Sidste Nyt fra Albanien, Kosóva og Makedonien

The Latest News from Albania, Kosóva and Macedonia       

# 331 - 9' årgang - 21.02.2007

Version 1.0 • PDF for printingInfo om »Sidste Nyt«Tidligere numre


Udgiver: Bjørn Andersen

Publisher: Bjoern Andersen


Martti Ahtisaari forelægger sin Kosovo-plan for NATO, Februar 2007 [Foto: NATO/UNOSEK]


Oversigt    Summary

Internationale organisationer   International organizations
Verdensbanken, IMF m.fl.   World Bank, IMF etc.
OSCE, Europarådet   OSCE, Council of Europe (CoE)
EU   European Union (EU)
ICTY - Tribunalet i Haag   ICTY

Balkan, generelt   The Balkans
Kosóva   Kosóva [Kosovo]
Øst Kosóva / Presevo-dalen / Syd-Serbien   Eastern Kosóva
Albanien   Albania
Serbien   Serbia-Montenegro. Serbia
Montenegro   Montenegro
Makedonien   Macedonia [FYRoM]

Grækenland   Greece
Tyrkiet   Turkey
Italien   Italia

USA   United States (US)
England   England
Tyskland   Germany
Frankrig   France
Danmark (Norge, Sverige)   Denmark (Norway, Sweden)

Rusland   Russia
Kina   China

OVERSIGT (resumé)

Kosóva-løsningen [omtales i selve nyhedsbrevet under Kosóva, Albanien, Serbien, USA, Danmark, Rusland, Kina]

Martti Ahtisaari har fremlagt sit forslag til en fremtidig løsning af Kosóva-spørgsmålet. Indholdet er i overensstemmelse med hvad man kunne vente, og det er reaktionerne også. Albanerne i Kosóva er ikke tilfredse, for de ønskede fuldstændig uafhængighed af Serbien. Serberne er utilfredse, for de vil ikke afgive Kosovo, men kun give vidtgående autonomi. Hvad indholdet angår svarer forslaget imidlertid til dét man i flere år har formodet om det, men i mellemtiden er tiden gået, og mange »almindelige« Kosóva Albanere og Kosovo Serbere er derfor kørt noget trætte, men på begge sider er der en del der går efter mere vidtgående løsninger.

Serberne og Kosovo Serberne har formentlig indset at den nye ordning ikke kan bestå i en tilbagerulning til tiden før Milosevic, til tiden engang i 1980'erne. Der må væsentligt mere til.

Kosóva Albanerne forlanger fuldstændig uafhængighed, og har en vis støtte til dét standpunkt i fx USA, men de har ikke indset at der ikke er tilstrækkelig støtte hertil i det internationale samfund, der er Europæere der er imod, men frem for alt er Rusland og Kina imod.

Man skal ikke undervurdere dette Kosóva Albanske forlangende, for det stikker meget dybt.

Ser man nøgternt på spørgsmålet, kunne man hævde at spørgsmålet om fuldstændig uafhængighed i stedet for en vidtgående autonomi er en formalistisk detalje, for Kosóva kan komme med i EU uanset dén, hvis blot Kosóva Albanerne er samarbejdsvillige - og hvis de bruger deres energi på at opbygge deres samfund i stedet for at diskutere hvordan de igen er blevet snydt.

Kosóva Albanerne er i øvrigt ikke blevet snydt. Ingen har nemlig lovet dem mere end de får nu. Til gengæld har de ikke gjort dét man kunne have håbet de ville have gjort: Vist at de var parat til at »tage imod« Kosovo Serberne, vist at de ville vise imødekommenhed over for dem. I visse tilfælde er der derimod Kosóva Albanere der har angrebet eller hævnet sig på Kosovo Serberne, tag stenkastene på busser og tog, tag de skændige handlinger der fandt sted i marts 2004, jf.:

Skulle Kosóva Albanerne endelig have fuldstændig selvstændighed i deres område, måtte man - synes jeg - indrømme Kosovo Serberne den samme ret i deres område, nord for Ibar. Kosovo Serberne har - ud fra erfaringerne i årene siden 1999 - ingen som helst grund til at tro at Kosóva Albanerne vil respektere dem og deres etniske interesser. Tværtimod.

I øvrigt er Kosóva Albanerne slet ikke indstillet på en sådan løsning af selvstændighedsproblemet, dels af ideologiske grunde, dels fordi de tror at de dermed ville miste hele naturrigdommen i Kosóva's undergrund. (Om den er så meget værd som Kosóva Albanerne tror er nok tvivlsomt).

Ligegyldigt hvad man vil beslutte sig for, så kan man kun lave en langtidsholdbar løsning, hvis den hviler på følgende elementer:

• Løsningen skal respektere de faktiske befolkningsforhold, at der er et stort Albansk Flertal, og et Serbisk Mindretal

• Kosóva's naturressourcer og statslige ressourcer skal fordeles på proportional vis

• Både den Kosovo Serbiske og den Kosóva Albanske del af området skal tilbydes en udviklingsordning med EU, i den sidste ende en egentlig optagelse (under forudsætning af at man opfører sig ordentligt over for hinanden)

• Begge dele kan føre selvstændig udenrigspolitik

• Begge dele skal have selvstændigt politi.

Om de to områder skal have selvstændige militære enheder kan diskuteres; personligt ville jeg tro at sådanne ikke ville styrke fredsprocessen, men svække den af dén simple grund at Kosóva Albanerne ville have befolkningsmæssig basis for væsentligt større enheder, og at lokal militær ubalance sjældent er gavnligt for en fredsproces.

Offentliggørelsen af planen udløste nogen uro i Kosóva [se billeder i selve nyhedsbrevet]. Der var kraftige demonstrationer, og Politiet anvendte derefter forskellige magtmidler, fx blev der brugt tåregas og affyret skud med »gummikugler« - hvilket kostede to Kosóva Albanere - Mon Balaj og Arben Xheladini - livet. Efterfølgende trådte Indenrigsminister Fatmir Rexhipi tilbage, og derefter afskedigede SRSG Rücker Chefen for UNMIK-Politiet, Stephen Curtis: »The fact that I have asked for his resignation is in the course of principles and political accountability«. Grunden til afskedigelsen er formentlig at Rücker har anset den for nødvendig for at dæmpe uroen.

3 FN-køretøjer blev bombesprængt i Prishtina 21-02-2007. Ifølge meddelelse fra nogle der kalder sig »KLA / UÇK« (ligesom befrielseshæren i slutningen af 1990'erne) er der tale om en hævn for de 2 dræbte. Præsident Sejdiu kalder sprængningerne uacceptable og siger at dén slags har Kosóva ikke brug for.

Film om Kosóva er under forberedelse af Gjergj Xhuvani, der stod bag »Slogans«.

Albanien: 18.2.2007 blev der (som ovenfor nævnt) holdt lokalvalg i Albanien. Entusiasmen er ikke stor blandt de Internationale: Det kunne man have gjort en hel del bedre. OSCE's formand - Miguel Angel Moratinos (UM/Spanien) - formulerer det således: MADRID, February 20, 2007 - The OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, welcomed today the holding of local elections in Albania last Sunday 18 February, following an agreement reached by the political parties with the assistance of the OSCE last 13 January. He highlighted the role of the Albanian Central Elections Commission in the development of the electoral process. Minister Moratinos called on Albanian institutions and political parties to continue their co-operation in pursuit of electoral reform and asked them to follow up on OSCE/Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights recommendations. In particular, "these elections have reconfirmed that determined efforts are required by the Albanian authorities to ensure that Albania gets a fully reliable electoral system", the Chairman said. The OSCE Chairman reiterated the willingness of the Organization to work with all stakeholders on the implementation of recommendations which ODIHR will present in its Final Report, making all efforts to consolidate the Albanian electoral system according to international standards defined by OSCE, and offered OSCE'S assistance and support in that respect.

ODIHR/OSCE-overvågningsmissionen (der ledes af Jørgen Grunnet, Danmark) har udsendt en foreløbig rapport: »While the 18 February local elections provided for a competitive contest, they were another missed opportunity for Albania to conduct elections fully in line with OSCE Commitments, Council of Europe commitments and other international standards for democratic elections. Political parties fell short of respecting the considerable responsibilities granted to them by the law. While election day was calm overall, voting was marred by procedural shortcomings and in some places by tension.«

Tirana: Det ser ud til at Socialisternes Formand, Edi Rama, genvælges. Foreløbigt resultat (information fra »Mjaft«). I Burrel ser det (foreløbigt) også ud til at blive genvalg, dér af Demokraternes Skender Lleshi (information fra Den Centrale Valgkommission).

Bombeattentat på Edi Rama, der skete kun materiel skade.

Serbien: Det Serbiske Parlament har - ikke overraskende - taget afstand fra Martti Ahtisaari-planen.

USA: UM, Dr Condoleezza Rice udtalte sig nyligt om Kosóva under en kongreshøring - Remarks Before House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Washington, DC - February 16, 2007 - »Finally, just a word on a couple of other places. Kosovo -- we are all preparing for the carrying out of the international plan that Martti Ahtissari has put forward. He is trying to negotiate this with the partners. But I think everybody understands that it's going to be a rocky road, as Kosovo attains a different status vis-à-vis Serbia and we want very much to be supportive of a Kosovo Government that is able to protect minority rights, that is able to rebuild after the terrible years after the war and frankly to be supportive also of a democratic Serbia because we don't need in this last piece of the unification of Europe around democratic principles to have Kosovo blow up.«

Danmark: UM skriver: Udenrigsminister Per Stig Møller besøger den 20.-23. februar Serbien og Kosovo for at erhverve sig et førstehåndsindtryk af, hvad der rører sig i de to samfund efter at FN’s statusforhandler, Martti Ahtisaari, den 2. februar fremlagde sit udkast til Kosovos fremtidige status for de to parter.

Tilbagesendelse af psykisk syge til Kosóva. Den Radikale Morten Østergaard siger at Integrationsminister Rikke Hvilshøj har vildledt Folketinget, hun skal - i modstrid med facts - have hævdet at at forholdene var i orden, og at psykisk syge Kosovo-flygtningene bliver vurderet helt konkret, så ingen psykisk syge hjemsendte flygtninge kommer tilbage uden at få behandling eller medicin. - Socialdemokraterne, Radikale, SF og Enhedslisten mener at hun bør træde tilbage.

Rusland: UM Lavrov insisterer på at en løsning vedr. Kosovo skal bygge på en aftale mellem Serbien og det Albanske Flertal i Kosovo.


Opmærksomheden henledes på Economic Reconstruction and Development in South East Europe. Adressen er Her kan man finde materiale om aktuelle møder og konferencer.



Se under de enkelte lande / områder.

OSCE, Europarådet

Se under de enkelte lande / områder.




Verserende sager vedr. Kosovo: Anklageskrifter og udskrifter af retsmøderne kan findes på:

ICTY vs Slobodan Milosevic, (IT-02-54). Sagen er afsluttet uden dom pga Milosevic' død 11.03.2006

ICTY vs Fatmir Limaj et al. (IT-03-66). Der er fældet dom, se nærmere i # 284

ICTY vs Ramush Haradinaj (IT-04-84). Haradinaj er løsladt (på visse betingelser) indtil sagen skal for Retten.



Udsnit af EU's Europakort 2004. [Udsnittet kan forstørres ved at klikke på det]. Kortet indgår i en præsentationsbrochure, der kan downloades som pdf fra:


Bynavne: Angives der to navne på samme lokalitet, er den Albanske nævnt først. Se oversigten på: fra FNs Generalsekretær • 040616 SG Kofi Annan udtaler at han agter at udpege Søren Jessen-Petersen som 5' SRSG. Søren Jessen-Petersen blev senere udpeget og tiltrådte i Kosóva 040816. Søren Jessen-Petersen fratræder igen i slutningen af juni 2006 • 0308 Harri Holkeri tiltrådte som 4' SRSG. Fratrådt 0406 af helbredsmæssige grunde. • 020214 Michael Steiner tiltrådte i Kosova som 3' SRSG og fratrådte i begyndelsen af 0307. • En biografi over 2' SRSG Hans Hækkerup kan læses på Danske Politikere. En anmeldelse af hans bog »Kosovos mange ansigter« indgår i »Albansk Almanak 2004«Constitutional Framework for Provisional Self-Government. • Kosova's Regering. • Webside vedr. 2004-valgene

Parlamentsvalget 2004, se: Præsidenten - Ibrahim Rugóva - blev genvalgt efter valget af Parlamentet the Assembly; han døde 21.01.2006. Ny præsident er Fatmir Sejdiu

Relationerne til EU, se:

Den fremtidige løsning?

Martti Ahtisaari har fremlagt sit forslag til en fremtidig løsning af Kosóva-spørgsmålet. Indholdet er i overensstemmelse med hvad man kunne vente, og det er reaktionerne også. Albanerne i Kosóva er ikke tilfredse, for de ønskede fuldstændig uafhængighed af Serbien. Serberne er utilfredse, for de vil ikke afgive Kosovo, men kun give vidtgående autonomi. Hvad indholdet angår svarer forslaget imidlertid til dét man i flere år har formodet om det, men i mellemtiden er tiden gået, og mange »almnindelige« Kosóva Albanere og Kosovo Serbere er derfor kørt noget trætte, men på begge sider er der en del der går efter mere vidtgående løsninger.


Martti Ahtisaari i Beograd til møde med Præsident Boris Tadic. Foto: UNOSEK

Serberne og Kosovo Serberne har formentlig indset at den nye ordning ikke kan bestå i en tilbagerulning til tiden før Milosevic, til tiden engang i 1980'erne. Der må væsentligt mere til.


Martti Ahtisaari i Prishtina til møde med Præsident Fatmir Sejdiu, PM Agim Çeku m.fl. Foto: UNOSEK

Kosóva Albanerne forlanger fuldstændig uafhængighed, og har en vis støtte til dét standpunkt i fx USA, men de har ikke indset at der ikke er tilstrækkelig støtte hertil i det internationale samfund, der er Europæere der er imod, men frem for alt er Rusland og Kina imod.

