbian government also passed a decision recommending that the Council of Ministers dismiss from service the Director of the Information Directorate, Slobodan Orlic.

B92 skriver:

BELGRADE -- Thursday – The Serbian government has decided to relieve Nebojsa Covic of his position as chief of the Kosovo Coordination Center.

He was also dismissed as chief of the coordination center responsible for the municipalities of Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja. According to a statement fro the Serbian government, a proposal to dismiss Slobodan Orlic from the position of director at the information directorate has also been submitted.

As a result, the Social Democratic Party has accused individuals within the government of trying to break up the party, most notably, Finance Minister Mladjan Dinkic and businessman Vojin Lazarevic.

Party high official Slobodan Orlic said at a press conference today that he has received information on the dismissals from colleagues within the government.

Orlic said that the government is pressuring individual officials of the Social Democratic Party to either leave their government positions or distance themselves from the party. As an example, he cited Oliver Ivanovic, leader of the Serbian list in Kosovo, stating that ruling party officials have asked him to distance himself from the Social Democrats.

“Oliver Ivanovic was indirectly told that perhaps it would be better to distance himself from the party so that he would remain at the position where he is currently.” Orlic said.

Ivanovic called the dismissal of Covic and the call by Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica for all Social Democrats to leave their governmental positions a “nervous and fairly hysterical reaction.”

“I think that the Social Democratic Party is putting pressure on the right thing, something is hiding behind this and this rushed demand for the privatization of Serbian Oil Industries and other public companies cannot be motivated alone by the pressure being applied by the International Monetary Fund, something else exists.” Ivanovic said.

Ivanovic added that the “effort to spark a split up in the Social Democratic Party” points out the tendencies to want to “remove the unwanted critic from the political scene.”

Orlic said that the party will not be dismissing Slobodan Lalovic, who yesterday announced that he will remain a minister in the government independent of party affiliation.

He also announced that the party will soon be discussing the possible dismissal of Vlatko Sekulovic, party member and deputy minister of foreign economic relations, who has been supporting the decisions of the government in this matter and criticizing the Social Democrats.


Lalovic leaves party | 09:56 -> 19:51 August 24 | B92 BELGRADE -- Wednesday – According to B92’s sources, Labor Minister Slobodan Lalovic has decided to leave the Social Democratic Party.

The Social Democratic Party did not support the abolition of the Serbian Oil Industries Law earlier this week.

Lalovic said that he didn’t receive any good reasons from his colleagues for abolishing the Serbian Oil Law and that he is now under the impression that the current ruling government needs to be taken down. This is why, Lalovic explains, he wanted to resign as Labor Minister.

“However, after this I received a call from the prime minister who said that I can stay in the government as an independent, party-less entity and remain a minister until the end of my term. I thought about it for a couple of days and decided that I would take the prime minister up on his offer.” Lalovic said.

However, Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav is asking for all Social Democratic Party officials to resign from their positions in the government because they voted against the abolition of the Serbian Oil Industries Law. The party’s retort: Go ahead and replace us.

Kostunica’s minority government remains now without the support of two more representatives since the Social Democrats have been kicked out of the ruling party, those two being Nebojsa Covic and Slobodan Orlic. The PM has asked all Social Democrats to resign from their positions because, according to Kostunica, they are now a part of the opposition.

“The party does not support the ruling party’s politics if its representatives do not vote for laws which are proposed by the government.” Kostunica said.

According to Finance Minister Mladjan Dinkic, if the Social Democrats do not leave their positions, they will be dismissed.

“Either we work like people or we don’t work at all. The fewer representatives, the tighter the government is. I think that this move by the prime minister will strengthen the government. G17 Plus gives its full support and so do I as the finance minister. I expect that it won’t be long before the resignations are submitted. Whoever doesn’t want to resign, will be dismissed.” Dinkic said.

Let them dismiss us The Social Democrats say that they will not resign. Slobodan Orlic said that Kostunica should dismiss them from the government if he feels that he must.

