Sidste Nyt fra Albanien, Kosóva og Makedonien

The Latest News from Albania, Kosóva and Macedonia       

# 319 - 8' årgang - 06.10.2006

Version 1.1 • PDF for printingInfo om »Sidste Nyt«Tidligere numre

Udgiver: Bjørn Andersen

Publisher: Bjoern Andersen


Forlaget »Tiderne Skifter« har udgivet Ismail Kadaré's »Efterfølgeren«, der handler om Mehmet Shehu's død for ca. 25 år siden.

Shehu var Premierminister, men kom - formodes det - uoverens med den reelle leder af Albanien, Enver Hoxha, der (så vidt man kan formode) lod ham myrde.


Ugeoversigt    Summary

Internationale organisationer   International organizations
Verdensbanken, IMF m.fl.   World Bank, IMF etc.
OSCE, Europarådet   OSCE, Council of Europe (CoE)
EU   European Union (EU)
ICTY - Tribunalet i Haag   ICTY

Balkan, generelt   The Balkans
Kosóva   Kosóva [Kosovo]
Øst Kosóva / Presevo-dalen / Syd-Serbien   Eastern Kosóva
Albanien   Albania
Serbien   Serbia-Montenegro. Serbia
Montenegro   Montenegro
Makedonien   Macedonia [FYRoM]

Grækenland   Greece
Tyrkiet   Turkey
Italien   Italia

USA   United States (US)
England   England
Tyskland   Germany
Frankrig   France
Danmark (Norge, Sverige)   Denmark (Norway, Sweden)

Rusland   Russia
Kina   China


ICTY oplyser at tidl. Jugoslavisk Viceadmiral Miodrag Jokic skal afsone 7 års fængsel i Danmark.

Kosóva/Kosovo: Det onde blod. DR2's »Udefra« sendte tirsdag 06104 en Fransk TV-udsendelse om livet i nogle Albanske og Serbiske landsbyer i Kosóva/Kosovo. Indtrykket var meget mistrøstigt. De Serbere der er forblevet i Kosovo lever i enklaver (eller i det Serbisk dominerede område nord for Mitrovica). Familier der har mistet slægtninge - i filmen børn - har svært ved at komme over det, og det ser ikke ud til at det Albanske flertal eller det Serbiske mindretal vil kunne komme overens (inden for overskuelig tid). En Kosóva Albansk far havde vidnet i Retten mod en Serbisk tandlæge, der var anklaget for at have stået i spidsen for en gruppe Serbere, der havde dræbt hans søn (og flere andre). Han mente ikke at retfærdigheden skete fyldest, for tandlægen var - i 2' omgang - blevet frifundet. [Vist nok fordi der ikke var sikre vidneudsagn; faderen havde ikke selv overværet drabet]. Der havde været tilfælde hvor Kosóva Albanere havde dræbt eller såret fredelige unge Serbere, så derfor måtte man holde sig inden for 'enklaven'. For at komme til det Serbiske gymnasium i Mitrovica, der er et kost-gymnasium, måtte man tage med en særlig bus; tidligere var bussen blevet beskyttet af KFOR, men nu - hvor sikkerheden angiveligt var blevet bedre - ville KFOR ikke længere sende eskortekøretøjer med, men overvåge sikkerheden mere overordnet 'Hvad nu hvis bussen punkterer?, sagde en Kosovo Serber.

Efter den franske TV-film interviewede Tyge Pedersen Jan Øberg fra Den Transnationale Stiftelse i Lund. Også Øberg var mistrøstig; en rimelig løsning kan ikke stables på benene for øjeblikket, mente han. Stormagterne havde i mange år negligeret problemerne i Kosovo/Kosóva; man gik ikke ind og mæglede mellem Serberne og Albanerne dén gang det kunne lade sig gøre; i stedet dannede nogle af Albanerne en guerillahær. Kamphandlingerne i 1998 førte - i kombination med Slobodan Milosevic' meget kritisable politik - til at NATO iværksatte en aktion i 1999 der énsidigt var til Albanernes fordel, således gennem bombningerne af Beograd. Mange Serbere flygtede efter det Serbiske nederlag og ønsker nu næppe at vende tilbage. De pågående forhandlinger mellem Serberne og Kosóva Albanerne - som ledes af Martti Ahtisaari - er ikke reelle forhandlinger, for de vil nødvendigvis ende med at Kosóva bliver en selvstændig stat (hvor der ikke er reel plads til Serberne). At det vil gå sådan er ingen tilfældighed, det er en logisk konsekvens af at man valgte den militære intervention i 1999 og af at man - mere eller mindre - har stillet Albanerne en uafhængighed i udsigt. Der er på det senere Kosóva Albanere der har udtalt at man må forvente en folkerejsning, hvis man ikke får selvstændigheden. Dette er, mente Jan Øberg, både en trussel og noget man realistisk må forvente. Men bliver Kosóva selvstændig skabes der nye problemer både på Balkan og mange andre steder: Albanerne i Makedonien vil formentlig ønske en ny, selvstændig stat. Serberne i Bosnien-Hercegovina vil ønske at træde ud. Egentlig burde ICTY rejse tiltale mod premierministeren i Kosóva, Agim Çeku, for han havde i sin tid en høj charge i den Kroatiske hær, senere blev han militær leder af UÇK. [Det fremgik ikke om der, efter Øberg's opfattelse, foreligger udsagn der belaster Çeku].

Albanien: Præsident Moisiu har mødtes med Partilederne om den forestående Valgreform. Mr. Moisiu praised the agreement reached lately between the ruling majority and opposition, but demanded the undertaking of concrete steps to practically implement the accord and to make the improvements and the required amendments in the legislation as soon as possible and that the electoral campaign to be held under equal conditions, under a reciprocal trust climate and on a legal base accepted and respected by all the competing sides. “This, – stated President Moisiu. – would be in the interest of the political stability, development of democracy and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of the country.”

PM Berisha har holdt en længere tale til Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling. Hensigten har været at opgøre de hidtidige resultater - og at vise at man er på rette vej. Berisha understregede at Albanien forholdt sig konstruktivt mht Kosovo-spørgsmålet.

Flykapring. En Tyrkisk statsborger, Hakan Ekinci, 28, kaprede tirsdag 061003 et fly, der skulle flyve fra Lufthavnen i Rinas uden for Tirana i Albanien [Mother Teresa Airport] til Ankara. Ekinci tvang flyet til at lande i Brindisi, Italien, hvor alle ombordværende blev løsladt. Det viste sig at han var ubevæbnet. Ekinci's opholdstilladelse var udløbet og han havde fået afslag på asyl i Albanien, og han regnede med at blive anholdt, hvis han vendte tilbage til Tyrkiet, fordi han havde unddraget sig værnepligten. Ekinci har søgt om asyl i Italien og bedt om Pavens hjælp hertil. Ifølge nogle presseoplysninger hævder Ekinci at han er kristen - og har gået i kirke i de sidste ca. 8 år - og at han derfor ikke kan gøre tjeneste i en muslimsk hær; muligvis har han søgt at skrive til Paven om dette for en måneds tid siden. De Albanske Myndigheder og mange Politikere har været stærkt alarmerede over hændelsen og Rinas Lufthavn har været lukket nogle timer; alt tyder på at der ikke var tale om en terroraktion, men om en individuel aktion med et personligt sigte. Allerede før kapringen var det planlagt at Paven skulle besøge i Tyrkiet - formentlig i slutningen af November / begyndelsen af December.

Forlaget »Tiderne Skifter« har udgivet Ismail Kadaré's »Efterfølgeren«, der handler om Mehmet Shehu's død for ca. 25 år siden. Shehu var Premierminister, men kom - formodes det - uoverens med den reelle leder af Albanien, Enver Hoxha, der (så vidt man kan formode) lod ham myrde.

»Small Diary of Borders«. Den Albansk-fødte Gazmend Kapplani har udgivet en bog i Grækenland. 'Apart from being a successful journalist and writer, he has also studied at Athens University, where he wrote his doctorate on the image of Albanians in the Greek press and of Greeks in the Albanian press'

Serbien: Kosovo / Kosóva: Serbia will never accept usurpation of its territory, siger PM Kostunica: Kosovo vil altid være en del af Serbien. Kostunica fremhæver støtten fra Rusland og Kina; dvs. han forsøger at binde dem til - i Sikkerhedsrådet - ikke at acceptere at Kosovo bliver selvstændig.


Opmærksomheden henledes på Economic Reconstruction and Development in South East Europe. Adressen er Her kan man finde materiale om aktuelle møder og konferencer.



Se under de enkelte lande / områder.

OSCE, Europarådet

Se under de enkelte lande / områder.




Verserende sager vedr. Kosovo: Anklageskrifter og udskrifter af retsmøderne kan findes på:

ICTY vs Slobodan Milosevic, (IT-02-54). Sagen er afsluttet uden dom pga Milosevic' død 11.03.2006

ICTY vs Fatmir Limaj et al. (IT-03-66). Der er fældet dom, se nærmere i # 284

ICTY vs Ramush Haradinaj (IT-04-84). Haradinaj er løsladt (på visse betingelser) indtil sagen skal for Retten.

ICTY oplyser at tidl. Jugoslavisk Viceadmiral Miodrag Jokic skal afsone 7 års fængsel i Danmark:
Miodrag Jokic, a former Yugoslav naval commander who pleaded guilty to crimes committed during the 1991 attack on Dubrovnik, was today transferred to Denmark to serve his seven year prison term.