Man skal ikke undervurdere dette Kosóva Albanske forlangende, for det stikker meget dybt.

Ser man nøgternt på spørgsmålet, kunne man hævde at spørgsmålet om fuldstændig uafhængighed i stedet for en vidtgående autonomi er en formalistisk detalje, for Kosóva kan komme med i EU uanset dén, hvis blot Kosóva Albanerne er samarbejdsvillige - og hvis de bruger deres energi på at opbygge deres samfund i stedet for at diskutere hvordan de igen er blevet snydt.

Kosóva Albanerne er i øvrigt ikke blevet snydt. Ingen har nemlig lovet dem mere end de får nu. Til gengæld har de ikke gjort dét man kunne have håbet de ville have gjort: Vist at de var parat til at »tage imod« Kosovo Serberne, vist at de ville vise imødekommenhed over for dem. I visse tilfælde er der derimod Kosóva Albanere der har angrebet eller hævnet sig på Kosovo Serberne, tag stenkastene på busser og tog, tag de skændige handlinger der fandt sted i marts 2004, jf.:

Skulle Kosóva Albanerne endelig have fuldstændig selvstændighed i deres område, måtte man - synes jeg - indrømme Kosovo Serberne den samme ret i deres område, nord for Ibar. Kosovo Serberne har - ud fra erfaringerne i årene siden 1999 - ingen som helst grund til at tro at Kosóva Albanerne vil respektere dem og deres etniske interesser. Tværtimod.

I øvrigt er Kosóva Albanerne slet ikke indstillet på en sådan løsning af selvstændighedsproblemet, dels af ideologiske grunde, dels fordi de tror at de dermed ville miste hele naturrigdommen i Kosóva's undergrund. (Om den er meget værd som Kosóva Albanerne tror er nok tvivlsomt).

Ligegyldigt hvad man vil beslutte sig for, så kan man kun lave en langtidsholdbar løsning, hvis den hviler på følgende elementer:

• Løsningen skal respektere de faktiske befolkningsforhold, at der er et stort Albansk Flertal, og et Serbisk Mindretal

• Kosóva's naturressourcer og statslige ressourcer skal fordeles på proportional vis

• Både den Kosovo Serbiske og den Kosóva Albanske del af området skal tilbydes en udviklingsordning med EU, i den sidste ende en egentlig optagelse (under forudsætning af at man opfører sig ordentligt over for hinanden)

• Begge dele kan føre selvstændig udenrigspolitik

• Begge dele skal have selvstændigt politi.

Om de to områder skal have selvstændige militære enheder kan diskuteres; personligt ville jeg tro at sådanne ikke ville styrke fredsprocessen, men svække den af dén simple grund at Kosóva Albanerne ville have befolkningsmæssig basis for væsentligt større enheder, og at lokal militær ubalance sjældent er gavnligt for en fredsproces.

UNOSEK / Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for the future status process for Kosovo skriver på:

I. General

The aim of the Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status Settlement is to define the provisions necessary for a future Kosovo that is viable, sustainable and stable. It includes detailed measures to ensure the promotion and protection of the rights of communities and their members, the effective decentralization of government, and the preservation and protection of cultural and religious heritage. In addition, the Settlement prescribes constitutional, economic and security provisions, all of which are aimed at contributing to the development of a multi-ethnic, democratic and prosperous Kosovo. An important element of the Settlement is the mandate provided for a future international civilian and military presence in Kosovo, to supervise implementation of the Settlement and assist the competent Kosovo authorities in ensuring peace and stability throughout Kosovo. The provisions of the Settlement will take precedence over all other legal provisions in Kosovo.

II. Provisions of the Settlement

The Settlement consists of a main body with fourteen articles that form its key principles, and twelve Annexes which elaborate upon these principles:

" Kosovo shall be a multi-ethnic society, governing itself democratically and with full respect for the rule of law, the highest level of internationally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms, and which promotes the peaceful and prosperous existence of all its inhabitants.

" Kosovo shall adopt a Constitution to enshrine such principles. While the Settlement does not prescribe a complete Constitution, it defines key elements that must form part of the Constitution.

" Kosovo shall have the right to negotiate and conclude international agreements, including the right to seek membership in international organizations.

" The protection and promotion of the rights of members of communities is a central element of the Settlement. The Settlement addresses key aspects to be protected, including culture, language, education, and symbols. It also provides for specific representation mechanisms for Kosovo non-Albanian community members in key public institutions to safeguard and encourage their effective and active participation in public life. To protect the rights of Kosovo non-Albanian communities in the legislative process, the Settlement also provides that certain, enumerated laws may only be enacted if a majority of the Kosovo non-Albanian members of the Kosovo Assembly agree to their adoption.

" The Settlement provides a wide-ranging decentralization proposal, which is extensive in scope and intended to promote good governance, transparency and effectiveness in public service. The proposal focuses in particular on the specific needs and concerns of the Kosovo Serb community, which will have a high degree of control over its own affairs. The decentralization elements include, inter alia, new municipal competencies for Kosovo Serb majority municipalities (such as in the areas of secondary health care and higher education); extensive municipal autonomy in financial matters, including the ability to accept transparent funding from Serbia for a broad range of municipal activities and purposes; provisions on inter-municipal partnerships and cross-boundary cooperation with Serbian institutions; and the establishment of six new or significantly expanded Kosovo Serb majority municipalities (Gracanica, Novo Brdo, Klokott, Ranilug, Partes, Mitrovica-North).

" The Settlement also provides for a justice system in Kosovo that is integrated, independent, professional and impartial, ensuring access of all persons in Kosovo to justice. It also provides for mechanisms to ensure that the justice system is inclusive, and that its judiciary and prosecution service reflect the multiethnic character of Kosovo.

" The provisions on the protection and promotion of religious and cultural heritage will ensure the unfettered and undisturbed existence and operation of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) in Kosovo. More than forty key religious and cultural sites will be surrounded by Protective Zones to prevent any disruptive commercial and industrial development or construction, and to preserve the cultural dignity of such sites. The Settlement also mandates additional physical security for selected sites. The SOC and its internal organization will be explicitly recognized by the Kosovo authorities, and will be granted inviolability of its property, freedom from taxation and customs duty privileges. The SOC in Kosovo will be also be free to maintain links with the SOC in Belgrade.

" All refugees and internally displaced persons from Kosovo will have the right to return and reclaim their property and personal possessions. The Settlement also calls upon Kosovo and Serbia to cooperate fully with the International Commission of the Red Cross to resolve the fate of missing persons.

" The Settlement includes specific provisions designed to promote and safeguard sustainable economic development in Kosovo. It prescribes transparent procedures to settle disputed property claims and for a continued privatization process, both with substantial international involvement. In addition, the Settlement defines mechanisms to determine Kosovo's share of Serbia's external debt, and to address the issue of property restitution.

" The Settlement also provides for a professional, multi-ethnic, and democratic Kosovo security sector, encouraging significant local ownership in its development while retaining a level of international oversight necessary for ultimate success in this sensitive area. The Kosovo Police Force will have a unified chain of command throughout Kosovo, with local police officers reflecting the ethnic composition of the municipality in which they serve. In Kosovo Serb majority municipalities, the Municipal Assembly will have enhanced competencies in the selection of the local Station Commander. A new professional and multi-ethnic Kosovo Security Force (KSF) will be established within one year.. It will have a maximum of 2,500 active members and 800 reserve members. The Settlement stipulates that the current Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) will be disbanded within one year.

" Recognizing that fulfilling Kosovo's responsibilities under the Settlement will require a wide range of complex and difficult activities, the Settlement provides for a future international presence to supervise and support the relevant efforts of Kosovo's authorities. This presence consists of three principle components:

o An International Civilian Representative (ICR), double-hatted as the EU Special Representative, will be appointed by an International Steering Group (ISG) comprising key international stakeholders. The ICR will have ultimate supervisory authority over the implementation of the Settlement. The ICR will have specific powers conferred upon him/her to allow him to take the actions necessary to oversee and ensure successful implementation of the Settlement. These include the authority to annul decisions or laws adopted by Kosovo authorities and sanction or remove public officials whose actions are determined by the ICR to be inconsistent with the letter or spirit of the Settlement. The ICR will also be the final authority in Kosovo regarding the civilian aspects of the Settlement.

o A European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) Mission will monitor, mentor and advise on all areas related to the rule of law. Specifically, it will assist Kosovo in the development of efficient, fair and representative police, judicial, customs and penal institutions, and have the authority to assume other responsibilities to ensure the maintenance and promotion of the rule of law, public order and security. o An NATO-led International Military Presence will provide a safe and secure environment throughout Kosovo, in conjunction with the ICR and in support of Kosovo's institutions until such time as those institutions are capable of assuming the full-range of security responsibilities.

" The OSCE, with an extensive field presence in Kosovo, will be requested to assist in the monitoring necessary for successful implementation of the Settlement.

III. Implementation of the Settlement

" Upon the entry into force of the Settlement, there will be a 120 day transition period, during which UNMIK's existing mandate will remain unchanged. To ensure immediate supervision over implementation of the Settlement by Kosovo, however, the ICR will possess the authority to monitor such implementation and make recommendations to UNMIK on actions to be taken to ensure compliance.

" During the transition period, the Kosovo Assembly, in consultation with the ICR, will be responsible for approving a Constitution and the legislation necessary for the implementation of the Settlement. The new Constitution and legislation will become effective immediately upon the conclusion of the transition period.

" At the end of the transition period, UNMIK's mandate will expire and all legislative and executive authority vested in UNMIK will be transferred en bloc to the authorities of Kosovo, in accordance with the Settlement.

" Within nine months of the entry into force of the Settlement, general and local elections are to be held.

" The mandate of the ICR will continue until the ISG determines that Kosovo has implemented the terms of the Settlement.

UNOSEK har samlet en række fact sheets som kan downloades som én samlet PDF fra: [0.1 MB]

»Epoka e Re« (Kosóva avis) har offentliggjort planen på [Man kan ikke 'kalde' de links der er i filen].

SRSG Rücker opfordrer til at man tilslutter sig Martti Ahtisaari's forslag
UNMIK/PR/1642 Friday, 16 February 2007 - SRSG stresses broad international support for status proposal

PRISTINA – Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Kosovo (SRSG) Joachim Rücker today stressed the broad support of the international community for Mr. Ahtisaari’s proposal and said that it comes “at an ideal moment in history”. The SRSG was addressing a townhall meeting in Klinë/Klina municipality together with Kosovo Assembly President Kolë Berisha, Acting Minister for Communities and Returns Branislav Grbic' and Klinë/Klina Municipal Assembly President Prenkë Gjetaj.

“Even if some things don’t feel ideal to you, I would appeal to you to have a positive attitude towards the status package,” Mr. Rücker said. “Now we have the green light also from the European Union for Mr. Martti Ahtisaari to go ahead to the next step,” he added.

The SRSG called on those wishing to express their opinion through demonstrations to do so through peaceful means. “At this point in time, we should not make any mistakes,” he said. “It would be very detrimental if developments in Kosovo would come in the way of the status process. We should strongly discourage the sort of violence we have seen last Saturday.”

Mr. Rücker addressed the issue of unemployment and economic growth in Kosovo. He said: “I strongly reject it when people in international economic fora say that Kosovo is an economic black hole. The economic growth in Kosovo last year was close to five per cent and this came exclusively from the private sector.” He recognised that although privatisation makes a contribution to employment, it will not achieve a breakthrough “because the yearly entry of 25,000 people to the labour market is just too high to be absorbed by economic growth”.

In a separate meeting with Kosovo Serb returnees, the SRSG said that the status package was there “to make sure from an institutional side that you have a good future in Kosovo and that you can participate in its political and economic life”. He said, “Kosovo is a home for all its communities and if we cannot show that already now even before status, then this is not the Kosovo we are all working for.” He encouraged the Kosovo Serbs, especially the young, to apply for jobs instead of waiting for offers, reminding them that public enterprises and municipalities have unfilled quotas for minority candidates.

Offentliggørelsen af planen udløste nogen uro i Kosóva. Der var kraftige demonstrationer, og Politiet anvendte derefter forskellige magtmidler, fx blev der brugt tåregas og affyret skud med »gummikugler« - hvilket kostede to Kosóva Albanere - Mon Balaj og Arben Xheladini - livet. Efterfølgende trådte Indenrigsminister Fatmir Rexhipi tilbage, og derefter afskedigede SRSG Rücker Chefen for UNMIK-Politiet, Stephen Curtis: »The fact that I have asked for his resignation is in the course of principles and political accountability«.

Grunden til afskedigelsen er formentlig at Rücker har anset den for nødvendig for at dæmpe uroen.


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Radio Free Europe og en serbisk avis skriver:
Anamari REPIC, Radio Free Europe

Seventy people hurt and 13 arrested is the outcome of protests in Pristina organized by the Self-Determination movement against UN special envoy Martti Ahtisaari's plan for the status of Kosovo. When thousands of demonstrators headed for the Government and Assembly, the police used tear gas. More than 70 people were hurt when members of the Kosovo police used tear gas during demonstrations organized by the Self-Determination movement against UN envoy Martti Ahtisaari's plan for a solution for Kosovo's status. Police intervened to disperse the demonstrators after some of them tried to break through police lines and access the Kosovo Government and Assembly buildings. During this intervention 13 demonstrators were arrested.

Kosovo Police Service spokesman Veton Elshani has confirmed this information, adding that it is not presently known how many police were injured. "The protest turned violent and police had to react after the demonstrators began to remove barricades and throw stones at police despite previous warnings. Police used tear gas and that is how a clash occurred," said Elshani. He said police reacted to prevent the demonstrators from accessing the Kosovo Government and Assembly (buildings).