At a party press conference he read letter from party leader Nebojsa Covic written to Kostunica in which he explained that the Social Democrats did not vote for the Serbian Oil Law to be repealed because such a move is not in accordance with the agreement that the Social Democratic Party have with the unions.

Orlic also denied the rumors that the Social Democratic officials were asking for a large sum of money to change their minds about voting for law’s abolition.

Orlic said that Kostunica did not ask the Social Democrats to resign when they voted against the Partizan and Ravna Gora Law nor did he ask G17 Plus Party officials to resign when they did not support the ruling party’s proposal for changes to the federal constitution.

“What he is saying about us not supporting the government projections and that we are not supporting the original agreement we made with the government is simply not the truth.” Orlic said.

Ambassadør Eide har været i Serbien. Den Serbiske Regering skriver:

Belgrade, Aug 23, 2005 - Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica met today with the UN Special Envoy for Implementation of Standards in Kosovo-Metohija, Ambassador Kai Eide. The two officials discussed key issues related to the current situation in the province.

Eide voiced his dissatisfaction with the latest developments, especially with a halt in the talks on decentralisation. He said that much has to be done to create safe living conditions for Serbs and for their return. He urged all parties in the process to do their level best to make an initial progress. He added that is especially important that Belgrade gives an active contribution to the decentralisation process.

The Serbian Prime Minister agreed with Eide's assessment of the decentralisation process and voiced fear that the international community has tacitly abandoned the proclaimed "standards before status" policy. Serbia is not satisfied with that and it expects that any change in the policy towards the province be made public.

According to Kostunica, the talks on Kosovo's future status can hardly take place when no progress has been made in the areas in which at least a minimum of standards should be met. In that sense, Belgrade is willing to give its full contribution to reaching a consensus on the decentralisation issue. Serbia has always been interested in making progress on this issue, and there is still time to break the impasse, the Prime Minister stressed, highlighting that Belgrade insists on essential, and not fictitious progress.

Kostunica added that Belgrade is ready for direct dialogue with the leaders of Kosovo Albanians on all open issues.

Ambassador Kai Eide did not specify the deadline for the completion of his report, giving priority to its content. He did not rule out the possibility of visiting Belgrade and Pristina once more.

De kirkelige problemer i Makedonien. Se under: Makedonien. Den Serbiske Regering skriver:

Belgrade, Aug 23, 2005 – Serbian Ministry of Religion welcomed today the request, made by the Catholic Bishops' Conferences in Europe, that Bishop Jovan of Ohrid be released from the Skopje prison where he is being held.

The Ministry’s statement says that with this request, the Catholic bishops have shown that all churches and religious communities in today’s Europe are determined to jointly protect the religious rights of each religion and individual, and that man’s natural right to confess their faith can no longer be restricted by any ideological prejudices on the part of state authorities.

Pleas for the release of Bishop Jovan represent a concrete and constructive defence of the values on which a united Europe is being built. Simultaneously, it is a testimony to a modern Europe that is establishing its evaluation system on Christian ethics, solidarity and love for the fellow human being.

On behalf of all churches and religious communities in Serbia, the Ministry of Religion would like to give thanks to the Catholic Bishops' Conferences in Europe for their efficient advocacy of principles of Christian morality. The Ministry expressed hope that the judicial authorities in Skopje will find strength to accept the appeal of the democratic and Christian public in Europe and immediately set Bishop Jovan free, the statement concludes.


Præsidentvalg 030511: Filip Vujanovic blev valgt. Seneste Parlamentsvalg 021020.


Det Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: ... Det Amerikanske UM har Maj 2004 offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Makedonien:

Der er omkring 25 % etniske Albanere i Makedonien. Folketælling afholdtes 021101-021105.