Jokic was convicted for crimes committed by soldiers under his command during the attack on 6 December 1991. On that day, they shelled the Old Town of southern Croatian city, listed as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. As a result, two civilians were killed and three were wounded, six buildings were destroyed in their entirety and many more buildings suffered damage. Institutions dedicated to religion, charity, education, and the arts and sciences, and historic monuments and works of art and science were damaged or destroyed.

Jokic, the Commander of the 9th Military Naval Sector (VPS) of the Yugoslav Navy, was sentenced for the unlawful attack on civilians within the Old Town of Dubrovnik, for the murder of two persons in the course of the attack, and for the cruel treatment, by wounding, of three others in the course of the same attack. He was convicted also for devastation not justified by military necessity and for unlawful attack on civilian objects. Finally, he was convicted for destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion, charity, and education, the arts and sciences, historic monuments and works of art and science.

In a statement he read in court, Jokic stated he had a moral and personal obligation to accept responsibility and to ask forgiveness for the acts of his subordinates:

"The fact that these lives were lost in the area for which I was responsible will remain etched in my consciousness for the rest of my life. I am ready to bow before all the victims of this conflict, regardless of the side they were on, with the dignity of a soldier".

He went on to say:

"Furthermore, although I had already done that in the course of the shelling itself over the radio, and afterwards I did it again in person, I feel the obligation to express my deepest sympathy to the families of those who were killed and wounded and the citizens of Dubrovnik for the pain and all the damage that was caused to them by the unit under my command".

The Trial Chamber sentenced Jokic to seven years' imprisonment and the sentence was confirmed by the Appeals Chamber.



Udsnit af EU's Europakort 2004. [Udsnittet kan forstørres ved at klikke på det]. Kortet indgår i en præsentationsbrochure, der kan downloades som pdf fra:


Bynavne: Angives der to navne på samme lokalitet, er den Albanske nævnt først. Se oversigten på: fra FNs Generalsekretær • 040616 SG Kofi Annan udtaler at han agter at udpege Søren Jessen-Petersen som 5' SRSG. Søren Jessen-Petersen blev senere udpeget og tiltrådte i Kosóva 040816. Søren Jessen-Petersen fratræder igen i slutningen af juni 2006 • 0308 Harri Holkeri tiltrådte som 4' SRSG. Fratrådt 0406 af helbredsmæssige grunde. • 020214 Michael Steiner tiltrådte i Kosova som 3' SRSG og fratrådte i begyndelsen af 0307. • En biografi over 2' SRSG Hans Hækkerup kan læses på Danske Politikere. En anmeldelse af hans bog »Kosovos mange ansigter« indgår i »Albansk Almanak 2004«Constitutional Framework for Provisional Self-Government. • Kosova's Regering. • Webside vedr. 2004-valgene

Parlamentsvalget 2004, se: Præsidenten - Ibrahim Rugóva - blev genvalgt efter valget af Parlamentet the Assembly; han døde 21.01.2006. Ny præsident er Fatmir Sejdiu

Kosovo's / Kosóva's fremtid. Forhandlingerne:

Det onde blod. DR2's »Udefra« sendte tirsdag 06104 en Fransk TV-udsendelse om livet i nogle Albanske og Serbiske landsbyer i Kosóva/Kosovo.


Indtrykket var meget mistrøstigt. De Serbere der er forblevet i Kosovo lever i enklaver (eller i det Serbisk dominerede område nord for Mitrovica). Familier der har mistet slægtninge - i filmen børn - har svært ved at komme over det, og det ser ikke ud til at det Albanske flertal eller det Serbiske mindretal vil kunne komme overens (inden for overskuelig tid).

En Kosóva Albansk far havde vidnet i Retten mod en Serbisk tandlæge, der var anklaget for at have stået i spidsen for en gruppe Serbere, der havde dræbt hans søn (og flere andre). Han mente ikke at retfærdigheden skete fyldest, for tandlægen var - i 2' omgang - blevet frifundet. [Vist nok fordi der ikke var sikre vidneudsagn; faderen havde ikke selv overværet drabet].


Der havde været tilfælde hvor Kosóva Albanere havde dræbt eller såret fredelige unge Serbere, så derfor måtte man holde sig inden for 'enklaven'. For at komme til det Serbiske gymnasium i Mitrovica, der er et kost-gymnasium, måtte man tage med en særlig bus; tidligere var bussen blevet beskyttet af KFOR, men nu - hvor sikkerheden angiveligt var blevet bedre - ville KFOR ikke længere sende eskortekøretøjer med, men overvåge sikkerheden mere overordnet. 'Hvad nu hvis bussen punkterer?, sagde en Kosovo Serber.

Efter den franske TV-film interviewede Tyge Pedersen Jan Øberg fra Den Transnationale Stiftelse i Lund. Også Øberg var mistrøstig; en rimelig løsning kan ikke stables på benene for øjeblikket, mente han.

Stormagterne havde i mange år negligeret problemerne i Kosovo/Kosóva; man gik ikke ind og mæglede mellem Serberne og Albanerne dén gang det kunne lade sig gøre; i stedet dannede nogle af Albanerne en guerillahær. Kamphandlingerne i 1998 førte - i kombination med Slobodan Milosevic' meget kritisable politik - til at NATO iværksatte en aktion i 1999 der énsidigt var til Albanernes fordel, således gennem bombningerne af Beograd.


Mange Serbere flygtede efter det Serbiske nederlag og ønsker nu næppe at vende tilbage. De pågående forhandlinger mellem Serberne og Kosóva Albanerne - som ledes af Martti Ahtisaari - er ikke reelle forhandlinger, for de vil nødvendigvis ende med at Kosóva bliver en selvstændig stat (hvor der ikke er reel plads til Serberne).

At det vil gå sådan er ingen tilfældighed, det er en logisk konsekvens af at man valgte den militære intervention i 1999 og af at man - mere eller mindre - har stillet Albanerne en uafhængighed i udsigt.

Der er på det senere Kosóva Albanere der har udtalt at man må forvente en folkerejsning, hvis man ikke får selvstændigheden. Dette er, mente Jan Øberg, både en trussel og noget man realistisk må forvente.

Men bliver Kosóva selvstændig skabes der nye problemer både på Balkan og mange andre steder: Albanerne i Makedonien vil formentlig ønske en ny, selvstændig stat. Serberne i Bosnien-Hercegovina vil ønske at træde ud.

Egentlig burde ICTY rejse tiltale mod premierministeren i Kosóva, Agim Çeku, for han havde i sin tid en høj charge i den Kroatiske hær, senere blev han militær leder af UÇK. [Det fremgik ikke om der, efter Øberg's opfattelse, foreligger udsagn der belaster Çeku].

Se tidligere meningsudveksling med Jan Øberg: Se »Sidste Nyt fra Albanien, Kosóva og Makedonien« # 298 [og Se »Sidste Nyt fra Albanien, Kosóva og Makedonien« # 297]

Pressemeddelelser fra UNMIK: SRSG i Mitrovica
PRISTINA – Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Kosovo (SRSG) Joachim Rücker today visited Mitrovica, where he met Mayor Mursel Ibrahimi and attended the closing ceremony of a multi-ethnic project to clean up the banks of the Ibar River.

Speaking to the media after the meeting with the mayor, the SRSG welcomed the municipality’s attitude towards decentralization and reform of local government. “Increased responsibilities for local government is key for the future of Kosovo and it is in the interest of the municipalities and citizens to have more competencies. I know what I'm talking about, I've been a mayor in Germany for some time and we have a very high degree of local self-governance,” Mr. Rücker said

The SRSG, together with the UNDP Resident Representative in Kosovo, Mr. Frode Mauring, congratulated the two local NGOs from north and south Mitrovica who completed the Ibar riverbank clean-up project. The project started in July with €70,000 funding from UNDP, along with bulldozers provided by UNMIK and trucks for removing rubbish from the riverbank provided by KFOR.

Asked by the media about recent statements suggesting a possible delay in taking a decision on Kosovo’s status, the SRSG said: “We should not lose perspective of how far we have come in a relatively short time. Kai Eide's report is not much older than a year and if you look at what has happened since I think we have come very far in a very short time. This, to a large extent, is also due to the efforts of the Unity Team who I would like to commend for their constructive engagment in the negotiations, for doing their part so that the process is taken forward. As far as the timeline is concerned, we are still guided by the commitment of the Contact Group to do everything possible for an early solution of the status and I'm very sure that the Contact Group and of course Mr. Ahtisaari and all the key players are very conscious of the critical importance of having an early solution.”

“I am confident that the Team of Unity and the PISG understand this too and will take advantage of this historic moment to ensure that Kosovo achieves its goal by keeping the momentum and keeping the focus on standards implementation and constructive engagement within the status process,” he added.

SRSG commends bilateral cooperation between Pristina and Skopje
PRISTINA – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Kosovo (SRSG) Joachim Rücker today visited Skopje where he had separate meetings with President Branko Crvenkovski, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Miloshoski and President of DPA Arben Xhaferi. He also met leaders of the opposition, former Prime Minister and President of SDSM Vlado Buchkovski and President of DUI Ali Ahmeti.

The SRSG discussed with his interlocutors issues of mutual interest to Pristina and Skopje, the current situation in Kosovo and the need to settle Kosovo’s status as early as possible in the interest of regional stability. In a joint press conference with Prime Minister Gruevski, the SRSG commended the excellent bilateral cooperation achieved between Pristina and Skopje over the past years. “I think this is an example of the good neighbourly relations that Kosovo is developing within the region,” he said, “We have quite a number of bilateral agreements and there is more to come in important areas of cooperation.”