Kosovo Government spokesperson Ulpiana Lama said that police reacted appropriately to the situation. "The police acted professionally and responded proportionately only at the moment when several demonstrators attempted to topple the barricades around the government building," Lama said, adding that the process of status resolution is on the right path and that there is no reason for protests.

Thousands of citizens protested in central city square named after Skenderbeg, warning that Ahtisaari's plan is in accordance with Belgrade's plans and does not lead to the independence of Kosovo. The demonstrators, who were led by Self-Determination head Albin Kurti and activist [sic] Adem Demachi, chanted slogans against the Ahtisaari plan and the Kosovo negotiating team, and demanded the departure of the UNMIK mission.

Albin Kurti said that Ahtisaari's plan is to Serbia's advantage, especially parts relating to decentralization and the protection of Orthodox (Christian) cultural heritage. "Ahtisaari has brought a package but there is no independence in it. This proposal gives autonomy to the Serbs within Kosovo, and (it gives) Kosovo autonomy within Serbia," said Kurti. He called the members of the Kosovo negotiating team deceivers who do not want independence but only to stay in power.

The protest began at 2:00 p.m. and the demonstrators dispersed in the late afternoon. During the protest additional police forces were deployed in the main streets of Pristina, in front of Kosovo institutions and the UN mission headquarters. Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu had previously said that "the citizens have a right to protest, but they do not have a right to destabilize Kosovo".

Tear gas was used to disperse demonstrators who tried to break the police cordon and barricades throwing stones and using clubs

80 hurt, 14 Albanians arrested in Pristina

Mondo, Belgrade, Saturday, February 10, 2007 21:00

Eighty people have been hurt and 14 arrested during clashes between police and demonstrators during a protest gathering in Pristina. The organizer of the demonstrations, Self-Determination movement leader Albin Kurti, is among those arrested.

The director of the Pristina Clinical Center Abdul Krasniqi told reporters that a total of 80 people had been admitted to hospital, and that 25 of those had kept for treatment. Four people are seriously wounded and required surgical intervention.

The Kosovo Police Service advised that the leader of the Self-Determination movement Albin Kurti was arrested Saturday night a few hours after the protest by his organization and clashes with police in Pristina.

"Albin Kurti has been detained this evening at the request of the public prosecutor," said KPS spokesman Veton Elshani, who did not wish to provide details.

Kurti was arrested after a press conference in which he accused police for violence and clashes during the protest.

It is presently calm in Pristina and no roads are blocked; the situation has returned to normal.

Thousands of Albanians protested on Saturday in Pristina against UN special envoy Martti Ahtisaari's plan for Kosovo status, and police used tear gas to stop the gathered demonstrators from forcing their way through police lines.

During the police intervention 14 people were arrested, confirmed the spokesman of the Kosovo Police Service according to foreign news agencies.

Reuters reports that UNMIK police in Pristina used tear gas to disperse thousands of Albanian demonstrators who attempted to break through a security barricade.

According to the AP some 3,000 Albanian demonstrators protested in the streets of Pristina against a UN draft plan on the future status of Kosovo and Metohija presented last week by UN special envoy for Kosovo Martti Ahtisaari.

Demonstrators emphasized that the plan does not provide for the full independence of Kosovo, demanding the right to a referendum on independence and rejecting negotiations with Serbia.

Members of the Kosovo Police Service, with the support of Italian carabinieri and UN police, sealed off the main road leading to UN headquarters in Pristina.

A similar protest in November 2006 also ended with the use of tear gas. On that occasion demonstrators threw bottles and stones at the buildings of the Kosovo provisional parliament and the UN headquarters.

Kosovo Government spokesperson called police intervention professional

Some Albanians oppose the strong controls the European Union is expected to have in the province according to the plan of special envoy Martti Ahtisaari, as well as local self-government for Serbs, writes Reuters.

The protest began at 2:00 p.m. in front of the offices of Self-Determination from where the column of demonstrates set out down the main streets of Pristina, which had been closed to traffic even before the protest began.

Demonstrators chanted slogans against the Ahtisaari plan and the Kosovo negotiating team. "Down with the negotiating team", "UNMIK out", "Decentralization brings divisions, divisions bring war", "Kosovo Protection Corps should become the Kosovo Army", "Freedom and independence cannot be brought in a package" are some of the slogans shouted by the protesters.

In the central Pristina square named after Skenderbeg, demonstrators were addressed by long-time activist [sic] Adem Demachi, Self-Determination leader Albin Kurti and others.

Demachi said that "the people of Kosovo love Europe" but that Europe must listen to the voice of the people of Kosovo, and respect and acknowledge the will and right to freedom of the citizens of Kosovo.

Kurti said that Ahtisaari's proposal foresees autonomy for Serbs in Kosovo and autonomy for Kosovo within Serbia. "As long as UN Resolution 1244 is in power, there can be no sovereignty and no independence for Kosovo," said Kurti. He added that Kosovo cannot achieve independence with its present institutions.

He also said that when institutions are not working for the interests of the people, they have no choice but to take to the streets and express their dissatisfaction.

At one point Kurti addressed the special police forces providing security at the protest. He called on them to serve the people, and not UNMIK.

After Kurti's speech the demonstrators removed the metal fences put up by the police and headed toward the police lines, which then used tear gas.

During the afternoon police dispersed the demonstrators on the square, which is located near the buildings of the government and the Kosovo Assembly.

There are no demonstrators remaining on the square but smaller groups can be seen on other streets. Special police forces are present on the main streets of Pristina.

Senior official of the Human Rights and Freedoms Committee Bexhet Shala assessed that the police had used excessive force and that there was no reason to use such a large amount of tear gas.

Se følgende pressemeddelelser:

UNMIK/PR/1640 Wednesday, 14 February 2007: Statement by SRSG Rücker on the resignation of Police Commissioner Curtis

PRISTINA – Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Kosovo (SRSG) Joachim Rücker gave the following statement today at a press conference at UNMIK Headquarters:

Let me repeat and again express my regret at the tragic events of last Saturday. This loss of life is tragic regardless of the circumstances and my thoughts continue to be with the families of Mon Balaj and Arben Xheladini.

Upon my return from Brussels where I attended the General Affairs Council of the European Union, I have assessed the situation last night and this morning – the situation in Pristina and in Kosovo – and I would like to inform you that I have asked the Police Commissioner, Stephen Curtis, to resign from his post with immediate effect.

Let me state very clearly that the resignation of the Police Commissioner does not prejudge the ongoing investigation into the two deaths on Saturday. Deputy Commissioner Kalleberg will inform you about this. The fact that I have asked for his resignation is in the course of principles and political accountability.

The investigation will of course continue. I want to ensure that the investigation is done in a fully transparent manner and that there can be no doubt about the independence of the investigation. This is why I have directed that the investigation will be lead by a special prosecutor in the Department of Justice, who will inform me about the process on a daily basis.

Let me finish by expressing my support for the UNMIK Police and KPS for the crucial work they are carrying out in Kosovo which has my full support.

- - -

UNMIK/PR/1641 Wednesday, 14 February 2007: Resignation statement of UNMIK Police Commissioner

PRISTINA – UNMIK Police Commissioner Stephen Curtis resigned today. Following is the statement he gave at a press conference at UNMIK Headquarters:

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for assembling this afternoon. I’ve called you here in what will be my last act as the UNMIK Police Commissioner. First of all can I say that the tragic events of Saturday that resulted in the deaths of two persons will be investigated thoroughly, effectively and fully. And I would ask that you give my successor – whoever that may be – full opportunity to make known the facts to the public. And those facts will, I assure you, be made known.

On Sunday, following the tragic deaths, I gained the support of the independent PIK, the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo, to oversee the investigation – not only the KPS side of the investigation, but also the UNMIK Police side of the investigation. That was in order to reassure all of the public that this will be a full and transparent investigation. And it will be.

I have been Police Commissioner now for six or seven months and it has been a pleasure. However, we are at a critical juncture in the history of Kosovo and nothing must be allowed to interfere in the confidence of those involved in this process. My resignation today, I hope, will allay some of the fears that the public have about the police and the policing of Kosovo.

UNMIK-P and the KPS will operate to the highest standards of integrity, the highest levels of responsibility and the highest levels of accountability. And on that basis I have offered my resignation to the Secretary-General today.

As I said, it may take some little while for the facts to become known, and I would ask all to be patient. To those who would seek to protest, I ask them to do it peaceably. To those that seek to protest, I would ask that they cooperate with the police to ensure that we do not have a repetition of any of the events of Saturday.

Kosovo is on the threshold of achieving much, and I would ask all parties involved to maintain calm and assist in that process. On a personal note, it has been a huge honour to command both the KPS and the UNMIK Police and I hope in some small way I have contributed to the success of the Mission. I hope in my final act, this tendering my resignation, I will help in some small way further in reassuring the public of Kosovo that we will do the right thing for all sections of the public of Kosovo.

Thank you very much indeed.

Se evt. reportager på BBC:

IM Fatmir Rexhipi er fratrådt:

Afsluttende drøftelser mellem Kosóva Albanerne og Kosovo Serberne begynder onsdag 21-02-2007

Amnesty International skriver:

Public Statement

AI Index: EUR 70/002/2007 (Public) News Service No: 033 15 February 2007

Amnesty International calls for full transparency in UNMIK inquiry into deaths of Mon Balaj and Arbën Xheladini Amnesty International is calling for full transparency in the conduct of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) police inquiry into the killing of Kosovo Albanians Mon Balaj and Arbën Xheladini during a demonstration on 10 February 2007, called by the NGO Vetëvendosje (Self Determination).

The two men were killed during a demonstration in Pristina against the recently published proposal on the future status of Kosovo issued by UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari.

A third man is reportedly in a coma at US Bondsteel, while according to Vetëvendosje several other persons remain in hospital, some of them in a critical condition. Some 80 persons, including five police officers, were reportedly injured, including by tear-gas.

Some 500 Kosovo Police Service (KPS) and UNMIK civilian police officers, including special police units from countries including Romania and Ukraine, were deployed to the 3,000-person demonstration. The shootings reportedly occurred after protestors had been prevented by the police from approaching the government buildings. Tear-gas was used to disperse the largely non violent procession, some of whom had sat down in the road in front of the police. One eye witness told Amnesty International that the tear-gas was released after about an hour. She turned around to escape the tear-gas as soon as it was released; as she turned, she was shot in the back with a plastic bullet. Four different types of rubber bullets or plastic covered steel bullets were reportedly collected after the demonstration from the site.

According to UNMIK Deputy Police Commissioner Trygve Kalleberg, the investigation will be conducted by an investigative Task Force including both international police and KPS not deployed during the demonstration. According to the UN Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG), Joachim Reucker, an international prosecutor from the UNMIK Department of Justice is also involved in the investigation, which will be observed by the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo, responsible for the oversight of the KPS.

Amnesty International urges that this investigation is carried out in accordance with the UN Principles on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-legal Arbitrary and Summary Executions, which sets out the necessary elements of an effective, independent and impartial investigation. The investigation should comprise an analysis of all physical and documentary evidence and statements from witnesses and be carried out by persons of recognized impartiality, competence and independence. It is of particular importance such an inquiry should be independent of any institution, agency or person that may be the subject of the inquiry. In these current circumstances it is therefore essential that the panel should include independent experts in forensic pathology, ballistics, crowd control and crime scene investigation.

The organization regrets that the withdrawal of the competency of the Office of the Ombudsperson over acts and omissions by UNMIK in early 2006, and the failure of UNMIK to constitute the Human Rights Advisory Panel, intended to review complaints against UNMIK, have resulted in there being no body within Kosovo with the competency to conduct a fully independent and impartial investigation.

The investigation should look into the circumstances in which, and the extent to which, UNMIK police resorted to the use of force. In particular, the investigation should assess whether the use of force and firearms was consistent with UNMIK's own guidelines on the use of rubber bullets or plastic-coated bullets, and consistent with national law and international human rights law and standards, including the UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials and the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials. In particular, the investigation should examine the rules of engagement, including the risk assessment made in advance and resulting in the deployment of forces armed with plastic bullets, and orders given to the UNMIK police units involved.

Amnesty International urges that the inquiry should be conducted promptly and impartially, and the results made public as soon as reasonably possible. Any UNMIK police officers suspected of unlawful conduct should be immediately suspended; they should not be repatriated but should remain in Kosovo until the inquiry establishes whether there are grounds for a criminal prosecution. In this case, the SRSG should immediately apply to the UN Secretary General for a waiver of the immunity from prosecution granted to members of the UNMIK mission, and the suspects suspended pending indictment.

Amnesty International notes the resignation of Interior Minister Fatmir Rexhepi on Monday, accepting "moral responsibility" for the deaths. The organization also notes the resignation of UNMIK Police Commissioner Stephen Curtis, in response to a request by the SRSG. The organization urges both former officials to fully cooperate with the investigation into the deaths.

Amnesty International is also concerned at reports, including by the Institution of the Ombudsperson, that proceedings against Albin Kurti, leader of Vetëvendosje and one of the organizers of the demonstration, were closed to the press and public, including Albin Kurti's father. According to information received by Vetëvendosje, Albin Kurti has been charged with inciting violence and will be detained for another 30 days, pending investigations. The organization urges UNMIK Department of Justice to ensure that wherever possible -- bearing in mind the rights of the accused and the rights of victims and witnesses -- all trials are open to the public, and that all detained persons are afforded the rights guaranteed under applicable law


Rubber bullets are kinetic impact devices, which may in certain circumstances have lethal force, and should therefore be treated for practical purposes as firearms. They should be used only by trained firearms officers and then strictly in accordance with the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officers. This states, inter alia, that "Law enforcement officials shall not use firearms against persons except in self-defence or defence of others against the imminent threat of death or serious injury". According to police sources, UNMIK's own guidelines state that these bullets must not be used in close quarters situations, nor should they be aimed above the waist.