Præsidentvalg i Maj 2004: Branko Crvenkovski - hidtidig PM - blev valgt (efter Boris Trajkovski som omkom ved en flyulykke). Seneste Parlamentsvalg fandt sted 020915. Der kan henvises til flg. OSCE/ODIHR-oversigtsside:

Folkeafstemningen 041107 om decentralisering (= imødekommelse af Makedonien-Albanske interesser): Folkeafstemningen "faldt". Stemmedeltagelsen var kun omkring 26 %. Hvis afstemningen skulle have kunnet udvirke en ændring af decentraliseringslovgivningen, skulle deltagelsen have været mindst 50%, og desuden skulle der have været flertal mod lovgivningen. Det var ventet at stemmedeltagelsen ville have været noget større, selv om både Regeringspartierne og den Albanske minoritet anbefalede at man blev hjemme. Man kan nu gå videre i overensstemmelse med Ohrid-aftalerne.

Fængslingen af Biskop Jovan (Vraniskovski). Se under: Serbien. Se nærmere i # 267. Makfax skriver:

The judicial power is entirely separated and independent, therefore, bearing the capacity of Prime Minister, I am unable to order release from prison of Mr. Vraniskovski, who violated the laws, says the letter sent by the Macedonian Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski to His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.

The letter is an answer to the one sent last week by the Patriarch of Constantinople, in which he called for overcoming the dispute between the Macedonian and Serbian Church.

Welcoming the Bartholomew's call for returning of the two Churches to the negotiating table, Buckovski stated that only the Macedonian Orthodox Church has accepted his mediation, which caused the negotiations to fall through.

In his answer to the Ecumenical Patriarch, Buckovski expresses his regrets "because of the recent erarchial act of SOC", which endangers the trustworthy relation with MPC, and instead of a dialogue, "the ecclesiastical crisis has been deepened".

The Macedonian Prime Minister hails the sincere commitments of Bartholomew to put an end to the dispute with SOC as soon as possible, adding that orthodox believers in Macedonia also share this stance.

Præsident Crvenkovski om "Agim Krasniqi"-sagen. Makfax skriver:

Macedonian President Branko Crvenkovski urged on Wednesday the case of Agim Krasniqi, the head of the armed group of Albanians from Kondovo, to be thoroughly clarified. Upon recent Court order, wanted circulars for Krasniqi were withdrawn, which prompted the opposition to raise accusation against the government, saying that "the amnesty of Krasniqi is a result a political deal between the ruling Social-Democratic Alliance and its Albanian coalition partner DUI".

"The President of the Republic of Macedonia is surprised and deeply concerned by the information in the media, related to Kondovo case", announced today his Cabinet.

The Macedonian Police confirmed that upon the Court's request, they pulled back all wanted circulars for Krasniqi, who was sought for several crimes.

According to the media, Krasniqi gave his testimony to an investigative judge in the Skopje's District Court, which resulted in withdrawal of the several charges brought against him for several crimes committed before the armed conflict in 2001, as well as with pulling back the inland and international wanted circular.

The opposition bloc, led by VMRO DPMNE was quick to accuse the government, claiming that "Krasniqi has been granted an amnesty following the political deal between SDSM and DUI."

"If those information were truthful, it would have implied breach of the law order and violation of the Constitution and Laws of Republic of Macedonia", says the Macedonian President's announcement.

"It would also imply that institutions undertook activities, which are entirely incompliant with the conclusions adopted at the session of the Security Council regarding the Kondovo case", the announcement adds.

Located in the village of Kondovo near Skopje, Agim Krasniqi and his armed group have been raising tension for months, threatening security escalation in the country. Over several months, Krasniqi was refusing to appear before an investigative judge for the charges brought against him by the police, for crimes of robbery, illegal possession of weapon, and kidnapping, committed prior to the 2001 armed conflict.

Given the fact that a long-standing security problem is in question, and above all, because of the seriousness of the accusations, President Crvenkovski insists on prompt unraveling of the situation, in order to prevent more severe and prolonged consequences that might ensue.

In an interview with the Macedonian State Radio, the President of the Skopje District Court Dobrila Kacarska, said that withdrawal of the criminal charges against Krasniqi is "a decision rendered in Court, which reascertains the independence of the judiciary in the country".