The SRSG said: “We also talked about the status process with regard to Kosovo and we agreed on the necessity to keep the momentum in the status process. In this regard I stressed that we continue to be guided by the commitment of the Contact Group as expressed on 20 September in New York that everything possible would be done to find a solution by the end of the year.”

Asked about the demarcation of the border between Kosovo and FYR Macedonia, the SRSG said, “All stakeholders agree that this will be solved in the context of the status settlement.”

SRSG praises inter-ethnic cooperation in Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje
PRISTINA – SRSG Joachim Rücker visited Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje municipality today and praised local leaders for their positive example of interethnic cooperation.

The SRSG met Municipal Assembly President Skënder Zogaj together with Additional Deputy President Qerim Gara of the Ashkali community and Kosovo Serb Mayoral Adviser Sladjan Milenkoviæ. The SRSG also met representatives of the ethnically mixed village of Batushë/Batuse.

The meetings focused mainly on practical issues of concern to all communities, such as the economy, health care and education, as well as specific concerns about public infrastructure in Batushë/Batuse.

“This is a functioning multi-ethnic municipality,” the SRSG told the media. “I have noted much progress. I have also noted the very good relationship the mayor has with all communities in Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje.”

The SRSG also praised the leadership shown by municipal officials, noting the positive effect this has had on the security situation in the municipality. “This has something to do with leadership qualities, reaching out and talking to the communities,” the SRSG said.

Ugerapport fra Dansk KFOR. Hærens Operative Kommando skriver (på

Nedenfor følger en beskrivelse af 'status':
DANCON/KFOR Hold 15, Kosovo - Den Danske Bataljon i Kosovo

Om KFOR August 2006

Det danske kontingent, der udsendes til Kosovo i et halvt år fra august 2006, består af i alt 303 soldater

Den danske bataljon består i hovedtræk af en stab, et stabskompagni, et pansret infanterikompagni samt et militærpolitidetachement.

I Kosovo har den danske bataljon endvidere kommandoen over et fransk kompagni - Escadron Eclairage et d'Investigation - der forkortes EEI.

Hertil kommer et element på 7 personer, der gør tjeneste ved den franske brigade, som den danske bataljon er underlagt. Endelig er der et nationalt støtteelement, som står for at modtage og videreformidle forsyninger til bataljonen.

Bataljonens hovedopgave er at skabe og opretholde fred og sikkerhed for alle i Kosovo. Opgaverne løses blandt andet gennem patruljering, overvågning, eftersøgning samt ikke mindst dialog med alle de involverede parter. Soldaterne er udrustet med det moderne gevær M/95 og karabin M/96.

Bataljonens chef er oberst Michael Wallin fra Det Danske Internationale Logistikcenter i Vordingborg. Den danske bataljon bor i en lejr ca. 2 kilometer vest for Mitrovica. Lejren kaldes Camp Olaf Rye (COR), og den indeholder særdeles gode forhold for soldaternes ophold og tjeneste.

Historie: Den serbiske hær forlod Kosovo i juni 1999, efter at NATO havde gennemført en 77 dage lang luftkrig imod Serbien. Derefter blev den internationale NATO-styrke KFOR med dansk troppekontingent og opbakning i FN's Sikkerhedsråd indsat. Styrken har medvirket til at lægge en dæmper på områdets nationalistiske stridigheder.

Broen over floden Ibar, der forbinder Mitrovicas overvejende albanske bydel i syd med den overvejende serbiske i nord, er blevet symbol på konflikten. Danske soldater har flere gange blokeret broen for at forhindre ophidsede folkemængder i at genantænde konflikten på den modsatte bred.

I marts 2004 opstod der uroligheder, som meget hurtigt bredte sig til hele Kosovo. I Mitrovica kom det til sammenstød mellem kosovo-albanere og serbere, og fra Danmark vurderedes det nødvendigt at udsende et forstærkningsbidrag på ca. 100 mand til den danske Bataljon i Mitrovica. Disse opholdt sig to uger i området for at støtte bataljonen, inden situationen var så meget under kontrol, at de kunne vende hjem igen.

Enhederne ved Den Danske Bataljon

Bataljonsstaben er på 21 officerer og befalingsmænd og her iblandt findes også feltpræsten

Stabschefen er oberstløjtnant Jette Albinus fra Jydske Dragonregiment. Staben bistår bataljonschefen med planlægning og føring af operationer samt udførelse af en lang række driftsopgaver og rapporteringer. Staben er opdelt i fem sektioner: Administration, efterretning, operationer, logistik og civilt-militært samarbejde. Bataljonens presseofficer er major Jørgen Pedersen.

Stabskompagniet består af 136 danske soldater. Kompagniet kan betegnes som bataljonens service- og støtteenhed. Kompagniet betjener bataljonens kommandostationer og har et ingeniørdetachement, som kan udføre mindre konstruktionsarbejder samt foretage ammunitions- og minerydning. Der er også en forsynings-, bjærgnings- og transportdeling, en lejrsektion og en reparationsdeling.

Sanitetsdelingen indeholder et infirmeri samt mobile behandlings- og evakuationsenheder.

Endelig er der en Kommunikationscentergruppe, der sørger for såvel de eksterne som de interne signal- og telefonforbindelser.

Major Jacob Vik Hansen er chef for stabskompagniet, og kompagniets soldater kommer fra mange forskellige myndigheder.

Pansret infanterikompagni

Det pansrede infanterikompagni består af 115 mand og er udrustet med den pansrede mandskabsvogn M 113 - G3. Kompagniet råder endvidere over Mercedes Geländewagen.

Kompagniets opgaver er hovedsageligt at køre patruljer, bemande check points og patruljere over alt i den danske bataljons område. Der udføres også eskorteopgaver, og man er uddannet og klar til at imødegå demonstrationer eller mindre opstande. Det pansrede kompagni er opstillet af Den Kongelige Livgarde og kompagniets chef er major Rune Gust Blicher Ladefoged Skotby.


Et militærpolitidetachement på 8 danske MP-soldater har blandt andet til opgave at foretage trafik- og færdselsregulering samt udføre sikkerhedsmæssige og også egentlige politimæssige opgaver. Leder er kaptajn Max Søborg Thomsen.

Andre danske enheder

I den franske brigades hovedkvarter i Novo Selo indgår der et dansk element på 7 personer. I Camp Olaf Rye er der udover selve bataljonen også et nationalt støtteelement, der opstilles af Det Danske Internationale Logistik Center i Vordingborg. Elementet består af 13 mand. Chef for det nationale støtteelement er major Søren Boss Hegner Rasmussen.


Liaision & Monitoring Teams (LMT) blev startet i KFOR i maj 2005. Danmark opstiller to LMT under direkte ledelse af den fransk ledede Multinational Task Force North (MNTF N), der er en del af den nye struktur i KFOR.

Et LMT består af to officerer, to forbindelsesbefalingsmænd og to kørere. Udover dette militære personel har hvert LMT to lokalt ansatte tolke.

LMT-4 har den kosovoserbiske dominerede Zubin Potok kommune som sit ansvarsområde.

LMT-5 har den kosovoalbanske dominerede Skenderaj kommune som sit ansvarsområde.

Selv om de danske LMT er under direkte ledelse af MNTF N, bor de i den danske lejr Camp Olaf Rye.

Plan for udsendelse

De første soldater fra bataljonen rejste til Kosovo den 7. august med henblik på at forberede hovedstyrkens ankomst.

Hold 15 overtog formelt kommandoen i Kosovo den 17. august.


For nemheds skyld bruges betegnelsen Øst Kosóva / Presevo-dalen om det omstridte område med byerne: Presheva, Medvegja og Bujanoci (Albansk stavemåde). Ca. 75 % af befolkningen skønnes at være etniske Albanere - måske omkring 70.000. En modstandsgruppe har tidligere været i funktion, men synes nu at være »lukket ned«. Gruppen kaldtes i forkortet form UCPMB (som står for noget i retning af: Ushtria Clirimtare e Presheva, Medvegja dhe Bujanoci; på Engelsk: Liberation Army of Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoci). Gruppen sagde at den intet havde at gøre med Kosova's UCK, og at den var en lokal gruppe.


Klik på kortet, hvis du vil have det forstørret / click to enlarge it

Info fra Albaniens Statistik: Befolkningstal: 3,1 Mio (1.1.2004). GDP (Gross Domestic Product): 630 Mia Lek (2002, current prices); GDP-structure: Agriculture: 26 %, Industry 10-11 %, Construction: 7-8 %, Services: 55-56 %. Export: 54 mia lek (2003) [heraf til Danmark: 23 mio lek; størrelsesorden 1,2 mio kr], Import: 226 mia lek (2003) [Heraf fra Danmark: 855 mio lek; størrelsesorden: 45-50 mio kr], Tradedeficit: 171 mia lek (2003). Største import fra Italien (75 mia lek) og Grækenland (45 mia lek), største eksport til Italien (40 mia lek). Unemployment: 14-15 % (2004-III)

Seneste handelstal: Maj 2006: [Bemærk ændring i farvekoder]

Meddelelser til udlændinge fra det Albanske Indenrigsministerium. Det Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: Det Danske UM har pt ingen rejsevejledning, men henviser til det Engelske UM. Den Norske Ambassade kan findes på: Det Amerikanske UM har Juni 2004 offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Albanien:

Mother Teresa:

Parlamentsvalget i 2005 [Præsidenten vælges af Parlamentet for 5 år, næste gang i 2007]: Se nærmere i:

Præsident Moisiu's aktiviteter [Billederne i denne sektion kan som regel forstørres ved at klikke på dem (mens man er på nettet)]

Præsident Moisiu har mødtes med Partilederne om den forestående Valgreform. Præsidentkontoret har udsendt flg.:

October 3, 2006

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu chaired today the round table of the parliamentarian political parties, which was gathered by him in order to discuss about the date of the upcoming local elections. This is the second round table of the parliamentarian political parties within a year gathered by the President to discuss about the problems of electoral reform.