UNMIK police should institute strict rules for the issuing of such weapons and ammunition, and monitoring by them, of every round fired; they should also require that regular reports of such use are made by law enforcement agencies to the legislature. They should also have procedures in place to address the lack of a forensic ballistics trail in plastic baton rounds and rubber bullets in order to allow for adequate monitoring and, where necessary, investigation of human rights violations by law enforcement officials when using such equipment.

Amnesty International has previously raised concerns about the use of excessive force and firearms by both UNMIK civilian police and the Kosovo Police Service, including to the former Police Commissioner, Kai Vittrup, and in the organization's July 2006 report to the UN Human Rights Committee.

Kommentar fra Shqiptar Oseku, der mig bekendt er en Kosóva Albaner, der bor i Sverige. [Kommentaren er tilsendt af Xhemil Zeqiri, der bor i Danmark]:

U.S. Chief of Mission in Prishtina, Mrs. Tina S. Kajdanow, has given a number of harsh and somewhat contradictory judgments on the police brutality against a peaceful march in Feb 10th in Kosova which left 2 protestors dead and 83 more hospitalized. The incidents, she has said, should not be exaggerated. The incidents pose a serious threat to the process. Protestors were ill-willing, possibly foreign. Riots started upon attack against institutions. We do not wish to see any more such protests. Mrs. Kaidanow has gone so far as to out right blame the police killings of Mon Balaj (30) and Arbën Xheladini (34) on the NGO VETEVENDOSJE! which had organized the protest.

Mrs. Kajdanow is propably sincere in her last issue, i.e. the wish of the actual U.S. administration to avoid any more protests. There are lots of arguments – even before her insensitive show – that the administration is eager to wrap up the Kosovar scandal as soon as possible.

But, with all due respect, she’s grossly wrong on all other issues. Criticism against police brutality on February 10th has not been exaggerated, it has been suppressed. It is exactly the faults of the status process that have caused “the incidents”. Protestors are dedicated to Kosova, ideals of civic democracy, and in fact US, albeit they do mind being sacrificed just to make life easier for president Bush (as far as the claims that they were not locals, I’ll just refrain from any comments, out of respect). They didn’t attack any institutions, but were attacked themselves by the institution entrusted to govern the monopoly of violence: the police.

Mrs. Kajdanow holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master of Philosophy degree in Political Science from Columbia University in New York. She knows that US universities still study incidents of police violence during civil rights movements in South, although they occurred more than half a century ago. She knows very well how the American public would react today if the police would kill 85 dogs – never mind citizens – during such a political march. Maybe mrs Kaydanow will do us the honors and tell us more about this sometimes in the near future, without exaggerations. Or perhaps she’ll wisely decide to let this issue be. Anyways, that’s the prerogative of diplomacy. But her statement in Kosova’s public service TV were definitely not such a case – they comprised a showcase of excessive American diplomacy.

The peaceful march of Feb 10th was organized by a NGO oposing the Ahtisaari peace plan on Kosova. VETËVENDOSJE! says the plan rewards Serbian nationalism, cementing ethnic cleavage of Kosova and creating a new Republika Srpska in Kosova. Instead, VETËVENDOSJE! has called for the creation of a citizens state in Kosova, fully equiped with a Bill of Rights according the American model, which would protect all citizens regardless of faith and ethinicity.

A brutal police intervention against the march left Mon Balaj (30) and Arbën Xheladini (34) dead and 85 other Kosovars wounded. Police tactics have been condemned harshly by leading human right NGO’s. One of the most prominent Kosovar NGO’s, the anti-corruption group Çohu!, states in February 11th that “police violence was the culmination of a long process of repression” against dissidence in Kosova. “Claims that police intervened upon attempts to assault institutions are based upon prejudice. It’s cristal clear that the police had orders to break the protestors physically and mentally... The pretext of protestor’s violence is, at best, a gross exaggeration”, Çohu! says, and adds: “No police or other officer, neither local nor international, has ever been injured in any of the demonstrations organized by the [protesting] VETËVENDOSJE! movement”. Çohu! is an NGO that has enjoyed US training and support in a number of occasions.

CDHRF is the most serious and internationally well-known hr-group in Kosova. Its materials have been invaluable to the tribunal in Hague and are regularly used by the Department of State in its annual surveys of human rights. In February 10th, CDHRF was called in to monitor the protests. It did so with 11 members in its central HQ co-ordinating scores of activists out in the field. In its statement in February 12th, CDHRF says unequivocally: “UNMIK police and Kosovo Police Service seemed well prepared and deliberate in their intent to exercise violence.”

CDHRF states vigilantly that “during the march, protestors walked by the ministries of Sport, Youth and Culture, as well as that of Public Service. Had they wanted to take them, they could have easily been taken”, and adds: “Many protestors were wounded while trying to escape the police. Police officers hindered bypassers from helping out wounded protestors in many occasions. Most of those who tried to help out wounded protestors found themselves being arrested by the police”. The staf of CDHRF is highly professional and has received, among others, extensive training in hr-practices from American expertise.

The incidents of Feb 10th were noted even by Amnesty International. "Tear-gas was used to disperse the largely non violent procession, some of whom had sat down in the road in front of the police", AI said. "One eye witness told Amnesty International that the tear-gas was released after about an hour. As she turned around to escape the tear-gas as soon as it was released, she was shot in the back with a plastic bullet."

AI has asked the UNMIK to investigate the killings of peaceful demonstrators "in accordance with the UN Principles on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-legal Arbitrary and Summary Executions". It has asked that: "UNMIK police officers suspected of unlawful conduct should be immediately suspended; they should not be repatriated but should remain in Kosovo until the inquiry establishes whether there are grounds for a criminal prosecution. In this case, the SRSG should immediately apply to the UN Secretary General for a waiver of the immunity from prosecution granted to members of the UNMIK mission, and the suspects suspended pending indictment".

In the light of these facts, it’s crystal clear that criticism against the police hasn’t been exaggerated. In fact, Albanian criticism has probably been moderated because of regard for the political moment we’re going thru: Albanians do wish to safeguard the interests of Kosova and, indeed, of our American friends. But it’s a bad omen that police officers are abusing this situation to mischief. And it is definitely unwise that a member of US diplomatic service offers a blank check to such officers to continue their abuse. History should have taught Mrs. Kajdanow that unholy deals with crooked cops in the third world always tend to end badly.

Let’s just say this in plain language. Albanian opinion, including the VETËVENDOSJE! movement, are fully aware that the US has her hands full in Iraq and Afghanistan. Therefore, none of us cheer on the prospect of disrupting our American friends back in Europe. But citizens of Kosova feel a natural skepticism when the current administration uses us as small change to clear off its bad accounts in other parts of the world. Albanians shall always remain indebted to a country which helped us get rid of Milosevic’s thugs. And we strongly believe that we didn’t do that only to have them replaced by our own domestic thugs.

3 FN-køretøjer blev bombesprængt i Prishtina 21-02-2007. Ifølge meddelelse fra nogle der kalder sig »KLA / UÇK« (ligesom befrielseshæren i slutningen af 1990'erne) er der tale om en hævn for de 2 dræbte. Præsident Sejdiu kalder sprængningerne uacceptable og siger at dén slags har Kosóva ikke brug for.

Film om Kosóva under forberedelse af Gjergj Xhuvani, der stod bag »Slogans« [se: »Tirana Times« [] skriver:
The biggest film production devoted to Kosovo of recent years, to be made by the famous Albanian producer [director, BA] Gjergj Xhuvani has reached its preparatory stages. With a budget planned to be up to €10 million, similar to Hollywood production budgets, this film is an attempt to win some of the most distinguished awards going in the industry. Izidore Codron and Cheryl Johnson have been in Prishtina for some days now. “The reason for the visit by Producer Codron and the scriptwriter and producer Johnson is the preparations of this film, “ said Armond Morina, one of the other producers.

He informed us that this film was of international proportions and that it required very intensive work. Morina was optimistic about the film “Guests at my Table”, to be directed by Gjergj Xhuvani. Xhuvani has said that many of the scenes of the film are expected to be shot in Bllace and there will be more than thirty thousand extras. Hollywood actors may also be involved.

Izidore Codron, executive producer of “Guests at my table” and the producer of the well known film, “Hotel Rawanda”, nominated for an Oscar in this category of film, stated during a visit to Kosovo last year said that this film based on the war of Kosovo will be in the running for a 2008 Oscar award. He appealed to the institutions of Kosovo for their support. The film is about the depression of the time of the NATO bombings against the Serb forces in Kosovo during 1999 and a hero who fights for survival.

Rapport fra Dansk KFOR. Hærens Operative Kommando skriver (på
Øget tilstedeværelse i ansvarsområdet - Kosovo: Offentliggørelsen af forslaget om Kosovo har betydet, at den danske bataljon har fået travlt.

05-02-2007 kl. 13:26

Situationen i det danske ansvarsområde har i den forgangne uge været præget af forventningerne til forslaget om Kosovos fremtidige status. Situationen har været rolig, og de danske soldater har igennem talrige patruljer, både til fods og fra køretøjerne, været i en god og konstruktiv dialog med befolkningen. Derved kan de opfange alle små forandringer i hverdagsbilledet, der kan indikere et stemningsskifte og derved optræk til uro.

Forslaget, som danner det videre forhandlingsgrundlag for udviklingen i Kosovo, blev fredag 2. februar præsenteret for forhandlingslederne og befolkningen. Der følger en række konsultationer, hvor alle parter kan kommentere forslaget med henblik på at opnå en fælles accept.

Herefter skal forslaget sendes i FN sikkerhedsråd, der så skal enten godkender eller forkaste forslaget.


Pompøse mindesmærker som dette er begyndt at dukke overalt i Kosovo og kan betragtes som markante politiske manifestationer.

De kommende måneder er derfor de måske vigtigste i hele processen omkring Kosovos fremtid. Det er netop i sådanne perioder, at ballademagere og ekstremister kan have en negativ indflydelse på den generelle situation, hvis det skulle lykkes dem at skabe optøjer eller uro.

Den danske bataljon vil imidlertid - om nødvendigt under indsættelse af sin fulde kampkraft - skabe sikrer rammer for såvel den demokratiske proces som den almindelige borger i Kosovo og er klar til at være pletten med få minutters varsel. Normalt optræder vi som diplomater i uniform, Men vi er også i stand til at reagere på anden vis, hvis det skulle blive nødvendigt.

Vi vil kort sagt leve op til teksten på vores skuldermærker: FRED, FRIHED og DEMOKRATI.

Missionen her i Kosovo har nok ført en lidt anonym tilværelse henset til den generelt fredelige situation, men i løbet af den seneste uges tid har vi imidlertid mærket, at pressen har fået fornyet interesse for, hvad der sker her i Kosovo.

De fleste journalister har valgt at ringe og bede om vores opfattelse af begivenhederne, men Ulla Terkelsen fra TV2 Nyhederne havde valgt en løsning helt i en feltherres ånd: Selvsyn er det bedste syn!

Den danske bataljon stillede sig beredvilligt til rådighed med råd, dåd, personel og materiel og kørte denne kampvante journalist og hendes fotograf rundt i ansvarsområdet. Der var arrangeret møder med både albanere og serbere, således, at hun kunne høre deres uforbeholdne meninger om Ahtisaaris forslag om Kosovos fremtid.

Ulla Terkelsen udtrykte dyb beundring for den professionelle og empatiske måde, hvorpå danske soldater løser deres vanskelige opgaver, og hun var meget imponeret over de gode relationer, der var skabt mellem danske soldater og lokale indbyggere, hvad enten det drejede sig om serbere eller albanere.

Panserinfanterikompagniet beretter: Ahtisaari er kommet med et forslag om Kosovos fremtid. Det er selvfølgelig noget KFOR skal tage højde for. Fremtidsplaner for Kosovo kan i sagens natur ikke gøre alle tilfredse, og muligheden for uroligheder er højere end den nogen sinde har været. På grund af de mulige ændringer i Kosovos forhold har panserinfanterikompagniet valgt at rykke 1. og 2. deling ud af lejren til henholdsvis Cabra og Montsegur. Hvis der skulle opstå uroligheder vil der kunne sendes styrker ud i løbet at 5 min.

Delingslejrene er nærmest en lille udgave af Camp Olaf Rye. Der er alt, hvad vi skal bruge for at få det hele maskineriet til at køre rundt på døgnbasis. Rundt om lejren er der lagt pigtråd, der kun er åben ved vores hovedvagt. Der bliver selvfølgelig sendt forplejning ud til de to lejre i løbet af dagen, så folkene ikke går sukkerkolde.

Vore sovesteder er store oppustelige 10 mandstelte med isat varmeapparat til de kolde nætter. Vi sover på feltsenge, der ellers ikke er kendt for at være de mest komfortable senge, men de er da selvfølgelig langt bedre end et liggeunderlag på jorden. Kommandodelingen bemander kompagniets kommandostation og holder styr på alle patruljer og sikrer at alle meldingerne bliver registreret.

Det ironiske i det hele er, at der har været en lang periode, hvor aktiviteten i Kosovo har været på et absolut minimum. Men selvom folk mentalt er på vej hjem, er der ingen, der brokker sig over den nye situation i Kosovo. Vi har jo en vis erfaring efterhånden, så opgaverne bliver løst på vores velkendte professionelle måde.

En gammel jysk profet har udtalt: "Når du tager barnet i hånden, lægger du hånden på moderens hjerte", og derfor bruger de danske soldater tid og kræfter på børnene i de landsbyer, hvor de kommer. Patruljen 11 Alpha er ingen undtagelse, og her er man gået et skridt videre, idet man har fremskaffet legetøj og tegneredskaber, som man så kan dele ud.

Militærpolitiet får det sidste ord i denne omgang: " Så er vi efterhånden nået så langt i vores mission, at vores forberedelser til overdragelsen til KFOR Hold 16 fylder mere og mere i vores hverdag. Overdragelsen bliver prioriteret højt på militærpolitistationen, så vi kan hjælpe Hold 16 til at få en god start på deres mission. Vi kan efterhånden også mærke, at Hold 16 ånder os i nakken, da de første allerede ankommer i løbet af denne uge. Vi alle glæder os til at se dem og sætte dem ind i dagligdagens rutiner.

