»Sidste Nyt om Albanien, Kosóva og Makedonien« hører til et web-site om de Balkan-lande hvor der lever mange Albanere: http://bjoerna.dk/albanerne.htm; her kan du også finde »gamle nyheder«, anmeldelser, links og en Balkan Brevkasse. »Sidste Nyt« sættes på nettet hver torsdag aften / fredag morgen hvor der sendes besked til dem der ønsker det. Bestilling / afbestilling sker ved at sende en e-mail med teksten »Nyheder udbedes« / »Nyheder afmeldes«. Nyheder, materiale, kommentarer og spørgsmål modtages meget gerne, både om småting og større ting. Send en e-mail. Tilsvarende hvis du opdager en fejl. Fejl vil blive rettet hurtigst muligt. »Sidste Nyt« og http://bjoerna.dk/albanerne.htm drives non-profit og uden finansiering »udefra«. Hvis du vil støtte udgivelsen kan du lettest gøre det ved at købe én eller flere af mine bøger. Send gerne en mail hvis der er - små eller store - tekniske problemer. Bemærkninger om EDB-sikkerhed. The framework of The Latest News from Albania, Kosóva and Macedonia is in Danish - nevertheless, the news are mostly in English. You may send information, comments and questions to: »The Latest News« [please click]. |
Indholdsfortegnelse Contents Ugeoversigt Summary Internationale organisationer International organizations FN UN Verdensbanken, IMF m.fl. World Bank, IMF etc. OSCE, Europarådet OSCE, Council of Europe (CoE) EU European Union (EU) NATO NATO ICTY - Tribunalet i Haag ICTY Balkan, generelt The Balkans Kosóva Kosóva [Kosovo] Øst Kosóva / Presevo-dalen / Syd-Serbien Eastern Kosóva Albanien Albania Serbien og Montenegro. Serbien (alene) Serbia-Montenegro. Serbia Montenegro (alene) Montenegro Makedonien Macedonia [FYRoM] Grækenland Greece Tyrkiet Turkey Italien Italia USA United States (US) England England Tyskland Germany Frankrig France Danmark (Norge, Sverige) Denmark (Norway, Sweden) Rusland Russia Kina China |
»Albansk Almanak 2003« bd. 1-3Almanak'en for 2003 er udkommet. Her finder du årets nyhedsbreve. [Årets litteraturkommentarer vil udkomme i 2006 i »Albanske Studier« ## 3-4].Bogen findes i trykt form og på CD (som pdf-fil). Papirudgave på 800 sider i 3 bind. Bogen sælges som papirudgave m/ CD og som CD alene. Se pris på: Bestillingsliste. Udgaven for 2004 ventes at udkomme i slutningen af 2005. »Albanske Studier« bd. 1-2Kommentarer til Bjøl, Huntington, Machiavelli, Sørlander, DUPI (Humanitær Intervention), Clausewitz, Mao Zedong, Lars R. Møller, Malcolm og flere andre (kommentarerne er suppleret ift udgaver i Almanak'erne m.v.). Englændere på rejse i Albanien: Edward Lear, Edith Durham og Robert Carver. Bøger om slægtsfejder og blodhævn. Diskussion af Anne Knudsen's disputats om blodhævn på Korsika og af Ismail Kadare's roman »Ufuldendt april«. Baggrundsmateriale om den Sønderjyske general Christian von Holstein, der deltog i Habsburgernes felttog ind i Kosóva i 1689-90. Sidst i bogen et forsøg på en sammenfatning i form af nogle 'grundlæggende synspunkter'. Desuden en kommentar til Hans Hækkerup's »På skansen«. På CD'en supplerende materiale om traditionelle Albanske klædedragter og om Holstein.Du kan downloade indholdsfortegnelsen og kommentaren til Hækkerup fra: http://bjoerna.dk/albansk-historie/studier-2002.htm Bogen findes i trykt form og på CD (som pdf-fil). Papirudgave 368 A4-sider i 2 bind. Bogen sælges som papirudgave m/ CD og som CD alene. Se pris på: Bestillingsliste. Til dig der kigger på et ældre nummer af »Sidste Nyt«. Seneste udgave af denne »annonce« kan ses på: »Sidste Nyt« (klik) |
Seneste 4 udgaver af »Sidste Nyt fra Albanien, Kosóva og Makedonien«: Sidste Nyt #281 - 18.11.2005 (klik tv.) Sidste Nyt #280 - 16.11.2005 (klik tv.) Sidste Nyt #279 - 11.11.2005 (klik tv.) Sidste Nyt #278 - 04.11.2005 (klik tv.) Alle årets udgaver: http://bjoerna.dk/nyt-oversigt.htm |
Jessen-Petersen sagde bl.a: As you know [...], during his first visit here to the region, in Kosovo Mr. Ahtisaari’s team will meet with the team led by President Rugova – the Team of Unity – and I trust that by now Dr. Rugova’s team is well prepared. They will be prepared already in the first meeting to answer Mr. Ahtisaari’s questions on how they propose, how they intend to realize the aspirations as they were expressed in the platform that the Assembly gave the Team the other day.
Mr. Ahtisaari would be very keen to hear how the Team proposes to achieve its declared goals. It is also good that the Team last Friday decided to establish a consultative council for the minorities. I have constantly urged the Team to reach out to and to involve the minorities in this process and I expect also that the Team, as it moves forward, to reach out to civil society, including the women leaders. I do not know how long this process will last and evidently, I do not know what the outcome will be. However, I know that the better, the stronger the PISG moves forward on Standards implementation, on decentralization and in general on minority issues, the shorter the process will be and the more sure the outcome will be.