At the beginning of meeting, President Moisiu declared that a year ago the first round table gathered on December 7, 2005 the parliamentarian political parties agreed on the commitment of the parties to make a full and long-term electoral reform, which would guarantee the holding of free, fair and democratic elections. It was also agreed to immediately found a Parliamentary Commission with the participation of all the parliamentarian political parties.

Mr. Moisiu praised the agreement reached lately between the ruling majority and opposition, but demanded the undertaking of concrete steps to practically implement the accord and to make the improvements and the required amendments in the legislation as soon as possible and that the electoral campaign to be held under equal conditions, under a reciprocal trust climate and on a legal base accepted and respected by all the competing sides. “This, – stated President Moisiu. – would be in the interest of the political stability, development of democracy and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of the country.”

Regarding the date of the upcoming local elections, President Moisiu stressed that although its decreeing is his constitutional competence and discretion, it has always been exercised through consultations with the political forces in order to choose a date that enjoys a wide political consensus. The Head of state confirmed his already public position that he would like to have a political consensus on the date and in the case of not reaching a consensus, he would decide within the time frame specified in the Constitution and Electoral Code. Then, President Moisiu invited the political parties to express their viewpoints on this issue.

All the representatives of the participating parliamentarian political parties, by praising the role and commitment of the President to realize the electoral reform and to fulfill his constitutional responsibilities, expressed their positions and arguments regarding the elections’ date and in general about the problems of the electoral reform in the country.

At the conclusion of the round table, President Moisiu demanded from the political forces to reflect over the spirit of the roundtable and to take concrete steps in order to solve on time and with consensus all the legal and constitutional amendments and also for the preparation and holding of the upcoming local electoral according to the recognized democratic standards.

- - -


Tirana, October 5th, 2006

Distinguished leaders of the parliamentarian political parties,

This is the second round table about the electoral issues gathered within the year in the Presidency with the participation of the parliamentarian political parties. The first round table gathered on December 7, 2005 was concluded with the joint commitment of the parties to make a full and long-term electoral reform, which would guarantee the holding of free, fair and democratic elections. It was also agreed to immediately found a Parliamentary Commission with the participation of all the parliamentarian political parties.

The fact is that almost a year has gone by and the promised reform still has not bared the desired results, for which I cannot help but express my displeasure. Personally I have welcomed the agreement reached between the ruling majority and opposition, as I have also encouraged and pushed for any concrete step to practically implement the accord. It is important to us to make the improvements and the required amendments in the legislation as soon as possible and that the electoral campaign to be held under equal conditions, under a reciprocal trust climate and on a legal base accepted and respected by all the competing sides. The preparation and holding of a regular electoral process would have been good news for the citizens, a significant democratic achievement and a positive message from Albania to our international partners, especially now after the signing of the Association-Stabilization Agreement and our efforts for a quick integration into NATO.

As it is determined in the Constitution of Albania, the President reserves the right and obligation to decree the date of local elections. Although this is a competence of the institution that I represent, it has always been exercised through consultations with the political forces in order to choose a date that enjoys a wide political consensus. The Constitution and Electoral Code determine also the time frame of the exercising of this right by the President of the Republic. I have declared and today it is also the occasion to confirm that my position will be in full compliance with this constitutional and legal time frame, expect only in the case if you, the competing political forces, would reach through consensus another solution. Preoccupied about taking a decision that would be as transparent and acceptable by all as possible I have held separate consultations with a few parliamentarian and non-parliamentarian political forces which are represented in the local governance.

At the present we are on a significant and determining stage of these consultations and that is why you are invited to express your viewpoints on this issue, in order that in the best case possible, we could reach approximately a joint opinion about the time frame to hold the local elections.

Thank you for your participation and I invite you to express your viewpoints!

061004 The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu participated today in the Regional Judicial Conference which was organized in the premises of the Supreme Court in Tirana. Præsidentkontoret har udsendt flg.:

President Moisiu appeals to the institutions in the country for the preservation and strengthening of the independence of the constitutional powers.

October 4, 2006

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu participated today in the Regional Judicial Conference which was organized in the premises of the Supreme Court in Tirana.

In his address, the Head of state expressed his commitment to create a sustainable constitutional climate that guarantees the independence of the judiciary and also makes possible the reformation of this system in compliance to the demands of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania. Mr. Moisiu emphasized the fact that during the last years of his function as the Head of High Justice Council there have a few cases of efforts from the politics and other powers to intervene, even to impose decisions on the judiciary.

By pointing out the great significance of the consolidation of a credible and professional judicial system, the Head of state stated that the criticism made towards the work of the judiciary in general help to evidence the shortcomings and to correct the work of this system. “But when criticism is transformed into verbal and collective attacks, and further more, take on the features of political campaigns by aiming to bill the crisis and failures of other branches of power to the judiciary, then it becomes my constitutional responsibility and that of every institution and individual in this country to not accept this situation and to fight for the preservation and strengthening of the independence of constitutional powers.” – stressed President Moisiu.

The Head of state appealed to all the political and public actors to address their claims for the judicial system to the bodies determined by the law to handle this information, to the High Justice Council and Ministry of Justice. The collective blame of the judicial system is not right, does not resolve anything and remains in itself a negative attempt to blame our democratic system itself.

President Moisiu stressed, alongside the praise for the work of the judicial system, the need to reflect aver shortcomings and deficiencies especially towards strengthening the professional independence, reacting against corruptive acts, delays and interpretation in the deliverance of justice, etc. At the same time, the Head of state expressed the conviction that through a common commitment, the Judicial Conference, the High Justice Council, the Ministry of Justice and other institutions included in the field of justice, we might be able to do more for the full reformation of the system and getting the Albanian judiciary closer to the standards of the European Union democratic countries.

Tirana, October 4th, 2006

Distinguished judges,

Because of the high number of participating judges and the specific volume of the work that you represent in the judiciary, your conference presents a good opportunity to ponder upon those problems, achievements and shortcomings which the judicial system in the country is faced with. Without going into the details of your work, which I expect to be addressed by the discussions and debates of the conference, invested with the quality of the Head of state and Head of the High Justice Council, availing myself of this opportunity I would like to express a few general assessments.

In my viewpoint, the consolidation of a credible and professional judicial system, capable to deliver justice on time and in compliance to the law, it is in the vital interest of country’s development and the strengthening of democratic system. Delivering justice in a country where justice and right not only have been missing for decades in a row, but there have also been political and ideological monopoly, it is naturally a challenge and accompanied by numerous difficulties. After sixteen years of transition and efforts for reformation, I think that Albania has already gained the necessary human resources and legal basis that enable the sustainable and independent strengthening of the judicial system.

Personally I have been and remain committed to create a sustainable constitutional climate that guarantees the independence of the judiciary and also makes possible the reformation of this system in compliance to the demands of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania. During the last years of my function as the Head of High Justice Council there have a few cases of efforts from the politics and other powers to intervene, even to impose decisions on the judiciary. Such actions that spring from the reminiscence of the past and go against the constitutional spirit, although they have proven unsuccessful, have left behind their consequences in creating an unjust climate of distrust and denigration for the judicial system.

I understand and welcome the criticism made, and in general they even are positive and help us to evidence the shortcomings and correct our work. But when criticism is transformed into verbal and collective attacks, and further more, take on the features of political campaigns by aiming to bill the crisis and failures of other branches of power to the judiciary, then it becomes my constitutional responsibility and that of every institution and individual in this country to not accept this situation and to fight for the preservation and strengthening of the independence of constitutional powers. Other branches of power and also the institutions, mainly the political ones, which carry in themselves the greatest potentials for criticism, must use their constitutional rights to channel the complains and suggestions into the legal way.

By inviting them to answer with constitutional initiatives and means to every legal claim, I would also like to appeal to all the political and public actors to address their claims for the judicial system to the bodies determined by the law to handle these information, to the High Justice Council and Ministry of Justice. The collective blame of the judicial system is not right, does not resolve anything and remains in itself a negative attempt to blame our democratic system itself.

Personally I feel encouraged by the praise that I receive for these reforms from the United States President, George W. Bush, from high ranking United States judicial personalities and also from other international institutions, which are familiar and appreciate the work done to really guarantee the independence of the branches of power and in particular the reformation and preservation of the independence of the judicial system in Albania.

Distinguished judges,

You are part of an independent constitutional power, but to have the status of an independent branch of power is one thing, and to deserve and extenuate it is something else. Independence does mean unlimited freedom to act as you wish, or even worse, to abuse the law. Independence means to have a sense of responsibility many times higher to correctly uphold the law and constitution, to deliver justice on time and with professionalism.