I forbindelse med den kommende hjemrotation, er det militærpolitiet som står for kontrol af bagagen. Vi arbejder i øjeblikket på, at få assistance af nogle specieltrænede hunde som kan hjælpe med kontrollen. Selvom militærpolitiets næser er berygtet for at kunne opsnuse selv de mindste ting, så må vi se os overgået af de specialtrænede hundesnuder.

Da vi er ved at nærme os enden på vores mission, brugte nogle stykker af os forrige lørdag på at besøge vores gode svenske militærpolitikollegaer. Her brugte vi lejligheden til at takke for et godt sammenarbejde, samt at få snakket om løst og fast og ellers stod den på ren hyggeaften.

I den svenske lejr var der temaaften, og temaet stod i denne omgang på irsk aften. Det var otte irske soldater, som stod for arrangementet og skabte en rigtig irsk stemning med irsk mad og irsk folkemusik. Arrangementet var gennemført og utroligt hyggeligt, så vi havde mange gode timer i selskab med de svenske MP'er i den svenske lejr, Camp Victoria.

Som der tidligere har stået på HOK hjemmeside, så har bataljonen været i forhøjet beredskab weekenden over, pga. FN's særlige udsending Martti Ahtisaari fredag d. 2. februar løftede sløret for Kosovos fremtidsplaner, først i Beograd og dernæst i Pristina. Da der var mulighed for negative reaktioner i den forbindelse, var alle i Den Danske Bataljon på "dupperne". Her hos militærpolitiet havde vi pakket vores køretøjer med sikkerhedsudrustning samt de så meget omtalte Less Lethal Weapons, så vi med kort varsel var klar til at rykke ud til mulige uroligheder.

Grundet erfaringer fra tidligere missioner har vores uddannelse lagt meget vægt på, at Den Danske Bataljon skal være "100-meter-mestre" i det man kalder Kontrol med Større Uroligheder, så vi alle hernede er 110 % klar i tilfælde af, at nogle skulle blive utilfredse med det foreløbige resultat af forhandlingerne om Kosovos fremtid.

- - -

Med fuldt optrukket springben - KOSOVO: Den danske bataljon har pakket køjesækkene og er mentalt begyndt at berede sig på at returnere til fædrelandet [Herfra er taget det sidste afsnit].

12-02-2007 kl. 14:17

Chefen for DANCON KFOR 15 får det sidste ord:


Chefen, oberst Michael Wallin, sammen med general Helsø.

Overordnet har situationen været rolig gennem de sidste seks måneder, hvor begge parter har afventet Ahtisaaris forslag til "Final Status". Befolkningen er fortsat mest optaget af dagligdags problemer som arbejdsløshed og manglende strøm.

Siden den 2. februar har Kosovo Serberne holdt en fredelig demonstration i Mitrovica Nord og Kosovo Albanerne en demonstration anmeldt af MSD i Pristina den 10. februar.

Den sidste demonstration udviklede sig til sammenstød med lokalt- og FN-politi, men der har ikke været nogen negative reaktioner på denne hændelse og truslen er uændret lav for den danske bataljon (DANBN).

DANBN har bidraget væsentligt til et "safe and secure enviroment" og hermed rammerne for overgangen til et frit og demokratisk område. Dette gennem vores hyppige og udbytterige kontakter til parterne i ansvarsområdet, hvorunder panserinfanterikompagniet, den franske eskadron og Liasion Monitering Teams gennem deres patruljer er lykkedes at komme helt ind under huden på parterne.

Endvidere har DANBN gennemført et antal større operationer, Long Duration Patrols, multinationale operationer (Kosovo Wide Operations) og øvelser med god succes. Men uden støtte, fleksibilitet og professionalisme fra staben, stabskompagniet, militærpolitiet, Det Nationale Støtteelement og de danske repræsentanter i det multinationale hovedkvarter havde vi ikke kunnet gennemføre denne vedvarende stabile opgaveløsning.

Som afslutning kan jeg konkludere følgende:

* Trods et par voldsomme trafikuheld i terrænet samt et par vådeskud, så kommer alle hjem uskadte og uden "krigstraumer".

* DANBN har løst de stillede og identificerede opgaver - samt at KFOR indtil nu må betegnes som en succes.

* Alle ved kontingentet har formået at opretholde et højt aktivitetsniveau og har holdt humøret højt.

* Der har i staben og ved enhederne været et meget godt sammenhold og kammeratskab.

* Hvervningen til Stående Reaktionsstyrke er mere end 60%.

* Multinationaliteten er blevet styrket i perioden, hvorunder vi har fået dele af vores franske eskadron ind i Camp Olaf Rye, og vi har fået nogle udbytterige oplevelser med primært franske, men også tyske, svenske, finske og andre nationaliteter.

Og ja - vi har løst vores opgave, og vi har gjort en forskel!

Sluttelig vil jeg gerne takke for støtten og samarbejdet med den hjemlige struktur.


For nemheds skyld bruges betegnelsen Øst Kosóva / Presevo-dalen om det omstridte område med byerne: Presheva, Medvegja og Bujanoci (Albansk stavemåde). Ca. 75 % af befolkningen skønnes at være etniske Albanere - måske omkring 70.000. En modstandsgruppe har tidligere været i funktion, men synes nu at være »lukket ned«. Gruppen kaldtes i forkortet form UCPMB (som står for noget i retning af: Ushtria Clirimtare e Presheva, Medvegja dhe Bujanoci; på Engelsk: Liberation Army of Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoci). Gruppen sagde at den intet havde at gøre med Kosova's UCK, og at den var en lokal gruppe.


Klik på kortet, hvis du vil have det forstørret / click to enlarge it

Info fra Albaniens Statistik: Befolkningstal: 3,1 Mio (1.1.2004). GDP (Gross Domestic Product): 630 Mia Lek (2002, current prices); GDP-structure: Agriculture: 26 %, Industry 10-11 %, Construction: 7-8 %, Services: 55-56 %. Export: 54 mia lek (2003) [heraf til Danmark: 23 mio lek; størrelsesorden 1,2 mio kr], Import: 226 mia lek (2003) [Heraf fra Danmark: 855 mio lek; størrelsesorden: 45-50 mio kr], Tradedeficit: 171 mia lek (2003). Største import fra Italien (75 mia lek) og Grækenland (45 mia lek), største eksport til Italien (40 mia lek). Unemployment: 14-15 % (2004-III)

Seneste handelstal: September 2006: Se:

Meddelelser til udlændinge fra det Albanske Indenrigsministerium. Det Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: Det Danske UM har pt ingen rejsevejledning, men henviser til det Engelske UM. Den Norske Ambassade kan findes på: Det Amerikanske UM har Juni 2004 offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Albanien:

Relationerne til EU: og

Mother Teresa:

Parlamentsvalget i 2005 [Præsidenten vælges af Parlamentet for 5 år, næste gang i 2007]: Se nærmere i:

Præsident Moisiu's aktiviteter [Billederne i denne sektion kan som regel forstørres ved at klikke på dem (mens man er på nettet)]. I Januar-Februar har Præsident Moisiu haft møder med Repræsentanter for Politiet, Efterretningstjenesten m.fl. om de forestående lokalvalg. Præsidentkontoret har bl.a. udsendt flg.:
President Moisiu meets with directors of the State Intelligence Service.

February 12, 2007

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu received today directors of the State Intelligence Service (SIS). This meeting was held in the framework of other meetings that the Head of state has held with high ranking directors of the Albanian institutions regarding the progress of the electoral process about the local governing bodies on February 18.

President Moisiu praised the latest developments in SIS towards its independence and professionalism and expressed the conviction that during these local elections also, its effectives would be up to their job by not allowing any individual to abuse the law and demonstrate political partiality directly or indirectly during the exercise of legal duty.

After dwelling upon the importance of free and fair elections, according to international standards, the Head of state pointed out the SIS role in this direction and stressed the need to continue the cooperation among its respective structures and other institution of the Albanian state. During the meeting, President Moisiu expressed the view that a greater attention must be paid to security issues in general and not only to those related to the local electoral process.

On his part, the Director of the State Intelligence Service, Bahri Shaqiri expressed the gratitude about the interest shown by the Head of state and about the meeting held, and emphasized that SIS structures will continue to carry the duty prescribed by the law with professionalism and rigorously.

Præsident Moisiu har opfordret til at Albanerne deltog i lokalvalget. Præsidentkontoret skriver:



February 17, 2007

Dear co-citizens, brothers and sisters,

The elections for local government bodies will be held on Sunday all over Albania. These are the elections of the turn and hold a great significance for you, your concerns and the entire country.

On February 18, the heads and councilmen of municipalities and communes will be elected. During the next four years they will be the administrators of the taxes paid by you, they will be the ones to make decisions about the education of your children, your sheltering, employment, roads and providing you with the necessary means of living. Hence, through your vote of February 18, you will trust to a sole person the responsibility of heading the municipality or commune where you live and also the right to make decisions that touches your personal and family interests.

Sunday is the day when each one of you has the right and opportunity to take decisions for the others. From Sunday on, begins the period when those that you will elect, would have the right and opportunity to make decisions for you. Thus the elections are the moment when the citizens hold in their hands their fate, when through their behavior and decisions will make a great service to themselves, families and country.

The participation in the elections and choosing the best program are the foundation of the functioning of democracy, for which tens and thousands of Albanians have suffered many years of imprisonment or their life. Now that we have gained and are living in democracy, it is the duty and responsibility of our generation to honor our forefathers and each one of us to do the best so their dream for a European, a development and integrated Albania to become a reality.

The elections are the moment when it is required from you to overcome petty things and together with friends and pals, acquaintances and relatives to massively participate in voting. By taking part in voting and by voting for the candidate and party you believe in, you will fulfill a constitutional right and a major civic responsibility. Albania is ours and if we do not work for it, if we do not help its development and its progress with our ballot, then no one else will do that.

The Constitution of Albania guarantees to each one of you the right of free and secret voting. No one can pass a judgment about your vote, every institution and any other individual is obliged to respect your free will. The political parties have accepted the Code of Conduct and have declared that they will uphold the law, will recognize the result of the elections and that the standards are more important to them than the winning the elections. Now is the time for these promises to be kept and that by respecting the free and secret vote of the majority we can manage to cure the wounds of the society and take forward the major aspirations of the country.

These elections hold another major significance for Albania. They come after the relatively good elections of July 3; they put behind entire months of skeptical debates and present an ideal opportunity to make the great leap forward towards meeting the democratic standards of the elections. If we do this, our chances for NATO integration and a closer cooperation with the European Union become greater. I believe that every Albanian, politician or voter wants the integration and loves Albania, and that is why I believe also that each one of us will carry out his civic and legal duty, staying away from possible forms of speculating with and threatening the will of the people. Albania has so many concerns and that is why we must not waste anymore time and energy with electoral debates, but to close once and for all this chapter and to return to the numerous tasks in service of the citizens and country.

Availing myself of this occasion, I would like to publicly appeal to the political parties and their candidates, to the State Police, media and especially to the state and constitutional institutions involved in the electoral process to rigorously uphold the Electoral Code and other laws in effect. Also the Central Elections Commission and Zonal Commissions, and especially the groups counting the ballots, regardless of the political pertinence of their members, must respect the law and only the law. Any individual, official or civil, that threatens the law, defrauds and touches the vote will face the penalty of the law. No one has the right and must not be allowed to threaten the will and sovereignty of the people.

Dear co-citizens! Once again I invite you to help through your participation and vote to make February 18 to be a successful and victorious day for Albania!

I invite you all to vast your ballot!

Doris Pack fra EU-Parlamentet (og flere andre) har været på besøg:


Præsidentkontoret skriver:
President Moisiu receives the Chairwoman of the European’s Parliamentarian Delegation to Southeastern Europe, Doris Pack.

February 17, 2007

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu received today Mrs. Doris Pack, the Chairwoman of the European’s Parliament Delegation to Southeastern Europe, with whom he discussed about the holding of the electoral process in our country.

From the outset of the meeting, the Head of state praised the commitment and contribution of Mrs. Pack to the democratic developments in Albania and also the continuous support of the European Parliament for our country in the aspect of fulfilling the obligations that stem from the signing of the Association-Stabilization Agreement with the European Union. President Moisiu pointed out the great significance that the elections for the local government bodies hold for the future of Albania, expressed the conviction that these elections will be free, fair and according to the democratic standards and the optimism that they will demonstrate the positive progress of our country in the consolidation of democracy.

On her side, Mrs. Pack expressed the pleasure for this meeting with President Moisiu and her consideration for the role of the Head of state during the electoral process.

Præsident Moisiu har udtalt sig om Martti Ahtisaari-planen for Kosóva og senere - advarende - om situationen i Kosóva, se sidste afsnit i udtalelse # 2 nedenfor. Præsidentkontoret har udsendt flg.:
The statement of the President of the Republic regarding the Ahtisari Package on the status of Kosova.

February 3, 2007

The Package of proposals for the solution of the status of Kosova, presented by the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Marti Ahtisari marks a decisive step in the final stage of the serious efforts and engagement of the international community for a realistic and sustainable solution of the issue of Kosova.

It will be marked as an excellent case when the international diplomacy, while facing sides with different positions, managed to produce a document that will enable the closing of a difficult chapter in the Balkans turbulent history.

Albania, which alongside the entire Albanian factor in the region has demonstrated in an unwavering way that it stands for a peaceful and sustainable Balkans, hails and supports the Ahtisari Package, by praising it as a document of compromise for facing the new realities in the Balkans space, convinced that the sides involved and the international community can bring the issue of Kosova towards the final solution and by giving this way a major contribution to peace and security of the region and entire Europe.