The ruling Social-Democratic Alliance (SDSM) rejected Wednesday afternoon opposition's accusations that Krasniqi's amnesty comes upon a political deal they made with DUI.

The announcement of the Macedonian President's Cabinet says that he urged the Government and the competent Ministries on one side, and the judicial bodies and Prosecution on the other, to establish the facts and the eventual responsibility, and to inform the public as soon as possible.

"This is the most appropriate way to avoid all eventual speculations and to prevent the citizens to lose their confidence in the state institutions", says the Chief of State's announcement.


Seneste Parlamentsvalg 040307. Olympiade 13.-29. August (se Græsk side: og Dansk side:


UMs rejsevejledning:

Seneste Parlamentsvalg blev holdt 021103. Det blev i December 2004 aftalt (med EUs Regeringschefer)at der i Oktober 2005 skal indledes forhandlinger om optagelse af Tyrkiet i EU.



Mother Teresa. I anledning af saligkåringen ('beatificeringen') 031019 har Vatikantet etableret en internetside:



Besøg i Albanien. Det Albanske Præsidentkontor skriver:

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu, received in a Thursday morning meeting U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher [med på begge billeder] and former U.S. Congressman Joseph DioGuardi, the head of the Albanian American Civic League.

President Moisiu said he appreciated the important role the United States have played in the Albanian nation’s history and emphasized Albania’s support in Iraq and Afghanistan as a member of the coalition against international terrorism.

The interlocutors said that the peaceful transfer of power after the elections in Albania is a huge step in the direction of the Albanian state’s strengthening and progress.

Congressman Rohrabacher thanked President Moisiu for the support Albania is giving in Iraq, saying its troops’ presence there is very important.

In the warm and friendly conversation, it was also emphasized that Albania offers a unique example regarding the tolerance and cohabitation of different religious faiths. Congressman Rohrabacher called this a huge value of the Albanian nation and a guarantee for its future progress in all fields.






Udenrigsministeren har den 24. august møde i København med sin makedonske kollega, fru Ilinka Mitreva. Under besøget vil Dr. Mitreva også møde medlemmer af Folketinget. Samtalerne ventes først og fremmest at ville dreje sig om den tidligere jugoslaviske republiks bestræbelser på at opnå medlemskab af NATO og EU. EU vil i løbet af efteråret skulle tage stilling til, om landet er klar til at der kan indledes optagelsesforhandlinger.

Makfax skriver tilsvarende:

Macedonian Foreign Minister Ilinka Mitreva is due to kick-off Wednesday visit to Denmark, at the invitation of her Danish counterpart Per Stig Moller.

The talks between Mitreva and Moller will focus on integration of Macedonia into Euro-Atlantic structures, liberalization of the visa regime for the Macedonian citizens, bilateral cooperation and situation in the region.

The Macedonian Chief of Diplomacy will also hold talks with the Presidents of the Commissions for Foreign Policy and for European Issues with the Danish Parliament, Jens Hald Madsen and Elizabeth Arnold.

Miqësia / Dansk-Albansk Forening har offentliggjort artiklen Fagbevægelsen og Albanien / SiD-3F - Trepartssamarbejde. AMU-uddannelse. Uddannelse af tillidsmænd. Den direkte adresse er: Artiklen kan også findes via indholdsfortegnelsen:

Artiklen indledes sådan:

I SiD havde man dén ordning at alle distrikterne skulle være internationalt engageret foruden at de skulle varetage deres normale arbejdsopgaver på det danske arbejdsmarked.

Det førte på Fyn til at man i begyndelsen af 1990'erne begyndte at interessere sig for Albanien; én af de mest aktive i dette arbejde var Johnny Laursen fra transportområdet. Albanerne stod tydeligvis i problemer til op over halsen. Man havde haft et strengt socialistisk eller kommunistisk styre fra 2' Verdenskrig der var kollapset i 1991, og situationen efter systemskiftet var overordentlig vanskelig - både for befolkningen i almindelighed og for fagbevægelsen.