Seen from this viewpoint, alongside the appreciation for your work in fulfilling your legal and constitutional function, I would like to stress also the need to reflect aver shortcomings and deficiencies especially towards strengthening the professional independence, reacting against corruptive acts, delays and interpretation in the deliverance of justice, etc., which at their core serve us more to realize how long and significant is the path to consolidate the independent and effective judicial system in Albania.

Part of your future challenges must be exactly the solution of the problems that are connected to the enhancement of the professional level of the judges, of the figure of the judge and his integrity and also of the dedication to carry out the duties as best as possible and in compliance to the Constitution and laws in effect. I have been surprised by some judges, who incessantly run around looking for political connections and support for their promotion. It is the right of anyone to conduct promoting lobbying, but my impression is that such cases of political wheeling and dealings create conflicts of interests between your independent status and political services, which goes against to the constitutional principal of an independent judiciary system.

Also from the High Justice Council rapports and meetings, it results to me that there are judges who do not work for their professional upgrading, who do not respect the way they should the judicial ethic, who do not carry our their duties on time, who act against the law or even worse are involved in corruptive acts. Personally I am determined to respond to these incompetent and abusive acts with disciplinary and legal measures with the same insistence and willingness with which I fight for your independence. You too must make this and alienation by using the means that you posses, the debates in the conference and also the increasing suggestions for a reformation of the very selective and decision making filters in the Judiciary Conference. Each judge who has problems with his public image and credibility must accept to be faced off with them, regardless of the legal immunity that he enjoys. The justice system must not be and cannot be identified with specific judges, who abuse the law and constitutional status and this, first of all must not be permitted by you – the honest and professional majority of the judicial system.

During the last years we have been successful in including in the judicial system and also promoting the new judges who have graduated from the School of Magistrates. A good example of this is the Serious Crimes Court. My desire is to have the increase of the magistrates’ number accompanied also by the enhancement of your professional conscience to create a working mentality and vision that offers to the citizens the unconditioned deliverance of justice and this way enables the increase of the mutual trust among the judges and citizens, judicial system and the rest of the society. Part of reforming process and efforts to achieve professional and qualitative perfection is also the decision of the High Justice Council to introduce the new evaluation system of the judges. This system must be supported and jointly we must make all the efforts to fully apply it on all the levels of the judicial system.

In conclusion, I express the conviction that through a common commitment, the Judicial Conference, the High Justice Council, the Ministry of Justice and other institutions included in the field of justice, we might be able to do more for the full reformation of the system and getting the Albanian judiciary closer to the standards of the European Union democratic countries. The signing of the Association-Stabilization Agreement makes this process even more necessary. By viewing this as a deficiency and also as an open invitation for cooperation, once again I avail myself of the opportunity to wish you and your Conference good luck and successes!

Thank you!

President Moisiu received representatives of the Civil Action movement. Præsidentkontoret har udsendt flg.:

October 2, 2006

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu received today in a meeting on their request representatives of the Civil Action movement composed by renowned analysts, publicists, leaders and members of civil society and movements.

At the beginning of the talks, the Head of state expressed his praise for the initiatives and role of civil society in our country, which is acting based on the values of democracy and also on the good will and desire to further develop and consolidate these values in the interest of the Albanian citizen. In this context, President Moisiu pointed out the significant place of the Albanian civil society at the steps being undertaken towards successfully meeting the standards and criteria of the Euro-Atlantic integration of Albania.

Availing himself of this meeting opportunity, President Moisiu conveyed to the participants also the messages received during the session of the Forum for Democracy which was organized by the United States President, George W. Bush in New York. Among these messages, it was pointed out the need to intensify the activity of civil society and mutual cooperation in order to overcome the amnesia of public opinion which has been inherited by the dictatorial system and make possible the move towards a free, developed and democratic society and also to enhance the civil self-consciousness and commitment against the infractions that threaten or deform democracy and also against negative phenomena that concern the citizen at the present.

The representatives of the Civil Action movement who took the floor, presented to the President of the Republic the concern about the latest developments in Albania regarding the threats against the independence of institutions which guarantee the freedom, democracy and human rights and expressed their support with all the democratic means to preserve the institutional independence and democracy in full compliance with the Constitution.

PM Sali Berisha's aktiviteter: [Billederne i denne sektion kan som regel forstørres ved at klikke på dem (mens man er på nettet)]

PM Berisha har holdt en længere tale til Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling. Hensigten har været at opgøre de hidtidige resultater - og at vise at man er på rette vej. Berisha understregede at Albanien forholdt sig konstruktivt mht Kosovo-spørgsmålet. Den Albanske PMs Informationskontor skriver:

Speech by the Prime Minister Berisha before the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


Ladies and gentlemen,

I would first like to warmly greet President van Der Linden, General Secretary Davis and all you members of the Parliamentary Assembly for allowing me the opportunity to address you today. I am indeed honored by the occasion.

I also feel immensely indebted to you and the Council of Europe for the continuous support to Albania. Council of Europe was the first international institution I visited in 1992, only a few weeks after I was elected President of Albania, asking your assistance for our project of building a democratic society based on the rule of law, upon the ruins of the most Orwellian dictatorship Europe had known. Since then the Council of Europe has always been by our side.

I am deeply moved and proud to speak before you, all dear friends with whom I have had the opportunity and the privilege to debate and defend the democratic values and principles we hold in common. This enriching experience inspired and empowered me to lead the efforts of the Albanian citizens to vote out one of the most kleptocratic regimes of modern times, which was installed in Albania.

Ladies and gentlemen

I believe in your memory still linger on images of past unpleasant events and unhappy news about my country. I stand before you today to assure you that Albania has buried those events in its past and is swiftly moving forward toward a new and European reality.

Last year, overcoming the autocracy of country’s kleptocratic regime, Albanians succeeded to produce a peaceful rotation of power. They voted in scores to tear down the wall of corruption, organized crime and poverty which was thrusting them away from the democratic world. The Council of Europe Resolution on Elections in Albania and its monitoring of last year’s elections were a valuable encouragement and assistance to all Albanian voters.

My Government took office pledging to restore the rule of law - an the essential condition for guaranteeing fundamental rights of citizens – fight with zero tolerance organized crime, uproot the kletpocratic system, and consolidate democratic institutions, as the foundation of all other reforms.

A year ago, more then two thirds of all court decisions were not enforced, while the index of law enforcement in the country was amongst the lowest in the world. Since then, firm and fair application of law, enforcement of all court decisions and abrogation of hundreds of unlawful decisions, have made law prevail throughout the country.

During past years, Albanians suffered more than many other people from organized crime, which due to its symbiosis and collusion with politicians and public officials in all levels of government, become so powerful that was practically the real power behind government decisions, thus managing to make Albania a major trafficking territory.

Facing such reality, we adopted only one stand: zero tolerance towards crime. A year later, I am happy to inform you that thanks to the courage and high professionalism of our police forces and other law enforcement agencies and with the excellent cooperation of law and police agencies in other countries, more than 33 major criminal groups and organizations have been cracked down; hundreds of their members and all their bosses have been brought to justice, while their assets worth millions of euros have been seized and confiscated.

In a drive to curb criminal trafficking, the parliament enacted a three year ban from our waters on speed boats, which were widely used for drug and human trafficking.

As result of these efforts, according to the International Center for Fight Against Organized Crime based in Bucharest, drug trafficking routes have moved outside Albania.

Albania is today a safe country and it is widely perceived as such. The fact that during the summer 30 percent more foreign tourists visited Albania is a clear indication of this new reality.

In past years, corruption in Albania developed into a kleptocratic system. According to international reports bribing and illegal payments that Albanian citizens and businesses paid to officials in exchange for the very services and rights they were entitled to have freely were estimated at around 1.2 billion euros. Country’s customs and justice system were amongst the more corrupted in the world, while the state capture was a wide phenomenon.

Fight against corruption - the cancer that weakened and drained the body and the soul of my nation – has been another major priority for the Albanian Government. We have initiated thorough energetic measures to overcome corruption. As part of these measures:

• we adopted a small government structure and put the government on diet, thus replacing the large and beefed up administration we found;

• we instituted new administrative and ethical standards aiming to prevent use of public money for private benefits;

• we decreased by 40 percent all administrative expenses, most of which saved by simply ending the mismanagement and abusive use of public funds by the administration;

• we amended the law on the conflict of interest. While previous administration was built on the conflict of interest, today there are no reported cases of such conflict by any public servant or official;

• we amended the law on public procurement. As result, 92 percent of goods and services are procured through open bidding compared to a mere 25 percent a year ago.

• Parliament approved a law on whistle blowers and denouncers of corruption, which offers them special protection under law and rewards them with 6 percent of the recovered funds.

Our fight against corruption, smuggling and fiscal evasion has given significant and encouraging results. Thus:

• revenues from tax collection have increased by 24 percent from the forecast, which allowed us to have a supplementary budget in June;

• cost of procurement has decreased by 25 percent for the same goods or services as before.

• as I mentioned before, the administrative expenses of the public administration have decreased by 40 percent.

• bribing has also declined significantly.

Corruption is a cancer for the society. We have given a firm blow to the klecptocratic system we inherited and are continuing our efforts with zero tolerance for uprooting completely this harmful phenomenon.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Creating a favorable business climate and making Albania the most attractive country for foreign investments is our Government’s main objective in the economic domain.

To this end, alongside our efforts to restore and consolidate the rule of law, we have embarked on a truly fiscal revolution. Our goal is to implement a flat-tax, at the lowest rate in Europe. So far, we have considerably lowered all taxes. According to the KPMG ranking, in 2006, Albania was the country with the highest percentage rate of tax reduction in the world.