President Moisiu has faith on the maturity and responsibility of the people of Kosova.

February 15, 2007

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu expressed his deep sorrow about the even that happened in Prishtina on February 10, 2007, where during the protests organized by the Self-Determination Movement two persons lost their lives, to whose family members He expressed the sincere condolences about the sad loss of their beloved.

Answering to the inquiries of the media regarding the latest developments in Prishtina, President Moisiu answered that he praises the resignation of the Minister of Interior and the Chief of International Police in Kosova by viewing it as a gesture of high responsibility in respect of the people of Kosova and democratic liberties.

The Head of state also expressed the conviction on the transparent investigating by the respective structures and stressed that Kosova and the Kosovars, that Albania and Albanians wherever they are, must be conscious that these are historical moments for Kosova and Albanian nation. They are also critical moments that cannot allow anyone to damage even a little the decisive process of solving the status of Kosova, which is actually at its final stage.

UM Abdullah Gül (Tyrkiet) har været på besøg i Albanien for at drøfte det økonomiske og militære samarbejde mellem Tyrkiet og Albanien, men nok også for at drøfte Kosóva's fremtid. Præsidentkontoret har udsendt flg.:
President Moisiu receives the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdullah Gul [Gül].

February 2, 2007

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu received today the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Abdullah Gul [Gül] and the delegation accompanying him in the framework of the official visit to our country.

During this meeting the interlocutors praised once again the very good relations and strong friendship and fraternity ties that exist between our tow countries and peoples. Dwelling on the issues of the further development of reciprocal cooperation, both sides expressed the joint commitment to enhance and intensify this cooperation in fields of reciprocal interest, especially in the economic, infrastructure, telecommunication, power ones, etc.

During the talks, President Moisiu expressed to Minister Gul [Gül] the gratitude for the fundamental and powerful support that Turkey gave to our country in the Riga Summit and the conviction that Albania will continue to enjoy such concrete support in the future in order to achieve its major objective of accession into NATO structures. President Moisiu appreciated the Turkish collaboration and assistance to the Albanian Army. Also during this meeting the Head of state welcomed the investments of powerful Turkish firms and businesses contributing to significant sectors for the sustainable and all sided development of the country.

Regarding the issue of Kosova, President Moisiu praised the constructive role of the Albanian factor for the stability of the region and re-iterated that the just solution of the final status of Kosova would be a guarantee for peace and security in the Balkans.

The Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs while thanking for being received by President Moisiu, expressed the full support of Turkey to the integration of Albania into the Euro-Atlantic structures. Mr. Gul [Gül] pointed out also the interest and encouragement that his state is giving to the Turkish prestigious companies to invest in our country.

PM Sali Berisha's aktiviteter: [Billederne i denne sektion kan som regel forstørres ved at klikke på dem (mens man er på nettet)]

PM Berisha har ytret sig et par gange om lokalvalgene. Den Albanske PMs Informationskontor skriver:
[070209] Mr. Edvin Rama [= Edi Rama], the voice of manipulation, delivers every day - by means of televised versions of SP newspapers and other newspapers that he controls - lies, calumnies and figments to Albanian citizens.

One of these, according to which the Prime Minister was examined in the cardiology emergency room, published today in the SP controlled newspapers, does nothing but reflect the perversity of his political moral.

These last days, the Prime Minister has been at the peak of the electoral campaign and only in the last three days has met more people in the overcrowded town squares he has visited than Mr. Rama during the entire campaign. The Prime Minister has not had and does not have health problems of any kind. He has fulfilled every important national and international obligation as head of the Albanian executive apart from participating in the campaign.

These last days show to Albanian citizens that the campaign of the majority and of the Prime Minister is heading toward the victory of February 18th, a day which, by means of free and democratic vote, will set Mr.Rama free of his hallucinations and bring him back to what he is best at –a mediocre painter without a future.


Tv. PM Berisha til valgmøde i Shokdra. Th Demokraternes Borgmesterkandidat i Tirana - Sokol Olldashi - med PM Berisha

[070219] The government declared, and continues to be convinced, that holding of free and fair elections would be the ultimate victory for the ruling majority, as well as for all Albanian citizens. I can say, without wanting to play the referee, a role which belongs to the specialized monitoring institutions that will give the final evaluation for these elections, that the government and the right wing coalition parties demonstrated to the Albanian citizens their absolute will and commitment to free and fair elections.

The process is still underway. I call upon all the administrators of the electoral process to continue their work and finalize the process in the same way they have done until now. I would like to say once more that this is the most valuable and precious gift for Albania and every Albanian citizen, because the nation and the country needs to break away from the primitive and undignified issues with the electoral process.

I don’t want to comment the results, even though they are welcomed, but, as I said, I am here to welcome the first great victory. This is not a victory of the government; it is the victory of all Albanians.

Once again, I call upon all the respective parties to complete the voting process in a good manner.

PM Berisha har også ytret sig advarende om situationen i Kosóva. Præsidentkontoret har udsendt flg.:
The events that took place in Pristina on February 10th were indeed saddening and shocking. The government of Albania fully supports the position held by the government of Kosovo and the unity group concerning these events and expresses its deepest and most sincere condolences to the families that lost their beloved in the Pristina demonstrations. On behalf of the government, I call upon the citizens of Kosovo to avoid every act of violence. Kosovo is surely and irrevocably advancing in the path towards independence and violence is a factor that can harm this advancement.

I would also like to express my firm belief that the serious investigation started by the Kosovo authorities to determine responsibilities for the loss of life, will reveal the truth. But what Kosovo needs the most is the need for an open, calm and intensive dialogue on the proposal presented by President Ahttisari – a proposal explained to citizens of Kosovo and which will play an important role in the next talks to be held in Vienna.

UM Mustafaj har udtalt sig til BBC om Kosóva-spørgsmålet, generelt og specielt mht demonstrationerne og de to dødsfald (»Obviously, to my opinion, in this case there was a haste by the protesters; there was no reason to protest, as long as the process has not been brought to the end«): UM skriver:
Referring to the latest developments in Pristine, the Foreign Minister, Mr. Mustafaj declares: EU stance – A victory for Kosovo. On Monday, the EU Foreign Ministers unanimously backed the proposal on the future Kosovo status, presented by the UN Mediator Martti Ahtisaari. Meanwhile, the Western Balkans Forum was held in Brussels, where Kosovo issue was among the main topics. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Besnik Mustafaj was also in Brussels to attend that Forum. Seladin Xhezairi talked with Mr. Mustafaj, and asked him on his assessments for these two meetings in view of Kosovo issue:

Mr. Mustafaj: Generally speaking, my assessment is positive. I must mention that it was an important forum, held once a year among the EU Foreign Ministers and their counterparts from Western Balkans. This year’s forum is organized by the EU German Presidency; parallel with some other issues, it focused on Kosovo. I notice with delight that in general, the EU for the first time, albeit the long discussions, unanimously supported Ahtisaari’s plan of the recommendations for Kosovo’s final status settlement. We have stated and reiterated that, should Kosovo’s independence be backed only by a part of EU countries, it could not benefit the stability of Kosovo and the whole Balkans region and there would be a split among EU. It was noticed that Ahtisaari’s package is supported by all EU member countries and for me, this is a victory for Kosovo, for the region and Europe.

BBC: On Monday you had a meeting with Kosovo’s President, Mr. Sejdiu and some other European counterparts. What did you talk about?

Mustafaj: President Sejdiu was in Brussels yesterday too. I had a special talk with him prior to the start of our diplomatic contacts. I notice with pleasure that institutions in Kosovo are at the helm of their responsibilities. Likewise, I notice with satisfaction the good will and a realistic view of the proposals presented by President Ahtisaari. It does also exist a favorable will for a slight concession, as a postponement for a week or ten days of Vienna round talks, which makes Belgrade ridiculous; however, given the tolerance shown by Kosovo authorities, this currently boosts their dignity. Because, for a state that for fifteen months didn’t show any negotiating capacity, it’s ridiculous to ask for one week delay.

Nonetheless, from the talks with President Sejdiu, I noticed with delight, that the political class in Kosovo and its institutions are at the head of the relevant responsibilities.

BBC: Mr. Mustafaj,given the responsibilities you mentioned, which is the assessment of the Albanian Government and yours, with regard to unrests in Pristine during the last week – end and the two victims.

Mustafaj: I do not want to mix things up; I express my sincerest condolences to the families of the victims and I do hope, as it was highlighted in Pristine, that these are the last happenings of this kind in Kosovo. Actually, this event did not pass without its echo among the diplomatic environment in Brussels and this issue was also tackled in my bilateral talks, especially in the meetings with some Foreign Ministers, representatives of the Contact Group member countries, i.e. the Group that will be a key factor for the settlement of Kosovo’s issue. In these discussions, I said that such a protest is absolutely a testimony of a democratic country, which demonstrates that Kosovo represents such a democratic country. It is in the character of democratic countries, that some may be discontented and that there could be protests. Obviously, to my opinion, in this case there was a haste by the protesters; there was no reason to protest, as long as the process has not been brought to the end. What do I mean? I mean that Kosovo’s Government, its Negotiating Group and Parliament have not made their own comments on Ahtisaari’s document and proposals. So, against whom do they protest? However, the protests, as I said, are a virtue of democracy and freedom. It’s a great victory for Kosovo to achieve this freedom. Now, for the first time, after such a long time, the police forces were tested as an instrument to the service of the law, to the stability of the country. This case showed that police forces need further qualification, they need even more to be better reformed. I mean both the Kosovo and international police forces, in order to be capable to monitor the democratic protests in a democratic way.

BBC: And, naturally, because of what happened, there is room for responsibility, isn’t it?

Mustafaj: Yes, certainly there is room for responsibility. That is why the specialized institutions should make the necessary investigations, to reveal the necessary responsibilities, so that such things do not occur again. That is the most important, but first, those accountable should be brought to justice. That means to do justice and this is a target of democracy.

Viceminister Edith Harxhi har haft besøg af Valgobservatører fra ét Europarådets udvalg. UM har udsendt flg.:
The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Edith Harxhi meets the Delegation of Election Observers of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

On 15 February 2007, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Edith Harxhi met a Delegation of Election Observers of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, chaired by Mr. Jean - Claude Fre’con, Deputy President of the Chamber of the Congress Local Authorities.

The Delegation commended the conclusion of the accord among the different political forces within the constitutional deadline; it pointed out that political climate is effectively good, which shows that democracy in Albania is moving ahead; in addition, it showed its interest concerning the developments of the situation after the said accord.

Mrs. Harxhi thanked the delegation for coming to Tirana, in response to the invitation by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, considering this as a sign of governmental transparency and political will for free and fair elections. Holding the elections in compliance with international standards will be a big step for Albania towards meeting the obligations stemming from the Stabilization and Association Agreement and advancement of domestic reforms. Mrs. Harxhi highlighted as a positive campaign element, the fact that competition among candidates is chiefly based on the solidity of arguments and results.

Mrs. Harxhi brought also to evidence the two priorities of the Albanian Government till the termination of its mandate: 1. Providing the Albanian citizens with identity cards. The relevant billing procedures have already started and funding will be covered by the EU; 2. The provision with these cards will enable Albanians world - wide to vote in our diplomatic representations abroad, in the countries of their domicile.

18.2.2007 blev der (som ovenfor nævnt) holdt lokalvalg i Albanien. Entusiasmen er ikke stor blandt de Internationale: Det kunne man have gjort en hel del bedre. OSCE's formand - Miguel Angel Moratinos (UM/Spanien) - formulerer det således:
MADRID, February 20, 2007 - The OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, welcomed today the holding of local elections in Albania last Sunday 18 February, following an agreement reached by the political parties with the assistance of the OSCE last 13 January. He highlighted the role of the Albanian Central Elections Commission in the development of the electoral process.

Minister Moratinos called on Albanian institutions and political parties to continue their co-operation in pursuit of electoral reform and asked them to follow up on OSCE/Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights recommendations. In particular, "these elections have reconfirmed that determined efforts are required by the Albanian authorities to ensure that Albania gets a fully reliable electoral system", the Chairman said.

The OSCE Chairman reiterated the willingness of the Organization to work with all stakeholders on the implementation of recommendations which ODIHR will present in its Final Report, making all efforts to consolidate the Albanian electoral system according to international standards defined by OSCE, and offered OSCE'S assistance and support in that respect.

ODIHR/OSCE-overvågningsmissionen (der ledes af Jørgen Grunnet, Danmark) har udsendt en foreløbig rapport: »While the 18 February local elections provided for a competitive contest, they were another missed opportunity for Albania to conduct elections fully in line with OSCE Commitments, Council of Europe commitments and other international standards for democratic elections. Political parties fell short of respecting the considerable responsibilities granted to them by the law. While election day was calm overall, voting was marred by procedural shortcomings and in some places by tension.«

Biografi kan findes på:ørgen_Grunnet.

Rapporten resumeres således:

While the 18 February local elections provided for a competitive contest, they were another missed opportunity for Albania to conduct elections fully in line with OSCE Commitments, Council of Europe commitments and other international standards for democratic elections. Political parties fell short of respecting the considerable responsibilities granted to them by the law. While election day was calm overall, voting was marred by procedural shortcomings and in some places by tension.

The electoral environment was marked by uncertainty and a lack of trust between key election stakeholders, particularly in the period before the 12 January agreement that aimed to resume the stalled process. This was underscored by the decision of the opposition to initially not participate in the process. The lack of constructive engagement by political parties resulted in a deadlock. This revived previous concerns regarding the willingness of the parties to ensure that elections proceed in compliance with international standards for democratic elections.

Albania continues to lack a reliable system for civil registration, and identification, and a uniform system of addresses. This caused, once again, disputes on the compilation of voter lists and the identification of voters in polling stations. Until these systems are thoroughly implemented, elections in Albania are bound to encounter such difficulties. A determined effort by the Albanian authorities is required, encompassing broad support across party lines, ahead of the parliamentary elections anticipated in 2009. Parties should refrain from misusing this issue in their political debates.