[...] You all know by now that Mr. Ahtisaari will start his mission in Kosovo. Later in the week, he will move on to Belgrade and then, after Belgrade, he will make quick stops in Montenegro, Albania and [The former Yugoslavia Republic of] Macedonia. By that, he is already clearly showing that he expects to decide on the status of Kosovo in its proper regional context.
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SRSG Jessen-Petersen [på spm om security]: The change I expect in the overall situation would be as a result of the PISG’s continued, I would even say stronger focus on Standards implementation and on decentralization, in particular. In other words, I expect the situation in areas where we know that there is still scope for a lot of progress; I expect the situation to improve over the next several months. I have already said it is extremely important that it does improve because it will impact on the timing of the status process and also on the outcome. As to the security situation right now it is, as you all know, relatively stable. There have been incidents, but it is relatively stable. We do know that there are crazy people out there on all sides. There are crazy people who believe that they can accelerate the status decision through violence. In fact it would have the opposite effect. And there are those who believe that they can block or delay the way forward by provoking violence. They are wrong and they will not be rewarded. But, we know that there will be provocations. We know that there are crazy people out there. I can only say that KFOR, UNMIK and the Kosovo Police Service are involved in an almost daily analysis of the security threats and we are well equipped to respond to any provocation as we have demonstrated over the last 18 months. There has not been any major violence. Whenever there has been an incident, we have addressed it immediately because we cannot allow it to escalate and we will not allow that to escalate. I don’t expect it to escalate. When I say provocation from all sides, I certainly also realize that and we’re aware of the fact that there might be those who would wish to provoke violence in the north on all sides in pursuing their various goals. It is obvious as we analyze the security threats we are of course looking particularly also at the situation in the north.
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SRSG Jessen-Petersen: If you would read all the principles that have now been established, then there are more indications of the direction in which this is moving. However, what is clear is that Kosovo cannot be partitioned and Kosovo cannot link up in any kind of union with neighbouring States. That in itself are two principles that I trust, I am convinced, will stay there as the status envoy moves forward. I don’t think I will offer any answer to your next question. You read all the guiding principles, add them together and then you may get an idea.
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SRSG Jessen-Petersen: I personally think that we need clarity on status to clear the minds of people. It is a fact that Kosovo Albanians are very worried about a return to the past and it is a fact that the Kosovo Serbs are very worried about the future. Clarifying status will clear minds and I believe will open up for the kind of progress that we need to see. We are getting very little movement from the Kosovo Albanians on decentralization because the concern is that decentralization is a cover for the division of Kosovo. And, we are getting very little cooperation from the Kosovo Serbs because they have been told by Belgrade not to engage and also, they are worried to engage at this stage where they do not know what the future will be. It is only by clarifying the future that you can really address that fear on both sides. The moment that is clear, we will see a much stronger engagement, both on the part of the Kosovo Albanians in creating the real decentralization; the kind of decentralization that the minorities would need to feel assured. I also have to say that many of the Kosovo Serbs with clarity on status would take a decision that their future lies here. I certainly hope, believe that it does. It is very important and with such to start engaging in working together. I believe that only status can overcome those fears that are right now holding both those communities back.
An IMF mission visited Tirana during November 7-21, 2005, to conduct discussions on a new 3-year arrangement. The mission reached understanding with the authorities on economic policies for 2006–08 necessary to maintain macroeconomic stability, enhance growth potential, reduce vulnerabilities, and strengthen government solvency. Monetary policy targets are set to promote continued price stability, while the medium-term fiscal program strikes a balance between reducing public debt and increasing growth-enhancing and poverty-reducing expenditure. The mission also reached understanding on key reform measures in tax and customs administrations, public debt management, public expenditure management, and financial market development. Despite a temporary decline in 2005-06 because of electricity shortages, economic growth is projected to return to about 6 percent in the medium term if these policies are implemented. The proposed arrangement is to be discussed by the IMF Executive Board in early 2006.
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Energy sector. Measures, including the introduction of new procurement rules, have been taken in recent weeks to increase electricity imports. An audit of KESH is under way and, in collaboration with the World Bank and other donors, an updated Power Sector Action Plan for 2006-08 is being prepared. However, further efforts are needed to reverse the deterioration in the performance of KESH. In this context, the authorities will also take measures to strengthen the payment discipline of budgetary institutions, including a prompt reconciliation and settlement of outstanding 2005 electricity bills and the installation of electricity meters in all budgetary institutions by mid-2006.
In the coming months, we can take an important step toward realizing this vision of Europe by reaching agreement on the final status of Kosovo. The United States fully supports the UN-led talks that began this week and we are using our influence to make a positive difference. Now it is time to chart Kosovo's future. With vision and courage and compromise, we must reach and agreement that enables all Kosovars to live freely and in peace. Ten years ago, many doubted whether democracy would be possible among Serbs and Croats and Muslims in the war-torn lands of the Balkans. Today, we are seeing those doubts dismissed. Bosnia and Herzegovina is emerging as yet another example of how democracy can help diverse peoples live together without fear or repression. Now, if all Bosnian citizens tear down the walls of separation that still stand between them, if they advance reconciliation in their hearts as well as in their politics, then the lands of Southeastern Europe will join in the democratic peace of their continent and the vision of Europe whole, free and at peace will finally be complete.