In addition to fiscal measures, we lowered 33-35 percent the price of electricity for business; cut in half the cost of business registration and reduced the time required for business registration from 42 days to only 8 days.

A thorough deregulatory reform aiming to widely liberalize the licensing and administrative business procedures is underway.

Last but not least, the Government has launched a new initiative - Albania 1 Euro. From now on, investors from your countries can enter Albania paying only 1 euro at the border; register their business paying 1 euro, or rent for 1 Euro for 99 years the land necessary for investment in productive activities. Mines, hydropower plants, railways will be given out to investors for 1 Euro. A full range of other services will also be offered with the price of 1 Euro.

I would like to use this opportunity to kindly ask you to encourage investors in your countries to consider the opportunities and potentials that Albania offers. Albania 1 Euro is our promise to them.

In cooperation with the Council of Europe, Government has also embarked in meaningful reforms in the field of decentralization, education and other sectors, such as property reform and information technology. “Albania in the age of internet” is our new effort to boost the IT penetration in the Albanian society.

As a result of all our round reforms our economy is performing well, is growing. This year we expect to have a significant growth estimated at least 6 percent.

By the end of this year, Albania will hold local elections. The government is determined to take all the measures and make every effort to ensure that these elections are free and fair. I would like to ask the Assembly to monitor our elections.

Ladies and gentlemen,

On 12 June 2006, Albania signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union. Ratification of this Agreement by the European Parliament, in the beginning of last month, was the ultimate recognition of Albania’s western vocation and the common values that Albania shares with your nations. At the same time, it was the very appreciation of all 25 EU countries for the reforms undertaken by the government that I chair, and in general the appreciation for Albania’s overall peaceful transformation during the past 14 years.

During this period, Albania has changed from the most totalitarian communist country of coerced atheism and hyper-collectivisation into a country with consolidated political pluralism, remarkable religious pluralism and tolerance, with a flourishing private sector that counts for more than 80 percent of the country’s total production and with an income per capita that has increased more than 11 times in 14 years.

Albanians marked these achievements due to their great and unwavering efforts, but also due to their generosity and exceptional solidarity. In this endeavours they greatly benefited by the overall assistance of your governments, your nations and the taxpayers of your countries. The assistance and the support of the Council of Europe has played a great role to this end, and we remain always grateful to you.

Seizing this opportunity, I would to reassure you that for my government the Stabilization and Association Agreement is the most significant contract of my nation with the member states of the European Union that constitutes the roadmap for Albania’s full integration in the EU. It is for this significance that I kindly ask you to positively persuade your parliaments to ratify it as soon as possible.

For 14 years Albania has build and retained an excellent and loyal partnership with NATO and the USA. Our armed forces are undergoing a deep transformation which aims to build a modern and professional army. Our soldiers are serving alongside NATO units in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Afghanistan and, in coalition with the United States, in Iraq.

My government is determined to take all necessary reforms and pay every price to deserve the invitation to join NATO in the first enlargement summit. Albania’s membership in NATO is the most secure future for Albania and her citizens. The support of your governments and your parliaments to this process would always be highly valued and appreciated by my nation.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The tragedies, wars and cruel dictatorships that the people of the Balkans experienced during the later part of the last century did not extinguish their aspirations to freedom, human dignity and integration into the EU and NATO. In a matter of few years, the Balkans leaped from the age of violent confrontations, wars, ethnic cleansing and blind nationalisms, paralleled only from those of East Africa, into the age of friendly political, economic and military cooperation and of irreversible regional and European integration.

2006 is an historical year for the peoples of the Balkans. They are today more united then ever in their European project.

Two important countries of the region, Rumania and Bulgaria, will become members of the European Union on the 1st of January, 2007. Croatia has opened its membership negotiations with the EU. Macedonia was given the status of EU candidate. Albania signed its Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU. The SAA negotiations were opened with Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Republic of Montenegro proclaimed its independence. Kosovo is moving towards finalization of its status as a free and democratic European country.

A few months ago I visited Kosovo. With great pleasure I witnessed there that no other country has changed more than Kosovo in the past 7 years. Out of the scorches and ashes of hundred of thousands of burnt houses in its towns and villages, from the rivers of tears, enormous human sufferings and blood, out of the mass graves, the citizens of Kosovo rose like phoenix. With the precious help, generosity and extraordinary solidarity from your nations and governments, they built anew hundred of thousands homes, schools, kindergartens. They held fair and free elections. They built, with the assistance of the best western expertise, efficient democratic institutions and established the rule of law.

I was particularly gratified to witness in my meetings with the common people from all ethnic origins and their political and religious leaders their firm will and enthusiastic efforts to built a European Kosovo, where all citizens are equal before the law. I was witness to the commitment and determination of the Albanian majority to forgive, but not forget, to respect and guarantee the freedoms of all the minorities and Serbs in particular, to respect their religious and cultural heritages and their languages.

Ladies and gentlemen

In the past century, Kosovo was the very heart of the Balkans crisis. I believe that a fair and just solution of the Kosovo issues, in respect of the will of the Kosovo people, is closely linked to the stability of Albania, but also other neighbors – Macedonia and Montenegro – as well as the stability of the region.

Regrettably, despite of all the changes that have occurred in Belgrade after the fall of the Milosevic regime and despite of all fundamental differences between the current Serbian leadership and yesterdays Serb communist nomenclature, still the ghost of the freater Serbia persists to be there and lack of realism still dominates Belgrade’s stand towards Kosovo.

As a witness to the Balkans developments during the last two decades, I would like to point your attention to the fact that there are no essential differences between the position adopted in the Serbian constitution in the 1980s and the present Serbian constitutional scenario of 2006. I would also like to remind you of the fact that in the years 1991-1995, Belgrade’s only option on the Kosovo issue was its partition drawing up maps that they changed every three months. Still today, in 2006, partition of Kosovo remains Belgrade’s only option for the solution of this crucial question of the Balkans.

Yet, I am deeply convinced that changing the existing international borders in the Balkans bears the danger of awakening the old conflicts with severe consequences for the region. Furthermore, more than 90 percent of Kosovo’s population is Albanian, to whom Kosovo has been their home since the very beginning of time. Fancying its partition with the aim of creating a pure ethnic country, in a region where such homogeneous countries do not exist, would not only unhelpful, but also dangerous.

Ladies and gentlemen

Albania has adopted and maintains a realistic stand for the solution of the final status of Kosovo. We have fully supported the mission of President Ahtisari and the Contact Group.

We believe that the final status of Kosovo must guarantee the rights and freedoms of the Serbs and all other minorities in that country; it must guarantee full and effective implementation of the decentralization process in compliance with the European Chart on the Local and Regional Authorities; it should ensure full respect for cultural and religious heritage; it should endorse the expressed will of the Kosovo people for independence.

I think that the independence of Kosovo is essential to its economic and social development and crucial for its stability and the stability of the entire region. The independence of Kosovo will provide a permanent answer to the fluidity of the Albanian factor in the Balkans. This is why, Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro share similar views with regard to the final status of Kosovo.

Furthermore, I believe that the independence of Kosovo would contribute to the stability of Serbia, as well, as it will help Serbia to depart from its past, marginalize its radical forces, speed up its demilitarization, thus helping Serbia to integrate in the Euro-Atlantic institutions and catch the future this country deserves.

Nonetheless, due to the absence of realism in Belgrade, an agreement between Pristina and Belgrade seems illusive. That is why I believe that a the only alternative remaining is an imposed agreement, as has always been the case with all important agreements in the history of the Balkans during the past 150 years.

At the same time, I remain deeply convinced that Albanians and Serbs must follow in the great tradition of the European nations and start a new chapter of good and friendly neighborhood and cooperation to the benefit of our common European future.

PM Berisha og Undervisningsminister Genc Pollo har deltaget i et arrangement om modernisering af uddannelserne. Man vil satse på liberalisering og autonomi:

Kryeministri Berisha merr pjesë në Tryezën; “Liberalizimi i shkollave të larta, cilësia e studimeve, autonomia dhe përgjegjësia e qeverisjes”.

Flykapring. En Tyrkisk statsborger, Hakan Ekinci, 28, kaprede tirsdag 061003 et fly, der skulle flyve fra Lufthavnen i Rinas uden for Tirana i Albanien [Mother Teresa Airport] til Ankara. Ekinci tvang flyet til at lande i Brindisi, Italien, hvor alle ombordværende blev løsladt. Det viste sig at han var ubevæbnet. Ekinci's opholdstilladelse var udløbet og han havde fået afslag på asyl i Albanien, og han regnede med at blive anholdt, hvis han vendte tilbage til Tyrkiet, fordi han havde unddraget sig værnepligten. Ekinci har søgt om asyl i Italien og bedt om Pavens hjælp hertil. Ifølge nogle presseoplysninger hævder Ekinci at han er kristen - og har gået i kirke i de sidste ca. 8 år - og at han derfor ikke kan gøre tjeneste i en muslimsk hær; muligvis har han søgt at skrive til Paven om dette for en måneds tid siden.

De Albanske Myndigheder og mange Politikere har været stærkt alarmerede over hændelsen og Rinas Lufthavn har været lukket nogle timer; alt tyder på at der ikke var tale om en terroraktion, men om en individuel aktion med et personligt sigte.

Allerede før kapringen var det planlagt at Paven skulle besøge i Tyrkiet - formentlig i slutningen af November / begyndelsen af December.