Generally, candidates and political parties could register without impediment, and were able to freely convey their views. Overall, media provided a balanced coverage of the campaign, which was dominated by issues of national significance rather than local issues. A genuine competition was evident, and voters were able to make informed choices among an array of competing options. However, during the week preceding the polls, the tone of the campaign degenerated due to personalized attacks against leading contenders. A few violent incidents were also noted.

Overall, positive developments include:

• The existing legal framework largely provides a basis for the conduct of democratic elections, if implemented in good faith.

• To date, the Central Election Commission (CEC) was able to manage the electoral process largely in line with the law, despite tight deadlines and an uncertain environment.

• The process of updating voter lists, although rushed in a number of local government units (LGUs), was generally satisfactory.

• Over 1,000 mayoral candidates and over 6,000 council lists were registered in the 384 LGUs, in an overall inclusive process.

• Both the CEC and the Electoral College have thus far handled complaints and appeals in a transparent and professional manner.

• The media provided voters with extensive election-related information, both before and during the official campaign period.

Shortcomings, including some resulting from the 13 January amendments, were noted:

• The 13 January amendments introduced new transitory provisions for voter identification. While these procedures were intended to enhance the integrity of the process, they also have the potential to disenfranchise eligible voters.

• Birth certificates, as a means of voter identification, remained contentious. Attempts to remedy the situation resulted in the adoption of procedures which proved cumbersome for civil status offices (CSOs), voting centre commissions (VCCs) and voters.

• Special provisions for the identification of emigrants, both in voter lists and on election day, were discriminatory, open to abuse, and may have led to the disenfranchisement of voters.

• The late and sometimes incomplete appointment of the election administration, including the two new members of the CEC, impacted negatively on the process, in particular in the absence of alternative mechanisms to fill vacancies in case parties do not exercise their right to nominate members of lower-level commissions.

• The possibility to re-rank candidates for councillors after the vote limits transparency.

• In a few instances, candidates who attempted to register as independents appeared to have encountered undue obstacles.

Election day was calm overall. However, this was overshadowed by procedural shortcomings and, at times, by tensions. It would appear that shortcomings were partly a result of aspects of the 13 January amendments, mostly the need of special registers for birth certificates. In a significant 13 per cent of Voting Centres (VCs) visited, such registers had not been provided. Late opening was frequently observed and some 75 VCs did not open. The visible ink used to mark voters raised controversy. In a high 31 per cent of VCs visited, there was group voting. In Tirana, the similar colours of the ballots for the various elections may have led to confusion. While the transfer of voting material to counting centres appeared to have proceeded accordingly, observers have noted that the vote count itself was being conducted at a slow rate. As of 12:00 hrs. on 19 February, the CEC had not published provisional results on its website.

The organizations represented in the IEOM stand ready to continue their support for the efforts of the Albanian authorities, political parties and civil society to improve the electoral process in Albania, in line with OSCE Commitments and other international standards for democratic elections.

Hele rapporten kan findes på:

Nugældende valglov:

OSCE/ODIHR-dokumenter fra de senere år:

Foreløbige resultater vedr. valg af borgmestre:


Valg af borgmester i Tirana. Det ser ud til at Socialisternes Formand, Edi Rama, genvælges. Foreløbigt resultat (information fra »Mjaft«). I Burrel ser det (foreløbigt) også ud til at blive genvalg, dér af Demokraternes Skender Lleshi (information fra Den Centrale Valgkommission).

Bombeattentat på Edi Rama, der skete kun materiel skade. »Tirana Times« [] skriver bl.a.:
TIRANA, Feb. 15 - An explosive devise on Thursday caused material damage to a restaurant in the Albanian capital only minutes after the opposition Socialist Party leader Edi Rama and 3 other parliamentarians had left, police said. The explosion occurred at 0100 GMT at pizzeria Te Joni located in front of the Prosecutor General’s office in downtown Tirana, said spokeswoman Laura Totraku. There was no one injured in the restaurant staff, she said, adding the police anti-explosive team and other forces were investigating.

“That was very shocking. These are nasty acts. I wish it has no links to the electoral campaign,“ said Socialist parliamentarian Arta Dade, who had accompanied Rama to the restaurant. Andis Harasani, also an MP present there, appealed to the citizens to help find the perpetrators of the crime. Rama said that he expected a phone call of solidarity from Prime Minister Sali Berisha. Rama also asked for a fast clarification of the incident and hinted of persons with “senior posts and mandates” involved with organized crime.

EU Udvidelseskommissær Olli Rehn udtaler:
"I take note of the preliminary assessment of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission on yesterday's local government elections in Albania. The assessment notes the overall competitive conduct of the elections but points to a number of shortcomings.

Respect for democratic principles is a fundamental commitment under the Stabilisation and Association Agreement which Albania signed in June last year. The shortcomings in the preparation and conduct of these elections reflect the need for improved cross-party co-operation to fulfil Albania's international commitments.

Albania's political leaders now need to improve the way they work together on electoral reform and on the many other challenging reforms Albania is facing in the EU integration process."

Energisituationen. »Economist« finder situationen problematisk, såvel økonomisk som politisk. »Tirana Times« [] skriver:
TIRANA, Feb.10 – The prestigious British magazine dedicated [8th February 2007] an article to the power crisis whose grip in Albania has been alleviated only from the two major cities, the capital Tirana and the largest port city on the Adriatic, Durres. The rest of Albania is still at grips with power cuts tat reach up to 12 hours and reportedly even worse in villages. The absurdity of the fact has not escaped The Economist who has given a rather gloomy picture of the situation of small businesses trying to come at terms with their economic losses. The magazine analyzed the reasons for the crisis and reflected that the situation is going to backfire at the government upon the election time.

Der skal bygges kraftværk i det sydlige Albanien. Kontrakt er tegnet med Italiensk foretagende. »Tirana Times« [] skriver:
TIRANA, Feb. 9 - Albania signed a contract with an Italian company on Friday to build an oil-fired thermo-plant in the south-west of the country, a first major attempt to diversify Albania’s power generation. Italy’s Maire Engineering SpA, that was awarded the 92 million Euro contract, is expected to start the construction this March in Vlora, a sea-port town on the Adriatic, and finish the job in 24 months. The plant’s energy production is estimated to reach up to 97 MW, covering 15 percent of the country’s power needs and making the country relying less on hydropower which stands for 99 percent of its electricity consumption. The Italian company, winner among four international bidders, will also maintain it for 12 years. The project is being funded by the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the European Investment Bank. The plant, the first major attempt at diversifying power generation in the country, will produce 15 percent of Albania’s energy needs and is aimed at securing reliable electricity supplies. The country’s domestic power production is based on hydropower stations in the north that have suffered from dry weather this autumn and winter, and Albania also has limited importing capacity. Albania, with a 3.2 million population, has been in a serious electricity crisis for more than two months due to difficulties in domestic output. Some rural areas have faced power shut downs of up to 18 hours a day. Since 1990, the former communist nation has suffered regular electricity troubles due to poor management, an outdated distribution system and lack of money because of unpaid bills. Following improvements to its management over the past four years, KESH has received hundreds of millions of euros (dollars) in loans to be invested in the power system.


Det Amerikanske UM har offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Serbien - Montenegro: Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: • En biografi over tidligere Forbundspræsident Kostunica kan læses på Serbiske Politikere.

Præsidentvalg i Serbien. Boris Tadic blev i Juni 2004 valgt som Præsident. Seneste Parlamentsvalg: 031228.

Kosovo / Kosóva: Det Serbiske Parlament har - ikke overraskende - taget afstand fra Martti Ahtisaari-planen. KIM Info Service skriver:


Leading members of the Serbian Negotiating Team: Prime Minister Kostunica, Prof. Samardzic, Prof. Batakovic, Prof Koen and President Boris Tadic during the Parliament session, Belgrade Feb 15

The Serbian Parliament adopted a resolution rejecting the plan by overwhelming majority last night.

The document rejects all provisions from UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari’s proposal which infringe on Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity as an internationally recognized state.

The resolution extends the mandate of the Belgrade negotiating team for the continuation of talks on Kosovo's status, due to begin on February 21 in Vienna, and provides a framework for the team to follow.

As many as 225 deputies voted in favor of the Resolution, 15 against and no abstentions. All deputies of the coalition gathered around the Liberal Party of Serbia cast their vote against the Resolution.

Riza Halimi, representing the Coalition of Preševo Valley Albanians as the sole Albanian deputy in the Parliament, took part in the debate voicing disagreement with the Resolution. He left the room during the vote.

Following the adoption of the Resolution, Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica said that the Parliament’s Resolution on Kosovo was more than clear in its statement against the violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia.

“The text of the Resolution explicitly calls for the compliance with the UN Charter and the international law. The basic principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity that apply to the whole world must apply to Serbia”, Koštunica said.

“We will go to Vienna to explain that Serbia is ready for every sensible compromise and agreement with everyone who respects principles that the international order is based on”, the Serbian PM confirmed.

According to the the AP, the new parliament's rejection of the plan dooms hopes of a compromise between Serbian and Albanian officials at a final round of negotiations scheduled to take place in Vienna. The AP adds that a resolution to the dispute over Kosovo's final status will probably have to be imposed by the UN Security Council.

Yesterday's Parliament session on Kosovo, Belgrade Feb 15 / Radical party members in the left side wear white shirts with the image of Vojislav Seselj


Resolution following UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari’s "Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status Settlement" and continuation of negotiations on the future status of Kosovo-Metohija

Reaffirming the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, that in its Preamble states that “the Province of Kosovo-Metohija is an integral part of the territory of Serbia, that it has the status of a substantial autonomy within the sovereign state of Serbia and that from such status of the Province of Kosovo and Metohija follow constitutional obligations of all state bodies to uphold and protect the state interests of Serbia in Kosovo-Metohija in all internal and foreign political relations”,

Bearing in mind Article 8 of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia stating that “the territory of the Republic of Serbia is inseparable and indivisible” and that “the border of the Republic of Serbia is inviolable”, as well as Article 182 which states that “substantial autonomy of the Autonomous province of Kosovo-Metohija shall be regulated by a special law which shall be adopted in accordance with the proceedings envisaged for amending the Constitution”,

Considering the main principles and norms of international law, and particularly the Charter of the United Nations, the 1975 Helsinki Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) as well as other documents of international organisations in which state sovereignty and territorial integrity are set as foundations of modern international order,

Recalling that the UN Security Council’s Resolution No. 1244 (1999), with guarantees to sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), established the position of Kosovo-Metohija as substantial autonomy within the FRY, whose international successor is the Republic of Serbia,

Assured that the issue of the future status of Kosovo-Metohija must be based on main principles and norms of international law, and vying for a peaceful, all-encompassing and durable solution through negotiations,

Bearing in mind that UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for the future status of Kosovo-Metohija Martti Ahtisaari delivered his "Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status Settlement" to the Serbian state authorities which disrespects sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia in relation to Kosovo-Metohija, and at the same time proposes that Kosovo-Metohija be given a series of rights and prerogatives that belong only to sovereign states,

Reconfirming the Resolution of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted on November 25, 2005 on the mandate for political talks on the future status of Kosovo-Metohija, and particularly the paragraph stating that “the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia would proclaim any imposed solution of the Kosovo-Metohija future status illegitimate, illegal and void,”

Having confirmed the platform of the state negotiating team for talks on the future status of Kosovo-Metohija from January 5, 2006, basic stances stated in the speeches of the President of Serbia Boris Tadic and Prime Minister of Serbia Vojislav Kostunica delivered at Vienna talks on July 24, 2006, as well as the contents of the documents presented by the state negotiating team in the course of 2006 at the talks in Vienna (regarding decentralisation in the province and establishing new municipalities with Serbian majority, protection of the Serbian Orthodox Church, its churches and monasteries, its property and the Serbian cultural heritage in the province, economic and other issues),

The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia hereby adopts the following:

The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia concludes that the Proposal of UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari breaches the fundamental principles of international law since it does not take into consideration the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia in relation to Kosovo-Metohija. In this Proposal, Kosovo-Metohija is beyond any doubt and against international law given the attributes of a sovereign state, thus illegally laying the foundations for the creation of an independent state on the territory of Serbia.

The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia therefore rejects all articles in the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy's Proposal which breach the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia as an internationally recognised state. The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia warns that this questions the possibility of coming to a compromise solution reached through agreement which would represent the basic goal of talks on Kosovo-Metohija's future status.

The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia once more emphasises that only through negotiations held under the auspices of the United Nations, without pressure and artificially imposed deadlines can a mutually acceptable and long-term solution be reached which will be in line with international law and democratic values built into the foundations of contemporary states and their mutual relations.

Considering this essential commitment, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia hereby renews the mandate of the state negotiating team and places it under obligation so that at the upcoming talks in Vienna on the future status of Kosovo-Metohija it will represent The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia's policy, adopted in parliament's previous Resolution and hereby confirmed anew, which includes the defence of Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, protection of the rights and interests of the Serbian people and the Serbian Orthodox Church in the province, preservation of the entire Serbian religious and cultural heritage in Kosovo-Metohija, as well as the interests of non-ethnic Albanian communities.

The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia particularly demands that in the course of the upcoming talks the Serbian state negotiating team presents Serbia's position regarding the whole of UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy's Proposal by formulating, in line with this Resolution, its concrete proposals and resolutions, as well as to submit a report to Serbia parliament immediately upon their return from the talks. The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia will then decide on the further course of negotiations.

Advocating a compromise, consensual solution to the future status of Kosovo-Metohija, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia emphasises that imposed independence of the province will have unforeseeable negative consequences. Such an outcome will have far-reaching consequences on the stability of the region, impede the European perspective of the entire Western Balkans and present an extremely dangerous precedent for resolving minority issues and territorial disputes throughout Europe and the world. The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia therefore calls upon all states, international organisations and other international elements to oppose the imperilment of Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity and reject any imposed solution to the future status of Kosovo-Metohija.”