Det første Fynboerne involverede sig i var almindelig nødhjælp. Der blev foretaget indsamlinger af ting der kunne gøre nytte i Albanien - og man arrangerede transporter til forskellige lokaliteter. Langsomt begyndte man at få kontakter til fagbevægelsen dernede, og der blev arrangeret besøg i Danmark af forskellige delegationer - mange af dem med støtte fra den danske regerings Demokratifond.

Noget senere gik SiD's Internationale Udvalg og Internationale Afdeling ind i samarbejdet, og man søgte og fik støtte fra Danida til at gennemføre to meget forskellige projekter. Det ene projekt drejede sig om at etablere et AMU-center, det andet om at opbygge forskellige former for tillidsmandsuddannelse.

Det første projekt kollapsede i 1997 på grund af urolighederne dét år, mens det andet projekt blev gennemført med succes. 3F har stadig kontakt til Albanien selv om Danmark ikke længere giver direkte bistandshjælp (overgangsbistanden ophørte med udgangen af 2003). I dag yder den danske stat fortsat bistand, men det sker kun indirekte gennem organisationer som EU.

Ugerapport fra Dansk KFOR. Hærens Operative Kommando - se under: Kosova.



UMs Rejsevejledning:


Præsident Moisiu har haft den Russiske Ambassadør, Tokin, på afskedsbesøg. Præsidentkontoret har udsendt flg.:

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu, received on Tuesday the Russian Ambassador, Vladimir N. Tokin, on the occasion of the end of his diplomatic mandate in Albania.

President Moisiu emphasized the role that Russia could play in the stability of the region in its position as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. “The region’s problems must be solved justly so they don’t resurface in the future” – President Moisiu said.

The Head of State stressed that Albania has supported Russia in its war against terrorism, which is a great evil that is endangering peace and security in the world.

President Moisiu said he appreciated the work of Ambassador Tokin during his mandate in Albania and sent greetings through the ambassador to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

During the talks, it was stressed the existence of possibilities to intensify bilateral relations, especially in the areas of economy and commerce.

Parlamentsvalget i 2005 [Præsidenten vælges af Parlamentet for 5 år, næste gang i 2007]: I søndags blev der holdt omvalg i 3 kredse (2, 64 og 90). I alle tre tilfælde vandt Demokraterne klart og tydeligt. Til gengæld har et retsligt organ besluttet at Kastriot Islami (nuværende Udenrigsminister) har vundet kreds 73. Resultaterne havde - set under en overordnet vinkel - kun symbolsk betydning (lokalt er betydningen væsentligt større), for Berisha havde under alle omstændigheder sikret sig et komfortabelt flertal bag sin centrum-højre-orienterede regering.

I begyndelsen af september vil Den Centrale Valgkommission bekendtgøre det officielle valgresultat, dvs. ca. 2 måneder efter at valget fandt sted. Derefter vil Præsident Moisiu indkalde det nye Parlament, og der vil gjort det nødvendige - formelt set - for at få indsat den nye Regering.

I Socialistpartiet er der »noget« på vej. Der er mange der er dybt skuffede. Nogle fordi de - oprigtigt - frygter hvad der nu vil komme til at ske, mange fordi de er overordentligt irriterede over at skulle slippe magten og indkomsten.


Fodbold: FIFA meddeler med. August at Albanien ligger som nr. 87 med 497 points [forrige nr.: 86]. Andre lande: Makedonien nr. 92 [94], Serbien Montenegro nr. 49 [49], Grækenland nr. 18 [19], Italien nr. 13 [14], Tyrkiet nr. 12 [12], USA nr. 6 [6], Frankrig nr. 9 [7], Spanien nr. 8 [8], Tyskland nr. 11 [11], England nr. 7 [8]. Danmark nr. 18 [19], Norge nr. 36 [36] og Sverige nr. 15 [17]. - Brasilien ligger som nr. 1 [1].

Kvalifikationskampe til VM-slutrunde 2006 i Tyskland. Danmark skal møde Albanien, Georgien, Grækenland, Kasakhstan, Tyrkiet og Ukraine.

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