Forlaget »Tiderne Skifter« har udgivet Ismail Kadaré's »Efterfølgeren«, der handler om Mehmet Shehu's død for ca. 25 år siden.

Shehu var Premierminister, men kom - formodes det - uoverens med den reelle leder af Albanien, Enver Hoxha, der (så vidt man kan formode) lod ham myrde. Forlaget skriver:

Efterfølgeren blev han kaldt – manden der var udvalgt til at efterfølge den magtfulde albanske diktator. Men kort før han skulle overtage magten, finder man ham død i sit eget hjem. Spekulationerne starter, rygterne svirrer. Det brændende spørgsmål er – er det selvmord eller blev han myrdet?

Ismail Kararé sætter spørgsmålstegn ved menneskets evne til at tage beslutninger ansigt til ansigt ansigt med tyranniet og den personificerede ondskab. Efterfølgeren er både en historisk roman – baseret på virkelige hændelser – en drømmeagtig psykologisk fortælling og en formidabel politisk krimi fuld af magi.

Mehmet Shehu – manden alle var sikre skulle efterfølge den skrantende diktator Enver Hoxha – dør under mærkelige omstændigheder. Forvirring blander sig med stigende politisk uro og spænding. Efterspillet efter mordet – eller selvmordet? – bliver fortalt gennem en række af stemmer, der flettes sammen: Efterfølgerens datter, Efterfølgerens efterfølger: indenrigsministeren, den magtfulde leder selv, samt mange flere.

Oversat af Gerd Have / Omslag: Mikkel Henssel - Sideantal: 134 - Pris: 225,- kr. - Udgivelsesår: 2006 - 1. udgave - ISBN: 8779732038

Nærmere om bogen vil følge i næste nr. Se artikel om Kadaré - med forskelligt baggrundsmateriale - på:

»Small Diary of Borders«. Den Albansk-fødte Gazmend Kapplani har udgivet en bog i Grækenland. 'Apart from being a successful journalist and writer, he has also studied at Athens University, where he wrote his doctorate on the image of Albanians in the Greek press and of Greeks in the Albanian press'. Kathimerini indleder omtalen således:
‘Humor with a cargo of tragedy’

Gazmend Kapllani on his ‘Small Diary of Borders,’ which grew from an essay into a novel

Gazmend Kapllani’s book ‘Small Diary of Borders’ has just been published by Livanis. The author has columns in the Ta Nea daily newspaper and Athens Voice weekly. ‘The three strands - the academia side, journalism and literature - all enrich each other,’ says Kapllani.

By Vivienne Nilan - Kathimerini English Edition

I started out to write an essay, but my heroes took on a life of their own,” is Gazmend Kapllani’s disarming explanation of how his “Small Diary of Borders” changed genres. “In that sense,” he continues, “it is a novel, not a work of sociology, and I wanted it to be read and accepted, or rejected, as such.”

Given the writer’s background (he was born in Albania), his subject - the crossing of borders real and imagined but in particular the mass crossings from Albania into Greece in the early 1990s - and the fact that he has written the book in Greek, it is not surprising that extra-literary concerns sometimes dominate the response to his work.


Det Amerikanske UM har offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Serbien - Montenegro: Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: • En biografi over tidligere Forbundspræsident Kostunica kan læses på Serbiske Politikere.

Præsidentvalg i Serbien. Boris Tadic blev i Juni 2004 valgt som Præsident. Seneste Parlamentsvalg: 031228.

Kosovo / Kosóva: Serbia will never accept usurpation of its territory, siger PM Kostunica: Kosovo vil altid være en del af Serbien. Kostunica fremhæver støtten fra Rusland og Kina; dvs. han forsøger at binde dem til - i Sikkerhedsrådet - ikke at acceptere at Kosovo bliver selvstændig.
Belgrade, Oct 5, 2006 - Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica called on Serbian citizens today to go to the referendum in great numbers and vote for the new constitution, thus giving legal grounds to their state and affirming that Kosovo will forever be part of Serbia.

Kostunica told the Tanjug news agency that this year October 5 coincides with the efforts of the entire country to achieve a great state and national goal, and that is to get a new constitution of Serbia.

Kostunica said that it is very important that citizens support the new constitution because that would show to everyone that Serbia confirms with its internal law the highest principles of international law, first of all the principle of inviolability of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the existing states.

To put it simply, Serbia will never accept the usurpation of its territory, the Serbian Prime Minister said.

He called on everyone who thinks differently to listen well to what the people will say at the referendum and added that they can be sure that the voice of the people will be the law for this and every other government of Serbia.

Kostunica stressed that both the government and the citizens of Serbia highly praise the support we receive now when we fight the decisive battle to keep Kosovo-Metohija.

We will not forget the support we receive from our friends around the world. When I say this, I refer to almost daily support we receive from Russia and its president Putin, the principled support from China, as well as the support expressed by neighbouring countries and countries in the region, Kostunica said.

That support is especially important because it is based on the firm respect for the principles of international law and order and the respect for justice and democratic values, the Prime Minister concluded.


Præsidentvalg 030611: Filip Vujanovic blev valgt. Forrige Parlamentsvalg 021020, seneste 060910.

Folkeafstemning 21.05.2006 om Montenegro's forhold til statsforbundet Serbien-Montenegro. Der var et mindre flertal for at udtræde af forbundet (55,4% mod 44,6%), hvilket er blevet anerkendt af EU m.fl. Serbien har accepteret den nye tingenes tilstand, skønt der var nogen murren efter at resultatet blev kendt.


Det Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: • Det Amerikanske UM har offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Makedonien:

Der er omkring 25 % etniske Albanere i Makedonien. Folketælling afholdtes 021101-021105.

Folkeafstemningen 041107 om decentralisering (= imødekommelse af Makedonien-Albanske interesser): Folkeafstemningen "faldt". Stemmedeltagelsen var kun omkring 26 %. Hvis afstemningen skulle have kunnet udvirke en ændring af decentraliseringslovgivningen, skulle deltagelsen have været mindst 50%, og desuden skulle der have været flertal mod lovgivningen. Det var ventet at stemmedeltagelsen ville have været noget større, selv om både Regeringspartierne og den Albanske minoritet anbefalede at man blev hjemme. Man kan nu gå videre i overensstemmelse med Ohrid-aftalerne.

Præsidentvalg i Maj 2004: Branko Crvenkovski - hidtidig PM - blev valgt (efter Boris Trajkovski som omkom ved en flyulykke). Parlamentsvalg fandt sted 020915. Der kan henvises til flg. OSCE/ODIHR-oversigtsside: Seneste Parlamentsvalg fandt sted i Juli 2006: Den hidtidige Regering led nederlag. Der kan henvises til: og

Makedonien forhandler med EU om optagelse. Aktuel status, se: Se også den generelle side:

SRSG commends bilateral cooperation between Pristina and Skopje
PRISTINA – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Kosovo (SRSG) Joachim Rücker today visited Skopje where he had separate meetings with President Branko Crvenkovski, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Miloshoski and President of DPA Arben Xhaferi. He also met leaders of the opposition, former Prime Minister and President of SDSM Vlado Buchkovski and President of DUI Ali Ahmeti.

The SRSG discussed with his interlocutors issues of mutual interest to Pristina and Skopje, the current situation in Kosovo and the need to settle Kosovo’s status as early as possible in the interest of regional stability. In a joint press conference with Prime Minister Gruevski, the SRSG commended the excellent bilateral cooperation achieved between Pristina and Skopje over the past years. “I think this is an example of the good neighbourly relations that Kosovo is developing within the region,” he said, “We have quite a number of bilateral agreements and there is more to come in important areas of cooperation.”

The SRSG said: “We also talked about the status process with regard to Kosovo and we agreed on the necessity to keep the momentum in the status process. In this regard I stressed that we continue to be guided by the commitment of the Contact Group as expressed on 20 September in New York that everything possible would be done to find a solution by the end of the year.”

Asked about the demarcation of the border between Kosovo and FYR Macedonia, the SRSG said, “All stakeholders agree that this will be solved in the context of the status settlement.”


Seneste Parlamentsvalg 040307.

»Small Diary of Borders«. Den Albansk-fødte Gazmend Kapplani har udgivet en bog i Grækenland. 'Apart from being a successful journalist and writer, he has also studied at Athens University, where he wrote his doctorate on the image of Albanians in the Greek press and of Greeks in the Albanian press'. Kathimerini indleder omtalen således:
‘Humor with a cargo of tragedy’

Gazmend Kapllani on his ‘Small Diary of Borders,’ which grew from an essay into a novel

Gazmend Kapllani’s book ‘Small Diary of Borders’ has just been published by Livanis. The author has columns in the Ta Nea daily newspaper and Athens Voice weekly. ‘The three strands - the academia side, journalism and literature - all enrich each other,’ says Kapllani.

By Vivienne Nilan - Kathimerini English Edition

I started out to write an essay, but my heroes took on a life of their own,” is Gazmend Kapllani’s disarming explanation of how his “Small Diary of Borders” changed genres. “In that sense,” he continues, “it is a novel, not a work of sociology, and I wanted it to be read and accepted, or rejected, as such.”

Given the writer’s background (he was born in Albania), his subject - the crossing of borders real and imagined but in particular the mass crossings from Albania into Greece in the early 1990s - and the fact that he has written the book in Greek, it is not surprising that extra-literary concerns sometimes dominate the response to his work.