Præsidentvalg 030611: Filip Vujanovic blev valgt. Forrige Parlamentsvalg 021020, seneste 060910.

Folkeafstemning 21.05.2006 om Montenegro's forhold til statsforbundet Serbien-Montenegro. Der var et mindre flertal for at udtræde af forbundet (55,4% mod 44,6%), hvilket er blevet anerkendt af EU m.fl. Serbien har accepteret den nye tingenes tilstand, skønt der var nogen murren efter at resultatet blev kendt.


Det Engelske Udenrigsministeriums 'Country Advice' til rejsende kan findes på adressen: • Det Amerikanske UM har offentliggjort en 'Background Note' om Makedonien:

Der er omkring 25 % etniske Albanere i Makedonien. Folketælling afholdtes 021101-021105.

Folkeafstemningen 041107 om decentralisering (= imødekommelse af Makedonien-Albanske interesser): Folkeafstemningen "faldt". Stemmedeltagelsen var kun omkring 26 %. Hvis afstemningen skulle have kunnet udvirke en ændring af decentraliseringslovgivningen, skulle deltagelsen have været mindst 50%, og desuden skulle der have været flertal mod lovgivningen. Det var ventet at stemmedeltagelsen ville have været noget større, selv om både Regeringspartierne og den Albanske minoritet anbefalede at man blev hjemme. Man kan nu gå videre i overensstemmelse med Ohrid-aftalerne.

Præsidentvalg i Maj 2004: Branko Crvenkovski - hidtidig PM - blev valgt (efter Boris Trajkovski som omkom ved en flyulykke). Parlamentsvalg fandt sted 020915. Der kan henvises til flg. OSCE/ODIHR-oversigtsside: Seneste Parlamentsvalg fandt sted i Juli 2006: Den hidtidige Regering led nederlag. Der kan henvises til: og

Makedonien forhandler med EU om optagelse. Aktuel status, se: Se også den generelle side:


Seneste Parlamentsvalg 040307.


UMs rejsevejledning:

Seneste Parlamentsvalg blev holdt 021103. Det blev i December 2004 aftalt (med EUs Regeringschefer)at der i Oktober 2005 skal indledes forhandlinger om optagelse af Tyrkiet i EU.

UM Abdullah Gül (Tyrkiet) har været på besøg i Albanien for at drøfte det økonomiske og militære samarbejde mellem Tyrkiet og Albanien, men nok også for at drøfte Kosóva's fremtid. Præsidentkontoret har udsendt flg.:
President Moisiu receives the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdullah Gul [Gül].

February 2, 2007

The President of the Republic, Alfred Moisiu received today the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Abdullah Gul [Gül] and the delegation accompanying him in the framework of the official visit to our country.

During this meeting the interlocutors praised once again the very good relations and strong friendship and fraternity ties that exist between our tow countries and peoples. Dwelling on the issues of the further development of reciprocal cooperation, both sides expressed the joint commitment to enhance and intensify this cooperation in fields of reciprocal interest, especially in the economic, infrastructure, telecommunication, power ones, etc.

During the talks, President Moisiu expressed to Minister Gul [Gül] the gratitude for the fundamental and powerful support that Turkey gave to our country in the Riga Summit and the conviction that Albania will continue to enjoy such concrete support in the future in order to achieve its major objective of accession into NATO structures. President Moisiu appreciated the Turkish collaboration and assistance to the Albanian Army. Also during this meeting the Head of state welcomed the investments of powerful Turkish firms and businesses contributing to significant sectors for the sustainable and all sided development of the country.

Regarding the issue of Kosova, President Moisiu praised the constructive role of the Albanian factor for the stability of the region and re-iterated that the just solution of the final status of Kosova would be a guarantee for peace and security in the Balkans.

The Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs while thanking for being received by President Moisiu, expressed the full support of Turkey to the integration of Albania into the Euro-Atlantic structures. Mr. Gul [Gül] pointed out also the interest and encouragement that his state is giving to the Turkish prestigious companies to invest in our country.



Mother Teresa. I anledning af saligkåringen ('beatificeringen') 031019 har Vatikantet etableret en internetside:

Der skal bygges kraftværk i det sydlige Albanien. Kontrakt er tegnet med Italiensk foretagende. »Tirana Times« [] skriver:
TIRANA, Feb. 9 - Albania signed a contract with an Italian company on Friday to build an oil-fired thermo-plant in the south-west of the country, a first major attempt to diversify Albania’s power generation. Italy’s Maire Engineering SpA, that was awarded the 92 million Euro contract, is expected to start the construction this March in Vlora, a sea-port town on the Adriatic, and finish the job in 24 months. The plant’s energy production is estimated to reach up to 97 MW, covering 15 percent of the country’s power needs and making the country relying less on hydropower which stands for 99 percent of its electricity consumption. The Italian company, winner among four international bidders, will also maintain it for 12 years. The project is being funded by the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the European Investment Bank. The plant, the first major attempt at diversifying power generation in the country, will produce 15 percent of Albania’s energy needs and is aimed at securing reliable electricity supplies. The country’s domestic power production is based on hydropower stations in the north that have suffered from dry weather this autumn and winter, and Albania also has limited importing capacity. Albania, with a 3.2 million population, has been in a serious electricity crisis for more than two months due to difficulties in domestic output. Some rural areas have faced power shut downs of up to 18 hours a day. Since 1990, the former communist nation has suffered regular electricity troubles due to poor management, an outdated distribution system and lack of money because of unpaid bills. Following improvements to its management over the past four years, KESH has received hundreds of millions of euros (dollars) in loans to be invested in the power system.



UM, Dr Condoleezza Rice udtalte sig nyligt om Kosóva under en kongreshøring - Remarks Before House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Washington, DC - February 16, 2007 - (se sidst på:
Finally, just a word on a couple of other places. Kosovo -- we are all preparing for the carrying out of the international plan that Martti Ahtissari has put forward. He is trying to negotiate this with the partners. But I think everybody understands that it's going to be a rocky road, as Kosovo attains a different status vis-à-vis Serbia and we want very much to be supportive of a Kosovo Government that is able to protect minority rights, that is able to rebuild after the terrible years after the war and frankly to be supportive also of a democratic Serbia because we don't need in this last piece of the unification of Europe around democratic principles to have Kosovo blow up.





UM skriver: Udenrigsminister Per Stig Møller besøger den 20.-23. februar Serbien og Kosovo for at erhverve sig et førstehåndsindtryk af, hvad der rører sig i de to samfund efter at FN’s statusforhandler, Martti Ahtisaari, den 2. februar fremlagde sit udkast til Kosovos fremtidige status for de to parter.

070221 Tilbagesendelse af psykisk syge til Kosóva. Den Radikale Morten Østergaard siger at Integrationsminister Rikke Hvilshøj har vildledt Folketinget, hun skal - i modstrid med facts - have hævdet at at forholdene var i orden, og at psykisk syge Kosovo-flygtningene bliver vurderet helt konkret, så ingen psykisk syge hjemsendte flygtninge kommer tilbage uden at få behandling eller medicin. - Socialdemokraterne, Radikale, SF og Enhedslisten mener at hun bør træde tilbage. Se også det følgende:
08-02-2007 R: "De udviste børn" skal i behandling i Danmark

TV2 viste torsdag aften dokumentarfilmen "De udviste børn" om forholdene for de traumatiserede familier, der er blevet sendt retur til en usikker fremtid i Kosovo. Hvis ministeren ikke løser problemet i løbet af to uger, vil Det Radikale Venstre have kosovarerne til Danmark. Det Radikale Venstre værdsætter, at integrationsminister Rikke Hvilshøj (V) erkender, at der er behov for mere hjælp til de svært traumatiserede flygtninge fra Kosovo.

Partiets udlændingeordfører Simon Emil Ammitzbøll er dog forfærdet over, at det tyder på, at ministeren har handlet i ond tro - eftersom den sande historie om kosovarerne længe har været ude i offentligheden. Samtidig peger han på to væsentlige problemer:

"Hvis man bare sender penge til Kosovo, som ministeren foreslår, så ændrer det ikke på, at der stadig mangler lægefagligt personale i landet. For det andet må vi stadig kræve, at de 140 kosovarer, som stadig er i Danmark, at de ikke bliver udsendt, før der er fuldstændig klarhed over situationen i Kosovo," udtaler Simon Emil Ammitzbøll.

Han foreslår helt konkret, at hvis problemet ikke løses inden for to uger, så skal kosovarerne have lov til at komme midlertidigt til Danmark for at få behandling.

Yderligere oplysninger: Simon Emil Ammitzbøll,

Rapport fra Dansk KFOR. Hærens Operative Kommando - se under: Kosova.



UMs Rejsevejledning:


UM Lavrov insisterer på at en løsning vedr. Kosovo skal bygge på en aftale mellem Serbien og det Albanske Flertal i Kosovo. Det Russiske UM skriver:

UM Sergei Lavrov [foto: Det Russiske UM]

Question: You said we have "principled disagreements" with the US on Kosovo. Does Russia have a position on the resolution which the UN Security Council is due to adopt on Kosovo?

Foreign Minister Lavrov: The disagreements are truly principled - as distinct from any other conflict. Say, in the Middle East we want that the Palestinians and the Israelis would establish peace, and that the UN Security Council decisions on all aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict, including the Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese tracks, are implemented in full. On Iran's nuclear program we concur on the necessity to prevent a violation of the nonproliferation regime. On Iraq we have a common position regarding the necessity to preserve the territorial integrity of the country, end violence, and not allow it to become a hotbed of terrorism. The same holds for Afghanistan and practically for any conflict.

As to Kosovo, we are convinced that granting this province independence will have the most negative consequences both for this region and for Europe as a whole. Our Western partners are convinced of the opposite. So that, as you see, even the ultimate aims are absolutely opposed here, whereas in all the other situations it is rather a question of tactical nuances. As to immediate practical steps, the UN Security Council, in the final analysis, should not adopt anything. Our Western partners are somewhat obsessed with introducing a resolution as soon as possible which would approve the Ahtisaari plan. We will be able to consider that proposal only when we have understood that the Ahtisaari plan or its modification is the subject of agreement between Pristina and Belgrade.

Question: Are there any other countries supportive of this position of Russia?

Foreign Minister Lavrov: There are quite a few countries, including China, both within and outside the UN Security Council, who absolutely agree with us that a solution to this conflict, just as to any other, can be based only on the parties' agreement.



Nedenfor et ældre 'news' om det Kinesiske standpunkt:
On June 6, 2006, State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan met in Zhongnanhai with UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for the Kosovo Status Talks & former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, who was here in China for a working visit.

Tang said that the Kosovo issue should be resolved within the framework of related resolutions of the UN Security Council. Any resolution should be conducive to safeguarding the equal rights and interest of people of all nationalities in Kosovo, as well as peace and stability of the Balkan region, and give consideration to reasonable concerns of related parties. China supports the UN to continue playing a constructive role.

Tang pointed out that negotiations and dialogue is a correct approach to resolving the Kosovo issue. The international community should continue pushing the Serbian government and the Kosovo interim autonomous institutions to seek a resolution acceptable to both sides through negotiations.

Ahtisaari introduced the progress of the Kosovo status talks, indicating that he will continue efforts for pushing for the proper handling of the Kosovo status issue and strengthen coordination and cooperation with China.

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Bemærkninger om EDB-sikkerhed.

Du må citere hvis du angiver hovedsidens adresse:

Siderne om Albanerne finder du på:

To skridt frem. Bogomslaget

»To skridt frem? Albanien i en brydningstid«

Baggrundsmateriale kan findes via:

»Albansk Almanak 2004«

Almanak'en for 2004 er udkommet i december 2005. Her finder du nyhedsbrevene fra 2004 og nogle kommentarer.

Bogen udgives i et sæt bestående af et hæfte (de første 77 sider) og en CD (alle 1264 sider). På CD'en også supplerende materiale - ikke mindst »1912 - Med den serbiske Armé i Makedonien« - Fritz Magnussen's beretninger v/ Palle Rossen.

Se indholdsoversigt på:

Se pris på: Bestillingsliste.

»Albansk Almanak 2005«

Almanak'en for 2005 er udkommet i april 2006. Her finder du nyhedsbrevene fra 2005 og forskelligt supplerende materiale.

Bogen udgives i et sæt bestående af et hæfte (ugeoversigterne) og en CD (med ugebrevene og det supplerende materiale - i alt omkring 2.150 sider).

Se pris på: Bestillingsliste.

»Albanske Studier« bd. 1-2

Kommentarer til Bjøl, Huntington, Machiavelli, Sørlander, DUPI (Humanitær Intervention), Clausewitz, Mao Zedong, Lars R. Møller, Malcolm og flere andre.

Englændere på rejse i Albanien: Edward Lear, Edith Durham og Robert Carver.

Bøger om slægtsfejder og blodhævn. Diskussion af Anne Knudsen's disputats om blodhævn på Korsika og af Ismail Kadare's roman »Ufuldendt april«.

Baggrundsmateriale om den Sønderjyske general Christian von Holstein, der deltog i Habsburgernes felttog ind i Kosóva i 1689-90.

Sidst i bogen et forsøg på en sammenfatning i form af nogle 'grundlæggende synspunkter'.

Desuden en kommentar til Hans Hækkerup's »På skansen«. På CD'en supplerende materiale om traditionelle Albanske klædedragter og om Holstein. Hans bog om Kosovo er omtalt i »Albansk Almanak 2004«.

Du kan downloade indholdsfortegnelsen og kommentaren til »På skansen« fra:

Bogen findes i trykt form og på CD (som pdf-fil). Papirudgave 368 A4-sider i 2 bind. Bogen sælges som papirudgave m/ CD og som CD alene. Se pris på: Bestillingsliste.

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