UMs rejsevejledning:

Seneste Parlamentsvalg blev holdt 021103. Det blev i December 2004 aftalt (med EUs Regeringschefer)at der i Oktober 2005 skal indledes forhandlinger om optagelse af Tyrkiet i EU.

Flykapring. En Tyrkisk statsborger, Hakan Ekinci, 28, kaprede tirsdag 061003 et fly, der skulle flyve fra Lufthavnen i Rinas uden for Tirana i Albanien [Mother Teresa Airport] til Ankara. Ekinci tvang flyet til at lande i Brindisi, Italien, hvor alle ombordværende blev løsladt. Det viste sig at han var ubevæbnet. Ekinci's opholdstilladelse var udløbet og han havde fået afslag på asyl i Albanien, og han regnede med at blive anholdt, hvis han vendte tilbage til Tyrkiet, fordi han havde unddraget sig værnepligten. Ekinci har søgt om asyl i Italien og bedt om Pavens hjælp hertil. Ifølge nogle presseoplysninger hævder Ekinci at han er kristen - og har gået i kirke i de sidste ca. 8 år - og at han derfor ikke kan gøre tjeneste i en muslimsk hær; muligvis har han søgt at skrive til Paven om dette for en måneds tid siden.

De Albanske Myndigheder og mange Politikere har været stærkt alarmerede over hændelsen og Rinas Lufthavn har været lukket nogle timer; alt tyder på at der ikke var tale om en terroraktion, men om en individuel aktion med et personligt sigte.

Allerede før kapringen var det planlagt at Paven skulle besøge i Tyrkiet - formentlig i slutningen af November / begyndelsen af December.



Mother Teresa. I anledning af saligkåringen ('beatificeringen') 031019 har Vatikantet etableret en internetside:

Flykapring. En Tyrkisk statsborger, Hakan Ekinci, 28, kaprede tirsdag 061003 et fly, der skulle flyve fra Lufthavnen i Rinas uden for Tirana i Albanien [Mother Teresa Airport] til Ankara. Ekinci tvang flyet til at lande i Brindisi, Italien, hvor alle ombordværende blev løsladt. Det viste sig at han var ubevæbnet. Ekinci's opholdstilladelse var udløbet og han havde fået afslag på asyl i Albanien, og han regnede med at blive anholdt, hvis han vendte tilbage til Tyrkiet, fordi han havde unddraget sig værnepligten. Ekinci har søgt om asyl i Italien og bedt om Pavens hjælp hertil. Ifølge nogle presseoplysninger hævder Ekinci at han er kristen - og har gået i kirke i de sidste ca. 8 år - og at han derfor ikke kan gøre tjeneste i en muslimsk hær; muligvis har han søgt at skrive til Paven om dette for en måneds tid siden.

De Albanske Myndigheder og mange Politikere har været stærkt alarmerede over hændelsen og Rinas Lufthavn har været lukket nogle timer; alt tyder på at der ikke var tale om en terroraktion, men om en individuel aktion med et personligt sigte.

Allerede før kapringen var det planlagt at Paven skulle besøge i Tyrkiet - formentlig i slutningen af November / begyndelsen af December.







Det onde blod. DR2's »Udefra« sendte tirsdag 06104 en Fransk TV-udsendelse om livet i nogle Albanske og Serbiske landsbyer i Kosóva/Kosovo, se ovenfor.

Forlaget »Tiderne Skifter« har udgivet Ismail Kadaré's »Efterfølgeren«, der handler om Mehmet Shehu's død for ca. 25 år siden.

Shehu var Premierminister, men kom - formodes det - uoverens med den reelle leder af Albanien, Enver Hoxha, der (så vidt man kan formode) lod ham myrde. Forlaget skriver:

Efterfølgeren blev han kaldt – manden der var udvalgt til at efterfølge den magtfulde albanske diktator. Men kort før han skulle overtage magten, finder man ham død i sit eget hjem. Spekulationerne starter, rygterne svirrer. Det brændende spørgsmål er – er det selvmord eller blev han myrdet?

Ismail Kararé sætter spørgsmålstegn ved menneskets evne til at tage beslutninger ansigt til ansigt ansigt med tyranniet og den personificerede ondskab. Efterfølgeren er både en historisk roman – baseret på virkelige hændelser – en drømmeagtig psykologisk fortælling og en formidabel politisk krimi fuld af magi.

Mehmet Shehu – manden alle var sikre skulle efterfølge den skrantende diktator Enver Hoxha – dør under mærkelige omstændigheder. Forvirring blander sig med stigende politisk uro og spænding. Efterspillet efter mordet – eller selvmordet? – bliver fortalt gennem en række af stemmer, der flettes sammen: Efterfølgerens datter, Efterfølgerens efterfølger: indenrigsministeren, den magtfulde leder selv, samt mange flere.

Oversat af Gerd Have / Omslag: Mikkel Henssel - Sideantal: 134 - Pris: 225,- kr. - Udgivelsesår: 2006 - 1. udgave - ISBN: 8779732038

Nærmere om bogen vil følge i næste nr. Se artikel om Kadaré - med forskelligt baggrundsmateriale - på:

ICTY oplyser at tidl. Jugoslavisk Viceadmiral Miodrag Jokic skal afsone 7 års fængsel i Danmark:
Miodrag Jokic, a former Yugoslav naval commander who pleaded guilty to crimes committed during the 1991 attack on Dubrovnik, was today transferred to Denmark to serve his seven year prison term.

Jokic was convicted for crimes committed by soldiers under his command during the attack on 6 December 1991. On that day, they shelled the Old Town of southern Croatian city, listed as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. As a result, two civilians were killed and three were wounded, six buildings were destroyed in their entirety and many more buildings suffered damage. Institutions dedicated to religion, charity, education, and the arts and sciences, and historic monuments and works of art and science were damaged or destroyed.

Jokic, the Commander of the 9th Military Naval Sector (VPS) of the Yugoslav Navy, was sentenced for the unlawful attack on civilians within the Old Town of Dubrovnik, for the murder of two persons in the course of the attack, and for the cruel treatment, by wounding, of three others in the course of the same attack. He was convicted also for devastation not justified by military necessity and for unlawful attack on civilian objects. Finally, he was convicted for destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion, charity, and education, the arts and sciences, historic monuments and works of art and science.

In a statement he read in court, Jokic stated he had a moral and personal obligation to accept responsibility and to ask forgiveness for the acts of his subordinates:

"The fact that these lives were lost in the area for which I was responsible will remain etched in my consciousness for the rest of my life. I am ready to bow before all the victims of this conflict, regardless of the side they were on, with the dignity of a soldier".

He went on to say:

"Furthermore, although I had already done that in the course of the shelling itself over the radio, and afterwards I did it again in person, I feel the obligation to express my deepest sympathy to the families of those who were killed and wounded and the citizens of Dubrovnik for the pain and all the damage that was caused to them by the unit under my command".

The Trial Chamber sentenced Jokic to seven years' imprisonment and the sentence was confirmed by the Appeals Chamber.

Ugerapport fra Dansk KFOR. Hærens Operative Kommando - se under: Kosova.



UMs Rejsevejledning:


Information om »Sidste Nyt«

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The framework of The Latest News from Albania, Kosóva and Macedonia is in Danish - nevertheless, the news are mostly in English. You may send information, comments and questions to: »The Latest News« [please click].

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Siderne om Albanerne finder du på:

To skridt frem. Bogomslaget

»To skridt frem? Albanien i en brydningstid«

Baggrundsmateriale kan findes via:

»Albansk Almanak 2004«

Almanak'en for 2004 er udkommet i december 2005. Her finder du nyhedsbrevene fra 2004 og nogle kommentarer.

Bogen udgives i et sæt bestående af et hæfte (de første 77 sider) og en CD (alle 1264 sider). På CD'en også supplerende materiale - ikke mindst »1912 - Med den serbiske Armé i Makedonien« - Fritz Magnussen's beretninger v/ Palle Rossen.

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»Albansk Almanak 2005«

Almanak'en for 2005 er udkommet i april 2006. Her finder du nyhedsbrevene fra 2005 og forskelligt supplerende materiale.

Bogen udgives i et sæt bestående af et hæfte (ugeoversigterne) og en CD (med ugebrevene og det supplerende materiale - i alt omkring 2.150 sider).

Se pris på: Bestillingsliste.

»Albanske Studier« bd. 1-2

Kommentarer til Bjøl, Huntington, Machiavelli, Sørlander, DUPI (Humanitær Intervention), Clausewitz, Mao Zedong, Lars R. Møller, Malcolm og flere andre.

Englændere på rejse i Albanien: Edward Lear, Edith Durham og Robert Carver.

Bøger om slægtsfejder og blodhævn. Diskussion af Anne Knudsen's disputats om blodhævn på Korsika og af Ismail Kadare's roman »Ufuldendt april«.

Baggrundsmateriale om den Sønderjyske general Christian von Holstein, der deltog i Habsburgernes felttog ind i Kosóva i 1689-90.

Sidst i bogen et forsøg på en sammenfatning i form af nogle 'grundlæggende synspunkter'.

Desuden en kommentar til Hans Hækkerup's »På skansen«. På CD'en supplerende materiale om traditionelle Albanske klædedragter og om Holstein. Hans bog om Kosovo er omtalt i »Albansk Almanak 2004«.

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Bogen findes i trykt form og på CD (som pdf-fil). Papirudgave 368 A4-sider i 2 bind. Bogen sælges som papirudgave m/ CD og som CD alene. Se pris på: Bestillingsliste.

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